Handling lots of variable declarations - c++

I am implementing a class and I have a function that does things using lots of variables that need to be declared and initialised.
I'd like the variable declarations not to clutter the function and do something like:
//Do things with variables declared in declare()
void declare(){
//declare lots of variables here
This does not work as the variables are scoped to declare() and aren't seen by doFunction(). What's a sensible way to handle this problem?

Since each of the variables that you declare must be assigned a value, you should combine declaration with initialization. In other words, instead of
int x;
double y;
std::string z;
x = 1;
y = 2.0;
z = "3";
do this:
int x = 1;
double y = 2.0;
std::string z("3");
This is pretty much as far as you can push this approach with locals: declaring variables is an essential part of the function body, you cannot (and arguably, should not) move it to a remote location.
You can also move the member function into a nested private class, move the local variables into the class, and do calculations there:
class specialCalc {
int x;
double y;
std::string z;
specialCalc() : x(1), y(2.0), z("3") {}
int calculate() {
void doFunction() {
specialCalc calc;
cout << calc.calculate() << endl;
PS: I am deliberately not mentioning preprocessor-based solutions because they would negatively impact readability.

I'm not really advocating this, but:
struct Declare
int x;
float y;
char z;
vars() :x(1),y(3.14),z('z') {}
void doFunction()
Declare vars;
// use vars.x, vars.y and vars.z as your variables

You have a number of choices:
1) Get over it. If you need lots of variables, you'll need to suffer the fact they need to be declared somewhere.
2) Put them into a class or in a structure as a member variable so you can declare them in the .h file and they'll be invisible in the .C/.cpp file.
3) Aggregate them into an array, and declare only the array and initialize them in a for() loop or something. This really only works if they're all a similar type and you don't do silly things like "index 4" is my "counter object for this", and "index 5" is my "thing I'm going to print to the screen" as then you loose the name associated with the variable itself, which is rather helpful when reading the code later (of course).
4) put them in a define statement somewhere else:
#define MYVARS int a; char b[1024]; ...
void funstuff() {
5) Modify an IDE so that it can hide/collapse the variable declarations when you're viewing the code.
Note that of all of these choices, number 1 is still probably the right answer :-)


Declare class member variables inside class member functions

Is there any technique or compiler extension keyword to declare class member variables inside class member functions? Something like
struct test_t{
void operator ()(){
instance_local int i = 0;
The best that came in my mind was using thread_local and then executing the member function inside another thread, but this would be too ugly to be useful.
EDIT: example
Well I'm really sorry for the following probably confusing example (it is related to my question yesterday Is there any problem in jumping into if(false) block?). I really tried to make a less confusing up...
#include <iostream>
#define instance_local thread_local
struct A{
A(int i) :
void dosomethinguseful(){
std::cout << i << std::endl;
int i;
struct task1{
int part;
task1() : part(0){}
void operator ()(){
int result_of_calculation;
switch (part) {
case 0:{
result_of_calculation = 5;
instance_local A a(result_of_calculation);
case 1:{ a.dosomethinguseful();}
int main(){
task1 t;
return 0;
instance_local A a(result_of_calculation); that is what i could get from such a keyword instead of making a smart pointer for a.
You're describing a coroutine. Here a rough draft of what it could look like (I'm not an expert in coroutine)
auto task1() -> some_awaitable_type {
result_of_calculation = 5;
A a(result_of_calculation);
This could be called like this:
some_awaitable_type maybe_do_something = task1();
// calculation done here
// dosomethinguseful called here
co_await maybe_do_something();
There is not. The compiler needs to know the structure of the class without compiling all the method implementations. If you could slip instance_local int foo into a method body, that would make the size of the data structure 4 bytes larger.
On a more principled level, it's not good to hide data. The equivalent feature for global variables that you might be thinking of, static local variables, is a carryover from C that is widely considered to be an anti-pattern:
Why are static variables considered evil?
Not directly, no.
You could define a:
static std::map<test_t*, int> is;
…where the first part of each element is a this pointer.
But, why?
Make a member variable.

