Gsoap Http event callback - c++

I downloaded gSoap and generated source code for wsdl. And I could connect to the server and send the request.
But I can't understand how I can catch http events like bytes sent, bytes recv.
I read this document
But I can't find what I need. I found function fsend. As I understand this function is being executed when we're sending a request to the server. Do I have to do something like this?
service.fsend = Custom;
Where Custom is my callback?
I've found other callback is ffiltersend.
As I understand this function is being runned when request is sending.
I use it.
But I don't understand last parametr in this method is pointer to size_t.
When I get value from this pointer and devide by 2 I get count of my real bytes. Why?

To obtain statistics on the number of bytes sent, received, and to log the inbound and outbound messages to a file system, use the "logging plugin" that comes with the gSOAP software.
First, register the plugin with:
#include "plugin/logging.h" // this file is in the gSOAP distro path
soap_register_plugin(soap, logging);
Then use these functions to set the logging destinations for inbound and outbound messages:
soap_set_logging_inbound(struct soap*, FILE*);
soap_set_logging_outbound(struct soap*, FILE*);
where the file descriptor passed as the second argument points to an open file that you can open and close before and after logging. Use NULL as the second argument to disable logging.
To obtain stats, i.e. message size byte counts, use:
soap_get_logging_stats(struct soap*, size_t *sent, size_t *recv);
where the second and third arguments will be updated by this call.
That's all there is too it.
If you want to use your own message handling callbacks then perhaps a good place to start is to learn from the plugin/logging.c file on how that is done. This file is short.


How to parse/check an HTTP message in PCapPlusPlus?

In PCap++, I want to detect if a payload is an HTTP request or not. For this, I am trying to parse the string and expect the library to allows me to check if this was done successfully.
Unfortunately, I was unable to achieve this:
I can create a RawPacket with the message
I can create a Packet with the message, but it does not contains any HttpRequestLayer, in consequence, the parsing is useless to detect the validity of the message.
I cannot create an HttpRequestLayer directly from the message.
Some examples:
std::string msg= "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\nHost:\n\n";
// Try to get a RawPacket: works, but does not helps a lot
struct timeval tp; // requires <time.h>
gettimeofday(&tp, nullptr);
RawPacket rp(static_cast<const uint8_t*>(, static_cast<int>(msg.size()), tp, false);
// Trying to parse it: works but detect generic Newtork layer only, no HTTP
Packet p(&rp, false, HTTP);
// Trying to create an HttpRequestLayer directly: crash
HttpRequestLayer http(static_cast<const uint8_t*>(, static_cast<int>(msg.size()), nullptr, nullptr);
My question is:
How to detect if a message is a valid HTTP message with PCap++?
Note: I am looking for an efficient solution (very sub-optimal solutions, like generating TCP layers is not an option).
PcapPlusPlus can parse packets, not messages. A RawPacket object expects a stream of bytes that represent a network packet, typically with a data link layer (e.g Ethernet), network layer (e.g IP), transport layer (e.g TCP) and application layer (HTTP in this case). PcapPlusPlus will parse this byte stream into the a list of layers/protocols you can look into.
HTTP is an application protocol, hence any HTTP packet will contain the other layers mentioned above. So providing just the HTTP message is not enough and PcapPlusPlus won't be able to parse it as a packet.
You can learn more about PcapPlusPlus from the tutorials:
Specifically you can look into the packet parsing tutorial:
pcpp::Packet has a method of getting layer you need - getLayerOfType. You could detect HTTP message using it.
timeval tm;
gettimeofday(&tm, NULL);
pcpp::RawPacket rawPacket((uint8_t*), rawPacketFromNet.size(), tm, false, pcpp::LinkLayerType::LINKTYPE_RAW);
pcpp::Packet parsedPacket(&rawPacket);
pcpp::HttpRequestLayer* httpLayer = parsedPacket.getLayerOfType<pcpp::HttpRequestLayer>();
if (httpLayer)
// you have this layer in your packet
uint8_t* dataPtr = httpLayer->getData();
size_t size = httpLayer->getDataLen();
I think your example could have worked if you'd start with pcpp::Packet and then add to it http layer. For constructing http layer in your case try to use HttpRequestLayer(HttpMethod method, std::string uri, HttpVersion version);

