Creating a registry key - access denied - c++

Hi I am trying to create a registry key in C++ but I keep getting the error 5 which googling told me it was access denied but I don't know to do get the correct privileges. I'm using windows 7 and here's my code. Thanks
LPWSTR szValueBuf = NULL;
char szProductName[MAX_PATH];
HKEY hOrchKey;
DWORD dwOpenStatus,
char szProuductKey[MAX_PATH];
hr = WcaInitialize(hInstall, "CreateProductKey");
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to initialize");
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "Initialized.");
if (!(lpsa = default_sa()))
return FALSE;
hr = WcaGetProperty(L"PRODUCTNAME",&szValueBuf);
ExitOnFailure(hr, "failed to get Product Name");
wcstombs(szProductName, szValueBuf, 260);
// Open the registery Orchestrator key
&dwOpenStatus) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

Run as administrator to run it with elevated access.

You must access the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE as administrator in order to edit values. (e.g. If you wanted to edit the key via the Registry Editor application, then you would have to right click and select "run as administrator") Since you want to write the values in code, so you need to set your compiler to have administrator rights when you run it. In Visual Studio 2008 this can be done in the Properties Page of your solution, you set it to run as admin.
Heres how to do it; Right click your solution in the Solution Explorer and select Properties; Go to Configuration Properties->Linker->Manifest File; Set UAC Execution Level as "requireAdministrator".
Next time you hit run, it should prompt you to open it as admin, and then it'll allow you to change the key. I'm not sure how to do this with other compilers, but it should be relatively the same. However, it will always ask you for admin rights, even in the release, not ideal for most programs. If this is an installer or something, then Id say that'd be fine, but if this is an app that'll be run a lot, Id suggest using HKEY_LOCAL_USER, it doesn't require admin rights. I recently went through all that malarkey and the registry is a bitch to get right, so I'd suggest avoiding it as much as possible!
Hope that helps!


Problems with some system default .lnk-files launching from under an impersonated user

I'm writing the 32bit service app where I want to be able to launch Start menu items for the logged users. I did manage to accomplish this task by impersonating user and launching selected .lnk-file using CreateProcessAsUser with command-line: %windir%\system32\cmd /c " start /b /i "" "<path-to-lnk-file>" ". And it works for almost every shortcut except bunch of the system shortcuts from Accessories folder (e.g. Sticky Notes.lnk, Snipping Tool.lnk). During the launch of the Snipping Tool I'm receiving the message box with this error from cmd:
Windows cannot find 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Snipping Tool.lnk'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
But the .lnk-file exists in this very directory!
service is 32 bit
Windows 8 Pro x64
launching shortcuts by user impersonation and CreateProcessAsUser with command-line %windir%\system32\cmd /c " start /b /i "" "<path-to-lnk-file>" "
approach works for almost every shortcut in Start menu except some in Start/Accessories folder (not all of them, e.g. Paint.lnk opens fine)
example code:
int launchAppForCurrentLoggedUser()
HANDLE userToken = WTSApiHelper::currentLoggedUserToken();
if (userToken == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
return -1;
//Duplicating token with access TOKEN_DUPLICATE | TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS,
//impersonation level SecurityImpersonation and token type TokenPrimary.
//Also closing original userToken
HANDLE dup = WTSApiHelper::duplicateToken(userToken);
return -1;
int res = -1;
uint8 *env = NULL;
BOOL succeeded = CreateEnvironmentBlock((LPVOID *)&env, dup, FALSE);
if (!succeeded) {
Log("failed to get environment variables for user (error 0x%x).", GetLastError());
memset(&pi, 0, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
memset(&si, 0, sizeof(STARTUPINFOW));
si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOW);
si.lpDesktop = L"winsta0\\Default";
WCHAR params[] = L"/c \" start /b /i \"\" \"C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Accessories\\Snipping Tool.lnk\" \" ";
WCHAR cmd[] = L"C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe";
succeeded = CreateProcessAsUserW(dup, cmd, params, NULL, NULL, FALSE, flags | CREATE_NO_WINDOW, env, NULL, &si, &pi);
if (!succeeded) {
Log("cannot launch process for user with error 0x%x.", GetLastError());
} else {
nres = 0;
return nres;
What do I miss here?
It's not the LNK file that is missing, but its target.
Seems like a WOW64 issue -- for your 32-bit service, %WINDIR%\System32 actually redirects to SysWOW64 and these executable files do not exist there.
Well, actually your 32-bit service is finding the 32-bit cmd.exe which does exist in SysWOW64, and then 32-bit cmd.exe has the above problem, when looking up the path %windir%\system32\SnippingTool.exe found in the shortcut .
I can reproduce the problem using a 32-bit Command Prompt. 32-bit processes attempting to use these shortcuts simply fail.
Try spawning the native version of cmd.exe (64-bit on your system), using %WINDIR%\SysNative\cmd.exe
In addition, you have quoting problems. You're trying to nest quotes, but what actually happens is that the second quote matches the first quote and exits quoting, rather than nesting.
In the future, when things fail in a service it is helpful to run the same call from a normal console application. In this case you would have immediately discovered that the issue is completely unrelated to impersonation. Second step, if it worked from a console application running in-profile would be using "Run As" with the console application, to test impersonation logic, still without the additional complexity of the service environment.
CreateProcessAsUser does not load the specified user's profile into the HKEY_USERS registry key. Therefore, to access the information in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry key, you must load the user's profile information into HKEY_USERS with the LoadUserProfile function before calling CreateProcessAsUser. Be sure to call UnloadUserProfile after the new process exits.
According to the msdn page
MSDN suggests to use CreateProcessWithLogonW or CreateProcessWithTokenW, or to manually load the user's profile information.
And also:
CreateProcessAsUser allows you to access the specified directory and executable image in the security context of the caller or the target user. By default, CreateProcessAsUser accesses the directory and executable image in the security context of the caller. In this case, if the caller does not have access to the directory and executable image, the function fails. To access the directory and executable image using the security context of the target user, specify hToken in a call to the ImpersonateLoggedOnUser function before calling CreateProcessAsUser.

