I am working in a configuration that uses the IOM to connect to the metadata server - hence there are no automatic macro variables in my environment to determine the user id (we are using a pooled workspace server with a generic host account).
Is there a short piece of code which can be used to query the metadata server for the SAS user id?
The following is quite long winded, and could probably be shortened - but it does the job!
data _null_;
call symput('login_id',''); /* initialise to missing */
n = 1;
length loginUri person $ 512;
nobj = metadata_getnobj("omsobj:Login?*",n, loginUri);
if (nobj>0) then do;
length __uri __objName __porig personUri $256;
__porig = loginUri;
__uri = '';
__objName = '';
__n = 1;
__objectFound = 0;
personUri = "";
__numObjs = metadata_getnasn(__porig ,"AssociatedIdentity", 1, __uri);
do until(__n > __numObjs | __objectFound );
__rc = metadata_getattr(__uri, "PublicType", __objName);
if __objName="User" then do;
__rc=metadata_getattr(__uri, "Name", __objName);
__objectFound = 1;
personUri = __uri;
else do;
__n = __n+1;
rc = metadata_getnasn(__porig, "AssociatedIdentity", __n, __uri);
if upcase("N")="Y" and not __objectFound then do;
put "*ERROR*: Object with PublicType=" "User" " not found for parent " loginUri " under AssociatedIdentity association";
rc = metadata_getattr(personUri, "Name", person);
call symput("login_id", trim(person));
%put &login_id;
I am having an issue with my code where it is working when I am hard coding the value (in comments) in the IF statement but when I insert the macro variable, the functions 'Copy' and 'Delete' do not work with no errors generated. Below is the code being used:
*%let pathscr = //files/FEB_P000/Reporting_FS;
%let pathdes = //files/FEB_P000/Reporting_FS/Accounting log/2021;
%let fn = LFNPAccounting;
%let dt = %sysfunc(inputn(&acc_date, yymmddn8.),yymmddn8.); /* 20211209 */
%let Var = &fn&dt;/* LFNPAccounting20211209 */
data _null_;
length fref $8 fname $256;
did = filename(fref,'\\files\FEB_P000\Reporting_FS');
did = dopen(fref);
do i = 1 to dnum(did);
fname = dread(did,i);
newfn = SUBSTR(fname,1,22);
if newfn = &Var then do;
/*if newfn = 'LFNPAccounting20211209' then do;*/
rc4= fdelete('src');
Could anyone help please?
I am guessing you try to look into a specified folder pathscr, and if a file matches a certain string (SUBSTR(fname,1,22)), you copy and delete the latter to the Logs folder pathdes.
libname report "/home/kermit/temp/Reporting/";
data report.have20211210
id = 1;
%let pathscr = /home/kermit/temp/Reporting/;
%let pathdes = /home/kermit/temp/Logs/;
%let fn = have; /* Name of the file */
%let type = .sas7bdat; /* File extension */
%let dt = %sysfunc(inputn(%sysfunc(today()), yymmddn8.), yymmddn8.);
%let file = &fn&dt&type.;
%put &=file;
data _null_;
drop rc did;
rc=filename("mydir", "&pathscr.");
if did > 0 then do; /* check that the directory can be opened */
do i=1 to dnum(did); /* use dnum() to determine the highest possible member number */
fname=dread(did, i); /* get the name of the file */
if fname = "&file." then do; /* if the name of the file match: */
rc=filename('src', "&pathscr&file.");
rc=filename('des', "&pathdes&file.");
rc=fcopy('src', 'des'); /* copy from source to destination */
rc=fdelete('src'); /* delete from source */
else do; /* if directory cannot be open, put the error message to the logs */
put msg;
DOPEN opens a directory and returns a directory identifier value (a number greater than 0) that is used to identify the open directory in other SAS external file access functions. If the directory cannot be opened, DOPEN returns 0, and you can obtain the error message by calling the SYSMSG function.
I used today() for the dt macro-variable for convenience sake, but you will have to change it to whatever date you are searching for.
Consider that with the code above, if the file is already in the Logs folder, it will not be overwritten. Note that you do not have to use the CATX function if you put another / at the very end of your specified path.
Macro variables are not resolved when bounded by single quotes. They are resolved when within double quotes.
did = filename(fref,"&path_scr");
You set VAR to a value like:
%let Var = LFNPAccounting20211209 ;
Then you use it to generate a SAS statement:
if newfn = &Var then do;
Which will resolve to
if newfn = LFNPAccounting20211209 then do;
Since I did not see you creating any variable named LFNPAccounting20211209 it is most likely that you want to use this statement instead:
if newfn = "&Var" then do;
So that the SAS code you generate will compare the value of NEWFN to a string literal instead of another variable.
Note: Since it looks like you are using WINDOWS filesystem you should make the comparison case insenstive.
if upcase(newfn) = %upcase("&Var") then do;
I'm using a C++ interpreter (ROOT, the CERN framework) to access several mySQL tables in a loop. Every time I query a table that doesn't exist, the program quits on me:
for (int run = 19000; run < 22000; run ++) {
s << run;
num = s.str();
schema = "run_0"+num+"_R007";
//creating our query
query = "select distinct *whatever* from "+schema+".kTrack;";
res = conPtr->Query(query);
//Here is where I don't know what to do:
if (*success*) {
do stuff
else {
do stuff
I don't have a problem if the table returns 0 rows, I have a problem if the table doesn't exist.