get the binary data transferred from grpc client

I am new to gRPC framework, and I have created a sample client-server on my PC (referring to this).
In my client-server application I have implemented a simple RPC
service NameStudent {
rpc GetRoll(RollNo) returns (Details) {}
The client sends a RollNo and receives his/her details which are name, age, gender, parent name, and roll no.
message RollNo{
int32 roll = 1;
message Details {
string name = 1;
string gender = 2;
int32 age = 3;
string parent = 4;
RollNo rollid = 5;
The actual server and client codes are adaptation of the sample code explained here
Now my server is able to listen to "" and client is able to send the roll no on "localhost:50051" and receive the details.
I want to see the actual binary data that is transferred between client and server. i have tried using Wireshark, but I don't understand what I am seeing here.
Here is the screenshot of wireshark capture
And here are the details of highlighted entry from above screenshot.
Need help in understanding wireshark here, Or any other way that can be used to see the binary data.
Wireshark uses the port to determine how to decode the communication, and it doesn't know any protocol associated with 50051. So you need to configure it to treat this as HTTP.
Right click on a row and select "Decode As..." in the context menu.
Then set "Current" to "HTTP" or "HTTP2" (HTTP will generally auto-detect HTTP2) and hit "OK".
Then the HTTP/2 frames should be decoded. And if using a recent version of Wireshark, you may also see the gRPC frames decoded.
The whole idea of grpc is to HIDE that. Let's say we ignore that and you know what you're doing.
Look at gRPC uses Protocol Buffers for it's data representation. You might get a hint at the data you're seeing.
Two good starting points for a reverse engineer exercise are:
Start simple: compile a program that sends an integer. Understand it. Sniff it. Then compile a program that sends a string. Try several values. Once you understand it, pass to tacke the problem of understanding how's google sending your structure.
Use known data and do small variations: knowing what 505249... means is easier if you start knowing the data you're sending (as an example, send "Hello world" string; then change it to "Hella world"; see what changes on the coded sniff; also check that sending several times the same data produces the same sniffed output). Apply prior point: start simple, first empty string, then " ", then "a", then "b", etc. and then pass to complex and larger strings. Don't be affraid to start simple.

How can a web server know when an HTTP request is fully received?

