Qt User customizable hotkeys - c++

I'm trying to design a Qt GUI application with user customize-able hotkeys. The main issue I'm running into is how to synchronize the hotkeys across the application since a particular hotkey (for example, copy) may be used by multiple widgets/components.
My current strategy is to use a reference class which holds a list of QKeySequence objects for each different hotkey. Each widget would have to have a way to reference this master list and have custom implementations of low-level the keyPressEvent which would compare inputted keys vs. the hotkeys. I don't particularly like this strategy, though, as it requires significant re-implimentation in each widget and feels like I'm trying to re-invent the wheel.
I also tried using QAction objects which can hold QKeySequence shortcuts internally, then use these to trigger higher-level events which I can handle using slots & signals. However, the main issue I have here is how to manage which slots signals get routed to.
For example, say I have 2 open widgets which can both receive a copy action signal. I can connect a slot for both of these to the same signal and take advantage of the single update point for shortcuts, but then things get messy since only the active widget should act on the copy signal, not both widgets. I can re-implement the focusOutEvent and focusInEvent handlers to connect/disconnect slots manually, but this also seems to run into the same issue above where I'm trying to re-invent the wheel and doing more work than is necessary.
Is there an easier way around this problem?

I don't think there is a particularly easy/non-tedious solution to this problem, but when I needed to add user-customizable hotkeys to my application, here is how I did it:
1) Start with your application that has hard-coded key shortcuts, e.g. code like this:
QMenu * editMenu = new QMenu;
QAction * copyItem = menu->addAction(tr("Copy"), this, SLOT(CopyData()));
2) Create a GetKeySequence() function that looks something like this:
static QHash<QString, QKeySequence> _usersKeyPreferences;
static bool _usersKeyPreferencesLoaded = false;
QKeySequence GetKeySequence(const QString & keySequence, const QString & contextStr)
if (_usersKeyPreferencesLoaded == false)
// Oops, time to load in the user's saved custom-key settings from a file somewhere
_usersKeyPreferences = LoadUsersKeyPreferencesFromFile();
_usersKeyPreferencesLoaded = true; // so we'll only try to load the file once
if (_usersKeyPreferences.contains(contextStr))
return _usersKeyPreferences[contextStr];
// No user preference specified? Okay, fall back to using the
// hard-coded default key sequence instead.
return QKeySequence(qApp->translate(contextStr, keySequence));
3) Now the tedious part: grovel over all of your code, and anywhere you've specified a key-sequence explicitly (like in the third line of the code shown for step 1), wrap it with a call to GetKeySequence(), like this:
copyItem->setShortcut(GetKeySequence(tr("Ctrl+C"), tr("Edit_Menu|Copy")));
4) At this point, your program's key-sequences will be customizable; just make sure that the key-settings-file is present on disk before GUI-creation code runs. Here's an excerpt from my program's key-mappings file (which I store as a simple ASCII text file):
Edit_Menu|Copy = Ctrl+C
Edit_Menu|Cut = Ctrl+X
Edit_Menu|Paste = Ctrl+V
[... and so on for all other menu items, etc...]
... of course one downside to this approach is that once the GUI is created, the key-bindings can't be modified "on the fly" (at least, not without a lot of additional coding). My program gets around this simply by closing and then re-creating all windows after the user clicks "Save and Apply" in the Edit Key Bindings dialog.
5) An optional further step (which is some extra work up front but saves time in the long run) is to write a program (or script) that greps all the .cpp files in your program's codebase looking for calls GetKeySequence() in the code. When it finds a GetKeySequence() call, it parses out the two arguments to the call and prints them as a line in a key-bindings file with the default settings. This is useful because you can make this script part of your autobuild, and thereafter you'll never have to remember to manually update the default key-settings-file whenever you add a new menu item (or other key-sequence specifier) to your program.
This worked well for me, anyway. The advantage is that you don't have to refactor your existing program at all; you can just go through it inserting GetKeySequence() as necessary while leaving the larger logic/structure of the program intact.


How to access ui element from another dialog

I have a this code for get avaiable serial ports on Main Window.
QString parsedPortName = QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts().at(ui -> comboBoxDevices -> currentIndex()).portName();
I need access this avaiable ports from another Page. Hiw can I do that?
Here, on my Second Window I need replace avaiable comports with (QString("COM3")
if (serialStartStop.begin(QString("COM3"), 9600, 8, 0, 1, 0, false))
serialStartStop.send("B" + ui->baslatmaedit->text().toLatin1() + "D"+ ui->durdurmaedit->text().toLatin1());
The usual way would be to have something like this in the first dialog:
QString parsedPortName = QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts().at(ui -> comboBoxDevices -> currentIndex()).portName();
emit portNameChanged(parsedPortName); // add this signal to the class
And then in the second window, you would have a slot, which receives the port name, and stores it in a member variable. Then in the code where you create these two windows or dialogs, you add the connect call for the signal and the slot.
Since this port is something, which you might want to save between different times the application is run, you could also use QSettings to store the combo box selection, and restore it to the combo box when application starts, and change it when user changes it in the combo box.
In this case, you'd probably want to move the QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts() call to the second window, done just before the port name is actually used.
In my experience, the best way to use QSettings is to first set it up in main():
After that, it will store the settings in operating system specific, generally good, way. And then you can just use it like this anywhere in your application:
QSettings().setValue("serial/portname", parsedPortName);
and elsewhere
auto port = QSettings().value("serial/portname").toString();
Instead of using QSettings, you might create your own singleton class like that, but really, QSettings exists and is quite nice for the purpose, so just use it unless you have some compelling reason to write your own.
You can of course also combine these two things: use QSettings with the combo box only, and still emit a signal when it is changed.

