VS2010, DirectX and Intellisense troubles - c++

I have both VS2010 and VS2012 installed, but only in VS2012 highlighting and auto-complete seems to work correctly. At the same time Intellisense seems to work on VS2010, but not for DirectX... Here's an example:
VS2012 - all well. Also note how all the Windows/DirectX types are highlighted.
VS2010 - no highlighting, no auto-completion.
VS2010 - but here we can see that IntelliSense actually works, just kind of selectively.
I have to use VS2010 so I need that problem fixed. I'm kind of new to Visual Studio so it may be something obvious I'm missing. Thanks for any help.

You can read about the IntelliSense in VS2010 in the documentation. The Complete Word option is also available:
"To open the completion list, type the first few letters of the name, or press ALT+RIGHT ARROW or CTRL+SPACEBAR."
You should also be aware of When IntelliSense Is Unavailable. Make sure you specified include directories for DirectX headers in the project's options correctly. Rebuilding the solution also helps sometimes.


Visual Studio 2017 IntelliSense is not working for C++

IntelliSense is underlining all my identifiers in my C++ code and says:
identifier "WhateverPtr" is undefined.
But my code compiles without error and IntelliSense used to work a few days ago. Also there is no auto completion. IntelliSense works fine for my C# code though.
I have googled and tried every solution I found and I could think of, there are quite a lot solutions, because this seems to happen more often with VS 2017.
I found this site were basicly every solution is summarized, but none of them worked for me.
I tried to:
delete the hidden ".vs" folder
Check the Options -> Text Editor -> All Languages -> General "Auto List Members" (it was already checked)
Check if IntelliSense is disbled: Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> IntelliSense DiableIntelleSense is False (it was on false like it should)
Of course I also tried restart VS / PC and rebuild and clean of the solution.
I changed nothing (at least nothing I would remember to cause such a behavior). The solution I have is very big with 160 projects and 1/3 of them are C++ projects. I also have Resharper Installed, but not for C++, so I do not think that ReSharper influence it.
Today I installed the newest update of Visual Studio (Version 15.9.14) and now my IntelliSense works again. But it stills underlines some of my Identifiers for no reasons.

Visual Studio 2010 Express 64 bit Properties Missing

I'm trying to run OpenCV with Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2010. I'm using Windows 7 64 bit. It seems I have to compile the code (using the OpenCV libraries) as a x64 application. This is fine. I installed the Windows SDK 7.1 that allows you to do this. So now I go to the dropdown menu, configuration manager and select x64 (copying from Win32). But here I run into a problem. I can't seem to edit the properties in this configuration.
If I change back to Win32 and go to project properties I have all the usual options (Configuration Properties -> General, Debugging, VC++ Directories etc.). But in x64 all I have is a practically blank window that has the Common Properties->Framework and References menus. I can't modify anything.
If I try adding a new property sheet in the Property Manger to Debug|x64, I can name and add it, but when I click on it says "There are no property pages for the selection".
I have searched every possible relevant forum for this! Maybe I'm just using the wrong search terms, but I can't seem to find anyone with this exact problem. Am I just missing something about using properties? Or is this a bug?
Visual C++ compilers are removed when you upgrade Visual Studio 2010 Professional or Visual Studio 2010 Express to Visual Studio 2010 SP1 if Windows SDK v7.1 is installed. For anyone else who has come across this problem I would recommend updating Visual Studio 2010 SP1 via the below link.
Well, even I faced a problem something similar to this in the start, I am not sure, whether my approach would solve your problem, but, let me give it a try.
After making it x64 as explained in your first step, just click on "ok" and close that window, now, select your project or right click on it, you ll find project properties at the bottom, then use it, you ll find all the available options you need.
when you say, you are seeing "common properties" which means that, you are trying to access the properties of solution not the project, so, select the project before accessing its properties.
your approach of adding a property sheet must work well, go to property manager ->right click on debug/64-> add new property sheet -> name it, save it, you must access it from the next go.
Just to let anyone know who might be having the same problem, I didn't manage to fix it but I did find a work-around. The latest version of OpenCV (2.4.8 I think) would not compile as a 32 bit application. It gave me an error which apparently means there is a conflict because I have a 64 bit OS. As I stated above, I couldn't get the x64 configuration working correctly. My work-around was to use an older version of OpenCV (2.4.6) and this works fine as a 32 bit application. It has the same functionality. The official OpenCV website has a list of previous versions. Now I have it all working fine!

