Can I cast an array of POD which has floats to float*? - c++

Consider the following:
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct Vec2
float m_x;
float m_y;
vector<Vec2> myArray;
int main()
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
myArray[i].m_x = (float)(i);
myArray[i].m_y = (float)(i);
float* raw;
raw = reinterpret_cast<float*>(&(myArray[0]));
Is raw guaranteed to have 200 contiguous floats with the correct values? That is, does the standard guarantee this?
EDIT: If the above is guaranteed, and if Vec2 has some functions (non-virtual) and a constructor, is the guarantee still there?
NOTE: I realize this is dangerous, in my particular case I have no
choice as I am working with a 3rd party library.

I realize this is dangerous, in my particular case I have no choice as I am working with a 3rd party library.
You may add compile time check of structure size:
live demo
struct Vec2
float a;
float b;
int main()
int assert_s[ sizeof(Vec2) == 2*sizeof(float) ? 1 : -1 ];
It would increase your confidence of your approach (which is still unsafe due to reinterpret_cast, as mentioned).
raw = reinterpret_cast(&(myArray[0]));
ISO C++98 9.2/17:
A pointer to a POD struct object, suitably converted using a reinterpret_cast, points to its initial member (or if that member is a bit-field, then to the unit in which it resides) and vice versa. [ Note: There might therefore be unnamed padding within a standard-layout struct object, but not at its beginning, as necessary to achieve appropriate alignment. —end note ]
And finally, runtime check of corresponding addresses would make such solution rather safe. It can be done during unit-tests or even at every start of program (on small test array).
Putting it all together:
live demo
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
struct Vec2
float a;
float b;
int main()
int assert_s[ sizeof(Vec2) == 2*sizeof(float) ? 1 : -1 ];
typedef vector<Vec2> Vector;
Vector v(32);
float *first=static_cast<float*>(static_cast<void*>(&v[0]));
for(Vector::size_type i,size=v.size();i!=size;++i)
assert((first+i*2) == (&(v[i].a)));
assert((first+i*2+1) == (&(v[i].b)));
assert(false != false);

No, this is not safe, because the compiler is free to insert padding between or after the two floats in the structure, and so the floats of the structure may not be contiguous.
If you still want to try it, you can add compile time checks to add more surety that it will work:
static_assert(sizeof(Vec2) == sizeof(float) * 2, "Vec2 struct is too big!");
static_assert(offsetof(Vec2, b) == sizeof(float), "Vec2::b at the wrong offset!");

The only guarantee that a reinterpret_cast gives is, that you get the original object when you reinterpret_cast the casted object back to the original data type.
Especially, raw is not guaranteed to have 200 contiguous floats with the correct values.


Practical use of Anonymous union in real world C++ programing

I know that we can access anonymous unions without creating it's object(without dot),
but could anybody please explain,what is the use of anonymous unions in real world c++ programing?
I have mostly used unions to store multiple different types of elements in the same contiguous storage without resorting to dynamic polymorphism. Thus, every element of my union is a struct describing the data for the corresponding node type. Using an anonymous union mostly gives a more convenient notation, i.e. instead of object.union_member.struct_member, I can just write object.struct_member, since there is no other member of that name anyways.
A recent example where I used them would be a rooted (mostly binary) tree which has different kinds of nodes:
struct multitree_node {
multitree_node_type type;
union {
node_type_1 n1;
node_type_2 n2;
Using this type tag type I am able to determine which element of the union to use. All of the structs node_type_x have roughly the same size, which is why I used the union in the first place (no unused storage).
With C++17, you would be able to do this using std::variant, but for now, using anonymous unions are a convenient way of implementing such 'polymorphic' types without virtual functions.
Here's a real-world example:
struct Point3D {
union {
struct {
float x, y, z;
struct {
float c[3];
Point3D p;
You can access p's x/y/z coordinates with p.x, p.y, p.z. This is convenient.
