does firefly supports Enums - firefly-mv

Does anyone know if the infrastructure supports a column that is based on Enum that I added to my code?

You can use: Firefly.Box.Data.EnumColumn<EnumType>
Also have a look at: Firefly.Box.Data.Advanced.CustomColumn<T>


C++ analogue for -lspci command

I need to search for Hardwares in linux environment based on Vendor IDs programmatically using C++.
I know that I can get the list using
Can anyone throw some light here??
Thanks and Best Regards
The lspci program uses libpci internally. Both the program and the library are part of the pciutils package. To use libpci programmatically from C or C++, I suggest taking a look at the example.

Mapreduce in MPI

I want to use word count on this dataset :
I can't find a program on the internet which will help me to do so.
Please suggest something ?
This is something that is pretty amenable to MapReduce. If you're a python guy, you might like mrjob, which actually uses a word count example in a lot of their documentation:
Have a look at easyLambda. It is a C++ and MPI library based on data-flow and map-reduce. It has a word-count example as well.

C++ class to read and write opendocument spreadheets (*.ods)

I was looking for a Qt implementation (since Qt already support export of rich text to odt) but found none of them.
Then I was astonished that I can't find any C++ class to read/write ods files.
I need to import/export tables with basic formating and was thinking that using a open source format would be a good idea. But it looks like it is mission impossible in C++
I wrote a Qt5 library for working with .ods, check it out:
The Calligra framework will let you do this just fine, and since you're looking for a Qt based thing, then that would probably be your best option :) Further information on using Calligra for development can be found here:
Not exactily what you wanted but check this out:
OpenOffice API

Netbeans: C/C++ file-template variables documentation needed

I'm looking for a faq or overview on C/C++ template-file variables in Netbeans (7.0).
(Not to be confused with the template technique). Those you see under Tools > Templates > C++ templates.
which are automatically filled when you create a new cpp/header file out of that file-template.
The help for the Java template-variables with Freemarker is very extensive, but I found nothing for the C++ equivalent.
When I did a search on CLASSNAME DEFAULT_HEADER_EXT, google gave me 5 results... which were not helpful. So if there is a reference or api, it seems to be hidden somewhere... Not even the netbeans site had any information about that.
And if there is nothing, maybe someone can at least tell me if there is a way to format the %DATE% variable (like this in Java's Freemarker format: ${date?date?string("yyyy")} ).
Still no luck... can't believe that such a feature is not documented... Any help would be appreciated :)
I know it's an old question but just stumbled on it and think it's good to have it mentioned:
The documentation of all predefined template variables including the date formatting may be found here:

Best C/C++ Library to defang HTML?

I'm looking for a C/C++ functional equivalent to HTML::Defang, and my Google-fu has not been able to uncover anything. I want to keep any benign tags and strip out/defang everything else. Lacking an actual library, any pointers to complete lists of tags/attributes/etc to defang would be appreciated. I know of Thanks.
In Java, I use JTidy to clean up HTML. I'm not sure if it would suit your needs, but if you Google for JTidy you can follow the link to a C/C++ implementation as well, and see if it does what you want.
As for what to defang: Look at the W3C specs for HTML; any tag not in there doesn't belong in HTML. But again, I could be misunderstanding your "defang" concept.
libxml2 is free and should do what you want.
See this part of the API:
The htmlReadFile() function might do the trick.
To get you started with libxml2 some examples can be found here: