Can't open SFML 2 window if not in same scope - c++

I have built myself a little entity based game framework that does no rendering or window management by itself but provides structure. An equivalent to an MVC framework really.
I am now trying to put it into practice by rendering a simple window with SFML 2. I have done it in the past in this environment (my Ubuntu 12.04 box) with more stringy code, so I know my SFML 2 libraries are working correctly.
I am however getting a segmentation fault when trying to access my sf::RenderWindow instance. I have run it through GDB and everything is there, but when trying to execute a method (which GDB can see), it dies.
This only happens though if I try to access my window like this.
class BasicGame : public arc::Game
sf::RenderWindow window;
class BasicGameSystem : public arc::System
BasicGame* game;
class RenderSystem : public BasicGameSystem
void start()
game->window.create(sf::VideoMode(640, 480), "Basic arc example");
The pointer, game, is not null. I can dereference it in GDB and it will return an instance of BasicGame. game->window also exists, and GDB can see game->window.create, it will even moan at me for not supplying any arguments if I try to execute it.
If I try to execute setFramerateLimit manually with GDB using a breakpoint it will also segfault.
If I change my start method to this though...
void start()
sf::RenderWindow window;
window.create(sf::VideoMode(640, 480), "Basic arc example");
It works absolutely fine. Well, the window closes instantly, but no segfault.
Does sf::RenderWindow need to be in the same scope? Does it's default constructor break it?
I am still pretty new to C++, so I may be doing something utterly stupid, but any help on this would be much appreciated. I have been searching and tinkering for hours but I just can't work it out. Hopefully this is enough information too.
Just for a little more information. I am compiling with clang++ although I have tried g++ too with the same result. And here is the backtrace from GDB.
#0 0xb7cd0981 in sf::Window::close() () from /usr/local/lib/
#1 0xb7cd131e in sf::Window::create(sf::VideoMode, std::string const&, unsigned int, sf::ContextSettings const&) ()
from /usr/local/lib/
#2 0x080496a3 in RenderSystem::start (this=0xbffff0f0) at examples/basic.cpp:26
#3 0x0804b60e in arc::SystemList::add (this=0xbffff128, system=0xbffff0f0) at src/SystemList.cpp:17
#4 0x08049f79 in arc::Game::addSystem (this=0xbffff128, system=0xbffff0f0) at src/Game.cpp:11
#5 0x08048cfc in main () at examples/basic.cpp:73
I have no idea why close is being run... I have one occurrence in my codebase which is listening for the window close event. Taking it out makes no difference. Just thought I would make sure.

The pointer, game, is not null. I can dereference it in GDB and it will return an instance of BasicGame.
The key point is to have a valid instance of BasicGame. From the code snippet you gave, it looks like you didn't use new so your pointer is pointing to a non-allocated memory region.
Consider the following code :
int* x = new int;
*x = 58;
delete x;
std::cout << x << " points to the value " << *x << std::endl; // unpredictable behaviour!
After deleting x you still can print its old address but if you try to access its content you might (but not necessarily) crash your program.
To prevent such mistake your should always add x = 0; (or x = nullptr; in C++11) and initialise your attributs :
BasicGameSystem() : game(0) { }
This way, you will know when you access invalid memory region because your program will crash.


Is HelloWindow object deleted?