But sometimes you want to access point as a float[3] array. You can use p.c for that.
Note: Using this construct is Undefined Behavior by the standard. But, it works on all compilers I've met so far. So, if you want to use such a construct, be aware, that this may broke some day.
I actually remembered a use case I came across a while back. You know bit-fields? The standard makes very little guarantees about their layout in memory. If you want to pack binary data into an integer of a specific size, you are usually better off doing bit-wise arithmetic yourself.
However, with unions and the common initial sequence guarantee, you can put all the boilerplate behind member access syntax. So your code will look like it's using a bit-field, but will in fact just be packing bits into a predictable memory location.
Here's a Live Example
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include <climits>
#include <iostream>
template<typename UInt, std::size_t Pos, std::size_t Width>
struct BitField {
static_assert(std::is_integral<UInt>::value && std::is_unsigned<UInt>::value,
"To avoid UB, only unsigned integral type are supported");
static_assert(Width > 0 && Pos < sizeof(UInt) * CHAR_BIT && Width < sizeof(UInt) * CHAR_BIT - Pos,
"Position and/or width cannot be supported");
UInt mem;
BitField& operator=(UInt val) {
if((val & ((UInt(1) << Width) - 1)) == val) {
mem &= ~(((UInt(1) << Width) - 1) << Pos);
mem |= val << Pos;
// Should probably handle the error somehow
return *this;
operator UInt() {
return (mem >> Pos) & Width;
struct MyColor {
union {
std::uint32_t raw;
BitField<std::uint32_t, 0, 8> r;
BitField<std::uint32_t, 8, 8> g;
BitField<std::uint32_t, 16, 8> b;
MyColor() : raw(0) {}
int main() {
MyColor c;
c.r = 0xF;
c.g = 0xA;
c.b = 0xD;
std::cout << std::hex << c.raw;

C/C++ Struct memory layout equivalency

Consider the following C struct and C++ struct declarations:
extern "C" { // if this matters
typedef struct Rect1 {
int x, y;
int w, h;
} Rect1;
struct Vector {
int x;
int y;
struct Rect2 {
Vector pos;
Vector size;
Are the memory layouts of Rect1 and Rect2 objects always identical?
Specifically, can I safely reinterpret_cast from Rect2* to Rect1* and assume that all four int values in the Rect2 object are matched one on one to the four ints in Rect1?
Does it make a difference if I change Rect2 to a non-POD type, e.g. by adding a constructor?
I would think so, but I also think there could (legally) be padding between Rect2::pos and Rect2::size. So to make sure, I would add compiler-specific attributes to "pack" the fields, thereby guaranteeing all the ints are adjacent and compact. This is less about C vs. C++ and more about the fact that you are likely using two "different" compilers when compiling in the two languages, even if those compilers come from a single vendor.
Using reinterpret_cast to convert a pointer to one type to a pointer to another, you are likely to violate "strict aliasing" rules. Assuming you do dereference the pointer afterward, which you would in this case.
Adding a constructor will not change the layout (though it will make the class non-POD), but adding access specifiers like private between the two fields may change the layout (in practice, not only in theory).
Are the memory layouts of Rect1 and Rect2 objects always identical?
Yes. As long as certain obvious requirements hold, they are guaranteed to be identical. Those obvious requirements are about the target platform/architecture being the same in terms of alignment and word sizes. In other words, if you are foolish enough to compile the C and C++ code for different target platforms (e.g., 32bit vs. 64bit) and try to mix them, then you'll be in trouble, otherwise, you don't have to worry, the C++ compiler is basically required to produce the same memory layout as if it was in C, and ABI is fixed in C for a given word size and alignment.
Specifically, can I safely reinterpret_cast from Rect2* to Rect1* and assume that all four int values in the Rect2 object are matched one on one to the four ints in Rect1?
Yes. That follows from the first answer.
Does it make a difference if I change Rect2 to a non-POD type, e.g. by adding a constructor?
