Sitecore 6.4: User Profile Start URL and Workbox - sitecore

I have a requirement to present the user the Workbox when logging into the sitecore administration interface. I've identified that this can be done by setting the user profile Start URL to /sitecore/shell/applications/workbox.aspx.
This works - when the user logs in they get the workbox, but the Logoff link is missing from the top menu (which is there when you access the workbox via the Content Editor - but I notice not if you access it via the Menu item).
Is there any way of getting this Logoff button back, or adding a custom one?

I've checked it in Sitecore 6.6 and there is no logout button in workbox by default as well.
The fix for this is very easy. Login to the Sitecore desktop, switch to the 'core' database, open the Content Editor and navigate to the node:
There is a field 'Click' with value 'workbox:logout'. Just change the value to 'system:logout' and the logout button will be there.


Oracle-Apex: Dynamically redirecting from login button

The scenario
I have implemented social authentication similarly to described by Dimitri Gielisin hist post "Facebook, Google and Custom Authentication in the same Oracle APEX 18.1 app" (
The pertinent point is that there is a button which has the request 'APEX_AUTHENICATION=FACEBOOK' which logs the user in and also hard codes the page that the user is taken to.
It works great. (However if I have a login menu item which directs back to the same page - the user name isn't updated on the page.)
The Issue
Default behaviour is for apex to redirect users to the login page when they attempt to access a page which is not publicly available.  After logging in the user is taken to the page hard coded page in the button (except for modal dialogues which just produce an invalid session error). 
I'd love it if they could sign in and then continue to the page they need to go to. Is there some not extremely cumbersome ways of doing that? I thought of trying to saving the page number I want the user to go to into an application item and then having the button redirecting based on the application item- but while I was saving the page number the dynamic redirect in the button is not working...and I feel like I'm fighting the apex framework...
Is there a better way? If not can a button reference an item for the page number? I was trying &APP_ITEM. but that didn't seem to work...
(I"m using Apex 20.1)

How to reset customization of default home view in IBM Cognos 11.0.5 to default welcome page

While testing customization of Cognos 11.0.5 I've tried to make a dashboard the default home page following the steps in IBM knowledge center Here
On the Views tab of the Managing > Customization slide-out panel, click next to the default home view. You can now browse for a dashboard or report to be the default home view, or you can select a view in the list of home views to be the default home view for all users.
It worked well, but I made a dire mistake of replacing the selected dashboard with a newer developed version (copy-to --> overwrite), hence I think the default view is pointing to a no-longer-existing object (different new ID)
Cognos is now throwing error after sign-in that home page cannot be retrieved. I have been able to access it back using URL <webserver_name>:<port_number>/bi/?factoryMode=true
error screenshot
BUT what I'm struggling with is setting the default home page in "View" tab of the Managing > Customization back to home or another dashboard, instead, it is now BLANK with no settings to adjust neither "home page" nor "sign-in page" shows up!
I've tried to apply the default "IBM" theme again, restarting Cognos application but no go. the settings seem vanished in the "View" tab! Is there any way to reset the incorrect settings in the content server or the configuration manager?
Update: found settings under \ibm\cognos\analytics\configuration\data\flipper\config\global
That has the home page pointing configuration for the dispatcher to the perspective but still missing the "Views" settings from UI, looks it would require product support.

What is the simplest way to create a page tab on the latest version of fb?

All I want to do is create a few pages with sign up forms for our fans and customers on our business facebook page.
I created the new app, named it and went on to the basic settings. From what I can tell I just need to set up the "page tab" info. I Named the tab, put in the page tab url, secure page tab url and uploaded a tab image.
Then I wait for it to show up on our fb page. I refresh the page and for a few seconds it looks like something is being loaded in the list of tabs. But then it stops and the layout of default tabs (photos, likes, and events) are unchanged.
The tab should link to the app url which should load inside of an iframe which will have the html from our web server.
That's how I understand it anyways.
You must add manually the application on your page through this URL:
Remember to replace APP_ID first.

How to install custom tabs for facebook pages?

I have created some custom tabs for facebook pages, like when the user clicks on the add custom tabs, im fetching the user pages but how can i make them to install the custom tab to the particular page on which he clicks.
li.innerHTML = "Name: <a href='""'>""</a>";
From the above code, i could get only the list of user pages, among them when the user clicks on a particular page (i.e.,page1), it should direct them to their page1 profile by adding the custom tab. How can i make them to install the custom tabs?
If you have the manage_pages permission from the user, you can add your app to their page via the API - see here:
There's no other way to automate it, and using static links are you're suggesting above is prone to break if the Facebook web interface ever changes.

Sitecore (6.4.1) workbox link

I'm using Sitecore version 6.4.1
I have a scheduled task that sends notification mail to content approver and I want to provide a url link to Workbox in the email. Could someone tell me how the workbox URL looks.
You can login to Sitecore backend in Content Editor mode, and switch the bottom tab to Workbox. The URL string in the browser will change to what you need.
It contains a number of query string parameters. You can play with them finding out how each combination influences the Workbox appearance.