How can I continuously run unit tests in Visual Studio 2012 Professional? - unit-testing

Visual Studio 2012 added a "Run tests after build" button in the Unit Test Explorer, but it seems that option is not available in the Professional edition. In fact, my "Unit Test Explorer" is just called "Test Explorer", and doesn't have that button at all:
Are there any extensions which can replace this missing feature? Something that integrates with the existing test explorer UI would be ideal. (Free options are also preferred, since if I could convince my corporate overlords to shell out for VS Ultimate/Premium, this wouldn't be an issue anyway)

I remapped my F6 key to TestExplorer.RunAllTests instead of the default of Build.BuildSolution
Build.BuildSolution gets remapped to Ctrl-Shift-B when you do that.
It works well because now my F6 reflex RunAllTests saves any modified files, builds my solution and runs my unit tests.
The only thing I had to change is my window layout so that I can see the Test Explorer Window, that way I know if any tests failed.
Updating the answer with a link to a blog I wrote about this

The "Run Tests After Build" and "Profile Test" features are available in Premimum and Ultimate editions of Visual Studio 2012.

NCrunch is not free but it's well worth the money and superior to any and all test running features in Visual Studio, regardless of edition.

You could also have a look at aka Mighty Moose.
It's not quite as slick as NCrunch, but it is free.


How to disable test discovery in visual studio 2017?

I have some solutions with a bunch of projects and we have no unit test project in these solutions. However Visual Studio 2017 is still trying to discover unit tests and slowing down our process.
I looked at the runsettings xml file but there was nothing in there to disable it
any idea how we turn this unnecessary stuff off for some of our solutions?
This was driving me crazy too. One day it just started running test discovery after every build, and switching my output pane to "Test" which is annoying.
How I fixed it in VS 2015 (may be the same for 2017),
disable (uncheck) this setting:
Test menu --> Test Settings --> Keep Test Execution Engine Running

visual studio code unit test discovery frequency setting

When I'm updating my existing unit tests, Visual Studio code drops a status bar from the top letting me know that it could not correctly discover unit tests every time I save the file. This is expected since I'm actively typing so everything is not working python.
Have I configured something incorrectly? Is there some way to tell visual studio to chill out on the unit test discovery?
Of course, I can simply hit the "close" button, but this is extremely distracting.
Disable Live Unit Test running on the background.
Under Test->Test Settings-> uncheck 'Keep Test Execution Engine Running'. I am using VS 2017 & VS 2015.

How to profile unit tests in Visual Studio 2012?

Is it possible to profile MSTest unit tests in Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate without using any external profiling tools?
This feature was added back in the upcoming Visual Studio 2012 Quarterly Update 1. Right-click the test you want to profile in the Test Explorer and select "Profile Test" from the context menu.
In Visual Studio it was a really powerful feature !
As you, I can not find it in VS2012 (no references in MSDN or in blogs, ...)
Now, the only solution I have found for profiling Unit Test is to Attach the Profiler to a Process called vstest.executionengine.x86.exe (x86 for me but this could be different for 64 bits)
You can do this in the Tab "Performance Explorer" after a right click.
Once the profiler is starting, you can run as many tests as you want. Then stop profiling and you will see all details of this session.
There are 2 caveats with this technique :
for some reasons, the process is missing in the list. Maybe it stops when idle. Start just one test te see it.
You have to Attach the Profiler for every sessions. I don't find yet a way to script it.
Hope this will help you.
In Visual Studio 2015, follow the instructions Cybermaxs gives, but select TE.ProcessHost.Managed. Unfortunately, there appear to be two of them, so you must select the one with higher CPU usage.
With VS 2019/2022 you attach to the testhost process while running your tests. Just run your tests in debug, and stop execution on breakpoint, then you can find that process to attach.

How to write unit test for Visual studio package

I am now working on a visual studio package project, currently all our tests just simulates the way we interact with visual studio with windows open and close, menus selection, button click and so on.I think these tests can be classified as integrated test and they highly depends on the devenv.exe process. For pure unit test, I just want to test one of my business logic and mock other dependencies.Although visual studio SDK contains a test library under the path VisualStudioIntegration\Common\Source\CSharp\UnitTest in SDK folder, I found it a too simple project, too young to be used in my project. When I tried to write unit test from scratch, I got a lot of problems with mocking VSX interfaces. Also there is so little resources about VSX unit test, Can anyone give me some hints or links about this? Any help is appreciated.
In my case, I needed to launch and control Visual Studio from a control program to run some developer studies.
Basically, why not just have your tests run your plugin in the experimental hive on a programmatic instance?
This was a helpful resource for launching an instance of Visual Studio through COM:

Integrate Silverlight Unit Testing with Visual Studio 2008 Test Results Panel?

I would like to run my Silverlight Unit Tests from Visual Studio instead of opening a new instance of my Silverlight Test App in the browser.
Apparently it is possible ( - search for "Visual Studio Team Test log provider output")....but I don't understand how you enable this, does anyone know how?
Would be great if these tests would run from the "Run All Tests in Solution" button (Ctrl+R, A).
The blog post you referenced clearly states that this is output only and does not integrate Silverlight UT with Visual Studio Team Testing System. It will simply output into a TRX format that can then be opened in that window within Visual Studio. You still cannot run your Silverlight tests from a vsmdi, you will need to run them from within the web browser test harness.
I agree it would be great if the tests would run from the "Run All Tests in Solution" button, but that is not possible with the current tools today.
I have written a blog post about how to get the Silverlight Testing Framework to output the Visual Studio "TestResults.trx" log files. I couldn't find anything about how to do this anywhere else.