No, or at least, not any more. The only important thing is that the class remains a standard-layout class, which is not affected by constructors or any other non-virtual member. That's valid since the C++11 (2011) standard. Before that, the language was about "POD-types", as explained in the link I just gave for standard-layout. If you have a pre-C++11 compiler, then it is very likely still working by the same rules as the C++11 standard anyway (the C++11 standard rules (for standard-layout and trivial types) were basically written to match what all compiler vendors did already).
For a standard-layout class like yours you could easily check how members of a structure are positioned from the structure beginning.
#include <cstddef>
int x_offset = offsetof(struct Rect1,x); // probably 0
int y_offset = offsetof(struct Rect1,y); // probably 4
pos_offset = offsetof(struct Rect2,pos); // probably 0
Yes, they will always be the same.
You could try running the below example here
It runs as you expect.
// Example program
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
typedef struct Rect1 {
int x, y;
int w, h;
} Rect1;
struct Vector {
int x;
int y;
struct Rect2 {
Vector pos;
Vector size;
struct Rect3 {
Vector pos;
Vector size;
int main()
Rect1 r1;
r1.x = 1;
r1.y = 2;
r1.w = 3;
r1.h = 4;
Rect2* r2 = reinterpret_cast<Rect2*>(&r1);
std::cout << r2->pos.x << std::endl;
std::cout << r2->pos.y << std::endl;
std::cout << r2->size.x << std::endl;
std::cout << r2->size.y << std::endl;
Rect3* r3 = reinterpret_cast<Rect3*>(&r1);
std::cout << r3->pos.x << std::endl;
std::cout << r3->pos.y << std::endl;
std::cout << r3->size.x << std::endl;
std::cout << r3->size.y << std::endl;

C++ understanding Unions and Structs

I've come to work on an ongoing project where some unions are defined as follows:
/* header.h */
typedef union my_union_t {
float data[4];
struct {
float varA;
float varB;
float varC;
float varD;
} my_union;
If I understand well, unions are for saving space, so sizeof(my_union_t) = MAX of the variables in it. What are the advantages of using the statement above instead of this one:
typedef struct my_struct {
float varA;
float varB;
float varC;
float varD;
Won't be the space allocated for both of them the same?
And how can I initialize varA,varB... from my_union?
Unions are often used when implementing a variant like object (a type field and a union of data types), or in implementing serialisation.
The way you are using a union is a recipe for disaster.
You are assuming the the struct in the union is packing the floats with no gaps between then!
The standard guarantees that float data[4]; is contiguous, but not the structure elements. The only other thing you know is that the address of varA; is the same as the address of data[0].
Never use a union in this way.
As for your question: "And how can I initialize varA,varB... from my_union?". The answer is, access the structure members in the normal long-winded way not via the data[] array.
Union are not mostly for saving space, but to implement sum types (for that, you'll put the union in some struct or class having also a discriminating field which would keep the run-time tag). Also, I suggest you to use a recent standard of C++, at least C++11 since it has better support of unions (e.g. permits more easily union of objects and their construction or initialization).
The advantage of using your union is to be able to index the n-th floating point (with 0 <= n <= 3) as[n]
To assign a union field in some variable declared my_union u; just code e.g. u.varB = 3.14; which in your case has the same effect as[1] = 3.14;
A good example of well deserved union is a mutable object which can hold either an int or a string (you could not use derived classes in that case):
class IntOrString {
bool isint;
union {
int num; // when isint is true
str::string str; // when isint is false
IntOrString(int n=0) : isint(true), num(n) {};
IntOrString(std::string s) : isint(false), str(s) {};
IntOrString(const IntOrString& o): isint(o.isint)
{ if (isint) num = o.num; else str = o.str); };
IntOrString(IntOrString&&p) : isint(p.isint)
{ if (isint) num = std::move (p.num);
else str = std::move (p.str); };
~IntOrString() { if (isint) num=0; else str->~std::string(); };
void set (int n)
{ if (!isint) str->~std::string(); isint=true; num=n; };
void set (std::string s) { str = s; isint=false; };
bool is_int() const { return isint; };
int as_int() const { return (isint?num:0; };
const std::string as_string() const { return (isint?"":str;};
Notice the explicit calls of destructor of str field. Notice also that you can safely use IntOrString in a standard container (std::vector<IntOrString>)
See also std::optional in future versions of C++ (which conceptually is a tagged union with void)
BTW, in Ocaml, you simply code:
type intorstring = Integer of int | String of string;;
and you'll use pattern matching. If you wanted to make that mutable, you'll need to make a record or a reference of it.
