Reading a text file in c++ - c++

string numbers;
string fileName = "text.txt";
ifstream inputFile;,ios_base::in);
inputFile >> numbers;
cout << numbers;
And my text.txt file is:
1 2 3 4 5
basically a set of integers separated by tabs.
The problem is the program only reads the first integer in the text.txt file and ignores the rest for some reason. If I remove the tabs between the integers it works fine, but with tabs between them, it won't work. What causes this? As far as I know it should ignore any white space characters or am I mistaken? If so is there a better way to get each of these numbers from the text file?

When reading formatted strings the input operator starts with ignoring leading whitespace. Then it reads non-whitespace characters up to the first space and stops. The non-whitespace characters get stored in the std::string. If there are only whitespace characters before the stream reaches end of file (or some error for that matter), reading fails. Thus, your program reads one "word" (in this case a number) and stops reading.
Unfortunately, you only said what you are doing and what the problems are with your approach (where you problem description failed to cover the case where reading the input fails in the first place). Here are a few things you might want to try:
If you want to read multiple words, you can do so, e.g., by reading all words:
std::vector<std::string> words;
This will read all words from inputFile and store them as a sequence of std::strings in the vector words. Since you file contains numbers you might want to replace std::string by int to read numbers in a readily accessible form.
If you want to read a line rather than a word you can use std::getline() instead:
if (std::getline(inputFile, line)) { ... }
If you want to read multiple lines, you'd put this operation into a loop: There is, unfortunately, no read-made approach to read a sequence of lines as there is for words.
If you want to read the entire file, not just the first line, into a file, you can also use std::getline() but you'd need to know about one character value which doesn't occur in your file, e.g., the null value:
if (std::getline(inputFile, text, char()) { ... }
This approach considers a "line" a sequence of characters up to a null character. You can use any other character value as well. If you can't be sure about the character values, you can read an entire file using std::string's constructor taking iterators:
std::string text((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(inputFile)),
Note, that the extra pair of parenthesis around the first parameter is, unfortunately, necessary (if you are using C++ 2011 you can avoid them by using braces, instead of parenthesis).

Use getline to do the reading.
string numbers;
if (inputFile.is_open())//checking if open
getline (inputFile,numbers); //fetches entire line into string numbers

Your program does behave exactly as in your description : inputFile >> numbers; just extract the first integer in the input file, so if you suppress the tab, inputFile>> will extract the number 12345, not 5 five numbers [1,2,3,4,5].
a better method :
vector< int > numbers;
string fileName = "text.txt";
ifstream inputFile;,ios_base::in);
char c;
while (inputFile.good()) // loop while extraction from file is possible
c = inputFile.get(); // get character from file
if ( inputFile.good() and c!= '\t' and c!=' ' ) // not sure of tab and space encoding in C++
numbers.push_back( (int) c);


Test for end of line and white space

I am reading a file of 5 doubles in a line through a for loop and storing them into a vector of structs and sometimes there is less then 5 doubles on the line. The file looks something like
111.111 222.222 333.333 444.444 555.555
777.777 (whitespace) 888.888 999.999
struct temp_struct{
double d1,d2,d3,d4,d5
vector<temp_struct> data;
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
Is there a way to test for the empty space after 666.666 and inbetween 777.777 and 888.888.
Because right now the way I am reading it in, after 666.666 it will go to the next line of the file and read 777.777 and 888.888 999.999 so that the struct looks like and where I would rather have, break because of end of line,,
I am programming in VS2010 C++
The usual way to parse line-based text is to use std::getline() in combination with an std::istringstream, e.g.:
for (std::string line; std::getline(in, line); ) {
std::istringstream lin(line);
// parse the line using `line`
There are other approaches, too, though. For example, it is possible to set up a stream to not consider a newline whitespace: this way, trying to read numbers when a newline is encountered the attempt to read the value would fail! The way to change what is considered whitespace is to install a custom std::locale object with a custom version of std::ctype<char>.

