How to ccDrawPoly and fill? - cocos2d-iphone

- (void)draw {
lines[0] = ccp(self.l.x + (segmentIndex[0] * segmentSpacing), self.l.y);
lines[1] = ccp(self.l.x + (segmentIndex[1] * segmentSpacing), self.l.y + segmentHeight * 1);
lines[2] = ccp(self.l.x + (segmentIndex[2] * segmentSpacing), self.l.y + segmentHeight * 2);
lines[3] = ccp(self.l.x + (segmentIndex[3] * segmentSpacing), self.l.y + segmentHeight * 3);
lines[4] = ccp(lines[3].x + segmentWidth, lines[3].y);
lines[5] = ccp(lines[2].x + segmentWidth, lines[2].y);
lines[6] = ccp(lines[1].x + segmentWidth, lines[1].y);
lines[7] = ccp(lines[0].x + segmentWidth, lines[0].y);
ccDrawPoly(lines, 8, YES);
//ccDrawSolidPoly(lines, 8, [self color]);
The ccDrawPoly line draws the zig-zag style shape I intend to draw.
There are 4 Y segments and each one has a point determined by segmentIndex & segmentSpacing, then +segmentWidth on the x for a total of 8 points.
I go down the left-most points first, then walk my way back up.
When I call ccDrawSolidPoly, it fills in the shape in a different way. It fills in a polygon using all the outermost points instead of drawing lines in the order I set in points.
How do I do ccDrawPoly and fill?

Write my own function, apparently.
Forum results showed people editing the cocos2d ccDrawSolidPoly function.


Drawing an image along a slope in OpenGL

I'm writing a program that can draw a line between two points with filled circles. The circles:
- shouldn't overlap each other
- be as close together as possible
- and the centre of each circle should be on the line.
I've written a function to produce the circles, however I'm having trouble calculating position of each circle so that they are correctly lined up
void addCircles(scrPt endPt1, scrPt endPt2)
float xLength, yLength, length, cSquare, slope;
int numberOfCircles;
// Get the x distance between the two points
xLength = abs(endPt1.x - endPt2.x);
// Get the y distance between the two points
yLength = abs(endPt1.y - endPt2.y);
// Get the length between the points
cSquare = pow(xLength, 2) + pow(yLength, 2);
length = sqrt(cSquare);
// calculate the slope
slope = (endPt2.y - endPt1.y) / (endPt2.x - endPt1.x);
// Find how many circles fit inside the length
numberOfCircles = round(length / (radius * 2) - 1);
// set the position of each circle
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCircles; i++)
scrPt circPt;
circPt.x = endPt1.x + ((radius * 2) * i);
circPt.y = endPt1.y + (((radius * 2) * i) * slope);
drawCircle (circPt.x, circPt.y);
This is what the above code produces:
I'm quite certain that the issue lies with this line, which sets the y value of the circle:
circPt.y = endPt1.y + (((radius * 2) * i) * slope);
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I recommend to calculate the direction of the line as a unit vector:
float xDist = endPt2.x - endPt1.x;
float yDist = endPt2.y - endPt1.y;
float length = sqrt(xDist*xDist + yDist *yDist);
float xDir = xDist / length;
float yDir = yDist / length;
Calculate the distance from one center point to the next one, numberOfSegments is the number of sections and not the number of circles:
int numberOfSegments = (int)trunc( length / (radius * 2) );
float distCpt = numberOfSegments == 0 ? 0.0f : length / (float)numberOfSegments;
A center point of a circle is calculated by the adding a vector the the start point of the line. The vector pints in the direction of the line and its length is given, by the distance between 2 circles multiplied by the "index" of the circle:
for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfSegments; i++)
float cpt_x = endPt1.x + xDir * distCpt * (float)i;
float cpt_y = endPt1.y + yDir * distCpt * (float)i;
drawCircle(cpt_x , cpt_y);
Note, the last circle on a line may be redrawn, by the first circle of the next line. You can change this by changing the iteration expression of the for loop - change <= to <:
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSegments; i++)
In this case at the end of the line won't be drawn any circle at all.