I created a sample GTKMM project on GNOME Builder. The great thing was that a sample hello world code was automatically generated for my sample project. Since C++ source files are organized into three parts:
Header file
Implementation file
Main file
I've modified my sample code in a single cpp file for demonstration:
#include <iostream>
#include <gtkmm.h>
using std::cout;
using Gtk::Application;
using Gtk::Window;
using Gtk::Box;
using Gtk::Button;
using Gtk::Label;
class HelloWindow : public Window
Box box;
Button button;
Label label;
: Glib::ObjectBase("HelloWindow")
, Window()
, button("Clickable button")
, label("Hello World!")
set_default_size(320, 240);
bool expand(true), fill(true);
box.pack_start(label, expand, fill);
box.pack_end(button, expand, fill);
cout << "Object successfully destructed!\n";
static void
on_activate(Glib::RefPtr<Application> app)
Window *window = app->get_active_window();
if (not window) {
window = new HelloWindow();
int main()
auto app = Application::create("io.test.window-state-event");
app->signal_activate().connect(sigc::bind(&on_activate, app));
return app->run();
One interesting part about the above code is that app is connected to on_activate signal which means the user gets to run only one instance of this program. And if he tries to run another instance the previous still running window will instead be presented.
However, there is the use of new keyword on on_activate() and that confuses me a bit. Is the object really deleted when the user closes the HelloWorld window? What I've learnt about C++ new keyword is that one must remember to delete any object allocated with the former keyword.
Moreover, the destructor message "Object successfully destructed!" isn't printed when the window is closed.
Chances are there is an intentional leak, but it's "controlled". The author knows that this method will be called only once. The author also knows the memory needs to be active the entire lifetime of the application. When the application closes, that memory will be freed one way or another (albeit the destructor will never be called, but in this case, there is nothing imperative that would need to be done)
It's perfectly fine in this scenario.
If you want to ensure the Window object gets deleted, you could keep a unique_ptr of the Window and it will dispose itself (thanks to #underscore_d comment):
#include <memory>
static std::unique_ptr<Window> window;
static void
on_activate(Glib::RefPtr<Application> app)
if (!window) {
window = std::make_unique<HelloWindow>();
int main()
auto app = Application::create("io.test.window-state-event");
app->signal_activate().connect(sigc::bind(&on_activate, app));
return app->run();
At the end of the day, I am sure the author wanted to keep this "Hello, World" example simple and concise and didn't want to add in some code that doesn't really need to be there in order to keep it simple and concise.
Take a look at the section about managed widgets in the GTKMM documentation. You should use some variation of Gtk::make_managed:
if (!window) {
window = Gtk::make_managed<HelloWindow>();
This way, the window's lifetime will be managed by the application.

Qt Application Random Crashes via using callbacks and emitting signals from std::thread or boost::thread

I have an annoying issue with Qt and multi threading. Below I have created some simplified code. In my real code, the principle is exactlty the same but way too complex hence for using a simplified version.
The problem is that the application randomly crashes during different points at the run-time with different messages:
free(): invalid pointer
double free or corruption
The crash is triggered from within Qt, I will explain at the end of the post.
Here is how the code works.
So, I have classA that starts a thread:
class classA
void start();
boost::function<void (std::string)> __ptr; // for callback
boost::thread * thread;
void run();
void classA:start()
thread = new boost::thread(&classA::run, this); // start the thread
and here is the actual method that runs in the separate thread:
void classA::run()
for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++)
static int count = 0;
__ptr("test123" + std::to_string(++count));
In my QDialog inherited class, I have a simple method that assigns the boot::function so I have declared another boost::function ptr. The problem is not with the ptr, it is with Qt, read on, the call back works just fine...
class myClassB : public QDialog
explicit myClassB (QWidget *parent);
classA ca;
boost::function<void (std::string)> __ptr;
void mycallback(std::string);
In the constructor of myClassB, I am assigning my call back to boost::function like this (like I said, the callback works fine).
this->__ptr = ( boost::bind( &myClassB::mycallback, this, _1 ) );
ca.__ptr = __ptr;
Here is where the problem starts. In my callback within my classB QDialog, I emit a Qt signal
void myClassB::mycallback(std::string txt)
emit sig_qt_data_received(txt);
This signal gets connected in my classB's constructor:
connect(this, SIGNAL(sig_qt_data_received(std::string)), this, SLOT(data_received(std::string)), Qt::DirectConnection);
and finally, the implementation of the Qt slot:
void myclassB::data_received(std::string txt)
This is where the problem is:
If you remove ui->lbl_status->setText(txt);, the program works flawlessly, it never crashes, if you leave it, it randomly crashes:
free(): invalid pointer
double free or corruption
It appears that the problem is within Qt as when I remove the setText() references, it does not crash and I have followed just about every GUI multi-threading procedure I have found and I don't know what I am doing wrong.
To connect the Qt signal, I am using Qt::DirectConnection and if I use Qt::AutoConnection it will work without a crash but sometimes the whole UI freezes (Edit: this is incorrect, see my answer).
I hope someone can help. If you need more code / real code, let me know, I will write an actual runnable code that you can run and compile but the fundamentals are the same, that's how the code works.
I don't want to be using QThread.
Resolved! Qt::DirectConnection was the culprit, now I use Qt::AutoConnection and it never crashes and according to the docs it is the default:
(Default) If the receiver lives in the thread that emits the signal,
Qt::DirectConnection is used. Otherwise, Qt::QueuedConnection is used.
The connection type is determined when the signal is emitted.
G.M's response above gave me the hint (Thanks):
the fact that explicitly specifying the connection type as
Qt::DirectConnection changes the behaviour suggests you've almost
certainly got a race condition due to threading
Also thank you jpo38 for suggesting / replying anyway.
Now I know I said sometimes it would freeze but no, that's incorrect, it never freezes, I had confused things.

