How to lock the toolbars in WebStorm - webstorm

I'm new to JetBrains WebStorm IDE. I really like it, especially for my JavaScript development, but I can't find how to set a very simple preference. I use the Project and Structure toolbars constantly, but every time one of the toolbars loses focus, the toolbar hides. Is there any way to lock the toolbars to keep them from hiding so that they are always visible? It seems like something very obvious, but perhaps not... I have gone through every setting in preferences that I can see but haven't found anything that works.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Enable the Pinned Mode:
If you also enable Split Mode, you can have both Project and Structure visible at the same time on the same side.


Table/Grid using MFC

I just started developing an MFC application for the first time and I'm hoping to get more familiar with the whole "controls" concept. I am using the dialog editor in visual studio and so far I was not able to find functionality to add a simple table/grid. It seems quite basic to me, but I can't even find reliable information on how to do it on the internet.
I am looking for something similar to Qt's QTableWidget, something that I can later program with variable amount of rows and columns tailored to my application's use cases.
Do you have any ideas how to do it?
I use CGridCtrl which is very powerful and does a lot of the legwork for you.
Sounds like you're after a List View Control, which is wrapped by MFC's CListCtrl class. The dialog editor will enable you to add one and set its properties.

Disable Gradle auto make in Android Studio

In Android Studio 0.2.0, whenever I type anything in my build.gradle files, Gradle decides it's time to rebuild. This takes a long time, generates noise and kills my battery life. It never ends as well, at least not until I finish editing the file… always rebuilding as I type. Lucky me I use Ubuntu with plenty of free memory.
So… I'd like to deactivate any option to auto make stuff. This is what I've tried so far:
Checking "File" | "Power Save Mode" in the menu.
Unchecking all options and all combinations between them in "Compiler" options, especially "Make Project Automatically".
Nothing works. I'd like a way to only build when I ask. Like a manual mode with a button. Something like that.
I understand Android Studio and the whole build system is very new, with lots of rough edges, but I'm hoping it's just a matter of an obscure flag definition in a file somewhere.
Previous research: this question does not provide enough details or goals, so I made my own. This G+ thread was a dead end as well. I'm still getting used to the new stuff and may be lost searching (i.e., missing the right keywords etc.), so sorry in advance if there are no updates on this issue.
Thank you.
under preferences > Gradle you can disable auto-import. With it selected it'll reimport the gradle project (which right now builds it first) every time you change the file.
Additionally, if you are using Kotlin build script (Kotlin DSL), after disabled auto-import like #Xavier said, you need one more step: uncheck the Auto Reload checkbox of KotlinBuildScript under preference -> languages & frameworks -> Kotlin -> Kotlin Scripting.

Source Insight type editor with tabbed windows and dividers?

I really like the set up of Source Insight, it has a context window for one click understanding of function calls and variables, and a relations window for where functions are called in a project and where variables are used in the project.
It is very good for jumping around in a project and understanding the use of variables, but one thing that's missing is tabbed windows and dividers. It is stuck in the one source file, one window phase of IDE development, before tabs and vertical/horizontal dividers got popular.
It is also very good at finding references for variables and functions, much better than code blocks, codewright, and eclipse (really tried all of them).
Does anyone know or have a set up similar to Source Insight but with Tabs and dividers?
Check out this very nice CodeProject: Doesn't require any effort, just run the executable, and let it do it's magic.
Keep in mind, it's a very immature project and it might even crash SI if you annoy it (i.e. it might crash if you double click a tab to close it). On the other hand it does the job. I've been using it for over 6 months now, and I've learned how to avoid its touchy parts, and am very happy with it.
Source Insight 4 contains the capabilities you mentioned

How to auto-generate settings/options dialog box?

Using Visual Studio 2010 C++ with MFC. The number of configurable settings in my application is slowly creeping up. I managed to design a settings class where adding a single line will add a setting to the program and support reading/writing that setting to my ini file. However, I still need to go into my gui editor and edit the options dialog box, moving text boxes around, aligning labels etc. which is kind of a pain.
How would I autogenerate my options dialog box such that I could give it a data structure and it could generate the option interface for me? It's okay if it's something like a list box. I'm thinking something like the the Visual Studio properties dialog box which has the look of something that's programmatically generated:
I'm just trying to get a conceptual overview of what controls would be best and how to piece it together. Of course if there is a link to a web page discussing this that would be great.
You want the CMFCPropertyGridCtrl class. It was introduced in one of the MFC updates, but I'm not sure whether or not they come pre-installed with Visual Studio 2010; you may need to install something extra.

Tab control like in FireFox in native windows app

I would like to enable tabbing for my application. And so far it seems I could use a tab control. The problem with it is, though, that it creates a border around the client area. What I want, is more like a FireFox tab control, that only takes up a row in the application and doesn't create any frames around client area.
Does anyone know if it is possible with the default control?
I'm using MFC, but that shouldn't change things much I hope.
I'm pretty sure the tab control consists of two parts - the tab headers and the tab page. So you should be able to use the tab header only. It will take more work, but I think you can get what you want.
Look at CTabCtrl and CHeaderCtrl - will those do it? I've never customized them, but it seems possible.
There is also a CPropertySheet that's a good control. But so far it seems disabling and changing some things is simply impossible. No solution for the problem except full ownerdraw path.