Running C++ code outside of functions scope

(I know) In c++ I can declare variable out of scope and I can't run any code/statement, except for initializing global/static variables.
Is it a good idea to use below tricky code in order to (for example) do some std::map manipulation ?
Here I use void *fakeVar and initialize it through Fake::initializer() and do whatever I want in it !
std::map<std::string, int> myMap;
class Fake
static void* initializer()
// Do whatever with your global Variables
return NULL;
// myMap["Error"] = 111; => Error
// Fake::initializer(); => Error
void *fakeVar = Fake::initializer(); //=> OK
void main()
std::cout<<"Map size: " << myMap.size() << std::endl; // Show myMap has initialized correctly :)
One way of solving it is to have a class with a constructor that does things, then declare a dummy variable of that class. Like
struct Initializer
// Do pre-main initialization here
Initializer initializer;
You can of course have multiple such classes doing miscellaneous initialization. The order in each translation unit is specified to be top-down, but the order between translation units is not specified.
You don't need a fake class... you can initialize using a lambda
auto myMap = []{
std::map<int, string> m;
m["test"] = 222;
return m;
Or, if it's just plain data, initialize the map:
std::map<std::string, int> myMap { { "test", 222 } };
Is it a good idea to use below tricky code in order to (for example)
do some std::map manipulation ?
Any solution entailing mutable non-local variables is a terrible idea.
Is it a good idea...?
Not really. What if someone decides that in their "tricky initialisation" they want to use your map, but on some system or other, or for not obvious reason after a particular relink, your map ends up being initialised after their attempted use? If you instead have them call a static function that returns a reference to the map, then it can initialise it on first call. Make the map a static local variable inside that function and you stop any accidental use without this protection.
§ 8.5.2 states
Except for objects declared with the constexpr specifier, for which
see 7.1.5, an initializer in the definition of a variable can consist
of arbitrary expressions involving literals and previously declared
variables and functions, regardless of the variable’s storage duration
therefore what you're doing is perfectly allowed by the C++ standard. That said, if you need to perform "initialization operations" it might be better to just use a class constructor (e.g. a wrapper).
What you've done is perfectly legal C++. So, if it works for you and is maintainable and understandable by anybody else who works with the code, it's fine. Joachim Pileborg's sample is clearer to me though.
One problem with initializing global variables like this can occur if they use each other during initialization. In that case it can be tricky to ensure that variables are initialized in the correct order. For that reason, I prefer to create InitializeX, InitializeY, etc functions, and explicitly call them in the correct order from the Main function.
Wrong ordering can also cause problems during program exit where globals still try to use each other when some of them may have been destroyed. Again, some explicit destruction calls in the correct order before Main returns can make it clearer.
So, go for it if it works for you, but be aware of the pitfalls. The same advice applies to pretty much every feature in C++!
You said in your question that you yourself think the code is 'tricky'. There is no need to overcomplicate things for the sake of it. So, if you have an alternative that appears less 'tricky' to you... that might be better.
When I hear "tricky code", I immediately think of code smells and maintenance nightmares. To answer your question, no, it isn't a good idea. While it is valid C++ code, it is bad practice. There are other, much more explicit and meaningful alternatives to this problem. To elaborate, the fact that your initializer() method returns void* NULL is meaningless as far as the intention of your program goes (i.e. each line of your code should have meaningful purpose), and you now have yet another unnecessary global variable fakeVar, which needlessly points to NULL.
Let's consider some less "tricky" alternatives:
If it's extremely important that you only ever have one global instance of myMap, perhaps using the Singleton Pattern would be more fitting, and you would be able to lazily initialize the contents of myMap when they are needed. Keep in mind that the Singleton Pattern has issues of its own.
Have a static method create and return the map or use a global namespace. For example, something along the lines of this:
// global.h
namespace Global
extern std::map<std::string, int> myMap;
// global.cpp
namespace Global
std::map<std::string, int> initMap()
std::map<std::string, int> map;
map["test"] = 222;
return map;
std::map<std::string, int> myMap = initMap();
// main.cpp
#include "global.h"
int main()
std::cout << Global::myMap.size() << std::endl;
return 0;
If this is a map with specialized functionality, create your own class (best option)! While this isn't a complete example, you get the idea:
class MyMap
std::map<std::string, int> map;
map["test"] = 222;
void put(std::string key, int value)
map[key] = value;
unsigned int size() const
return map.size();
// Overload operator[] and create any other methods you need
// ...
MyMap myMap;
int main()
std::cout << myMap.size() << std::endl;
return 0;
In C++, you cannot have statements outside any function. However, you have global objects declared, and constructor (initializer) call for these global objects are automatic before main starts. In your example, fakeVar is a global pointer that gets initialized through a function of class static scope, this is absolutely fine.
Even a global object would do provide that global object constructor does the desired initializaton.
For example,
class Fake
Fake() {
// Do whatever with your global Variables
Fake fake;
This is a case where unity builds (single translation unit builds) can be very powerful. The __COUNTER__ macro is a de facto standard among C and C++ compilers, and with it you can write arbitrary imperative code at global scope:
// At the beginning of the file...
template <uint64_t N> void global_function() { global_function<N - 1>(); } // This default-case skips "gaps" in the specializations, in case __COUNTER__ is used for some other purpose.
template <> void global_function<__COUNTER__>() {} // This is the base case.
void run_global_functions();
#define global_n(N, ...) \
template <> void global_function<N>() { \
global_function<N - 1>(); /* Recurse and call the previous specialization */ \
__VA_ARGS__; /* Run the user code. */ \
#define global(...) global_n(__COUNTER__, __VA_ARGS__)
// ...
std::map<std::string, int> myMap;
// Do whatever with your global variables
global(myMap["Error"] = 111);
int main() {
std::cout << "Map size: " << myMap.size() << std::endl; // Show myMap has initialized correctly :)
global(std::cout << "This will be the last global code run before main!");
// ...At the end of the file
void run_global_functions() {
global_function<__COUNTER__ - 1>();
This is especially powerful once you realize that you can use it to initialize static variables without a dependency on the C runtime. This means you can generate very small executables without having to eschew non-zero global variables:
// At the beginning of the file...
extern bool has_static_init;
#define default_construct(x) x{}; global(if (!has_static_init()) new (&x) decltype(x){})
// Or if you don't want placement new:
// #define default_construct(x) x{}; global(if (!has_static_init()) x = decltype(x){})
class Complicated {
int x = 42;
Complicated() { std::cout << "Constructor!"; }
Complicated default_construct(my_complicated_instance); // Will be zero-initialized if the CRT is not linked into the program.
int main() {
// ...At the end of the file
static bool get_static_init() {
volatile bool result = true; // This function can't be inlined, so the CRT *must* run it.
return result;
has_static_init = get_static_init(); // Will stay zero without CRT
This answer is similar to Some programmer dude's answer, but may be considered a bit cleaner. As of C++17 (that's when std::invoke() was added), you could do something like this:
#include <functional>
auto initializer = std::invoke([]() {
// Do initialization here...
// The following return statement is arbitrary. Without something like it,
// the auto will resolve to void, which will not compile:
return true;

