cppcms url dispather with over 4 parameter - c++

I started using cppcms to make a simple website + "service" that gets its input from the path like:
now i noticed that the nice url handling has only a regex dispatcher up to 4 parameters that will be given to the called function and a function without regex gets nothing at all not even the path.
Now what is the most feasible way to realize more than 4 parameters / subfolders.
Do I have to write my own url handling and if so where do i get the url from?
Is the url class public enough to iherit it and just extend it easiely for longer functions?
Or is there some other way how I am supposed to do it? (because 4 parameters seems kinda very less)

Two points:
If you have subfolders you are probably looking for organizing your URLs into hierarchy. See
If you need more then 4 parameters you should:
Check if you really organize your application right (see above)
Combine several cases into single regex and split them afterwards in a parameters
For example (/\d\d\d\d/\d\d/\d\d)/(\w+) where the first would mach the data and not separatly year, month day.
P.S.: Url dispatcher is not designed to be derived from.


Django documentation, part3 understanding problems

I read the documentation of Django but now I am at a point where I need some explanation. It is on this site and I understand the views but I really don't get how the urls work. It looks pretty cryptic and confusing to me. Can anybody explain to me how the urls work and what their purpose is?
Your urls.py file is virtual. They do it this way so you don't need to worry about a static url to http://yoursite.com/polls/34. By using this number as a regular expression /(d+) you can keep it dynamic so one url with this regular expression can be millions of different polls.
when the url is requested that regular expression number (whether it's 1 or 13352) is sent to the view which then says, I need to query the database for a Poll that has a PrimaryKey (PK) of whatever this number is. If it's found the Poll object is sent to the template by the view. The template then displays all the data in the poll object.
The bottom line is using something like this you can have one line for a url which is essentially millions of different urls. I use this same format for a movies website I'm creating www.noobmovies.com. I follow the same structure for Stars, Movies and blogs. Essentially three lines of code has created urls for 10,000 pages or so.
There is a dedicated Django documentation page for that: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/topics/http/urls/
Maybe it will help you?

Using Type-safe URLs with setMessage? (shamlet versus hamlet)

How do I use a type-safe url with setMessage?
I want to change
setMessage [shamlet|<span .warning>Warning! See Help.|]
to a message that contains a link.
From what I could gather thus far, it ought to work somehow like this
renderer <- getUrlRender
let html = [hamlet|<span .warning>Warning! See #
<a href=#{HelpR}> Help!|]
setMessage $ toHtml $ html renderer
but that code just gives me confusing error messages all over the file.
I did read the printed Yesod Book Chapter on Shakespearian Templates, but I found that it is not very explicit on the involved types. For instance what type does [hamlet|...|]| produce? Without URL-Interpolation, ghci reports t -> Markup but with URL-Interpolation inside, I just get errors.
I am further confused by all the type synonyms involved, e.g. [shamlet|...|] delivers something of type Html, while setMessage expects a Html (). I do not know how to look these up easily: Hoogle often finds nothing on the topic, while Google always finds possibly outdated versions (with examples that no longer work) - sure I get to the newest version eventually, but is there a place where I get an easy overview over these? (Can ghci list all synonyms for a type?)
Note that I actually want to produce the message in a purely functional code fragment, which is later on used by a handler. So that is why I would like to separate the URL rendering from where the hamlet is specified. Thanks for any pointer in the right direction!
I think you want to use getUrlRenderParams. Strangely enough, a related discussion came up on IRC today. Hamlet templates take a URL rendering function as their first argument, and that function must take two parameters: a type-safe URL, and a list of query string parameters. getUrlRender returns a function that doesn't take the query string parameters, which is why you need getUrlRenderParams instead.

Django reverse routing - solution to case where reverse routing is less specific than forward routing

I have a route defined as follows:
(r'^edit/(\d+)/$', 'app.path.edit')
I want to use the reverse function as follows:
url = reverse('app.path.edit', args=('-id-',))
The generated url gets passed to a js function, and client side code will eventually replace '-id-' with the correct numeric id. This of course won't work, because the 'reverse' function won't match the route, because the url is defined as containing a numeric argument.
I can change the route to accept any type of argument as follows, but then I loose some specificity:
(r'^edit/(.+)/$', 'app.path.edit'
I could create a separate url for each item being displayed, but I'll be displaying many items in a list, so it seems like a waste of bandwidth to include the full url for each item.
Is there a better strategy to accomplish what I want to do?
You can rewrite regexp like this:
(r'^edit/(\d+|-id-)/$', 'app.path.edit')
but I generally prefer this:
(r'^edit/([^/]+)/$', 'app.path.edit') # you can still differ "edit/11/" and "edit/11/param/"
Usually you will anyway need to check entity for existent with get_object_or_404 shortcut or similar, so the only bad is that you have to be more accurate with incoming data as id can contain almost any characters.
In my opinion, and easier solution would be to keep the original url and then pass the value '0' instead of '-id-'. In the client side then you replace '/0/' with the correct id. I think this is better because it doesn't obscure the url routing, and you don't lose specificity.

Match all characters in group except for first and last occurrence

Say I request
in my browser. I want to extract the parent, children as well as page name. Here are the regular expressions I am currently using. There should be no limit as to how many children there are in the url request. For the time being, the page name will always be at the end and never be omitted.
^([\w-]{1,}){1} -> Match parent (returns 'parent')
(/(?:(?!/).)*[a-z]){1,}/ -> Match children (returns /child/child/)
[\w-]{1,}(?!.*[\w-]{1,}) -> Match page name (returns 'page-name')
The more I play with this, the more I feel how clunky this solution is. This is for a small CMS I am developing in ASP Classic (:(). It is sort of like the MVC routing paths. But instead of calling controllers and functions based on the URL request. I would be travelling down the hierarchy and finding the appropriate page in the database. The database is using the nested set model and is linked by a unique page name for each child.
I have tried using the split function to split with a / delimiter however I found I was nested so many split statements together it became very unreadable.
All said, I need an efficient way to parse out the parent, children as well as page name from a string. Could someone please provide an alternative solution?
To be honest, I'm not even sure if a regular expression is the best solution to my problem.
Thank you.
You could try using:
And then access the three matching groups created using Match.SubMatches. See here for more details.
Actually, assuming that you know that [\w-] is all that is used in the names of the parts, you can use ^([\w-]+)(.*)([\w-]+)$ instead and it will handle the no-child case fine by itself as well.

Regex to change method call parameter

Regexs make me cry, so, I came here for help.
I'm looking for some tips on Find & Replace in Panic's Coda. I know the F&R
is pretty advance but I'm just looking for the best way to do this.
I'm trying to rewrite a 'template engine' (very basic) I have going on with a
webapp I'm coding in PHP (CodeIgniter).
Currently I'm calling my template like so:
$this->load->view('The-View-I-Want-To-Load'); // This is the important line
However it's inefficient using five lines of code every time I want to
load up a different page, in every different controller. So I rewrote it like this:
$data['view'] = 'The-View-I-Want-To-Load';
That way if I need to make any major changes to the design it can
easily be done from the template.php view file (which contains the header, menu, sidebar views etc. etc.).
However I use the previous 5-lines all over the place in many
different controllers and functions. So, my question is --- How can I
find and replace the old template engine (5 lines of code) for the new
one - substituting in the name of the view in the important, unique
line for the one in $data['view]?
Does that make any sense?! If not I'll try and rephrase! I mean, is there a way of doing this via a Regex or something? Or am I on completely the wrong lines here?
your regex will look something like this :
and replace with
\$data['view'] = '$1';\n\$this->load->view('template',\$data);