How Remote Development of C++ works in Netbeans? - c++

Hi we want to use remote development features of netbeans but while trying out on our setup its very slow. I want to understand its feasibility of integrating our build environment with netbeans.
Our setup would be normally:
1. Windows 7 Professional 64bit where we install netbeans
2. RHEL 5.5 64bit linux where we have tools and sources
Normally we directly connect to that machine through PuTTY and use VIM to edit sources and gmake to compile and build projects. Now when I created the "New Remote Project with existing sources" and try to use it It took more time to load the project.
So Can anybody tell me how actually this remote compilation works??
Because we have some GBs of sources here on linux box and I want to know is it possible for smooth development with this big data??

Simple steps. Read this tutorial. You just need a SSH-server on your Linux.
The process is easy, your Netbeans connects to the SSH-server and searches for compilation tools then uses them to build your projects.
The second issue is creating a shared folder that your Windows and Linux able to access to it. I suggest you first create a shared folder on your Windows and use Samba client on your Linux.


How to write native C++ in VS 2022, using Linux for build and test

I need a native C++ app to make from scratch. It has to run on linux (CentOS). I want to use VS2022 to write and test. I have Hyper-V VM with CentOS.
I tried to google a solution but there are only posts for using WSL.
Can someone please describe steps to connect VS to Linux VM instead of WSL so I can build and run the app on the VM.
This article describes the process:
add workload to the VS using VS Installer (Linux and embedded..)
create project of correct type
add SSH credentials in the project Properties (also can be added/removed/edited in Tools-Options-Cross Platform)

Deploying a C++ application developed on Mac OS in a Ubuntu environment

I have developed a small web server based on Crow, link.
I'm pretty new to developing in C++ so all advices are greatly appreciated.
I'm developing the application on my Mac and intend to deploy it to a Ubuntu server.
I use Make to build the application so that I can run it on the Mac. The application is depending on two libraries, pqxx and png++. None of those are installed on the server.
I'd like to know how to run this application on the Ubuntu server. Mainly I guess the issue is, can I make a specific build on the Mac that is targeted for running on the Ubuntu server? Or do I have to build the application on the server?
Easiest way is to install Ubuntu on a VM on your Mac and deploy there your application.
Less easy solution: move source files on server, deploy the application, delete the sources from server.
Theoretically, both system are linux, so as long as you are using standard c++ libraries the code should run anyway.
In any case, the dependencies on Linux and Mac for Crown are different, so (most probabily) you have to install some libraries on your server.

Eclipse CDT PTP Remote Tools will remotely build makefile, but not make/compile after

I am trying to use Eclipse 4.3 on Windows for remote Linux C++ development. I am currently using the Eclipse PTP package which comes with all the necessary plugins to do remote development. I made a new C++ Remote Project and I have it set to talk to the linux machine via the 'Remote Tools' service. I am able to use all the terminal and file browsing services as expected. However, when I go to 'build' my project, all it does is generate the makefile on the remote machine, it will not compile it into a binary. Through terminal, I can make the makefile and it will compile be run successfully. However, the generated binary is not seen by eclipse and so all the nice binary things like Run/Debug can not be used on the manually made binary.
Essentially I am looking for a way to hit the 'Build' button, and have it compile my remote project into a binary that will be recognized by eclipse.

pion-network library installation

I have downloaded and installed the pion network library.
I am trying to build the sample web services (HelloService etc). However, I cannot find instructions on how to build the examples.
I am developing on windows7
Check This for build instructions on Windows.
You might also want to see here the compatibility of your windows.

Problems running remote C++ program in Netbeans

Here is the scenario.
I have a C++ application using CMake that has been setup on Ubuntu server machine. I have setup a remote development interface to it using Netbeans 6.9 on client machine, and I have been able to build it.
The problem is that (as per the setup of CMake script) the executables from the program are going to another directory in the server. When I try to run the program, Netbeans asks me for executables which I can't spot out on client machine (as they are residing on server machine).
Is there a way I can get the executables on local machine OR have a way to give their location to my Netbeans application.
Thanks for your help.