Working with objectives and calling methods?

I've probably become a bit to used to Java and am finding this harder than it should be. Heres what I have.
myObject[0] = new item1(this);
class item1
int x;
int y;
item1( passedPointer* pOne )
x = 5;
y = 5;
int returnX() { return x; }
int returnY() { return y; }
Then in another method I thought I could just say:
void check()
int y = item1.returnY();
int x = item1.returnX();
But I am getting the common error: a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object.
There is only one instance of this class item1, what would be the best way to do this? This is just a simplified fragment of what I'm actually doing, not the actual code.
Item1 is a class. You have to create an instance of it before you can access its non-static members. Try looking here for some basic information.
void check(){
int y = item1.returnY;
int x = item1.returnX;
This would also be incorrect in Java, since neither returnX nor returnY are statics, you need an object on which to apply the operation, and you also need the parenthesis of the method call:
void check() {
item1 i;
int y = i.returnY();
int x = i.returnX();
Perhaps implementing the Singleton pattern would not do you harm, since you want only one instance of the object. You could declare the object as global or static to a function too, then get the values.
Then again, you could also declare the functions as static, and add another one to initialize the static values of the variables which need to be returned by those methods. There are a lot of solutions to this depending on your situation which can not be fully grasped by the short amount of code you have pasted.
You created an instance of class item1 with the line
myObject[0] = new item1(this);
Unlike JAVA, in C++ there are pointers and new returns a pointer to the object (so myObject[0] is a pointer to the instance) so you need the -> operator. To activate the method you should write:
If you wish to have only one instance than implement the class as a singleton.

