QLocalSocket to QLocalServer message being corrupted during transfer - c++

I haven't been able to find a similar issue, so here goes:
I'm sending a QString from a QLocalSocket to a QLocalServer across two applications. The receiving (QLocalServer) application does receive the message, but it seems the encoding is completely wrong.
If I send a QString = "x" from the QLocalSocket (client), I'm getting a foreign (Chinese?) symbol in the QLocalServer. My code is literally copied from the Nokia Developer website
If I printout the message via QDebug, I get "??". If I fire it in a message box, Chinese characters are printed. I've tried re-encoding the received message to UTF-8, Latin1, etc., with no luck.
Code is as follows:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QLocalSocket * m_socket = new QLocalSocket();
//send a message to the server
QByteArray block;
QDataStream out(&block, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
out << "x";
QMessageBox box;
box.setText("mesage has been sent");
//Server - this is within a QMainWindow
void MainWindow::messageReceived()
QLocalSocket *clientConnection = m_pServer->nextPendingConnection();
while (clientConnection->bytesAvailable() < (int)sizeof(quint32))
connect(clientConnection, SIGNAL(disconnected()),
clientConnection, SLOT(deleteLater()));
QDataStream in(clientConnection);
if (clientConnection->bytesAvailable() < (int)sizeof(quint16)) {
QString message;
in >> message;
QMessageBox box;
Any help is highly appreciated.

The client is serializing a const char* while the server is deserializing a QString. These aren't compatible. The former literally writes the string bytes, the latter first encodes to UTF-16. So, I guess on the server side, the raw string data "fff" is being decoded into a QString as though it were UTF-16 data... perhaps resulting in character U+6666, 晦.
Try changing the client to also serialize a QString, i.e.
// client writes a QString
out << QString::fromLatin1("fff");
// server reads a QString
QString message;
in >> message;


Sending images over TCP from labVIEW to QT

I am trying to capture images taken from a camera connected to a myRIO and send them over a TCP/IP connection from labVIEW to a QT GUI application.
My problem is that QT keeps throwing a heap pointer exception and crashing when I read the data.
Expression: is_block_type_valid(header->_block_use)
I believe this could be because the data being sent is over 35k bytes, so I tried to read the data in separate chunks, but alas am still getting the error.
Below is my function that gets called on readyRead() being emitted:
void TCPHandler::onRead() {
QByteArray byteArray;
QByteArray buffer;
QByteArray dataSize = mainSocket->read(5); //read the expected amount of bytes incoming (about 35000)
while (buffer.size() < dataSize.toInt()) {
int bytesLeft = dataSize.toInt() - buffer.size();
if (bytesLeft < 1024) {
byteArray = mainSocket->read(bytesLeft);
else {
byteArray = mainSocket->read(1024);
QBuffer imageBuffer(&buffer);
QImageReader reader(&imageBuffer, "JPEG");
QImage image;
image = reader.read();
else {
emit read("Cannot read image data");
if (!image.isNull())
emit read(reader.errorString());
In the LabVIEW code I send the size of the bytes being sent first, then the raw image data:
EDIT: Connect for the slot. Also should have mentioned this is running in a separate thread to the Main GUI.
TCPHandler::TCPHandler(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent),
mainSocket = new QTcpSocket(this);
connect(mainSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(onRead()));
connect(mainSocket, QOverload<QAbstractSocket::SocketError>::of(&QAbstractSocket::error), this, &TCPHandler::displayError);
You are sending your length as a decimal string. Then followed by the string.
I would expect that the length would be binary value. So instead of an 'I32 to String' function use a typecast with a string as the type.

problems with QByteArray and QString convertion

I've got a server and a client and they're connected by TCP (QTcpSocket and QTcpServer). data is sent using QByteArray.
void Receive::newConnection()
while (server->hasPendingConnections())
QTcpSocket *socket = server->nextPendingConnection();
connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(readyRead()));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), SLOT(disconnected()));
QByteArray *buffer = new QByteArray();
qint32 *s = new qint32(0);
buffers.insert(socket, buffer);
sizes.insert(socket, s);
last Line prints the text entered in client in server's console. i want to convert buffer to QString. (or i want to send it to qml file). so when i try :
QString receivedText = QTextCodec::codecForMib(1015)->toUnicode(buffer);
and give me the error :
no matching function for call to 'QTextCodec::toUnicode(QByteArray*&)'
receivedText = QTextCodec::codecForMib(1015)->toUnicode(buffer);
when using fromAscii or fromStringC it says it's not a member of QString.
what should i do?
According to the documentation:
QString QTextCodec::toUnicode(const QByteArray &a) const
Converts a from the encoding of this codec to Unicode, and returns the
result in a QString.
From the above, it follows that the reference is needed and not the pointer. In your case you should change it to:
QString receivedText = QTextCodec::codecForMib(1015)->toUnicode(*buffer);