RegOpenKeyEx access denied reading HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

In Windows 7 (32 bit), I consistently get error 5 (access denied) when I call ::RegOpenKeyEx on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE if I am not running in Administrator mode.
This is my code:
result = ::RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("SOFTWARE\\MyCompany\\MyApp"), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &keySoftware)
I am trying to build an app that can be installed for an entire machine as opposed to a specific user. Therefore my installer (which does run in Administrator mode) writes to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, and the installer works fine.
I'd like my app to be able to read the data that my installer has put into the registry. I don't want to change any of the registry data. I have also tried using KEY_READ and KEY_EXECUTE instead of KEY_QUERY_VALUE. But it seems that no matter what I do, I cannot read from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE without using an elevated status. What am I missing here?
Your installer needs to adjust the security permissions on your Registry key so that non-admin users are allowed to access it. Have a look at RegSetKeySecurity(), or your installer's equivalent, or any number of command-line tools that are available. You can create a DACL that enables read-only access for the Everyone user group, or for specific user accounts.
Update: since you are using Inno Setup, try this in your Registry setup:
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\MyCompany\MyApp"; Permissions: everyone-read
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\MyCompany\MyApp"; Permissions: users-read
Your code as I was writing this answer:
result = ::RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("SOFTWARE\\MyCompany\\MyApp"), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &keySoftware)
RegOpenKeyEx doesn't support general paths, just direct key names.
To use it you would have to iterate your way down the hierarchy.
SHRegOpenUSKey is one alternative that does support general paths:
HUSKEY keySoftware;
LSTATUS const result = ::SHRegOpenUSKey(
L"Software\\Microsoft\\MediaPlayer", KEY_QUERY_VALUE, 0, &keySoftware, TRUE

Can't load 64-bit key using RegLoadKey in 32-bit service

I need to open up and modify a user's registry key from a 32-bit service (note that the user is not logged in at the time.) I do the following:
//For simplicity error checks are not shown
//I also made sure to enable the following privileges:
//"ntuser.dat" = is the file OS uses to load user's profile
if(RegLoadKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Test123", L"C:\\Users\\UserA\\ntuser.dat") == ERROR_SUCCESS)
HKEY hKey;
L"Test123\\Software\\Classes\\Local Settings\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\TrayNotify"),
//'dwRes' = is returned as 2, or ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
RegUnLoadKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Test123");
The problem is that the Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TrayNotify key isn't loaded, even though I know that it exists in the actual user profile. I can verify that by loading the user account and by using 64-bit regedit.
I suspect that this has something to do with the Wow64 redirection but I can't seem to understand what am I doing wrong?
EDIT: Added error check for the first API.
I think I got it. Two corrections to my original code:
First off, since Vista I need to load Usrclass.dat file for the classes hive and not ntuser.dat. It kinda makes sense because ntuser.dat is a part of a user's roaming profile and Classes\Local Settings does not fit into the picture well. So here's the location of the Usrclass.dat file, which contains non-roaming user data (mostly COM stuff, but some other settings as well):
The key to open after the user hive loads is:
Test123\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TrayNotify
that is because the original HKCU\Software\Classes is redirected to HKU\<UserSID>_Classes that is stored in the Usrclass.dat file.