Can we delete name of a variable in C++?

I want to know if it is possible that for example I defined int temp then later, I define temp as a float.
I mean I want to use the name "temp" more than once in a .cpp file. Is this possible? If it's possible, how?
edit: I meant in the same scope.
No, you can't declare two variables with the same name in the same scope. Their scopes must be different.
Like this:
int temp; // this is global
struct A
int temp; // this is member variable, must be accessed through '.' operator
int f1()
int temp; //local temp, though the global one may by accessed as ::temp
int f2()
int temp; //local
// a new scope starts here
int temp; //local, hides the outer temp
// another new scope, no variable of the previous block is visible here
int temp; // another local, hides the outer temp
There is no concept of deleting the name of a variable in C++. However, the lifetime and visibility of automatic variables is limited to the scope that they're declared in. So you could do something like the following:
void foo()
int temp;
float temp;
It's definitely possible to use the same name for different types and variables within a .cpp file. It can even be done within the same function. The only requirement is that the names be in different scopes.
void LegalExample() {
int temp = 42;
if (...) {
float temp;
void IllegalExample() {
int temp;
float temp;
In general though it's considered bad practice to declare variables of the same name within the same function. It usually just leads to developer confusion and places where you really think you need the same named variable twice is typically an indication that you need 2 separate functions
I don't believe that's possible. You could put two variables named temp in different namespaces.
Also you could use Hungarian notation like so:
void foo()
float fTemp;
int iTemp;
You should avoid this situation, as a variable should do only one thing. Even if you use different scopes over time you might get confused. It is better to define several varibales with different names, instead of reusing one.
Think about what you want to acchieve with this variable and name it correspondingly.
It depends on your scope. You can define a variable name once in a certain scope. You cannot change the type of that variable.
But you can use the same variable name in other scopes for example other methods in your cpp file.

