Facebook app stopped posting updates to the wall - facebook-graph-api

Since Thursday our Facebook App has stopped posting updates to our page without any changes from our side.The error we got is
"OAuthException: (#200) User does not have sufficient administrative
permission for this action on this page"
but the permissions are all set properly (user = manager, app has access to wall etc) and our server gets the token back with the permission to post.
Has anyone experienced this issue lately and are there any solutions or suggestions to fix this?

I am not sure if this will help you, but solved it for me. Using the graph explorer I found with the APP_TOKEN it would not work, however changing this to the USER_TOKEN worked perfectly.


How can I remove an app from the OAuth consent screen in console.cloud.google

I tried to set up social login for my website but I accidently uploaded a logo to the OAuth consent screen, which has locked my app in a verification Status: Needs verification. I get the following message:
"Because you updated the application logo, your app registration requires verification by Google. Please prepare your app to submit for verification".
I am unable to delete this application and set up a new one (without a logo) or remove the logo from the existing one. It's totally locked me up? I also get a message that it will only allow 100 logins before it stops. How can I get rid of this thing, I've got a banging headache, and spent 8 hours going around in circles... Should I just remove the google login from my website? Is that my only option now?
Please help me!
For anyone facing this issue in 2021:
If you place a logo on Oauth consent screen by mistake, submit your app for verification. This will allow you to use the consent screen as before.
When you are contacted by a representative, inform them you want to use the app withouth the logo.
You can also follow this thread or add your +1 in issue tracker.

how to test facebook application with extended permissions, without asking for review

i have read all the answers ( i could find on the matter), and they say, if you are a developer, tester or admin of the application, you should be able to test the app without any problem. I have tried as a admin of the app, developer, tester etc (all the roles given in the developer dashboard) no luck, next i have tried with the test users, still no luck, when i ask the user for the permission (publish_stream), the popup always says
Submit for Login Review Some of the permissions below have not been
approved for use by Facebook.
I have setup the "privacy policy link", i have uploaded the application icon, entered the application description, still no luck. in the mean time, the other two permissions i ask (user_photos and email) work with no problem.
I can't get what i am doing wrong. has anyone had problems like this?how did he manage to solve them? any help will be much appreciated.
P.S the only thing i haven't tried is to submit the freaking app for review, but the app is far from done, so i think, the review will be rejected
You really don´t need to go through the review process for testing, unapproved permissions work for every Admin, Developer or Tester of the App. publish_stream is deprecated though, what you probably want is publish_actions.
If it still does not work with an Admin/Dev/Tester and the publish_actions permission, i´d suspect a bug. In that case you could report it: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/

Desktop App Workflow Error When Logging In

Our desktop application integrates with Facebook using the desktop app workflow and for approx. 18 months has been working without any problems. However, we are starting to get reports from some users that they cannot get past the login process.
When the login is successful Facebook should be attaching the access_token to the redirect_uri. Our application detects this and moves the user to the main part of our Facebook integration. What appears to be happening in some situations is that the access_token parameter is missing which causes our application to leave our embedded browser window open with the following message from Facebook:
SECURITY WARNING: Please treat the URL above as you would your password and do not share it with anyone."
What is strange is that this does not occur with all Facebook accounts and which Facebook accounts it occurs with seems to be changing. For example, we had a report of this approx. 1 week ago but could not duplicate it with my own Facebook account or with a colleague's Facebook account. Today, I still cannot duplicate it with my own Facebook account but my colleague now gets the problem.
The URL our code sends to Facebook is:
Reading the latest API documentation it looks like they recommend a different way to connect which we have also tried:
To rule out our application as the cause we have tried these URLs directly within a web browser. What we find is that when using my Facebook account the browser re-directs to the success URL that includes the access_token parameter but when using my colleague's account the browser re-directs to the success URL that includes the access_token and then immediately re-directs again to the success URL without the access_token.
so... As far as we can tell this is either:
a) A change to the API which we cannot find documented anywhere
b) A bug in Facebook
c) Something that is now controlled by the user's Facebook security settings
Is there anybody who could explain why Facebook is acting differently with different accounts and how we can go about fixing this?
I have the same problem in my desktop applications.
And I just solve it with careful reading in ht*ps://developers.facebook.com/docs/howtos/login/login-for-desktop/. The solution is to change redirect_uri from ht*p://www.facebook.com/... into ht*ps://www.facebook.com/...
Hope this will help you just like it help me
change ht*p into http
sorry i have to change the http into ht*p so that i can post the answer.

Facebook log out not working

Our app uses Facebook app API and as of this morning, our log out just stopped working. When you click logout on our app, it will log you out of Facebook, but our app still detects a Facebook session and allows the user to stay logged in.
We also noticed that the fbsr_* cookie isn't being deleted. Although I'm not sure if it's suppose to be.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I am having the same issue. I went ahead in php and did $facebook->destroySession(); which helped however as of this morning it is still returning the same things. I am thinking its a bug on the facebook side.
I made a post here: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/245362365535898

Fatal error: Uncaught OAuthException: (#200) Requires extended permission: publish_actions thrown

I am working on an app currently in sandbox mode and I need to test out the posting of user's scores... When I try the following I get the above subject matter. The odd thing about this is that I have the been granting the said permission (using my personal user account).
// var PERMS = 'user_likes,friends_likes,publish_stream,user_photos,photo_upload,publish_actions,offline_access';
I don't see the permissions in the Auth Dialog(I'm using the Enhanced Auth Dialog. They said its hidden :-S) but I am not "denying" any permissions and process the Auth Dialog successfully....
Can anyone tell me whats up here?
Have you submitted a bug? If not you should, and I will vote on it as well. It is definitely a new bug. I can show my repro on it.
I just got this today as well. Within the last hour. Googled it, and found this post. Last week I successfully moved 5 apps to use timeline open graph, and the enhanced auth dialog. Today, moving a new app, I made sure to add publish_actions, added it to the code, uninstalled the app, and reinstalled it with the new dialog, and tried to run a timeline post. Got the same error. I don't get this error on the apps I moved last week, they work just fine (just tested). I also noticed a couple of other changes to the UI when editing in the dashboard. The preview windows are gone on the auth dialog page. You can still fill in the aggregations in the open graph section. My guess is they made some changes last week, and broke something with new app permission changes.