You'll better use union-s in a C++ idiomatic way (see this for general advices).
I think the best way to understand unions is to just to give 2 common practical examples.
The first example is working with images. Imagine you have and RGB image that is arranged in a long buffer.
What most people would do, is represent the buffer as a char* and then loop it by 3's to get the R,G,B.
What you could do instead, is make a little union, and use that to loop over the image buffer:
union RGB
char raw[3];
char R;
char G;
char B;
} colors;
RGB* pixel = buffer[0];
///pixel.colors.R == The red color in the first pixel.
Another very useful use for unions is using registers and bitfields.
Lets say you have a 32 bit value, that represents some HW register, or something.
Sometimes, to save space, you can split the 32 bits into bit fields, but you also want the whole representation of that register as a 32 bit type.
This obviously saves bit shift calculation that a lot of programmers use for no reason at all.
union MySpecialRegister
uint32_t register;
unsigned int firstField : 5;
unsigned int somethingInTheMiddle : 25;
unsigned int lastField : 6;
} data;
// Now you can read the raw register into the register field
// then you can read the fields using the inner data struct
The advantage is that with a union you can access the same memory in two different ways.
In your example the union contains four floats. You can access those floats as varA, varB... which might be more descriptive names or you can access the same variables as an array data[0], data[1]... which might be more useful in loops.
With a union you can also use the same memory for different kinds of data, you might find that useful for things like writing a function to tell you if you are on a big endian or little endian CPU.
No, it is not for saving space. It is for ability to represent some binary data as various data types.
for example
#include <iostream>
#include <stdint.h>
union Foo{
int x;
struct y
unsigned char b0, b1, b2, b3;
char z[sizeof(int)];
int main()
Foo bar;
bar.x = 100;
std::cout << std::hex; // to show number in hexadec repr;
for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(int); i++)
std::cout << "0x" << (int)bar.z[i] << " "; // int is just to show values as numbers, not a characters
return 0;
output: 0x64 0x0 0x0 0x0 The same values are stored in struct bar.y, but not in array but in sturcture members. Its because my machine have a little endiannes. If it were big, than the output would be reversed: 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x64
You can achieve the same using reinterpret_cast:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdint.h>
int main()
int x = 100;
char * xBytes = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&x);
std::cout << std::hex; // to show number in hexadec repr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(int); i++)
std::cout << "0x" << (int)xBytes[i] << " "; // (int) is just to show values as numbers, not a characters
return 0;
its usefull, for example, when you need to read some binary file, that was written on a machine with different endianess than yours. You can just access values as bytearray and swap those bytes as you wish.
Also, it is usefull when you have to deal with bit fields, but its a whole different story :)
First of all: Avoid unions where the access goes to the same memory but to different types!
Unions did not save space at all. The only define multiple names on the same memory area! And you can only store one of the elements in one time in a union.
if you have
union X
int x;
char y[4];
you can store an int OR 4 chars but not both! The general problem is, that nobody knows which data is actually stored in a union. If you store a int and read the chars, the compiler will not check that and also there is no runtime check. A solution is often to provide an additional data element in a struct to a union which contains the actual stored data type as an enum.
struct Y
enum { IS_CHAR, IS_INT } tinfo;
int x;
char y[4];
But in c++ you always should use classes or structs which can derive from a maybe empty parent class like this:
class Base
class Int_Type: public Base
int x;
class Char_Type: public Base
char y[4];
So you can device pointers to base which actually can hold a Int or a Char Type for you. With virtual functions you can access the members in a object oriented way of programming.