line-width for ellipse is not constant

I am drawing hollow ellipse using opengl. I calculate vertices in c++ code using standard ellipse formula. In fragment shader i just assign color to each fragment. The ellipse that i see on the screen has thinner line width on the sharper curves as compared to that where curve is not that sharp. So question is, how to make line-width consistent across the entire parameter of ellipse? Please see the image below:
C++ code :
std::vector<float> BCCircleHelper::GetCircleLine(float centerX, float centerY, float radiusX, float radiusY, float lineWidth, int32_t segmentCount)
auto vertexCount = (segmentCount + 1) * 2;
auto floatCount = vertexCount * 3;
std::vector<float> array(floatCount);
const std::vector<float>& data = GetCircleData (segmentCount);
float halfWidth = lineWidth * 0.5f;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < segmentCount + 1; ++i)
float sin = data [i * 2];
float cos = data [i * 2 + 1];
array [i * 6 + 0] = centerX + sin * (radiusX - halfWidth);
array [i * 6 + 1] = centerY + cos * (radiusY - halfWidth);
array [i * 6 + 3] = centerX + sin * (radiusX + halfWidth);
array [i * 6 + 4] = centerY + cos * (radiusY + halfWidth);
array [i * 6 + 2] = 0;
array [i * 6 + 5] = 0;
return std::move(array);
const std::vector<float>& BCCircleHelper::GetCircleData(int32_t segmentCount)
int32_t floatCount = (segmentCount + 1) * 2;
float segmentAngle = static_cast<float>(M_PI * 2) / segmentCount;
std::vector<float> array(floatCount);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < segmentCount + 1; ++i)
array[i * 2 + 0] = sin(segmentAngle * i);
array[i * 2 + 1] = cos(segmentAngle * i);
return array;
Aiming this:
The problem is likely that your fragments are basically line segments radiating from the center of the ellipse.
If you draw a line, from the center of the ellipse through the ellipse you've drawn, at any point on the perimeter, you could probably convince yourself that the distance covered by that red line is in fact the width that you're after (roughly, since you're working at low spatial resolution; somewhat pixelated). But since this is an ellipse, that distance is not perpendicular to the path being traced. And that's the problem. This works great for circles, because a ray from the center is always perpendicular to the circle. But for these flattened ellipses, it's very oblique!
How to fix it? Can you draw circles at each point on the ellipse, instead of line segments?
If not, you might need to recalculate what it means to be that thick when measured at that oblique angle - it's no longer your line width, may require some calculus, and a bit more trigonometry.
Ok, so a vector tangent to the curve described by
c(i) = (a * cos(i), b * sin(i))
c'(i) = (- a * sin(i), b * cos(i))
(note that this is not a unit vector). The perpendicular to this is
c'perp = (b * cos(i), a * sin(i))
You should be able to convince yourself that this is true by computing their dot product.
Lets calculate the magnitude of c'perp, and call it k for now:
k = sqrt(b * b * cos(i) * cos(i) + a * a * sin(i) * sin(i))
So we go out to a point on the ellipse (c(i)) and we want to draw a segement that's perpendicular to the curve - that means we want to add on a scaled version of c'perp. The scaling is to divide by the magnitude (k), and then multiply by half your line width. So the two end points are:
P1 = c(i) + halfWidth * c'perp / k
P2 = c(i) - halfWidth * c'perp / k
I haven't tested this, but I'm pretty sure it's close. Here's the geometry you're working with:
So the values for P1 and P2 that I give above are end-points of a line-segment that's perpendicular to the ellipse. If you really wanted to continue with just altering the radiusX and radiusY values the way you were doing, you could do this. You just need to figure out what the 'Not w' length is at each angle, and use half of this value in place of halfWidth in radiusX +/- halfWidth and radiusY +/- halfwidth. I leave that bit of geometry as an exercise for the reader.

