Django Multi-Column Foreign Key - django

Is is possible to define foreign keys referencing multi columns in another model?
For example one foreign key references a two-column index in the product table, and the SQL statement:
FOREIGN KEY (product_category, product_id) REFERENCES product(category, id)
BTW I've looked into django.contrib.contenttypes and don't think that's the perfect solution for this kind of scenario.

It is not supported yet. There is a ticket and possible ways to handle it if you want to. maybe you could even run custom sql
Multi-Column Primary Key support
Relational database designs use a set of columns as the primary key for a table. When this set includes more than one column, it is known as a “composite” or “compound” primary key. (For more on the terminology, here is an ​article discussing database keys).
Currently Django models only support a single column in this set, denying many designs where the natural primary key of a table is multiple columns. Django currently can't work with these schemas; they must instead introduce a redundant single-column key (a “surrogate” key), forcing applications to make arbitrary and otherwise-unnecessary choices about which key to use for the table in any given instance.
This page discusses how to have Django support these composite primary keys. There are a lot of details to get right here, but done right, it would allow for more flexibility and potential simplicity in data modeling.
Current Status
Current state is that the issue is accepted/assigned and being worked on, and there is a partial implementation at ​ The implementation allows having composite primary keys. However, support for composite keys is missing in ForeignKey and RelatedManager. As a consequence, it isn't possible to navigate relationships from models that have a composite primary key.
David Cramer's initial patch
The composite foreign key API design
Note - SqlAlchemy allows this as described below and you can use SqlAlchemy to replace Django's ORM
Foreign keys may also be defined at the table level, using the ForeignKeyConstraint object. This object can describe a single- or multi-column foreign key. A multi-column foreign key is known as a composite foreign key, and almost always references a table that has a composite primary key. Below we define a table invoice which has a composite primary key:
invoice = Table('invoice', metadata,
Column('invoice_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('ref_num', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('description', String(60), nullable=False)
And then a table invoice_item with a composite foreign key referencing invoice:
invoice_item = Table('invoice_item', metadata,
Column('item_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('item_name', String(60), nullable=False),
Column('invoice_id', Integer, nullable=False),
Column('ref_num', Integer, nullable=False),
ForeignKeyConstraint(['invoice_id', 'ref_num'], ['invoice.invoice_id', 'invoice.ref_num'])

Yes its possible but you will need to create a composite key when you use multiple column constraint i.e. foreign key or primary key.
For example:
S_descr CHAR(200),
PRIMARY KEY (S_num, S_Cate))
CREATE TABLE sub_Student (
Sref_num INTEGER,
Sref_Cate INTEGER,
sub_descr CHAR(500),
FOREIGN KEY (Sref_num, Sref_Cate) REFERENCES Student
(S_num, S_Cate))

Anyway, you can to create a "Django fixture" like this:
CREATE INDEX product_category_id_id ON product (category_id, id);
To do this, you must to create a file named product.sql on subfolder sql where your model resides. The fixture is loaded on initial syncdb.

#pratik-mandrekar's answer is excellent, but I wanted to point out that even without proper multi-column primary keys; django is able to accommodate queries spanning multi-column foreign keys. Here's an example based on a legacy database who's schema I wasn't permitted to modify:
from django.db import models
class Account(models.Model):
# Collectively, location_no and occupant_no function as the primary key for Account.
location_no = models.IntegerField()
occupant_no = models.SmallIntegerField()
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'csracct'
unique_together = (('location_no', 'occupant_no'),)
class Call(models.Model):
call_id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)
# Collectively, location_no and occupant_no act as a foreign key to Account.
location_no = models.IntegerField()
occupant_no = models.SmallIntegerField()
notes = models.TextField()
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'csrcall'
Here's how you'd use extra() to fetch the 10 most recent calls for accounts with the name 'steve':
calls = Call.extra(
tables = ['csracct'],
where = [
params = ['steve'],
It's not the most elegant solution, but extra() is part of django's base queryset toolkit; so it plays well with the rest of your django code. Notice how we order_by, and limit/slice the queryset using the usual django methods.