try to change ActivePowerScheme: RegOpenKeyEx failed with error 0

I need to set ActivePowerScheme by changing it in registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\User\PowerSchemes.
So I try to do it with winapi functions RegOpenKeyEx and RegSetValueEx
wchar_t *PowerScheme=TEXT("8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c");
PWCHAR sKey = TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Power\\User\\PowerSchemes");
PWCHAR sActivePowerS = TEXT("ActivePowerScheme");
HKEY hKeyResult = NULL;
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hRootKey,sKey,0,KEY_ALL_ACCESS,&hKeyResult)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) {
//it is always failing with error 0 !
DWORD dw = GetLastError();
But RegOpenKeyEx() is always failing with error 0, that means "Operation completed successfully". And RegSetValueEx() returns same value.
(BYTE *)PowerScheme,wcslen(PowerScheme))!=ERROR_SUCCESS) {
//it is always failing with error 0
DWORD dw = GetLastError();
And of course current power scheme doesn't change value. But according to msdn:
"If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
If the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code".
I will be grateful to any your answers.
P.S. it compiled in Windows 7 and executed with rights of admin
You are going about this the wrong way. You RARELY need to change stuff in the registry yourself.
Read Power Scheme Management on the MSDN site for the proper way of doing it.
As documentation states, RegOpenKeyEx does not update GetLastError, and return value is the error code itself. Would you mind checking it?
I'd bet you have ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED error here.
UPD: While this perhaps answers your question, you should consider using API suggested by RedX in order to update power management settings. Permissions on this registry key are set (for a reason!) in a way that even Administrators have only read permissions, and not write.
In the comments you state that RegOpenKeyEx returns ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. This is because you request write access to a key to which you do not have sufficient rights because of UAC. You will need to run your process elevated to write to this key.
As others have correctly pointed out, you should not call GetLastError since RegOpenKeyEx does not set the last error value and instead returns the error code directly. More importantly you should be using the power management API rather than hacking the registry.
Even when you switch to the power management API you will still require administrator rights. You can arrange this by setting requestedExecutionLevel to requireAdministrator in your application manifest.
In Visual Studio you can make this change in the project configuration under Linker | Manifest File | UAC Execution Level.

Checking if a registry key exists

I am looking for a clean way to check if a registry key exists. I had assumed that RegOpenKey would fail if I tried to open a key that didn't exist, but it doesn't.
I could use string processing to find and open the parent key of the one I'm looking for, and then enumerate the subkeys of that key to find out if the one I'm interested in exists, but that feels both like a performance hog and a weird way to have to implement such a simple function.
I'd guess that you could use RegQueryInfoKey for this somehow, but MSDN doesn't give too many details on how, even if it's possible.
Update: I need the solution in Win32 api, not in managed code, .NET or using any other library.
The docs in MSDN seem to indicate that you should be able to open a key for read permission and get an error if it doesn't exist, like this:
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx (hKeyRoot, lpSubKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS)
if (lResult == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
However, I get ERROR_SUCCESS when I try this.
Update 2: My exact code is this:
HKEY subKey = nullptr;
LONG result = RegOpenKeyEx(key, subPath.c_str(), 0, KEY_READ, &subKey);
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
... but result is ERROR_SUCCESS, even though I'm trying to open a key that does not exist.
Update 3: It looks like you guys are right. This fails on one specific test example (mysteriously). If I try it on any other key, it returns the correct result. Double-checking it with the registry editor still does not show the key. Don't know what to make of all that.
First of all don't worry about performance for stuff like this. Unless you are querying it 100x per sec, it will be more than fast enough. Premature optimization will cause you all kinds of headaches.
RegOpenKeyEx will return ERROR_SUCCESS if it finds the key. Just check against this constant and you are good to go.
RegOpenKey does return an error if the key does not exist. How are you using it? The expected return value is ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.
From your code:
HKEY subKey = nullptr;
LONG result = RegOpenKeyEx(key, subPath.c_str(), 0, KEY_READ, &subKey);
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
I would look at the value of key and subPath and make sure they are what you expect, and that the key does not actually exist. What is the value of subKey afterwards? It is obviously opening something - try enumerating it to see what the keys and values under it are.
There is no issue with RegOpenKey not returning an error if the key does not exist - I would not try to assume there is some kind of weird OS bug in something as commonly used as the registry.
Maybe you have a registry key that is not visible to you, the user that is running the registry editor, but not to your code? A permissions problem perhaps? Is your code running as an elevated user in windows Vista or server 2008? Did you try running the registry editor as administrator?
Note that beside the "core" Registry functions that start with "Reg" there are also helper functions starting with "SHReg". These are intended for use by the Shell i.e. Explorer but are documented and can be used in normal applications too. They're typically thin wrappers that make some common tasks easier. They're part of the "Shell LightWeight API" (shlwapi.dll)