efficient way of accessing opencv Mat elements

I'm trying to play around with some OpenCV and thought up an interesting little scenario to work on.
Basically, I want to take a pixel, add the colour values from the 3 neighbouring pixels (so (x, y), (x+1, y) (x, y+1) and (x+1, y+1)) and divide the result by 4 to get an average colour value. Then the next set of pixels I process is (x+2, y+2) with it's 3 neighbours.
I then also want to be able to do a similar thing, but with 9 pixels (with the chosen co-ordinate to work from being the centre).
Initially I started with a gaussian blur type masking, but that's not the result I want to acheive. As from those calculations, I just want to get 1 pixel value. So the output image will be 1/4 or a 1/9 of the size. So for now I've got it working where I've literally written out the calculation in a for loop as:
for (int i = 1; i < myImage.rows -1; i++)
b = 0;
for (int k = 1; k < myImage.cols -1; k++)
//9 pixel radius<Vec3b>(a, b)[1] = (<Vec3b>(i-1, k-1)[1]<Vec3b>(i-1, k)[1]<Vec3b>(i+1, k)[1] +<Vec3b>(i, k)[1]<Vec3b>(i, k-1)[1]<Vec3b>(i, k+1)[1] +<Vec3b>(i + 1, k+1)[1] +<Vec3b>(i-1, k + 1)[1] +<Vec3b>(i + 1, k - 1)[1]) / 9;<Vec3b>(a, b)[2] = (<Vec3b>(i-1, k-1)[2]<Vec3b>(i-1, k)[2]<Vec3b>(i+1, k)[2] +<Vec3b>(i, k)[2]<Vec3b>(i, k-1)[2]<Vec3b>(i, k+1)[2] +<Vec3b>(i + 1, k+1)[2] +<Vec3b>(i-1, k + 1)[2] +<Vec3b>(i + 1, k - 1)[2]) / 9;<Vec3b>(a, b)[0] = (<Vec3b>(i-1, k-1)[0]<Vec3b>(i-1, k)[0]<Vec3b>(i+1, k)[0] +<Vec3b>(i, k)[0]<Vec3b>(i, k-1)[0]<Vec3b>(i, k+1)[0] +<Vec3b>(i + 1, k+1)[0] +<Vec3b>(i-1, k + 1)[0] +<Vec3b>(i + 1, k - 1)[0]) / 9;
//4 pixel radius
//<Vec3b>(a, b)[1] = (<Vec3b>(i, k)[1] +<Vec3b>(i + 1, k)[1] +<Vec3b>(i, k + 1)[1] +<Vec3b>(i, k - 1)[1] +<Vec3b>(i - 1, k)[1]) / 5;
//<Vec3b>(a, b)[2] = (<Vec3b>(i, k)[2] +<Vec3b>(i + 1, k)[2] +<Vec3b>(i, k + 1)[2] +<Vec3b>(i, k - 1)[2] +<Vec3b>(i - 1, k)[2]) / 5;
//<Vec3b>(a, b)[0] = (<Vec3b>(i, k)[0] +<Vec3b>(i + 1, k)[0] +<Vec3b>(i, k + 1)[0] +<Vec3b>(i, k - 1)[0] +<Vec3b>(i - 1, k)[0]) / 5;
Obviously, it's possible to setup the two options as different function that is called, but I'm just wondering if there's a more efficient way of achieveing this, that would let the size of the mask be changed.
Thanks for any help!
I'm assuming that you want to do this all without built-in functions (like resize, mean, or filter2d) and just want to directly address the image using at. There are further optimizations that can be made, but this is intended as a reasonable and understandable improvement on the original code.
Also, it should be noted that I ignore any extra rows/columns when the image size is not exactly divisible by the scale factor. You'll need to specify the expected behavior if you want something different.
The first thing I'd do is change what you think of as the target pixel. Assume you have a 3x3 neighborhood like so:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
We're going to take the mean value of all of these pixels anyway, so whether we call pixel 5 the target or pixel 1 makes no difference to the resulting image. I'm going to call pixel 1 the target because it makes the math cleaner.
The 1 pixel will always be on coordinates divisible by the scaling factor. If the scaling factor is 2, the coordinates of 1 will always be even.
Second, rather than loop over the original image dimensions, which actually results in recalculating the same pixel in Result numerous times, I'm going to loop over the dimensions of Result and figure out which pixels in the original image contribute to each pixel in the result.
So to find neighborhood in the original image that corresponds to pixel (x, y) in the result image, we just have to look for pixel 1 of that neighborhood. Since it's a multiple of the scaling factor, it's just
(x * scaleFactor, y * scaleFactor)
Finally, we need to add two more nested loops to loop over the scaleFactor x scaleFactor window. This is the part the avoids having to type out those long calculations.
In the 3x3 example above, for example, pixel 9 in the neighborhood of (x, y) will be:
(x * scaleFactor + 2, y * scaleFactor + 2)
I also do the mean calculation directly in a vector rather than doing each channel individually. This means that our results will overflow a uchar, so I use Vec3i and cast it back to a Vec3b after the division. This is one place where you should consider using a built-in function mean to calculate the average over the window as it will remove the need for these new loops.
So, if our original image is myImage, we have:
int scaleFactor = 3;
Mat Result(myImage.rows/scaleFactor, myImage.rows/scaleFactor,
myImage.type(), Scalar::all(0));
for (int i = 0; i < Result.rows; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < Result.cols; k++)
// make sum an int vector so it can hold
// value = scaleFactor x scaleFactor x 255
Vec3i areaSum = Vec3i(0,0,0);
for (int m = 0; m < scaleFactor; m++)
for (int n = 0; n < scaleFactor; n++)
areaSum +=<Vec3b>(i*scaleFactor+m, k*scaleFactor+n);
}<Vec3b>(i,k) = Vec3b(areaSum/(scaleFactor*scaleFactor));
Here are a couple of samples...
scaleFactor = 2:
scaleFactor = 3:
scaleFactor = 5:

opengl normalized device coordinates larger than 1

I am currently coding a menu system in JAVA and need to convert from world coordinates to screen coordinates. I have read many a post on how to do it and have built the following:
float[] v = new float[]{0,0,0,1}; //four vector location of object in object space
//multiply by model matrix
v[0] = model[0]*v[0] + model[4]*v[1] + model[8]*v[2] + model[12]*v[3];
v[1] = model[1]*v[0] + model[5]*v[1] + model[9]*v[2] + model[13]*v[3];
v[2] = model[2]*v[0] + model[6]*v[1] + model[10]*v[2] + model[14]*v[3];
v[3] = model[3]*v[0] + model[7]*v[1] + model[11]*v[2] + model[15]*v[3];
//multiply by projection matrix
v[0] = projection[0]*v[0] + projection[4]*v[1] + projection[8]*v[2] + projection[12]*v[3];
v[1] = projection[1]*v[0] + projection[5]*v[1] + projection[9]*v[2] + projection[13]*v[3];
v[2] = projection[2]*v[0] + projection[6]*v[1] + projection[10]*v[2] + projection[14]*v[3];
v[3] = projection[3]*v[0] + projection[7]*v[1] + projection[11]*v[2] + projection[15]*v[3];
//account for distortions
v[0] = v[0]/v[3];
v[1] = v[1]/v[3];
v[2] = v[2]/v[3];
v[3] = v[3]/v[3];
//transform to screen coords.
onScreenX = (int)((viewport[2] * (v[0] + 1.0f)) / 2.0f) + viewport[0];
onScreenY = (int)((viewport[3] * (v[1] + 1.0f)) / 2.0f) + viewport[1];
System.out.println(onScreenX + ", " + onScreenY);
Now the big issue I am having is that after I do the perspective divide I should have values between -1 and 1. However, I get some that are outside of this range even though the object is clearly on the screen. I am not sure what I could be missing here.
I already know of the the function gluProject() but this calculation is located far from where my glu object is located and so the function would be of no use. It must be done with matrix math.
These calculations overwrite values in the v vector with new ones, and then use them where the old values should still be used.
Just looking at the first two assignments:
v[0] = model[0]*v[0] + model[4]*v[1] + model[8]*v[2] + model[12]*v[3];
v[1] = model[1]*v[0] + model[5]*v[1] + model[9]*v[2] + model[13]*v[3];
The first statement assigns a new value to v[0], and then uses it on the right side of the second statement. So for the calculation of v[1], the new value for v[0] is used together with the old values of v[1], v[2] and v[3].
The same pattern continues through the entire calculations.
The easiest way to avoid this is to use a new vector for each step of the calculation. For example:
float[] vModel = new float[4];
vModel[0] = model[0]*v[0] + model[4]*v[1] + model[8]*v[2] + model[12]*v[3];
vModel[1] = model[1]*v[0] + model[5]*v[1] + model[9]*v[2] + model[13]*v[3];
float[] vProj = new float[4];
vProj[0] = projection[0]*vModel[0] + ...
This avoids overwriting values with new ones while the old one is still in use.