QSerialPort readyread() SIGNAL

I have a problem when receiving bytes from RS232 in QByteArray. I connected readyread() signal to call my serialport method and inside it I am reading bytes with readAll() to an QByteArray. Whenever data is available it rewrites QByteArray, but I want to receive it all, and then use data, but now I cannot because it is in parts. What to do?
Simply append to the array. You'll also need some criterion to determine when you've received all the data you wished. This can be, e.g. a given number of bytes:
class Communicator {
int expect;
QSerialPort port;
QByteArray reply;
void processReply() {
Communicator() {
QObject::connect(&port, &QIODevice::readyRead, [this]{
reply += port.readAll();
if (expect && reply.size() >= expect) {
expect = 0;

UDP Server-Client Chat in C++/Qt

I'm trying to write a chat program using Qt. It's half completed but it has some problems.
First of all I get an error when I want to send my written message in lineedit to the client. It's a QString, but the writeDatagram only sends a QByteArray. I've googled it and there are some ways for converting QString to QByteArray, but I'm looking for a better solution.
I think I should use connectToHost(), but read() and write() don't work.
Second and main problem is that I can't get to send and receive messages continuously! Obviously this one hasn't occurred yet but I know there is something wrong with it because I've tested it on Qt console and it didn't work there too.
I'm new to GUI and Socket programming, therefore I've searched a lot before I post this topic.
Update: My first problem solved, but now the UDP packets don't get send and receive let alone working like a chat application.
Update: I found out what was the problem and I solved it. The code needed two QUdpSocket Objects. I also updated the code. It's now fully functional.
If you have other inputs I would love to listen to them, otherwise I've got my answer.
#include "schat.h"
#include "ui_schat.h"
schat::schat(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::schat)
socketServerc=new QUdpSocket(this);
socketServer=new QUdpSocket(this);
socketServer->bind(QHostAddress::LocalHost, 8001);
delete ui;
void schat::on_sendButton_clicked()
QString word=ui->lineEdit->text();
QByteArray buffer;
QHostAddress sender;
quint16 senderPort;
socketServerc->writeDatagram(buffer.data(), QHostAddress::LocalHost, 7000 );
void schat::readPendingDatagrams()
while (socketServer->hasPendingDatagrams()) {
QByteArray buffer;
QHostAddress sender;
quint16 senderPort;
socketServer->readDatagram(buffer.data(), buffer.size(),&sender, &senderPort);
#include "uchat.h"
#include "ui_uchat.h"
uchat::uchat(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::uchat)
clientSocket=new QUdpSocket(this);
clientSocketc=new QUdpSocket(this);
clientSocketc->bind(QHostAddress::LocalHost, 7000);
delete ui;
void uchat::on_sendButton_clicked()
QString word=ui->lineEdit->text();
QByteArray buffer;
QHostAddress sender;
quint16 senderPort;
clientSocket->writeDatagram(buffer.data(), QHostAddress::LocalHost, 8001 );
void uchat::readPendingDatagrams()
while (clientSocketc->hasPendingDatagrams()) {
QByteArray buffer;
QHostAddress sender;
quint16 senderPort;
clientSocketc->readDatagram(buffer.data(), buffer.size(),&sender, &senderPort);
Converting the QString to a QByteArray is indeed the thing to do. The reason is that UDP packets carry only a series of bytes -- but a QString does not unambiguously represent a sequence of bytes, it represents a sequence of notional characters (a.k.a. QChars). So in order to place that QString into an array of bytes, you have to decide which binary representation you want to encode it as. For example, if you wanted to encode the string using UTF8 encoding (which I would recommend), you'd use QString's toUtf8() method to get the QByteArray representing the UTF8 encoding, and the receiver would use QString's fromUtf8() method to turn the received bytes back into a QString. There are other encodings also (ascii, latin1, local8Bit) but they may not handle internationalization as well as UTF8 does.
As for your second problem ("I can't get to send and receive messages continuously"), you're going to have to be more explicit and descriptive about what happens vs what you expected to happen. I don't know what "continuously" means in this context.

Problem between a QTcpServer and a TCPClientSocket (Cayuga)

I try to communicate via TCP Socket between a QT4-Application (MyApp) and Cayuga (written in C++).
The connection part works fine, i.e. Cayuga connects to MyApp.
Now, MyApp is sending some data to Cayuga, but nothing is received.
void MyApp::init()
QTcpServer *m_server;
QTcpSocket *clientConnection;
//Open socket for transmission
m_server = new QTcpServer(this);
if (!m_server->listen(QHostAddress::Any, m_port)) {
//Error handling
connect(m_server, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(startSend()));
void MyApp::startSend()
clientConnection = m_server->nextPendingConnection();
The writting is done here:
QByteArray block;
QDataStream out(&block, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
out << (quint16)0;
out << s;
out << (quint16)(block.size() - sizeof(quint16));
My tutor suggested to use an external library (cudb) if I cannot get it to work with QTcpSockets. That does not feel right and that's why I hope you have a better answer to my problem.
This is my guess of what's happening:
QDataStream implements a serializing protocol (Hence having to specify a version (Qt_4_0) for it). You need something on the other end that understands that protocol (to wit, another Qt_4_0 DataStream). Particularly, QDataStream makes sure you get the right data regardless of the endianness of the sending and receiving ends.
Instead of serializing to a block and then writing the block, you can try something like:
QDataStream out(clientConnection, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
out.writeRawData(data, length);
writeRawData() does not marshall your data...