What is wrong with my code?
Assuming conPtr is a pointer to a TMySQLServer object, ROOT's documentation for TMySQLServer::Query() says:
Returns a pointer to a TSQLResult object if successful, 0 otherwise. The result object must be deleted by the user.
So Query() returns a NULL pointer on failure.
Also, since your loop is not re-opening a new DB connection on each iteration, you should not be calling conPtr->Close() until after you are done performing queries with it.
Try something more like this:
for (int run = 19000; run < 22000; run ++) {
s << run;
num = s.str();
schema = "run_0"+num+"_R007";
//creating our query
query = "select distinct *whatever* from "+schema+".kTrack;";
res = conPtr->Query(query);
if (res) {
// use res as needed...
delete res;
else {
// ...
I'm trying to turn my hash object into a macro so that I can do a match on a number of different analysis variables. Here is the part of the macro with the hash object. I feel that my issue must be with how I am calling/quoting the macros in the hash, because a different version of this hash works without the macro. Thoughts?
The errors I am getting are ERROR: DATA STEP Component Object failure. Aborted during the COMPILATION phase. ERROR 557-185: Variable data is not an object. And then later in the object, ERROR: File DATA.TEST_BANK_ACCOUNT_ALL_REGS.DATA does not exist.
data data.test_&match_field._all_regs;
if _N_ = 1 then do;
if 0 then set = data.test_&match_field._match_srt;
declare hash contractors(dataset:"data.test_&match_field._match_srt", multidata: 'yes');
set data.test_xxx_200;
rc = contractors.find(key:"&match_var.");
do while (rc=0);
if xxxx_duns = xxx_hq_parent_duns_number or
xxxx_duns = xxx_hq_parent_duns_number or
xxxx_duns = xxx_global_parent_duns_number then xxx_reported_relationship = 'Y';
else xxx_reported_relationship = 'N';
output data.test_&match_field._all_regs;
rc = contractors.find_next(key:"&match_var.");
Trying to update table by user specified values. But the values are not getting updated.
cout<<"\nEnter Ac No"<<endl;
cout<<"\nEnter Amount"<<endl;
/* Create merged SQL statement */
sql = "UPDATE RECORDS set BAL = '%d' where ACCOUNT_NO = '%d'",amt, ac;
/* Execute SQL statement */
rc = sqlite3_exec(db, sql, callback, (void*)data, &zErrMsg);
If I replace BAL and ACCOUNT_NO by some integer value instead of place holder then it is working fine.
Your sql string is not being created properly.
If you expect this code
sql = "UPDATE RECORDS set BAL = '%d' where ACCOUNT_NO = '%d'",amt, ac;
to result in
"UPDATE RECORDS set BAL = '1' where ACCOUNT_NO = '2'"
amt= 1 and ac = 2 then you need to use a string formatting call like this.
// the buffer where your sql statement will live
char sql[1024];
// write the SQL statment with values into the buffer
_snprintf(sql,sizeof(sql)-1, "UPDATE RECORDS set BAL = '%d' where ACCOUNT_NO = '%d'",amt, ac);
On your particular platform _snprintf(...) might be snprintf(..) or another similarly named function. Also your compiler may warn about buffer manipulation security vulnerabilities. Choose the appropriate substitute for your needs
I need to delete all text files form a directory. The following program works fine for the file listed (eg:file.txt), but when I try to use *.txt it doesn't work. Am I missing something or is there a better way to delete all txt files in a directory.
data _null_;
fname = "_files";
rc = filename(fname,"&path\file.txt");
if rc = 0 and fexist(fname) then
rc = fdelete(fname);
rc = filename(fname);
If you are a fan of macros.. the code below should do the same.
options mlogic;
%macro delete_all_txt_files_in_folder(folder);
filename filelist "&folder";
data _null_;
dir_id = dopen('filelist');
total_members = dnum(dir_id);
do i = 1 to total_members;
member_name = dread(dir_id,i);
if scan(lowcase(member_name),2,'.')='txt' then do;
file_id = mopen(dir_id,member_name,'i',0);
if file_id > 0 then do;
freadrc = fread(file_id);
rc = fclose(file_id);
rc = filename('delete',member_name,,,'filelist');
rc = fdelete('delete');
rc = fclose(file_id);
rc = dclose(dir_id);
You can't use a wildcard with fdelete. You either need to loop over all of the files in the directory, or you can use an x command
x 'del &path.\*.txt';
or similar depending on your OS (but it is OS dependent, and requires XCMD permission.
Here's the loop:
%let path=d:\temp;
filename filrf "&path.";
data _null_;
did = dopen('filrf');
memcount = dnum(did);
do while (memcount>0);
fname = dread(did,memcount);
if scan(lowcase(fname),2,'.')='txt' then do;
rcref = filename('fref',catx('\',"&path.",fname));
rcdel = fdelete('fref');