As mentioned already from Basile's answer, a useful case can be the access via different names to the same type.
union X
struct data
float a;
float b;
float arr[2];
which allows different access ways to the same data with the same type. Using different types which are stored in the same memory should be avoided at all!

strict aliasing and alignment

I need a safe way to alias between arbitrary POD types, conforming to ISO-C++11 explicitly considering 3.10/10 and 3.11 of n3242 or later.
There are a lot of questions about strict aliasing here, most of them regarding C and not C++. I found a "solution" for C which uses unions, probably using this section
union type that includes one of the aforementioned types among its
elements or nonstatic data members
From that I built this.
#include <iostream>
template <typename T, typename U>
T& access_as(U* p)
union dummy_union
U dummy;
T destination;
dummy_union* u = (dummy_union*)p;
return u->destination;
struct test
short s;
int i;
int main()
int buf[2];
static_assert(sizeof(buf) >= sizeof(double), "");
static_assert(sizeof(buf) >= sizeof(test), "");
access_as<double>(buf) = 42.1337;
std::cout << access_as<double>(buf) << '\n';
access_as<test>(buf).s = 42;
access_as<test>(buf).i = 1234;
std::cout << access_as<test>(buf).s << '\n';
std::cout << access_as<test>(buf).i << '\n';
My question is, just to be sure, is this program legal according to the standard?*
It doesn't give any warnings whatsoever and works fine when compiling with MinGW/GCC 4.6.2 using:
g++ -std=c++0x -Wall -Wextra -O3 -fstrict-aliasing -o alias.exe alias.cpp
* Edit: And if not, how could one modify this to be legal?
This will never be legal, no matter what kind of contortions you perform with weird casts and unions and whatnot.
The fundamental fact is this: two objects of different type may never alias in memory, with a few special exceptions (see further down).
Consider the following code:
void sum(double& out, float* in, int count) {
for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
out += *in++;
Let's break that out into local register variables to model actual execution more closely:
void sum(double& out, float* in, int count) {
for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
register double out_val = out; // (1)
register double in_val = *in; // (2)
register double tmp = out_val + in_val;
out = tmp; // (3)
Suppose that (1), (2) and (3) represent a memory read, read and write, respectively, which can be very expensive operations in such a tight inner loop. A reasonable optimization for this loop would be the following:
void sum(double& out, float* in, int count) {
register double tmp = out; // (1)
for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
register double in_val = *in; // (2)
tmp = tmp + in_val;
out = tmp; // (3)
This optimization reduces the number of memory reads needed by half and the number of memory writes to 1. This can have a huge impact on the performance of the code and is a very important optimization for all optimizing C and C++ compilers.
Now, suppose that we don't have strict aliasing. Suppose that a write to an object of any type can affect any other object. Suppose that writing to a double can affect the value of a float somewhere. This makes the above optimization suspect, because it's possible the programmer has in fact intended for out and in to alias so that the sum function's result is more complicated and is affected by the process. Sounds stupid? Even so, the compiler cannot distinguish between "stupid" and "smart" code. The compiler can only distinguish between well-formed and ill-formed code. If we allow free aliasing, then the compiler must be conservative in its optimizations and must perform the extra store (3) in each iteration of the loop.
Hopefully you can see now why no such union or cast trick can possibly be legal. You cannot circumvent fundamental concepts like this by sleight of hand.
Exceptions to strict aliasing
The C and C++ standards make special provision for aliasing any type with char, and with any "related type" which among others includes derived and base types, and members, because being able to use the address of a class member independently is so important. You can find an exhaustive list of these provisions in this answer.
