Django/MongoDB tutorials for beginner [closed] - django

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm a beginner and don't have any prior experience with web application development. So far, I only did some CLI programming. Could anyone suggest me how to start working with Django and MongoDB?

There is a free education courses for MongoDB, one being developer-foccussed and the other more administration-focussed. There is still time to sign up afaik so I'd recommend having a look at the developer course (it's taught by Dwight Merriman, the 10gen CEO).
MongoDB tutorials can be found here.
There's a short doc on using MongoEngine with Django. The MongoEngine maintainer wrote a tutorial here on writing an app with MongoEngine and Django.

When you want to learn web application development, you should first learn how to create static HTML pages with a text editor, so you get a feeling for how the WWW actually works.
When you have a solid understanding of HTML and CSS, you can start with dynamic website generation using Django.
Using a database like MongoDB is an entirely different beast you should tackle after you've learned how to generate websites server-sided.


AngularJS Test Example [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I don't know why but I'm finding it really difficult to get my head around setting up a JavaScript test using AngularJS.
I have my app.js, controller.js plus a number of other files for Ajax, Storage services, filters etc. My app works fine but I want to learn how to do E2E and unit testing.
I think I need to create a standalone HTML page that runs my tests, but I'm not sure, I'm also not sure which extra JavaScript files/libraries I might need.
Is there an AngularJS test example I could use to get the initial set-up?
Ideally I'd like to run the JS tests I create from within Visual Studio 2012...but that's a nice to have!
I find this tutorial a good start.
It not only teaches how to do unit testing but also E2E and a special one ...Midway testing. A good reference IMHO.
I recomend you to look at angular-seed project.
It has e2e test already setup.
AngularJS dev guide has a complete page on the subject:
There is also a blog post mentioning a sample app in github including Testacular tests here:
Hope it helps.
Angular Test Patterns is worth looking into as well. There are examples in both CoffeeScript and JavaScript for testing Controllers, Services, Directives and Filters. As well as ideas on how to use Mocks, End-to-End tests etc.

What Are Some Good Open Source Project Landing Pages? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I've built a pretty extensive open source project that I'm soon going to publish online. It's got full documentation, source, and everything else you'd expect from a project, but no website.
I've been looking around for inspiration, and found some great open source website examples written by the pocoo team, for example:
The problem is, I'm not a designer, and can't make web designs if my life depends on it.
So my question is: are there any good HTML/CSS templates out there that would be suitable to use for an open source project? Preferably something simple that shows off a bit of code, and links to docs, help, etc.
Sphinx is a documentation system that should be able to help you out. It's very popular in the Python community, and actually those pages you pointed out utilize this tool, as well---look at the bottom of the pages. The official Python documentation uses it, too.
It uses the reStructuredText markup language, so that's what you'd need to read up on if you're not already familiar with it.

List of freely available online web-developer tools [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What free, online tools does a web developer has at his disposal and "should know about"?
To set the spirit of the list, here are some examples:
Google Code playground
CSS Validation Service
JS Bin
Visual jQuery
I think a good list could come in very handy for many!
Whilst you probably want to automate this on your server, I still find handy to minify or pack scripts.
Some others...
CSS Sprite Generator
CSS Border Radius
CSS Gradient Generator
(there are tonnes).
Yahoo has a number of good tools. The YUI material alone is fantastic.
I've found Chrome's Developer Tools (Ctrl+Shift+I) to be absolutely indispensable when debugging HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Fiddler is a fantastic tool to spy on (and fiddle with) the traffic your browsers (and other HTTP-connecting applications) are sending.
Aptana is great as a HTML/CSS/JavaScript IDE, complete with red sqigglies for syntax errors and intellisense/autocomplete. (You'll never use Notepad again.)
jQAPI is a really zippy version of the jQuery documentation.
I find yUML an invaluable tool to create diagrams online!
For PHP development I always use the FREE phpDesigner 2007 (Personal). It can debug PHP with single step trace and breakpoints. It's also a good editor for CSS, HTML, Javascript, XML etc...
(look under "older downloads" at the bottom).
Bubble supports create mind-mapping diagram online. I use it to organize general idea about the application.

WSDL validator? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there any online service available to validate Web Service WSDL file?
If you're using Eclipse, just have your WSDL in a .wsdl file, eclipse will validate it automatically.
From the Doc
The WSDL validator handles validation
according to the 4 step process
defined above. Steps 1 and 2 are both
delegated to Apache Xerces (and XML
parser). Step 3 is handled by the WSDL
validator and any extension namespace
validators (more on extensions below).
Step 4 is handled by any declared
custom validators (more on this below
as well). Each step must pass in order
for the next step to run.
You can try using one of their tools:
These will check both WSDL validity and Basic Profile 1.1 compliance.
If you would to validate WSDL programatically then you use WSDL Validator out of eclipse. should help or try this tool Graphical WSDL 1.1/2.0 editor.
you might want to look at the online version of xsv
You can try out wsdl validator

Hosted wiki using StackOverflow-like editing tools? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We're starting developer documentation for one of our projects, and I'd like to set it up as a hosted wiki.
There will be lots of code samples, and the WMD/Prettify combination used here on StackOverflow is the simplest way I've seen to enter structured text (with headings, etc.) combined with automatically formatted code blocks.
Does anyone know of an existing hosted wiki service that uses this editing toolset, so we don't have to write our own (at least not right away)?
Many wiki engines are open source
Why not grab your favourite and add in the WMD editor? is a nice C# wiki with a great extensibility model, and a great markup pipeline what should be simpl-ish to upgrade to WMD
Download v3 beta and look at /core/Formatter.cs and /core/FormattingPipeline.cs for the REGEX's to compose pages from WMD markdown
And /WebApplication/Editor.ascx for the editor custom control, which you can plug in WMD with some LH-RH code
Check out Mindtouch's DekiWiki. They use fckeditor, I believe, which is pretty user friendly. There is a free hosted version (with limited extension features), and you can pay for very powerful version.
We use it for documentation internally and it is excellent.