Reordering MFC control IDs automatically

I've got a pretty old MFC application that's been touched by many people over the years (most of them probably not even CS guys) and it follows, what I like to call the "anarchy design pattern."
Anyway, one of the dialogs has a series of 56 vertical sliders and check boxes. However, there are additional sliders and checkboxes on the dialog as shown below.
Now, the problem is that the additional sliders and checkboxes take on IDs that are in sequence with the slider/checkbox series of the dialog. My task is to add more sliders and checkboxes to the series (in the blank space in the Slider Control group box) Unfortunately, since IDC_SLIDER57 through IDC_SLIDER61 are already in the dialog (same goes for the checkboxes), existing code, such as the snippet below will break:
pVSlider = (CSliderCtrl *)GetDlgItem(IDC_SLIDER1+i);
Is there a better way to modify the resource file without doing it manually? I've seen a third party tool called ResOrg that looks like it'll help do what I want, but the software is a bit pricey, especially since I'll only use it once. I guess I can give the demo a try, but the limitations might restrict me.
FYI, I'm using Visual C++ 6.0 (yes...I know, don't laugh, it's being forced upon me).
Instead of writing:
pVSlider = (CSliderCtrl *)GetDlgItem(IDC_SLIDER1+i);
you could write:
pVSlider = (CSliderCtrl *)GetDlgItem(GetSliderID(i));
where GetSlider is a function that returns the id of slider number i.
GetSlider function
int GetSliderID(int nslider)
static int sliderids[] = {IDC_SLIDER1, IDC_SLIDER2, IDC_SLIDER3, .... IDC_SLIDERn};
ASSERT(nslider < _countof(sliderids));
return sliderids[nslider];
With this method the IDC_SLIDERn symbols dont need to have sequential values.

QtWebView - How to enable scrolling of page and scrolling of elements in a page (e.g. Google Maps)

I've run into a bit of an issue related to a whitelist Web Browser my company has been developing / maintaining for one of our product lines. The browser runs on top of Qt 4.8.6, using qtwebkit (Migration to 5.X would be ideal, but the embedded Linux OS we're using is too old to support the newer versions based on our testing, and upgrading to a newer OS is too costly to us / our customers). The primary interface to the browser is a 6x8 touchscreen, mounted inside an aircraft cockpit.
For sites that have things like scrollable/embedded maps (ex. Google Maps), the users of the browser want the ability to drag the entire page when they are selecting something outside of the map, and drag just the map (without the entire page scrolling) when the map is selected (Ala most of the popular mobile browsers).
Thus far, I am able to do one or the other, but not both:
When I hook mouse handlers into a QWebView or QGraphicsWebView, I can turn the cursor into a hand and very easily support dragging of the entire web page. However, that inhibits the page's ability to handle the mouse events for when a user is pulling over a map (i.e. When a user drags over a map, it drags the entire page without moving the map).
When I don't add in the hooks to handle mouse events, things like maps are scrollable by grapping/dragging them, but of course the user loses the ability to drag the entire page.
Right now, the browser uses the later, with scroll bars disabled and a directional-arrow overlay to allow the user to scroll the entire page (as the display size is limited, and scrollbars take up too much space when they are sized large enough for the user to interact with them)...but this is not ideal.
My Question: Is there any easy way to make it so that the page, and elements in a page, can be scrolled seamlessly?
Seems to me like you need to check if you are over such a map and ignore(pass along) the event in that case. I think you should be able to do something like this:
bool GraphicsWebView::isOverMap(QPoint pos) {
QWebPage* webPage = this->page();
if (webPage) {
QWebFrame* webFrame = webPage->frameAt(pos);
if (webFrame) {
QString selectorQuery = "#map-canvas"; // Based on https://developers.google.com/maps/tutorials/fundamentals/adding-a-google-map
QList<QWebElement> list = webFrame->findAllElements(selectorQuery).toList(); // Find all the maps!
foreach(QWebElement element, list) {
if (element.geometry().contains(pos)) {
return true; // Cursor is over a map
return false; // No match
Obviously this is a pretty specific function but there is probably a way to come up with a better selector query that will apply to all those kinds of QWebElement.
Assuming you hook mouse events by subclassing QGraphicsWebView and reimplementing void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event), I suggest you do something like:
void GraphicsWebView::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event) {
if (isOverMap(mapFromScene(event->scenePos()).toPoint())) { // We got a map!
event.ignore(); // Clear the accept flag
return; // Return, we're done here
handleMoveView(); // Not over any maps, let's scroll the page
This part of the doc explains how events are handled with regard to the topmost item. I especially recommend you read the third paragraph.
Hope that helps!
EDIT: Did a bit more research and it looks like something like that could be more generic:
It's at the very least worth investigating as a replacement to isOverMap()
EDIT: Gotcha, here is something you can try then.
Start by subclassing QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent and add a signal called void destroyedWithoutAccept() that's emitted in the destructor if the event has not been accepted.
Then modify mouseMoveEvent to look like this:
void GraphicsWebView::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event) {
MyEvent myEvent = new MyEvent(event); // Copy event
event.accept(); // accept original event
connect(myEvent, SIGNAL(destroyedWithoutAccept),
this, SLOT(handleMoveView)); // Callback if unused
QGraphicsWebView::mouseMoveEvent(myEvent); // Pass it to Base class
If that works, it might introduce a bit of delay if deleteLater is used to destroy it. But in that case reimplement it as well.