I'm currently writing a very simple web server to learn more about low level socket programming. More specifically, I'm using C++ as my main language and I am trying to encapsulate the low level C system calls inside C++ classes with a more high level API.
I have written a Socket class that manages a socket file descriptor and handles opening and closing using RAII. This class also exposes the standard socket operations for a connection oriented socket (TCP) such as bind, listen, accept, connect etc.
After reading the man pages for the send and recv system calls I realized that I needed to call these functions inside some form of loop in order to guarantee that all bytes are successfully sent/received.
My API for sending and receiving looks similar to this
void SendBytes(const std::vector<std::uint8_t>& bytes) const;
void SendStr(const std::string& str) const;
std::vector<std::uint8_t> ReceiveBytes() const;
std::string ReceiveStr() const;
For the send functionality I decided to use a blocking send call inside a loop such as this (it is an internal helper function that works for both std::string and std::vector).
template<typename T>
void Send(const int fd, const T& bytes)
using ValueType = typename T::value_type;
using SizeType = typename T::size_type;
const ValueType *const data{};
SizeType bytesToSend{bytes.size()};
SizeType bytesSent{0};
while (bytesToSend > 0)
const ValueType *const buf{data + bytesSent};
const ssize_t retVal{send(fd, buf, bytesToSend, 0)};
if (retVal < 0)
throw ch::NetworkError{"Failed to send."};
const SizeType sent{static_cast<SizeType>(retVal)};
bytesSent += sent;
bytesToSend -= sent;
This seems to work fine and guarantees that all bytes are sent once the member function returns without throwing an exception.
However, I started running into problems when I began implementing the receive functionality. For my first attempt I used a blocking recv call inside a loop and exited the loop if recv returned 0 indicating that the underlying TCP connection was closed.
template<typename T>
T Receive(const int fd)
using SizeType = typename T::size_type;
using ValueType = typename T::value_type;
T result;
const SizeType bufSize{1024};
ValueType buf[bufSize];
while (true)
const ssize_t retVal{recv(fd, buf, bufSize, 0)};
if (retVal < 0)
throw ch::NetworkError{"Failed to receive."};
if (retVal == 0)
break; /* Connection is closed. */
const SizeType offset{static_cast<SizeType>(retVal)};
result.insert(std::end(result), buf, buf + offset);
return result;
This works fine as long as the connection is closed by the sender after all bytes have been sent. However, this is not the case when using e.g. Chrome to request a webpage. The connection is kept open and my receive member function is stuck blocked on the recv system call after receiving all bytes in the request. I managed to get around this problem by setting a timeout on the recv call using setsockopt. Basically, I return all bytes received so far once the timeout expires. This feels like a very inelegant solution and I do not think that this is the way web servers handles this issue in reality.
So, on to my question.
How does a web server know when an HTTP request have been fully received?
A GET request in HTTP 1.1 does not seem to include a Content-Length header. See e.g. this link.
HTTP/1.1 is a text-based protocol, with binary POST data added in a somewhat hacky way. When writing a "receive loop" for HTTP, you cannot completely separate the data receiving part from the HTTP parsing part. This is because in HTTP, certain characters have special meaning. In particular, the CRLF (0x0D 0x0A) token is used to separate headers, but also to end the request using two CRLF tokens one after the other.
So to stop receiving, you need to keep receiving data until one of the following happens:
Timeout – follow by sending a timeout response
Two CRLF in the request – follow by parsing the request, then respond as needed (parsed correctly? request makes sense? send data?)
Too much data – certain HTTP exploits aim to exhaust server resources like memory or processes (see e.g. slow loris)
And perhaps other edge cases. Also note that this only applies to requests without a body. For POST requests, you first wait for two CRLF tokens, then read Content-Length bytes in addition. And this is even more complicated when the client is using multipart encoding.
A request header is terminated by an empty line (two CRLFs with nothing between them).
So, when the server has received a request header, and then receives an empty line, and if the request was a GET (which has no payload), it knows the request is complete and can move on to dealing with forming a response. In other cases, it can move on to reading Content-Length worth of payload and act accordingly.
This is a reliable, well-defined property of the syntax.
No Content-Length is required or useful for a GET: the content is always zero-length. A hypothetical Header-Length is more like what you're asking about, but you'd have to parse the header first in order to find it, so it does not exist and we use this property of the syntax instead. As a result of this, though, you may consider adding an artificial timeout and maximum buffer size, on top of your normal parsing, to protect yourself from the occasional maliciously slow or long request.
The solution is within your link
A GET request in HTTP 1.1 does not seem to include a Content-Length header. See e.g. this link.
There it says:
It must use CRLF line endings, and it must end in \r\n\r\n
The answer is formally defined in the HTTP protocol specifications 1:
in W3C's spec for HTTP 0.9.
in RFC 1945 for HTTP 1.0, specifically in Section 4: HTTP Message, Section 5: Request, and Section 7: Entity.
in RFC 2616 for HTTP 1.1, specifically in Section 4: HTTP Message, particular in 4.3: Message Body and 4.4: Message Length.
in RFC 7230 (and 7231...7235) for HTTP 1.1, specifically in Section 3: Message Format, in particular 3.3: Message Body.
So, to summarize, the server first reads the message's initial start-line to determine the request type. If the HTTP version is 0.9, the request is done, as the only supported request is GET without any headers. Otherwise, the server then reads the message's message-headers until a terminating CRLF is reached. Then, only if the request type has a defined message body then the server reads the body according to the transfer format outlined by the request headers (requests and responses are not restricted to using a Content-Length header in HTTP 1.1).
In the case of a GET request, there is no message body defined, so the message ends after the start-line in HTTP 0.9, and after the terminating CRLF of the message-headers in HTTP 1.0 and 1.1.
1: I'm not going to get into HTTP 2.0, which is a whole different ballgame.