Join and query Django models on non-primary-key relationship?

I've got two models that are logically related through a field that is not the primary key. Is it possible to query them (ex, select_related(…)) without introducing a ForeignKey column?
For example, consider the contrived models:
class LogEntry(Model):
source_name = CharField(…)
log_message = CharField(…)
class LogSource(Model):
name = CharField(…)
domain = CharField(…)
I would like to be able to query LogEntry, joining in and filtering on the related LogSource (ex, so I can access log_entry.source without additional queries):
source=Join(LogSource, on=" = logentry.source_name")),
Is this possible without introducing a ForeignKey?
You should be able to do this by using extra() with the tables option.
Another option is to change source_name to a foreign key, but specify the db_column and to_field arguments to use the existing columns. I know that you said that you didn't want to add a foreign key, but it might be acceptable because it only changes the models, not the columns in the database tables. However, be aware that Django might want to create a foreign key constraint. One hack would be to fake that migration so that the constraint isn't created in the db.
class LogEntry(Model):
source_name = models.ForeignKey(db_column=source_name', to_field='name')
log_entry.source_name would then be the LogSource instance, and log_entry.source_name_id would be the value stored in the source_name column. It might make sense to rename the field from source_name to source after converting to a foreign key, but that's not necessary.

In Django, what's the best way to set up optional foreign keys if most of the foreign keys are blanks?

From questions like this one, I know that the recommended way to make optional foreign keys in django is to set null=True, blank=True. That way, the value of the foreign key does not have to be set.
This seems fine to me if the foreign key is frequently used in the model. But if the majority of the foreign keys are null values, then wouldn't this violate first normal form and create a lot of wasted space?
Sure, the topic of null values in databases may be controversial, but I still wonder how I should set up optional foreign keys in Django if I know that the foreign key will be sparse. Does Django already take this into account? Should I create a separate model for this relationship? Has this already been taken into account during the design of Django?
You can simulate a nullable foreign key by using a third table:
class City(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=80)
class Person(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=80)
class PersonCity(models.Model):
person = models.ForeignKey(Person, unique=True)
city = models.ForeignKey(City)
This way, you will only create a row in the table PersonCity for those people with a known City. To access the city of a given person you would use:
city = person.personcity_set().first().city
You can create a custom manager to shorten this syntax and check for a null personcity_set which I didn't for the sake of example, but I personally think that creating a nullable foreign key is still easier to read and debug.

How should a many-to-many table be defined

I'm having some trouble understanding many-to-many fields in Django.
When I create a many-to-many field, ex:
class GlobalPart (Models.model):
category_id=models.ManyToManyField(Category, related_name = 'globalpart')
class Category (Model.model):
category = models.CharField(max_length=250)
I notice that it created a new table called appname_globalpart_category_id in addition to the appname_globalpart table for the GlobalPart model.
What I'm wondering is, how should the field types in that table be defined. I would think that
there should be at least one foreign key there to relate the fields. But instead there is the primary key for the table, and the other fields are integers (globalpart_id and category_id).
So my question is -- is that normal? Or did I somehow define the many-to-many field incorrectly? And my next question is how would I get all the category_ids associated to a particular GlobalPart?
(1) short answer: Yes this is normal.
Long answer: ManyToMany table will need a foreign key to both Category and GlobalPart tables. Strictly speaking those two foreign keys should be sufficient. The extra pk that you see in there is just for django magic. You can really get away with only those two foreign keys in that table if you manually define the many-to-many table yourself. However if you let django do it for you (by using ManyToManyField) you get this extra pk
(2) I suggest changing your model fields category_id to categories:
class GlobalPart (Models.model):
categories=models.ManyToManyField(Category, related_name = 'globalpart')
This is because, ManyToManyFields refers well to "many" items. This field does not refer to "one" category_id, it refers to all related categories. So when naming it would be natural to name it accordingly.
As for accessing all categories you can do it by accessing the "categories" property. Say if your object instance named global_part, you can access categories like this:
categories = global_part.categories.all()
Instead of all(), you can use filter() or exclude() the same way you use it when querying models.
Here is a link to related django docs
What do you think a foreign key is? It's a field containing values that equate to IDs - usually primary keys - in the "foreign" table. If the other table has integer keys, as most Django tables do, then the foreign key field will be of type integer as well.
Additionally, Django creates constraints so that the database will enforce that the IDs do actually reference valid values in the foreign table. Depending on your database, these might or might not be displayed as part of the field definition.