Furthermore, GCC makes special provision for reading from a different member of a union than what was last written to. Note that this kind of conversion-through-union does not in fact allow you to violate aliasing. Only one member of a union is allowed to be active at any one time, so for example, even with GCC the following would be undefined behavior:
union {
double d;
float f[2];
f[0] = 3.0f;
f[1] = 5.0f;
sum(d, f, 2); // UB: attempt to treat two members of
// a union as simultaneously active
The only standard way to reinterpret the bits of one object as the bits of an object of some other type is to use an equivalent of memcpy. This makes use of the special provision for aliasing with char objects, in effect allowing you to read and modify the underlying object representation at the byte level. For example, the following is legal, and does not violate strict aliasing rules:
int a[2];
double d;
static_assert(sizeof(a) == sizeof(d));
memcpy(a, &d, sizeof(d));
This is semantically equivalent to the following code:
int a[2];
double d;
static_assert(sizeof(a) == sizeof(d));
for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(a); ++i)
((char*)a)[i] = ((char*)&d)[i];
GCC makes a provision for reading from an inactive union member, implicitly making it active. From the GCC documentation:
The practice of reading from a different union member than the one most recently written to (called “type-punning”) is common. Even with -fstrict-aliasing, type-punning is allowed, provided the memory is accessed through the union type. So, the code above will work as expected. See Structures unions enumerations and bit-fields implementation. However, this code might not:
int f() {
union a_union t;
int* ip;
t.d = 3.0;
ip = &t.i;
return *ip;
Similarly, access by taking the address, casting the resulting pointer and dereferencing the result has undefined behavior, even if the cast uses a union type, e.g.:
int f() {
double d = 3.0;
return ((union a_union *) &d)->i;
Placement new
(Note: I'm going by memory here as I don't have access to the standard right now).
Once you placement-new an object into a storage buffer, the lifetime of the underlying storage objects ends implicitly. This is similar to what happens when you write to a member of a union:
union {
int i;
float f;
} u;
// No member of u is active. Neither i nor f refer to an lvalue of any type.
u.i = 5;
// The member u.i is now active, and there exists an lvalue (object)
// of type int with the value 5. No float object exists.
u.f = 5.0f;
// The member u.i is no longer active,
// as its lifetime has ended with the assignment.
// The member u.f is now active, and there exists an lvalue (object)
// of type float with the value 5.0f. No int object exists.
Now, let's look at something similar with placement-new:
#define MAX_(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
// new returns suitably aligned memory
char* buffer = new char[MAX_(sizeof(int), sizeof(float))];
// Currently, only char objects exist in the buffer.
new (buffer) int(5);
// An object of type int has been constructed in the memory pointed to by buffer,
// implicitly ending the lifetime of the underlying storage objects.
new (buffer) float(5.0f);
// An object of type int has been constructed in the memory pointed to by buffer,
// implicitly ending the lifetime of the int object that previously occupied the same memory.
This kind of implicit end-of-lifetime can only occur for types with trivial constructors and destructors, for obvious reasons.
Aside from the error when sizeof(T) > sizeof(U), the problem there could be, that the union has an appropriate and possibly higher alignment than U, because of T.
If you don't instantiate this union, so that its memory block is aligned (and large enough!) and then fetch the member with destination type T, it will break silently in the worst case.
For example, an alignment error occurs, if you do the C-style cast of U*, where U requires 4 bytes alignment, to dummy_union*, where dummy_union requires alignment to 8 bytes, because alignof(T) == 8. After that, you possibly read the union member with type T aligned at 4 instead of 8 bytes.