Addressing segfaults and other problems due to unexpected library behavior?

I've been running into problems with a C++ program that I've been working on recently. Specifically, I've been working on a program that uses Qt's GUI framework and I've been running into errors that seem to be related to double-deletion of pointers and exception handling. The issue is that I feel like the API that I'm using works in a way that isn't exactly predictable and because of that, I'm running into a lot of errors that seem counter-intuitive. I'm not the most experienced C++ programmer in the world, so maybe there is some overall strategy for working with new APIs that I'm missing..
Here's an example: I typically always try to delete objects that I dynamically allocate with inside the same class. In other words, if I populate a pointer using the new keyword within a class' constructor or init function, then I usually make sure to delete the contents of that pointer in the class' destructor.
Here's an simplified example of the class definition for the class that was giving me problems [MyProject.h]:
#include "QObject.h"
class QGuiApplication;
class QQmlApplicationEngine;
#define MYPROJECT MyProject::getInstance()
class MyProject : public QObject
explicit MyProject(QObject *parent = 0); //singleton..
MyProject(MyProject const&); //uncopyable..
void operator=(MyProject const&); //unassignable..
QGuiApplication * QtGUI;
QQmlApplicationEngine * QmlAppEngine;
/* Globally available function to get MyProject's singleton instance.
* You can use the "MYPROJECT" preprocessor macro for shorthand. */
static MyProject & getInstance(void)
static MyProject instance;
return instance;
int init(int argc, char * argv[]);
int exec(void);
public slots:
This is what my simplified main.cpp looks like:
#include "MyProject.h"
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
MYPROJECT.init(argc, argv);
return MYPROJECT.exec();
Here's the ctor and init() that I initially had for that class [MyProject.cpp]:
MyProject::MyProject(QObject *parent) :
QObject(parent) ,
//segfault: debug points to both of these..
if (QtGUI) delete QtGUI;
if (QmlAppEngine) delete QmlAppEngine;
int MyProject::init(int argc, char * argv[])
QtGUI = new QGuiApplication(argc, argv);
QmlAppEngine = new QQmlApplicationEngine();
if(QtGUI && QmlAppEngine)
//segfault: debug points to this..
QmlAppEngine->load(QUrl( QStringLiteral("qrc:///MyProject.qml") ));
else return 1;
int MyProject::exec(void)
return QtGUI->exec();
So, my plan was: ctor initializes pointers to NULL, init() populates those pointers with new objects, and if those pointers are not null the dtor cleans them up with delete. But this code crashes with 2 segfaults, but even though I think I've narrowed it down, I'm not sure I understand why they're both happening.
(1) Segfault #1 is a crash on startup that points to the "QmlAppEngine->load()" call inside the init(). I was able to prevent the crash from occurring by wrapping that function call in exception handling code like this:
int MyProject::init(int argc, char * argv[])
QtGUI = new QGuiApplication(argc, argv);
QmlAppEngine = new QQmlApplicationEngine();
if(QtGUI && QmlAppEngine)
//exception handling prevents crash..
QmlAppEngine->load(QUrl( QStringLiteral("qrc:///MyProject.qml") ));
catch(int e)
std::cout << "Exception: " << e << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
else return 1;
I'm not very familiar with exception handling, as most of the code I've written so far has used int return-code style error handling. I'm guessing that the load function can throw an exception in certain situations, and not handling them can cause a crash. The program stopped crashing on start-up once I made this change, but strangely, it didn't seem to actually throw an exception as my 'cout' never output anything.. Something else that I don't understand is that this code is called without any exception handling code in the default setup for brand new Qt Projects that Qt Creator makes - for example, this is what you see when you start a new QtQuick2 project in QtCreator IDE:
#include "QGuiApplication"
#include "QQmlApplicationEngine"
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QQmlApplicationEngine engine();
//default Qt file calls this without issue though..
engine.load(QUrl( QStringLiteral("qrc:///MyQml.qml") );
return app.exec();
The only major different that I can see here is that the default code uses objects instead of pointers to objects. But, in this case, load runs fine without exception handling code and there is no segfault..
(2) The next issue is caused when my dtor calls the delete keyword on those two pointers. If I comment out those two lines, the program runs fine and closes without crashes or issues. This leads me to believe that the API has made these objects delete themselves later, which is causing a segfault due to double-deletion when I also explicitly call delete. But, in general, how can one know if the API that they're using is taking care of object deletion internally? And, if I can't tell whether or not an API specified object is being deleted automatically, should I take any extra measures (i.e.: use some kind of smart pointer, etc.)? Typically I make the assumption that I should delete any dynamically allocated objects in the destructor of the same class, but clearly that can backfire in situations like this.
So what steps can I take to work with the APIs that I use in a way that (a) prevents bugs and (b) allows me to make sure that resources are being freed correctly and exceptions are being handled?
It's hard to find the exact location of error by seeing the sample code you provided, your application must have large code base and does many things with memory. Qt is a well designed and fully documented framework (though some documentation are misleading or outdated), I suggest you to read properly the documentation about a specific item if you have confusion. Here are some general issues I guess you should know/consider when using Qt:
When creating an object on the heap of class that inherits QObject, if you pass a parent ( another QObject) in the constructor, then the child object is owned by parent and memory will be freed automatically by the parent object.
QObject is NO_COPYABLE, so if you inherit from it, you don't need to make copy ctor/assignment operator private. The compiler generated versions of these methods calls parent version (here QObject), hence your class is automatically un-copyable/assignable.
new by default throws bad_alloc exception if it fails instead of returning NULL. So either you use try-catch or change default behavior by using no_throw version of new (new(std::nothrow)), it will return nullptr on failure.
deleteing a NULL pointer will not cause any problem. However, if the pointer points to arbitrary location / contain garbage value, deleteing it will result in segfault.
By default engine.load is not used with exception handler, so there is a high chance it does not raise exception. Look closely in other areas of your code.