No Auto Complete Visual Studio 2010

Im using MS visual studio 2010 PRoofessional version , and in both languages I'm using (C++ and UnrealScript with Nfringe ) there seems to be no auto complete , also with the nfringe there is no auto indentation either .
I was wondering how to fix this?
Most probably you accidentally switched into low-impact IntelliSense mode by pressing
CTRL+ALT+SPACE Just hit CTRL+ALT+SPACE to go back to the IntelliSense mode.
Are you writing a totally unmanaged C++ dll? There is no intellisense support for CLI/C++ projects in VS 2010
I have actually problems with C++ and Intellisense since VC6...
We now use Whole Tomatoes "Visual Assist" and it repairs Intellisense. :-) This single feature is the money worth.
When you open the solution file, do you get a warning about being unable to open the IntelliSense database? If so, that's the reason—UnrealEngine intentionally has a directory with the same name as the IntelliSense database to prevent its creation (Visual Studio can't create a file if a directory of the same name already exists). The engine code base is so large that having IntelliSense enabled slows everything to a crawl when you're editing code.
I'm also using Unreal Engine, and I met the same problem before, the solution was set the dirs by myself in VS project setting.
Open the property window of ur game project(e.g UDKGame), navigate to "NMake", "Include Search Path", and fill the needed header search path there.
You may copy the path list from the output of UnrealBuildTool.
The values u set here is only used by Visual Studio's IntelliSense, so there's no need to worry about build error.
This only works for C++, I'm not sure what's wrong with Unreal Script. I just updated to Visual Studio 2010 and has not installed the new nFringe.
Hope this answer is not too late

VS 2010 intellisense not working for upconverted project

We have a very big C++ solution with several projects for which intellisense works perfectly in Visual Studio 2008, but not at all in Visual Studio 2010 (not even for structs defined in the same file where they are used). I've verified that intellisense does work in VS 2010 for other projects on my machine. I've tried importing one of the problematic projects from a brand-new solution with no success. Re-building the project files from scratch seems promising, but it would require days of work to follow that path, with no guarantee of success at the end. Any alternative suggestions are welcome. The actual error message I get is:
"Intellisense: 'No additional information available'(See 'Troubleshooting IntelliSense in C++ Projects' for further help.)
I've tried that, but there's basically only one suggestion on the MSDN webpage, to make sure "stdafx.h" on the include path, but we're not using precompiled headers and don't include it from anywhere, so I'm pretty sure that's not the problem.
Have you deleted all of the generated database (.ncb and .sdf) files? Corrupted database files is the most likely cause of Visual Studio failing to display IntelliSense.
Intellisense was not included as a component of Visual Studio 2010 for C++/CLI. Unfortunately, it seems they are not going to support it soon either. This is an incredible detriment, as i find myself having to open VS2005 on occasion to simply find an object member.
Here is Microsoft's release on the subject:

Visual Studio: Intellisense Problems and Linux Compatibility

Two somewhat unrelated questions:
Sometimes when I am working on a C++ project in Visual Studio 2008 Express, intellisense just does not want to "work" even though it really should. Auto completion box does not show and status bar says something along the lines of: "Intellisense: No further information is available".
Sometimes it can be fixed by either rebuilding the solution or re-opening the solution, and sometimes even that doesn't work. Is this a known problem? If so: are there any known fixes?
Is there any C++ IDE for Linux that has compatibility with MSVC++'s .sln files? I sometimes want to work on some project without having to go through the hassle of creating a new project and adding the files or manually creating a Make file.
To answer my own questions:
Apparently there's no real fix other than to try and delete the .ncb file. Alternative would be a different IDE or to use a commercial package replacing intellisense.
Code::Blocks seems to be able to open Visual Studio files. Or at least import them easily.
I posted these together as they both related to visual studio and I didn't deem them important enough to both deserve their own topic.
Do think the downvote is a little harsh though!
Intellisense failing is usually because of a "corrupt" ncb file. The usual solution is to delete it.
Reportly the next version VS 2010 will not be using ncb files anymore.
I've actually had some luckk opening .sln files using Monodevelop.
To avoid creating the Make files by hand try CMake
To answer your second question, there is no way to open .sln files in anything other than Visual Studio. They're a proprietary file type that (it seems) no one has any interest in writing a parser for.
You can however use Visual Studio to generate a makefile automatically. Just use the "Projects > Export Makefile" menu command in Visual Studio.