Alias cast (alignment & size safe reinterpret_cast for PODs only):
This proposal does explicitly violate strict aliasing, but with static assertions:
///#brief Compile time checked reinterpret_cast where destAlign <= srcAlign && destSize <= srcSize
template<typename _TargetPtrType, typename _ArgType>
inline _TargetPtrType alias_cast(_ArgType* const ptr)
//assert argument alignment at runtime in debug builds
assert(uintptr_t(ptr) % alignof(_ArgType) == 0);
typedef typename std::tr1::remove_pointer<_TargetPtrType>::type target_type;
static_assert(std::tr1::is_pointer<_TargetPtrType>::value && std::tr1::is_pod<target_type>::value, "Target type must be a pointer to POD");
static_assert(std::tr1::is_pod<_ArgType>::value, "Argument must point to POD");
static_assert(std::tr1::is_const<_ArgType>::value ? std::tr1::is_const<target_type>::value : true, "const argument must be cast to const target type");
static_assert(alignof(_ArgType) % alignof(target_type) == 0, "Target alignment must be <= source alignment");
static_assert(sizeof(_ArgType) >= sizeof(target_type), "Target size must be <= source size");
//reinterpret cast doesn't remove a const qualifier either
return reinterpret_cast<_TargetPtrType>(ptr);
Usage with pointer type argument ( like standard cast operators such as reinterpret_cast ):
int* x = alias_cast<int*>(any_ptr);
Another approach (circumvents alignment and aliasing issues using a temporary union):
template<typename ReturnType, typename ArgType>
inline ReturnType alias_value(const ArgType& x)
//test argument alignment at runtime in debug builds
assert(uintptr_t(&x) % alignof(ArgType) == 0);
static_assert(!std::tr1::is_pointer<ReturnType>::value ? !std::tr1::is_const<ReturnType>::value : true, "Target type can't be a const value type");
static_assert(std::tr1::is_pod<ReturnType>::value, "Target type must be POD");
static_assert(std::tr1::is_pod<ArgType>::value, "Argument must be of POD type");
//assure, that we don't read garbage
static_assert(sizeof(ReturnType) <= sizeof(ArgType),"Target size must be <= argument size");
union dummy_union
ArgType x;
ReturnType r;
dummy_union dummy;
dummy.x = x;
return dummy.r;
struct characters
char c[5];
characters chars;
chars.c[0] = 'a';
chars.c[1] = 'b';
chars.c[2] = 'c';
chars.c[3] = 'd';
chars.c[4] = '\0';
int r = alias_value<int>(chars);
The disadvantage of this is, that the union may require more memory than actually needed for the ReturnType
Wrapped memcpy (circumvents alignment and aliasing issues using memcpy):
template<typename ReturnType, typename ArgType>
inline ReturnType alias_value(const ArgType& x)
//assert argument alignment at runtime in debug builds
assert(uintptr_t(&x) % alignof(ArgType) == 0);
static_assert(!std::tr1::is_pointer<ReturnType>::value ? !std::tr1::is_const<ReturnType>::value : true, "Target type can't be a const value type");
static_assert(std::tr1::is_pod<ReturnType>::value, "Target type must be POD");
static_assert(std::tr1::is_pod<ArgType>::value, "Argument must be of POD type");
//assure, that we don't read garbage
static_assert(sizeof(ReturnType) <= sizeof(ArgType),"Target size must be <= argument size");
ReturnType r;
return r;
For dynamic sized arrays of any POD type:
template<typename ReturnType, typename ElementType>
ReturnType alias_value(const ElementType* const array,const size_t size)
//assert argument alignment at runtime in debug builds
assert(uintptr_t(array) % alignof(ElementType) == 0);
static const size_t min_element_count = (sizeof(ReturnType) / sizeof(ElementType)) + (sizeof(ReturnType) % sizeof(ElementType) != 0 ? 1 : 0);
static_assert(!std::tr1::is_pointer<ReturnType>::value ? !std::tr1::is_const<ReturnType>::value : true, "Target type can't be a const value type");
static_assert(std::tr1::is_pod<ReturnType>::value, "Target type must be POD");
static_assert(std::tr1::is_pod<ElementType>::value, "Array elements must be of POD type");
//check for minimum element count in array
if(size < min_element_count)
throw std::invalid_argument("insufficient array size");
ReturnType r;
return r;
More efficient approaches may do explicit unaligned reads with intrinsics, like the ones from SSE, to extract primitives.
struct sample_struct
char c[4];
int _aligner;
int test(void)
const sample_struct constPOD = {};
sample_struct pod = {};
const char* str = "abcd";
const int* constIntPtr = alias_cast<const int*>(&constPOD);
void* voidPtr = alias_value<void*>(pod);
int intValue = alias_value<int>(str,strlen(str));
return 0;
Assertions to assure conversion of PODs only, may be improved.