Line-Circle Algorithm not quite working as expected

First, see:
I have an algorithm that solves for the height of an object given a circle and an offset.
It sort of works but the height is always off:
Here is the formula:
and here is a sketch of what it is supposed to do:
And here is sample output from the application:
In the formula, offset = 10 and widthRatio is 3. This is why it is (1 / 10) because (3 * 3) + 1 = 10.
The problem, as you can see is the height of the blue rectangle is not correct. I set the bottom left offsets to be the desired offset (in this case 10) so you can see the bottom left corner is correct. The top right corner is wrong because from the top right corner, I should only have to go 10 pixels until I touch the circle.
The code I use to set the size and location is:
void DataWidgetsHandler::resize( int w, int h )
int tabSz = getProportions()->getTableSize() * getProportions()->getScale();
int r = tabSz / 2;
agui::Point tabCenter = agui::Point(
w * getProportions()->getTableOffset().getX(),
h * getProportions()->getTableOffset().getY());
float widthRatio = 3.0f;
int offset = 10;
int height = solveHeight(offset,widthRatio,tabCenter.getX(),tabCenter.getY(),r);
int width = height * widthRatio;
int borderMargin = height;
h - height - offset);
I can assert that the table radius and table center location are correct.
This is my implementation of the formula:
int DataWidgetsHandler::solveHeight( int offset, float widthRatio, float h, float k, float r ) const
float denom = (widthRatio * widthRatio) + 1.0f;
float rSq = denom * r * r;
float eq = widthRatio * offset - offset - offset + h - (widthRatio * k);
eq *= eq;
return (1.0f / denom) *
((widthRatio * h) + k - offset - (widthRatio * (offset + offset)) - sqrt(rSq - eq) );
It uses the quadratic formula to find what the height should be so that the distance between the top right of the rectangle, bottom left, amd top left are = offset.
Is there something wrong with the formula or implementation? The problem is the height is never long enough.
Well, here's my solution, which looks to resemble your solveHeight function. There might be some arithmetic errors in the below, but the method is sound.
You can think in terms of matching the coordinates at the point of the circle across
from the rectangle (P).
Let o_x,o_y be the lower left corner offset distances, w and h be the
height of the rectangle, w_r be the width ratio, dx be the desired
distance between the top right hand corner of the rectangle and the
circle (moving horizontally), c_x and c_y the coordinates of the
circle's centre, theta the angle, and r the circle radius.
Labelling it is half the work! Simply write down the coordinates of the point P:
P_x = o_x + w + dx = c_x + r cos(theta)
P_y = o_y + h = c_y + r sin(theta)
and we know w = w_r * h.
To simplify the arithmetic, let's collect some of the constant terms, and let X = o_x + dx - c_x and Y = o_y - c_y. Then we have
X + w_r * h = r cos(theta)
Y + h = r sin(theta)
Squaring and summing gives a quadratic in h:
(w_r^2 + 1) * h^2 + 2 (X*w_r + Y) h + (X^2+Y^2-r^2) == 0
If you compare this with your effective quadratic, then as long as we made different mistakes :-), you might be able to figure out what's going on.
To be explicit: we can solve this using the quadratic formula, setting
a = (w_r^2 + 1)
b = 2 (X*w_r + Y)
c = (X^2+Y^2-r^2)