Serialize and deserialize the message using google protobuf in socket programming in C++

Message format to send to server side as below :
package test;
message Test {
required int32 id = 1;
required string name = 2;
Server.cpp to do encoding :
string buffer;
test::Test original;
send(acceptfd,buffer.c_str(), buffer.size(),0);
By this send function it will send the data to client,i hope and i am not getting any error also for this particular code.
But my concern is like below:
How to decode using Google Protocol buffer for the above message in
the client side
So that i can see/print the message.
You should send more than just the protobuf message to be able to decode it on the client side.
A simple solution would be to send the value of buffer.size() over the socket as a 4-byte integer using network byte order, and the send the buffer itself.
The client should first read the buffer's size from the socket and convert it from network to host byte order. Let's denote the resulting value s. The client must then preallocate a buffer of size s and read s bytes from the socket into it. After that, just use MessageLite::ParseFromString to reconstruct your protobuf.
See here for more info on protobuf message methods.
Also, this document discourages the usage of required:
You should be very careful about marking fields as required. If at
some point you wish to stop writing or sending a required field, it
will be problematic to change the field to an optional field – old
readers will consider messages without this field to be incomplete and
may reject or drop them unintentionally. You should consider writing
application-specific custom validation routines for your buffers
instead. Some engineers at Google have come to the conclusion that
using required does more harm than good; they prefer to use only
optional and repeated. However, this view is not universal.

Server programming in C++

I'd like to make a chatting program using win socket in c/c++. (I am totally newbie.)
The first question is about how to check if the client receives packets from server.
For instance, a server sends "aaaa" to a client.
And if the client doesn't receive packet "aaaa", the server should re-send the packet again.(I think). However, I don't know how to check it out.
Here is my thought blow.
First case.
Server --- "aaaa" ---> Client.
Server will be checking a sort of time waiting confirm msg from the client.
Client --- "I received it" ---> Server.
Server won't re-send the packet.
The other case.
Server --- "aaaa" ---> Client.
Server is waiting for client msg until time out
Server --- "aaaa" ---> Client again.
But these are probably inappropriate.
Look at second case. Server is waiting a msg from client for a while.
And if time's out, server will re-send a packet again.
In this case, client might receive the packet twice.
Second question is how to send unlimited size packet.
A book says packet should have a type, size, and msg.
Following it, I can only send msg with the certain size.
But i want to send msg like 1Mbytes or more.(unlimited)
How to do that?
Anyone have any good link or explain correct logic to me as easy as possible.
Use TCP. Think "messages" at the application level, not packets.
TCP already handles network-level packet data, error checking & resending lost packets. It presents this to the application as a "stream" of bytes, but without necessarily guaranteed delivery (since either end can be forcibly disconnected).
So at the application level, you need to handle Message Receipts & buffering -- with a re-connecting client able to request previous messages, which they hadn't (yet) correctly received.
Here are some data structures:
class or struct Message {
int type; // const MESSAGE.
int messageNumber; // sequentially incrementing.
int size; // 4 bytes, probably signed; allows up to 2GB data.
byte[] data;
class or struct Receipt {
int type; // const RECEIPT.
int messageNumber; // last #, successfully received.
You may also want a Connect/ Hello and perhaps a Disconnect/ Goodbye handshake.
class Connect {
int type; // const CONNECT.
int lastReceivedMsgNo; // last #, successfully received.
// plus, who they are?
short nameLen;
char[] name;
If you can be really simple & don't need to buffer/ re-send messages to re-connecting clients, it's even simpler.
You could also adopt a "uniform message structure" which had TYPE and SIZE (4-byte int) as the first two fields of every message or handshake. This might help standardize your routines for handling these, at the expense of some redundancy (eg in 'name' field-sizes).
For first part, have a look over TCP.
It provides a ordered and reliable packet transfer. Plus you can have lot of customizations in it by implementing it yourself using UDP.
Broadly, what it does is,
1. Numbers each packet and sends it
2. Waits for acknowledge of a specific packet number. And then re-transmits the lost packets.
1. Receives a packet and maintains a buffer (sliding window)
2. It keeps on collecting packets in buffer until the buffer overflows or a wrong sequenced packet arrives. As soon as it happens, the packets with right sequence are 'delivered', and the sequence number of last correct packet is send with acknowledgement.
For second part:
I would use HTTP for it.
With some modifications. Like you should have some very unique indicator to tell client that transmission is complete now, etc