How to implement std::move() when dealing with C library objects - c++

Lets say we have the following code
class Image
Image(const std::string & path)
pBitmap_ = FreeImage_Load( imageFormat, pathname.c_str() );
FIBITMAP * pBitmap_;
How would Image(Image && rhs) be implemented?
after moving the dtor is still called on rhs, which will not give the intended effect?
I suppose something like
Image::Image( Image && rhs )
pBitmap_ = std::move(rhs.pBitmap_);
rhs.pBitmap_ = nullptr;
and then checking against null in the dtor should do the trick, but is there a better way?

The solution is to not do it yourself, but use the library facilities of the language:
struct FiBitmapDeleter {
void operator()(FIBITMAP *pBitmap) { FreeImage_Unload(pBitmap); }
class Image {
std::unique_ptr<FIBITMAP, FiBitmapDeleter> pBitmap_;
Now you don't need to write destructor, move constructor, or move assignment operator. Also your class automatically has its copy constructor and copy assignment operator deleted, so you don't need to worry about those either, completing the Rule of Five.
An alternative is to specialize default_delete, meaning that you don't need to supply the deleter type to unique_ptr:
namespace std {
template<> struct default_delete<FIBITMAP> {
void operator()(FIBITMAP *pBitmap) { FreeImage_Unload(pBitmap); }
std::unique_ptr<FIBITMAP> pBitmap_;
This has global effects, so you should only do it if you're confident that yours is the only code in the program that might perform this specialization.


how to do a vector<class objects*> deep copy

I am having trouble with writing the Rule of three when it comes to vector of pointers to class objects. Searched and examples don't seem to apply. I have these three classes:
class Data
map<string, double> m_DataVariables;
Data(const Data &data);
class Sample
Data *m_pData;
virtual ~Sample()
delete m_pData;
Sample(const Sample &sample);
class BuildTree
vector<Sample*> BuildSamples;
BuildTree(vector<Sample*> &Samples);
// This does not compile
BuildTree(const BuildTree& other) : BuildSamples(new(other.BuildSamples))
for (int i = 0; i < BuildSamples.size(); ++i)
delete BuildSamples[i];
void BuildTrees(void);
1- Not sure if I am correctly deleting BuildSamples.
2- In the constructor want to do a deep copy of the passed parameter into member variable BuildSamples.
BuildTree::BuildTree(vector<Sample*> &samples)
BuildSamples = samples; // This just copies the references
How do I write the copy constructor to make a deep copy? What am I missing here?
3- Please note: don't have access to smart pointers, share_ptr or unique_ptr, etc. C++98 is what I have.
Please show the steps required to do this. Really appreciate your time and consideration.
I noted you marked your question as c++98; even if C++98 doesn't support smart pointers in std::, you can certainly use the smart pointers defined in Boost, e.g. boost::shared_ptr.
For example, instead of using raw owning pointers like in vector<Sample*>, you can make your code simpler with
In this way, the copy and destruction operations will be automatically implemented under the hood.
You probably want something like:
BuildTree(const BuildTree& other)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != other.BuildSamples.size(); ++i) {
BuildSamples.push_back(new Sample(*other.BuildSamples[i]));
BuildTree(const vector<Sample*> &samples)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != samples.size(); ++i) {
BuildSamples.push_back(new Sample(*samples[i]));
You need to initialise the BuildSamples member as a vector of pointers, and ensure every pointer points at a clone of the objects passed. One way is
BuildTree(const BuildTree& other) : BuildSamples(other.BuildSamples)
std::vector<Sample *>::iterator i = BuildSamples.begin(), end = BuildSamples.end();
while (i != end)
*i = new Sample(**i);
The usage of BuildSamples(other.BuildSamples) initialises BuildSamples with the correct number of elements, but those elements are the same pointers as in other.BuildSamples. This ensures the vector is of the correct size, without worrying about setting the size explicitly. That is a shallow copy. The body of the constructor then sets every element of BuildSamples so it points at a clone of itself - thus completes the deep copy.
The constructor BuildTree(const std::vector<Sample *> &) can be implemented in a similar manner.
Note: given that your class is implementing a non-trivial copy constructor (to do the deep copy) and a destructor to cleanup, you also need to implement an assignment operator BuildTree &operator=(const BuildTree &). For an explanation why, look up the "rule of three".
While dealing with pointers and to avoid crashing of a running program due to destructor being called, Deep copy must be used! deep copy allows creating a new pointer pointing to a newly allocated space. But when passing objects as R-value in vector it is better to use the move constructor.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class example{
int *pointer;
example(int d){
pointer = new int;
*pointer = d;
cout<<"Constructor Called"<<endl;
// deep copy
example(const example &source){
pointer = new int;
*pointer= *source.pointer;
cout<<"deep copy made"<<endl;
// Move Constructor
example(example &&source) noexcept :pointer{source.pointer}{
source.pointer = nullptr;
cout << "object moved"<<endl;
// Destructor
~example() {
delete pointer;
cout << "Destroyed"<<endl;
int main()
vector <example> vec;
return 0;

