Cloudbees support for redis server for builds? - build

I'm trying to setup some OSS builds in Cloudbees and one of them requires a redis server for the tests performed during the build.
Is this supported in some way by the Jenkins build process under Cloudbees, or will I have to find another way to set that one up?

You can launch a redis-server as your build starts.
redis-server &
The current version of redis installed can be found (it's a packaged Redis, so the version of the cli and server typically match up) using
redis-cli -v
This information is also now available on the CloudBees developer site -


Should I use docker in order to be able to run ChomeDriver on Azure Web App Services in Django Server?

Recently I have started a Django server on Azure Web App Service, now I want to add a usage of "ChromoDriver" for web scraping, I have noticed that for that I need to install some additional Linux packages (not python) on the machine. the problem is that it gets erased on every deployment, does it mean that I should switch to Docker ?
Container works, but you can also try to pull down the additional packages in the custom start up file without messing around the machine after the deployment

How to start PostgREST as a ubuntu service in a cloud server?

According to PostgREST doc, we can start postgrest with
postgrest postgres://user:pass#host:port/db -a anon_user [other flags]
It is fine to run locally; however, how to register it as a system service and run in the cloud server?
The basic idea is to have a init (shell) script (just like every other system service)
This script no longer works because the structure of the github repository changed and some files are not there anymore, but you can get a basic idea of what needs to happen
the init scripts can be found here

Python/Django Elastic Beanstalk now failing on deploy

I'm working on a project that I haven't touched in about 4 months. Before everything on the deploy was working fine, but now I'm getting an error when trying to deploy an update.
Failed to pull Docker image amazon/aws-eb-python:3.4.2-onbuild-3.5.1: Pulling repository amazon/aws-eb-python time="2016-01-17T01:40:45Z" level="fatal" msg="Could not reach any registry endpoint" . Check snapshot logs for details. Hook /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/pre/ failed. For more detail, check /var/log/eb-activity.log using console or EB CLI.
In the eb-activity log, it further states [CMD-AppDeploy/AppDeployStage0/AppDeployPreHook/] : Activity execution failed, because: Pulling repository amazon/aws-eb-python before repeating what was shown in the UI.
The original was using a Preconfigured Docker 64bit Debian jessie v1.3.1 running Python 3.4. I've tried upgrading to the latest, which is version 2.0.6, but it never completes (don't need to get into specifics of that error, separate issue and I'd like to stay on 1.3.1 if possible). I've also tried upgrading to the latest 1.x but it has the same result of upgrading to 2.0.6.
Any ideas, or anything else I should be looking for clues?
Docker Hub has deprecated pulls from Docker clients on 1.5 and earlier. Make sure that your docker client version is at least above 1.5. See for more information.

docker unit test setup

I want to setup a unit test environment for my product. I have a web application build on nginx in Lua which use mysql and redis. I think docker will be good for this although i am new to docker. My application runs on centos server (production server).
I am planning to setup different container for mysql,redis and webapp and then write UT application (unit test for Lua using Busted framework) in my mac (My development machine is MAC) or VM to test it. The UT application will talk to docker container nginx and nginx will use container mysql and redis. Is this good ? If yes ,can someone guide me how to do this? maybe some good link? If no , what could be better way. I have already tried using vagrant but that took too much time which shouldn't be in my UT case.
For an example how we setup our project template you may have a look at phundament/app and its testing setup.
We are using a dockerized GitLab installation with a customized runner, which is able to execute docker-compose.
Note! The runner itself is running on a separate Docker host.
We are using docker-compose.yml to define the services in a stack with adjustments for development and testing.
The CI configuration is optimized to handle multiple concurrent tests of isolated stacks, this is just done by specifying a custom COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME.
Some in-depth documentation about our testing process and useful information about docker-compose and dockerized CI.
#testing README
#testing Docs
CI builds
Extending services and Compose files
Docker-in-Docker for CI?
Finally, Travis CI also supports Docker since a while, but I haven't tested this approach at all.
If you are new to Docker based CI, please look at Drone:
Official page
Github repo
There some are drawbacks to this solution (like size of images), but it will get you off the grounds.

Heroku: Replacement for Anvil builds?

I used to use Anvil (through hammer) to build some native libs to be bundled with a rails app. Specifically I was building libapngasm using this:
Unfortunately it seems Anvil has been discontinued and I couldn't find any information on how to do a remote build and retrieve the resulting binaries through the Build API.
Is there a new alternative to Anvil? What is a "correct" way to do this?
OK, the official answer here was a little more obvious than I had expected. Basically if you're running the same gcc/libc~ as that stack your dyno is running compile locally. Otherwise just spin up a VM or a docker image with a compatible version and build on that. Then just vendorize the libraries/binaries into your app repository so they'll be bundled up with the slug when you push. Finally, set your heroku environment load path to find the libs/bins you bundled.