Django Two foreign key

I have two models: UserProfile (extended from user) and Cv. I created another model that have two foreign key that come from theses models.
class cv(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
cv_d= models.TextField(max_length=1100)
class cvv(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
cv= models.ForeignKey(cv)
date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
In my view, I am trying to insert value on cvv:
obj = cv.objects.get(pk=id,active=True)
add=cvv(user=request.user, cv=obj)
But, I am getting the following error:
(1452, 'Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails
How can I insert theses 2 foreign key on my model?
Welcome to one of the many reasons why you shouldn't use MySQL. This happens most often when you have one table that is MyISAM and one table that is InnoDB. Since myISAM doesn't support FK constraints all hell breaks loose when django creates a FK between the tables.
The fix is to either make both tables InnoDB or MyISAM and not to mix them. Or even better drop the bad RDMS for something not MySQL.

Django model with 2 foreign keys from the same table

I wanted a Django model with 2 foreign keys from the same table. It's an event table which has 2 columns for employees: the 'actor' and the 'receiver'. But I get this error:
Error: One or more models did not validate: tasks.task: Intermediary
model TaskEvent has more than one foreign key to Employee, which is
ambiguous and is not permitted.
Is there a better way to model this?
I think I'm going to add a TaskEvent_to_Employee table. There will be two records in it, one for each of the two employees related to each TaskEvent. Does anyone know an easier workaround?
I haven't done this yet, but I used inspectdb to generate the file from an existing DB that does exactly that - this is what inspectdb threw back, so it should work:
creator = models.ForeignKey(Users, null=True, related_name='creator')
assignee = models.ForeignKey(Users, null=True, related_name='assignee')
Hope that works for you - if it doesn't I am going to have a problem too.
I think what you're looking for is the related_name property on ForeignKeyFields. This will allow you to reference the same table, but give django special names for the relationship.
More Info:
From the error message, it sounds like you're trying to put two foreign keys to the same object on an intermediary table used via the through argument to ManyToManyField, the documentation for which states:
When you set up the intermediary
model, you explicitly specify foreign
keys to the models that are involved
in the ManyToMany relation. This
explicit declaration defines how the
two models are related.
There are a few restrictions on the
intermediate model:
Your intermediate model must contain one - and only one - foreign key to
the target model (this would be Person
in our example). If you have more than
one foreign key, a validation error
will be raised.
Your intermediate model must contain one - and only one - foreign key to
the source model (this would be Group
in our example). If you have more than
one foreign key, a validation error
will be raised.
Using related_name was my solution:
class Sample(models.model):
class Mymodel(models.model):
example1 = models.ForeignKey(Sample, related_name='sample1')
example2 = models.ForeignKey(Sample, related_name='sample2')
The fact that two columns are part of one table implies that the two fields are related, therefor to reference them individually is not ideal. The ForeignKey of your model should be the primary key of the table you are referencing:
event = models.ForeignKey('event')
You would then reference the columns as such:
If you wish you could also change the way your class/model references the foreign attributes with properties. In your class you would do the following:
def actor(self):
def receiver(self):
return self.event.receiver
This would allow you to then call and foo.receiver but I believe the longer, would be more pythonic