class members and functions c++

I'm learning c++. I have written a small program which should compute the energy
of a N particle system. Up to now I have three small files:
class Particle {
double mass;
double charge;
double posx,posy,posz;
Particle part[2];
#include <iostream>
#include "data.h"
using namespace std;
double energy(Particle part );
int main ()
double sd;
part[0].mass = 10.0;
part[4].mass = 90.0;
cout << part[0].mass << "\n";
cout << part[4].mass << "\n";
sd = energy(part);
cout << "sd" << sd << "\n" ;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double energy(Particle part)
cout << part[0].mass << "\n";
double dummy;
dummy = 2.0;
return (dummy);
I have two questions:
1)I want to make visible the Class particle in the function "energy". In other words,
I want to use the variables of the class function (with the values given in "main")
in the energy function.
I have tried as you see energy(Particle part) but it seems Particle is not defined
in that scope.
2)As you see in "data.h" I declared "part" as an array with two members. However,
in "main" I can use more than two members, for instance part[3],part[4]... Why I
could use more members than those I declared?
I am compiling with g++ -o test energy.cpp main.cpp
1)I want to make visible the Class particle in the function "energy". In other words, I want to use the variables of the class function (with the values given in "main") in the energy function. I have tried as you see energy(Particle part) but it seems Particle is not defined in that scope.
If I understand you right.. You want to have
Particle part[2];
to be use able in main.cpp and in energy.cpp ?
If yes.. change this to:
extern Particle part[2];
and in energy.cpp add this:
#include "data.h"
Particle part[2];
and you will be able to use
double energy()
//main.cpp will have same part
cout << part[0].mass << "\n";
double dummy;
dummy = 2.0;
return (dummy);
2)As you see in "data.h" I declared "part" as an array with two members. However, in "main" I can use more than two members, for instance part[3],part[4]... Why I could use more members than those I declared?
Because it's C/C++ ? no range checks. You can do what ever you want.
But if you do, the result will be unexpected.
1)I want to make visible the Class particle in the function "energy".
You should #include "data.h" in the file energy.cpp.
2)As you see in "data.h" I declared "part" as an array with two members.
You probably shouldn't have done that, for two reasons:
You will learn later to avoid declaring global objects. It is legal (and often correct) to do so, but until you learn, you probably want to declare it as a local variable in main.
You should not declare global objects in header files, since they will then be declared in every translation unit that includes the header file.
However, in "main" I can use more than two members, for instance part[3],part[4]... Why I could use more members than those I declared?
By indexing beyond the end of the array, you have invoked "undefined behavior". The system is free to do almost anything (for example, crash, send Bill Gates an email, start a global thermo-nuclear war, &c). Among the infinite variety of things included in "undefined behavior" is the most confusing one of all -- appear to work. That is what happened in your case. You should not count on it continuing to appear to work.
All sorts of things you can do with a class ...
struct Vector3
double m_x, m_y, m_z;
class Particle
double ComputeEnergy() { // return answer }
double GetMass() const { return m_mass; }
double GetCharge() const { return m_charge; }
const Vector3& GetPos() const { return m_pos; }
void SetMass(double mass) { m_mass = mass; }
void SetCharge(double charge) { m_charge = charge; }
void SetPos(const Vector3& pos) { m_pos = pos; }
void SetPos(double x, double y, double z)
m_pos.m_x = x;
m_pos.m_y = y;
m_pos.m_z = z;
double m_mass;
double m_charge;
Vector3 m_pos;
You need to #include "data.h" in energy.cpp. Includes are only processed on a per-file basis, so energy.cpp can't see the header without that.
EDIT: In your function, the parameter part, out-scopes the global definition of part, so the part in your function is not an array. You want:
cout << part.mass << "\n";
1>Include "data.h" in energy.cpp
2> C++ array is very primitive it doesn't has any bound checking so you were able to access part[4].But there is no guarantee that it will work every time.Most of the time program may crash during run-time complaining the memory is corrupt.
To answer the first question, you could simply include data.h in energy.cpp.
#include "data.h"
Unfortunately, you've created "part" in the global space and so each .cpp file will independently create it. When it goes to link the object files, it will see that multiple references to "part" exist. What you can do here is use the "extern" keyword and in data.h, you would simply declare it as an external variable. Or, because you only reference "part" in main.cpp, you could just move the global definition in there and the problem is solved.
Now, when it comes to what you have done in energy.cpp, you've create a separate variable also called "part". When scoping rules are applied, it means that the compiler is going to take the local definition over the global definition. Since you are passing a class object and not a class array, you'll get a compiler error when referencing it like "part[0].mass".
Instead, why are you concerned about the value of the other particle and not the particle you passed in? If you want the mass of a particular Particle object, then you should write it like "part.mass"
Of course, I would argue that what you really want to create is a member function for energy within Particle. Right now, you are currently using classes in a C style struct way. This means that you are missing the ability to use all the object oriented goodness that C++ has to offer. You could do it like this
class Particle
double mass;
double charge;
double posx,posy,posz;
void SetMass(double newMass) { mass = newMass; }
void SetCharge(double newCharge) { charge = newCharge; }
void SetX(double newX) { posX = newX; }
void SetY(double newY) { posY = newY; }
void SetZ(double newZ) { posZ = newZ; }
double GetEnergy() { return 2.0; }
To answer your second question, C++ assumes you know more about the memory then it does. There is no bounds checking in GCC(AFAIK) because the memory could be allocated anywhere at any time and deallocated as well. However, unlike other languages, you have to manage the memory yourself. There's a lot of optimizations and C++ trickery that this enables(like declaring a zero sized array for unknown sizes and assigning a block of memory to it).