Removed superfluous template helpers, now using tr1 traits only
Static assertions for clarification and prohibition of const value (non-pointer) return type
Runtime assertions for debug builds
Added const qualifiers to some function arguments
Another type punning function using memcpy
Small example
I think that at the most fundamental level, this is impossible and violates strict aliasing. The only thing you've achieved is tricking the compiler into not noticing.
My question is, just to be sure, is this program legal according to the standard?
No. The alignment may be unnatural using the alias you have provided. The union you wrote just moves the point of the alias. It may appear to work, but that program may fail when CPU options, ABI, or compiler settings change.
And if not, how could one modify this to be legal?
Create natural temporary variables and treat your storage as a memory blob (moving in and out of the blob to/from temporaries), or use a union which represents all your types (remember, one active element at a time here).

Naming Array Elements, or Struct And Array Within a Union

Consider the following struct:
struct Vector4D
double components[4];
struct { double x, y, z, t; } Endpoint;
It seems to me that I have seen something similar in WinApi's IPAddress struct. The idea is to give me the possibility to use the array components both by index and by name, for example:
Vector4D v;
v.components[2] = 3.0;
ASSERT(v.Endpoint.z == 3.0) //let's ignore precision issues for now
In the C++ standard there is a guarantee that there will be no "empty" space at the beginning of a POD-struct, that is, the element x will be situated right in the beginnig of the Endpoint struct. Good so far. But I don't seem to find any guarantees that there will be no empty space or padding, if you will, between x and y, or y and z, etc. I haven't checked out the C99 standard though.
The problem is that if there is an empty space between Endpoint struct elements, then the idea will not work.
Am I right that there indeed is no guarantee that this will work either in C or C++.
Will this practically work on any known implementation? In other words, do you know of any implementation where this doesn't work?
Is there any standard(I mean not compiler-specific) way to express the same idea? Maybe the C++0x alignment features might help?
By the way, this isn't something I am doing in production code, don't worry, just curious. Thanks in advance.
depends on the alignment needs of the architecture and the compilers strategy
no, but you could make a object wrapper (but you will end up with .z() instead of just .z)
Most compilers should support squashing a structure using a pragma or an attribute. #pragma pack for example.
You can circumvent any memory alignment issues by having references to each element of the array, as long as you declare the array before the references in the class to ensure they point to valid data. Having said that I doubt alignment would be an issue with doubles, but could be for other types (float on 64bit arch perhaps?)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Vector4D
Vector4D() : components(), x(components[0]), y(components[1]), z(components[2]), t(components[3]) { }
double components[4];
double& x;
double& y;
double& z;
double& t;
int main()
Vector4D v;
v.components[0] = 3.0;
v.components[1] = 1.0;
v.components[2] = 4.0;
v.components[3] = 15.0;
cout << v.x << endl;
cout << v.y << endl;
cout << v.z << endl;
cout << v.t << endl;
Hope this helps.
When it comes to the standard, there are two problems with it:
It is unspecified what happens when writing to an element in a union and reading from another, see the C standard and K.1
The standard does not guarantee the layout of the struct match that of the layout of the array, see the C standard for details.
Having said this, in practice this will work on normal compilers. In fact, this kind of code is widely spread and is often used to reinterpret values of one type into values of another type.
Padding bytes will not cause an issue as all variables are of type double. The compiler will treat Vector4D as a double array. That means, v.Endpoint.z is essentially the same as v[2].