string input copied text

I have for example the following piece of code:
string str;
int i;
There is actually nothing wrong with this code, but if I paste some text into the command prompt in "input", it automatically fills some of the copied text into "integer". How can I solve this?
Edit: I can type texts as long as I want, but when I copy texts it goes wrong. I don't know why.
I guess, your text contains white spaces. So, std::cin will not work here. Use std::getline instead.
std::string str;
std::getline( std::cin, str );
There's a third parameter of std::getline - delimiter. By default, it's the new line char.
If your text does contain new line chars, than this will not work. You have 2 options:
find unique char, that may be used as delimiter and pass it as third parameter of std::getline
read line by line (using std::getline) from the user input (std::cin) and look for some special string, that will tell your program where the text ends. There's no other way to know where does the integer start (unless the text is with fixed size, but I doubt that)
string str;
int i;
getline(cin, str);
// you want to read the whole line, operator>> will read until whitespace

C++ fstream: how to know size of string when reading? someone may remember, I'm still stuck on C++ strings. Ok, I can write a string to a file using a fstream as follows
outStream.write((char *) s.c_str(), s.size());
When I want to read that string, I can do *) s.c_str(), s.size());
Everything works as expected. The problem is: if I change the length of my string after writing it to a file and before reading it again, printing that string won't bring me back my original string but a shorter/longer one. So: if I have to store many strings on a file, how can I know their size when reading it back?
Thanks a lot!
You shouldn’t be using the unformatted I/O functions (read() and write()) if you just want to write ordinary human-readable string data. Generally you only use those functions when you need to read and write compact binary data, which for a beginner is probably unnecessary. You can write ordinary lines of text instead:
std::string text = "This is some test data.";
std::ofstream file("data.txt");
file << text << '\n';
Then read them back with getline():
std::ifstream file("data.txt");
std::string line;
std::getline(file, line);
// line == text
You can also use the regular formatting operator >> to read, but when applied to string, it reads tokens (nonwhitespace characters separated by whitespace), not whole lines:
std::ifstream file("data.txt");
std::vector<std::string> words;
std::string word;
while (file >> word) {
// words == {"This", "is", "some", "test", "data."}
All of the formatted I/O functions automatically handle memory management for you, so there is no need to worry about the length of your strings.
Although your writing solution is more or less acceptable, your reading solution is fundamentally flawed: it uses the internal storage of your old string as a character buffer for your new string, which is very, very bad (to put it mildly).
You should switch to a formatted way of reading and writing the streams, like this:
outStream << s;
inStream >> s;
This way you would not need to bother determining the lengths of your strings at all.
This code is different in that it stops at whitespace characters; you can use getline if you want to stop only at \n characters.
You can write the strings and write an additional 0 (null terminator) to the file. Then it will be easy to separate strings later. Also, you might want to read and write lines
outfile << string1 << endl;
getline(infile, string2, '\n');
If you want to use unformatted I/O your only real options are to either use a fixed size or to prepend the size somehow so you know how many characters to read. Otherwise, when using formatted I/O it somewhat depends on what your strings contain: if they can contain all viable characters, you would need to implement some sort of quoting mechanism. In simple cases, where strings consist e.g. of space-free sequence, you can just use formatted I/O and be sure to write a space after each string. If your strings don't contain some character useful as a quote, it is relatively easy to process quotes:
std::istream& quote(std::istream& out) {
char c;
if (in >> c && c != '"') {
out << '"' << string << "'";
std::getline(in >> std::ws >> quote, string, '"');
Obviously, you might want to bundle this functionality a class.