What signal should I capture to grab the text of Gtk::Entry before it is changed?

I am writing an application using gtkmm 3 (running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS) and working right now with the Gtk::Entry control.
I cannot find the correct signal to capture so that I can grab the Gtk::Entry buffer text before it is changed, and persist it to maintain a record of changes. I know that in some other tool-kits, there is a hook provided that facilitates such. (I believe using a "shadow buffer".)
What signal do I have to grab to do this? What is the slot's signature for this signal? Is this functionality supported at all?
Since you are changing the behaviour, it's better to inherit from Gtk::Entry:
class ValidatedEntry : public Gtk::Entry {
Glib::ustring last_valid;
virtual void on_changed()
Glib::ustring text = get_text();
if (... validation here ...)
set_text(last_valid); // WARNING: will call this on_changed() again
last_valid = text;
Gtk::Entry::on_changed(); // propagate down
This goes against usability, that's why it's not a built-in behaviour. Users won't like the text reverting back just because they miss-typed something; they might hit backspace before they realize the entry threw the wrong character away.
You should at least wait until the user presses the Enter key (i.e. signal_activate or override on_activate()), or do something less drastic, like showing a warning icon.
You could give a try to GObject's "notify" signal. It is used in conjunction with the property to spy. Connecting to "notify::text" will call your callback for each modification of the "text" property, but the first change may be the setter that will set the initial value, that you could then store. Worth a try.
Otherwise, you could try to store it on the first triggering of the "insert-text" or "delete-text" signals. Please give use some feedback if that seems to work.
I also agree with DanielKO: on an usability point of view, modifying user input is just annoying and bad practice. Better to tell her which field is wrong, put the focus there, and/or have a button to reset to defaults, but not enforce any change on user input.

qt/c++ naming of variables dynamically

I am in the process of developing a html editor in Qt for one of my university assignments, and i am having a problem regarding naming of some variables.
the problem is this:
when the user decides to load their "project" the program iterates through the folder and finds how many .html files are in there, it then creates tabs for them to be displayed in.
I have a custom QTextEdit which has a customer completer and syntax highlighting etc. the problem i am having at the moment is how to create them depending on the number needed.
i create a QStringList of file names:
QStringList m_files;
m_files = aDialog.m_loadDirectory->entryList(QStringList("*.html"),QDir::Files|QDir::NoSymLinks);
then i iterate through each one of the list:
for(int i=0; i<m_files.count();i++)
and for each one i need to create a new custom QtextEdit
TextEdit *name = new TextEdit;
then add to the tab
but as each TextEdit needs to be different for each tab (i think this is correct) i need a different Variable name for each one.
i thought about creating a list/array of TextEdit objects but as i dont know how many i need to use, i could end up easily with too many (wasted memory) or not enough..
any ideas on how i can get around this?
one thought..
would it be possible to create a TextEdit object before the loop
then make a copy of that object in the loop and add the copied object to the tab? (still variable naming problem...)
but as each TextEdit needs to be different for each tab (I think this is correct)
Yes, you need a different TextEdit in each tab.
I need a different Variable name for each one.
No, you don't need a different variable name for each one. You need different objects, but variable names don't have much to do with that.
A simple:
for (...) {
TextEdit *te = new TextEdit(...);
// set up that text edit in whatever way you need
tabs->addWidget(te, "foo");
does exactly what you want. The variable name te is completely irrelevant (it won't even appear in the executable outside of debugging symbols). Each time through the loop, you'll be working on a separate TextEdit instance.
If you need to refer to that TextEdit by name at runtime, you can keep all your widgets in a collection, a QMap for instance.
QMap<QString, QWidget*> all_editors;
for (...) {
TextEdit *te = ...;
all_editors[filename] = te;
You have discarded quickly the only viable solution : put your text edits in a collection. The textedit have to be created with new, so the collection itself will not waste space.
You can use a QPair<QTabWidget*, QTextEdit*> for simplest cases. For more complicated cases create a custom widget, and just make a list of those.
Copying a QObject is a really bad idea. I think the copy constructor is private so you will not even be able to do that