Should use unique_ptr to more easily implement "move" semantics?

Edit: made Foo and Bar a little less trivial, and direct replacement with shared_ptr<> more difficult.
Should unique_ptr<> be used as an easier way to implement move semantics?
For a class like
class Foo
int* m_pInts;
bool usedNew;
// other members ...
Foo(size_t num, bool useNew=true) : usedNew(useNew) {
if (usedNew)
m_pInts = new int[num];
m_pInts = static_cast<int*>(calloc(num, sizeof(int)));
~Foo() {
if (usedNew)
delete[] m_pInts;
// no copy, but move
Foo(const Foo&) = delete;
Foo& operator=(const Foo&) = delete;
Foo(Foo&& other) {
*this = std::move(other);
Foo& operator=(Foo&& other) {
m_pInts = other.m_pInts;
other.m_pInts = nullptr;
usedNew = other.usedNew;
return *this;
Implementing move becomes more tedious as data members are added. However, the moveable data can be placed in a separate struct, an instance of which is managed by unique_ptr<>. This allows =default to be used for move:
class Bar
struct Data
int* m_pInts;
bool usedNew;
// other members ...
std::unique_ptr<Data> m_pData = std::make_unique<Data>();
Bar(size_t num, bool useNew = true) {
m_pData->usedNew = useNew;
if (m_pData->usedNew)
m_pData->usedNew = new int[num];
m_pData->m_pInts = static_cast<int*>(calloc(num, sizeof(int)));
~Bar() {
if (m_pData->usedNew)
delete[] m_pData->m_pInts;
// no copy, but move
Bar(const Bar&) = delete;
Bar& operator=(const Bar&) = delete;
Bar(Bar&& other) = default;
Bar& operator=(Bar&& other) = default;
Other than the memory for the unique_ptr<> instance always being on the heap, what other problems exist with an implementation like this?
Yes. What you're looking for is called the Rule of Zero (as the C++11 extension of the Rule of Three/Five). By having your data all know how to copy and move themselves, the outer class doesn't need to write any of the special member functions. Writing those special members can be error-prone, so not having to write them solves a lot of problems.
So Foo would become just:
class Foo
std::unique_ptr<size_t[]> data;
Foo(size_t size): data(new size_t[size]) { }
and that's very easy to prove the correctness of.
This is known as the rule of zero.
The rule of zero states that most classes do not implement copy/move assignment/construction or destruction. Instead, you delegate that to resource handling classes.
The rule of 5 states that if you implement any one of the 5 copy/move assign/ctor or dtor, you should implement or delete all 5 of them (or, after due consideration, default them).
In your case, the m_pInts should be a unique pointer, not a raw memory handled buffer. If it is tied to something (say a size), then you should write a pointer-and-size structure that implements the rule of 5. Or you just use a std::vector<int> if the overhead of 3 pointers instead of 2 is acceptable.
Part of this is that you stop invoking new directly. new is an implementation detail in the rule-of-5 types that manage resources directly. Business logic classes do not mess with new. They neither new, nor delete.
unique_ptr is just one of a category of resource-managing types. std::string, std::vector, std::set, shared_ptr, std::future, std::function -- most C++ std types qualify. Writing your own is also a good idea. But when you do, you should strip the resource code from the "business logic".
So if you wrote a std::function<R(Args...)> clone, you'd either use a unique_ptr or a boost::value_ptr to store the function object internal guts. Maybe you'd even write a sbo_value_ptr that sometimes exists on the heap, and sometimes locally.
Then you'd wrap that with the "business logic" of std::function that understands that the thing being pointed to is invokable and the like.
The "business logic" std::function would not implement copy/move assign/ctor, nor a destructor. It would probably =default them explicitly.
My advice would be to separate concerns and use composition.
Managing the lifetime of allocated memory is the job of a smart pointer. How to return that memory (or other resource) to the runtime is the concern of the smart pointer's deleter.
In general, if you find yourself writing move operators and move constructors it's because you have not sufficiently decomposed the problem.
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
// a deleter
struct delete_or_free
void operator()(int* p) const
if (free_) {
else {
delete [] p;
bool free_;
class Foo
// express our memory ownership in terms of a smart pointer.
using ptr_type = std::unique_ptr<int[], delete_or_free>;
ptr_type ptr_;
// other members ...
// some static helpers (reduces clutter in the constructor)
static auto generate_new(int size) {
return ptr_type { new int[size], delete_or_free { false } };
static auto generate_calloc(int size) {
return ptr_type {
static_cast<int*>(calloc(size, sizeof(int))),
delete_or_free { true }
// our one and only constructor
Foo(size_t num, bool useNew=true)
: ptr_ { useNew ? generate_new(num) : generate_calloc(num) }
// it's good manners to provide a swap, but not necessary.
void swap(Foo& other) noexcept {
// test
int main()
auto a = Foo(100, true);
auto b = Foo(200, false);
auto c = std::move(a);
a = std::move(b);
b = std::move(c);
std::swap(a, b);