Access violation reading location 0x00000004

I have a Class Player like this:
class Player
Sprite *sprite;
Sprite *rocket;
void draw(int x, int y, SpaceInvaders *system);
and in Player.cpp
void Player::draw(int x, int y, SpaceInvaders *system) {
sprite = system->createSprite("data/player.bmp");
sprite->draw(x, y);
This draw method is called in a while loop in main:
player.draw(int(xPos), 480-32, system);
The game runs fine until I X the window. That's when I get "Access violation reading location 0x00000004" on the first line in the Player::draw method.
I've read that it might be due to passing a null pointer or null reference but I don't know how to fix this.
Would appreciate any help, thanks!
It's most probably because when closing the window, something gets destroyed while draw is called - most probably the system pointer.
In your case, draw should never be called when the user wants to close its window (unless the x calls another function to start a closing process of some sort). The best would be to first validate that system is not NULL or even better, use a shared pointer to ensure it is still valid when being used. Afterwwards, you shoiuld ensure that draw is not called when the window is closing - that should be done when calling the draw function (or above depending on how you've designed your application.
On a side note, unless you have a caching mechanism (and even that is not the best way to do it), you're recreating your sprite everytime it's being drawn. I suggest you keep a member variable and initialize the sprite in the construtor.

exc_bad_access crash in QT app

I'm writing a QT app and I'm very rusty with C++, so I'm guessing that's the problem. I've got a crash with an exc_bad_access signal on my Mac, which means I'm doing something wrong with memory. Here's my code:
void MainWindowController::showMainWindow() {
MainWindow *w = mainWindow();
w ->show();
MainWindow *MainWindowController::mainWindow() {
if (NULL != _mainWindow)
return _mainWindow;
// otherwise, we need to load it and return it
_mainWindow = new MainWindow(0);
return _mainWindow;
_mainWindow is an instance variable, a pointer (as you might have guessed from the function signature). It's a simple lazy-loading. I think I'm doing memory management OK, as this class owns the object (which is later deleted in the destructor).
The crash occurs on the w -> show(); line, QT complains its somewhere inside the QWidget show() function, which doesn't really make sense to me.
Can somebody help me out? Thanks!
Turns out it was something even simpler. I'm used to Objective-C, where ivars are automatically initialized to 0. C++ doesn't do this. So, I had to make sure _mainWindow was initialized to NULL in the constructor. Problem solved.