Very specific parsing in C++

Basically, I'm trying to read in the words from a file and, without punctuation, read each word into a multimap which is then inserted into a vector with each pair being a word and the line of the file that word is found. I've got the function to remove punctuation working perfectly and I'm fairly certain my insert code works properly, but I can't seem to get around the line number part. I've included this section of my code as follows:
ifstream in("textfile.txt");
string line;
string keys;
stringstream keystream;
int line_number = 1;
while (getline(in, line, '\n')) {
keystream << line;
while(getline(keystream, keys, ' '))
table.insert(keys, line_number); //this just inserts the pair into my vector (table is an instance of a class I created)
The problem seems to be related to the stringstream. It doesn't seem to clear when I use keystream.str(""). This particular method only seems to read line 1 in and then exits the loop, whereas some other variations I've tried (I can't remember exactly what I did) read the entire file but don't flush the stringstream so it reads like word 1, word 1, word 2, word 1, word 2, word 3, etc.. Anyway, if anyone could point me in the right direction or perhaps link to a guide specific to parsing input in c++ that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Don't keep the string stream object; just make a new one in each round:
string line;
while (getline(in, line, '\n'))
istringstream keystream(line);
string keys;
while (getline(keystream, keys, ' ')) // or even "while (keystream >> keys)"
I think the problem is that the second getline() loop sets the EOF flag on the stringstream, and this is not cleared when you call str(). You need to call .clear() also on 'keystream'.

Tokenization of a text file with frequency and line occurrence. Using C++

once again I ask for help. I haven't coded anything for sometime!
Now I have a text file filled with random gibberish. I already have a basic idea on how I will count the number of occurrences per word.
What really stumps me is how I will determine what line the word is in. Gut instinct tells me to look for the newline character at the end of each line. However I have to do this while going through the text file the first time right? Since if I do it afterwords it will do no good.
I already am getting the words via the following code:
vector<string> words;
string currentWord;
inputFile >> currentWord;
This is for a text file with no set structure. Using the above code gives me a nice little(big) vector of words, but it doesn't give me the line they occur in.
Would I have to get the entire line, then process it into words to make this possible?
Use a std::map<std::string, int> to count the word occurrences -- the int is the number of times it exists.
If you need like by line input, use std::getline(std::istream&, std::string&), like this:
std::vector<std::string> lines;
std::ifstream file(...) //Fill in accordingly.
std::string currentLine;
while(std::getline(file, currentLine))
You can split a line apart by putting it into an std::istringstream first and then using operator>>. (Alternately, you could cobble up some sort of splitter using std::find and other algorithmic primitaves)
EDIT: This is the same thing as in #dash-tom-bang's answer, but modified to be correct with respect to error handing:
vector<string> words;
int currentLine = 1; // or 0, however you wish to count...
string line;
while (getline(inputFile, line))
istringstream inputString(line);
string word;
while (inputString >> word)
words.push_back(pair(word, currentLine));
Short and sweet.
vector< map< string, size_t > > line_word_counts;
string line, word;
while ( getline( cin, line ) ) {
map< string, size_t > &word_counts = line_word_counts.back();
istringstream line_is( line );
while ( is >> word ) ++ word_counts[ word ];
cout << "'Hello' appears on line 5 " << line_word_counts[5-1]["Hello"]
<< " times\n";
You're going to have to abandon reading into strings, because operator >>(istream&, string&) discards white space and the contents of the white space (== '\n' or != '\n', that is the question...) is what will give you line numbers.
This is where OOP can save the day. You need to write a class to act as a "front end" for reading from the file. Its job will be to buffer data from the file, and return words one at a time to the caller.
Internally, the class needs to read data from the file a block (say, 4096 bytes) at a time. Then a string GetWord() (yes, returning by value here is good) method will:
First, read any white space characters, taking care to increment the object's lineNumber member every time it hits a \n.
Then read non-whitespace characters, putting them into the string object you'll be returning.
If it runs out of stuff to read, read the next block and continue.
If the you hit the end of file, the string you have is the whole word (which may be empty) and should be returned.
If the function returns an empty string, that tells the caller that the end of file has been reached. (Files usually end with whitespace characters, so reading whitespace characters cannot imply that there will be a word later on.)
Then you can call this method at the same place in your code as your cin >> line and the rest of the code doesn't need to know the details of your block buffering.
An alternative approach is to read things a line at a time, but all the read functions that would work for you require you to create a fixed-size buffer to read into beforehand, and if the line is longer than that buffer, you have to deal with it somehow. It could get more complicated than the class I described.