Choose which variable to initialize based on certain condition at c-tor?

Like if I have this structure:
struct S
S(const S &arg) : (arg.bIsDouble ? v1{arg.v1} : v{arg.v}) {}
bool bIsDouble{false};
union {
vector<int> v;
double v1;
} ;
How can I make the copy constructor to either initialize 'v' or 'v1' based on some condition?
I would just outsource your work to Boost.Variant:
struct S {
S(const S&) = default;
boost::variant<double, std::vector<int> > v;
If you don't want to use Boost, you can read about how to write a discriminated union here, and then implement your own.
Since you only need two types, that's not too complicated, although it's still very error prone and involves a lot of code:
struct DoubleOrVector {
bool is_double;
static constexpr std::size_t alignment_value = std::max(alignof(double), alignof(std::vector));
alignas(alignment_value) char storage[std::max(sizeof(double), sizeof(std::vector))];
DoubleOrVector(double v)
: is_double(true)
new (storage) double(v);
// similar for vector
DoubleOrVector(const DoubleOrVector& dov)
: is_double(dov.is_double)
if (is_double) {
new (storage) double(dov.asDouble());
else {
new (storage) std::vector<int>(dov.asVector());
double& asDouble() {
return *reinterpret_cast<double*>(storage);
std::vector<int>& asVector() {
return *reinterpret_cast<std::vector<int>*>(storage);
// plus other functions here
// remember to explicitly call ~vector() when we need to
And then we're still defaulting our copy ctor:
struct S {
S(const S&) = default;
DoubleOrVector v;
Constructor initialization list won't help here.
You have to use placement new in the class constructor, and then destroy (by manually calling the destructor) the correct member in the destructor. Also, since you define the destructor, you should define or delete the rest of The Big Five.
Minimal code:
struct S
bool bIsDouble{false};
union {
vector<int> v;
double v1;
S(bool d) : bIsDouble(d)
new(&v) vector<int>();
// no need to create or destroy a double, since it is trivial
// the other Big Five members are implicitly deleted
// so no copying, unless you write it yourself.
Note that switching between types is harder: if you had used the vector, and now want to use double, you need to destroy the vector first. I recommend to hide the data behind the accessor functions to enforce the invariant.
...or just use boost::variant. It's way simpler and less bug-prone.

Providing correct move semantics

I am currently trying to figure out how to do move semantics correctly with an object which contains a pointer to allocated memory. I have a big datastructure, which contains an internal raw pointer to the actual storage (for efficiency reasons). Now I added a move constructor and move operator=(). In these methods I am std::move()ing the pointer to the new structure. However I am not sure what to do with the pointer from the other structure.
Here is a simple example of what I am doing:
class big_and_complicated {
// lots of complicated code
class structure {
structure() :
m_data( new big_and_complicated() )
structure( structure && rhs ) :
m_data( std::move( rhs.m_data ) )
// Maybe do something to rhs here?
delete m_data;
big_and_complicated * m_data;
int main() {
structure s1;
structure s2( std::move( s1 ) );
return 0;
Now from what I understand, after the std::move( s1 ) to s2 the only thing that is safe to do on s1 ist to call its constructor. However as far as I can see, this would lead to deleting the pointer contained within s1 in the destructor, rendering s2 useless as well. So I am guessing I have to do something to render the destructor safe when std::move()ing the pointer. As far as I can see the safest thing to do here, is to set it to 0 in the moved object, since this would turn the delete into a no-op later on. Is this reasoning correct so far? Or is std::move() actually smart enough to null out the pointer for me, rendering its usage safe? So far I am seeing no crashes in the actual test-suite, but I have not made sure the move-constructor is actually called.
"Moving" a pointer is no different than copying one and does not set the moved-from value to null ('moving' is in quotes here because std::move does not move anything really, it just changes the value category of the argument). Just copy rhs's pointer then set it to nullptr:
struct structure
: m_data{new big_and_complicated{}}
{ }
structure(structure&& rhs)
: m_data{rhs.m_data}
rhs.m_data = nullptr;
structure& operator =(structure&& rhs)
if (this != &rhs)
delete m_data;
m_data = rhs.m_data;
rhs.m_data = nullptr;
return *this;
delete m_data;
big_and_complicated* m_data;
structure(structure const&) = delete; // for exposition only
structure& operator =(structure const&) = delete; // for exposition only
You could also simplify this by using std::exchange:
structure(structure&& rhs)
: m_data{ std::exchange(rhs.m_data, nullptr) }
{ }
structure& operator=(structure&& rhs)
if (this != &rhs)
delete m_data;
m_data = std::exchange(rhs.m_data, nullptr);
return *this;
Better yet, use std::unique_ptr<big_and_complicated> instead of big_and_complicated* and you don't need to define any of this yourself:
#include <memory>
struct structure
: m_data{new big_and_complicated{}}
{ }
std::unique_ptr<big_and_complicated> m_data;
Lastly, unless you actually want structure to remain non-copyable, you're better off just implementing proper move semantics inside of big_and_complicated and having structure hold a big_and_complicated object directly.

c++ create a pointer to new class

i have problem withe this code i want to create a pointer to new class
class AnalyzerManager
CAnalyzerIF* m_AnalyzerIF = new CAnalyzerIF();
it has a compilation error i dont understand how to fix it.
You have to initialize the pointer in your constructor, not in the class declaration.
AnalyzerManager::AnalyzerManager() : m_AnalyzerIF(new CAnalyzerIF())
BTW, you might want to look into smart pointers for something like this.
// in AnalyzerManager.h
#include <memory>
class AnalyzerManager
// since you are declaring a custom constructor and destructor, you should also define a custom copy-constructor and copy-assignment
AnalyzerManager(const AnalyzerManager& rhs);
AnalyzerManager& operator= (const AnalyzerManager& rhs);
std::shared_ptr<CAnalyzerIF> m_AnalyzerIF;
// in AnalyzerManager.cpp
AnalyzerManager::AnalyzerManager() : m_AnalyzerIF(new CAnalyzer)
// nothing to do since shared_ptr will clean up the memory for us
AnalyzerManager::AnalyzerManager(const AnalyzerManager& rhs) : m_AnalyzerIF(rhs.m_AnalyzerIF)
AnalyzerManager& AnalyzerManager::operator= (const AnalyzerManager& rhs)
m_AnalyzerIF = rhs.m_AnalyzerIF;
return *this;
You should start by asking yourself : When do I want this 'new' statement to be executed?
Assuming the answer is on construction of an AnalyzerManager object, then the place for the 'new' is in the constructor of the AnalyzerManager.
Code placed in a constructor that initialises member variables is typically done using the member initialisation list, like this :
AnalyzerManager::AnalyzerManager() : m_AnalyzerIF(new CAnalyzerIF())
Since you are using 'new' you should consider where the 'delete' will go - presumably in the AnalyzerManager destructor :
delete m_AnalyzerIF;
You cannot do like you have written. I mean right in the declaration.
CAnalyzerIF* m_AnalyzerIF = new CAnalyzerIF();
Instead you have to do that in the constructor AnalyzerManager().
m_AnalyzerIF = new CAnalyzerIF();
// ... and some more initialization ...