Optimizing algorithm to find number of six digit numbers satisfying certain property - c++

Problem: "An algorithm to find the number of six digit numbers where the sum of the first three digits is equal to the sum of the last three digits."
I came across this problem in an interview and want to know the best solution. This is what I have till now.
Approach 1: The Brute force solution is, of course, to check for each number (between 100,000 and 999,999) whether the sum of its first three and last three digits are equal. If yes, then increment certain counter which keeps count of all such numbers.
But this checks for all 900,000 numbers and so is inefficient.
Approach 2: Since we are asked "how many" such numbers and not "which numbers", we could do better. Divide the number into two parts: First three digits (these go from 100 to 999) and Last three digits (these go from 000 to 999). Thus, the sum of three digits in either part of a candidate number can range from 1 to 27.
* Maintain a std::map<int, int> for each part where key is the sum and value is number of numbers (3 digit) having that sum in the corresponding part.
* Now, for each number in the first part find out its sum and update the corresponding map.
* Similarly, we can get updated map for the second part.
* Now by multiplying the corresponding pairs (e.g. value in map 1 of key 4 and value in map 2 of key 4) and adding them up we get the answer.
In this approach, we end up checking 1K numbers.
My question is how could we further optimize? Is there a better solution?

For 0 <= s <= 18, there are exactly 10 - |s - 9| ways to obtain s as the sum of two digits.
So, for the first part
int first[28] = {0};
for(int s = 0; s <= 18; ++s) {
int c = 10 - (s < 9 ? (9 - s) : (s - 9));
for(int d = 1; d <= 9; ++d) {
first[s+d] += c;
That's 19*9 = 171 iterations, for the second half, do it similarly, with the inner loop starting at 0 instead of 1, that's 19*10 = 190 iterations. Then sum first[i]*second[i] for 1 <= i <= 27.

Generate all three-digit numbers; partition them into sets based on their sum of digits. (Actually, all you need to do is keep a vector that counts the size of the sets). For each set, the number of six-digit numbers that can be generated is the size of the set squared. Sum up the squares of the set sizes to get your answer.
int sumCounts[28]; // sums can go from 0 through 27
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 28; ++i) {
count = sumCounts[i];
total += count * count;
EDIT Variation to eliminate counting leading zeroes:
int sumCounts[28];
int sumCounts2[28];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
int s = sumOfDigits(i);
for (int i = 100; i < 1000; ++i) {
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 28; ++i) {
count = sumCounts[i];
total += (count - sumCounts2[i]) * count;

Python Implementation
def equal_digit_sums():
dists = {}
for i in range(1000):
digits = [int(d) for d in str(i)]
dsum = sum(digits)
if dsum not in dists:
dists[dsum] = [0,0]
dists[dsum][0 if len(digits) == 3 else 1] += 1
def prod(dsum):
t = dists[dsum]
return (t[0]+t[1])*t[0]
return sum(prod(dsum) for dsum in dists)
Result: 50412

One idea: For each number from 0 to 27, count the number of three-digit numbers that have that digit sum. This should be doable efficiently with a DP-style approach.
Now you just sum the squares of the results, since for each answer, you can make a six-digit number with one of those on each side.

Assuming leading 0's aren't allowed, you want to calculate how many different ways are there to sum to n with 3 digits. To calculate that you can have a for loop inside a for loop. So:
firstHalf = 0
for i in xrange(max(1,n/3),min(9,n+1)): #first digit
for j in xrange((n-i)/2,min(9,n-i+1)): #second digit
firstHalf +=1 #Will only be one possible third digit
secondHalf = firstHalf + max(0,10-|n-9|)
If you are trying to sum to a number, then the last number is always uniquely determined. Thus in the case where the first number is 0 we are just calculating how many different values are possible for the second number. This will be n+1 if n is less than 10. If n is greater, up until 18 it will be 19-n. Over 18 there are no ways to form the sum.
If you loop over all n, 1 through 27, you will have your total sum.


Find the maximum score in a given array which can be found by either multiplying or adding

You are given an array A of K integers where Ai denotes page number of a book. To compute the score, you can either add or multiply the last digit of the page numbers.
You have to find the maximum score you can get. Since the score can be quite large, output the score modulo 1000000007
Note: The book contains N pages. Also, you need to follow the order in which the page numbers are given in the array. Initially, your score is 0.
Input format :
First line: Two space seperated integers N and K.
Next line: K space seperated integers denoting the page numbers.
Output format :
Output the maximum score you can get. Print it modulo 1000000007
Input Constraints:
50 3
2 35 23
Last digit of all page numbers are: 2, 5, and 3.
Initial score = 0
We add 2 to the score which now becomes 2, multiply with 5 making the score 10, finally we multiply with 3 making the score 30 which is the maximum score.
Output 30 % (10^9+7) = 30.
I encountered the same question in an online test I gave recently.
Instead N was the no of books and K is the size of the array.Both were given as inputs.
Here is what I did:
int main() {
long long n, k;
long long m = 1000000007;
cin >> n >> k;
vector<int> arr(k, 0);
for(int i = 0; i < k; i++){
cin >> arr[i];
long long prod = 1;
long long sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < k; i++){
if(arr[k] < n){
prod = ((prod % m) * (arr[k] % 10)) % m;
sum = ((sum% m) + (arr[k] % 10)) % m;
prod = max(prod, sum);
sum = max(prod, sum);
cout << prod % m << endl;
return 0;
As you can see instead of handling for 1 and 2, I am checking for max value of the product and sum at every iteration and updating both the product and sum with it.
I got two test cases passed and rest gave wrong answer.Why is it so?
Here is the question link, if anyone needs to give it a try.
The Book Game Problem
The problem asks you to add OR multiply the last digit of the page numbers to make the resultant score as large as possible.
In this case, you should add when the digit is 0 or 1, and multiply otherwise.
For example,
Let the last digit sequence be
[1 0 2 5 8 1]
'score' is initialized to be 0.
add 1 (score: 1)
add 0 (score: 1)
multiply by 2 (score: 2)
multiply by 5 (score: 10)
multiply by 8 (score: 80)
add 1 (score: 81)
and before submitting the answer, you need to modulo it by 1000000007.
score %= 1000000007
in your code, you are calculating the prod and the sum separately, which is not what you are asked to do. Also, you are sumbitting only the 'prod' value, while it is not always the maximum value (consider multiplying some number by 0)
And additionally, you are modulo-ing the intermediate values (prod and sum) which can lead to wrong answer. The modulo should not be used to calculate the score, but to truncate the result of the score digits.
So, my answer is,
Calculate the intermediate values and assign it to one variable named 'score' (don't separate the product and the sum), and modulo the value just before printing the output (don't modulo it every time you add or multiply)

Dynamic Programming: Counting numbers in between

Given two numbers X and Y, how many numbers exist between them inclusive that have at least half their digits the same? For example, 1122 and 4444 would work, while 11234 and 112233 would not work.
Obviously, the most straightforward way is to start at X and increment by 1 all the way to Y, and then check each number, but that is way too slow, as the boundaries for X and Y are between 100 and 10^18. I know that it is some form of dynamic programming, and that I should use strings to represent the numbers, but I can't get much further.
Any help would be accepted. Thanks!
I will explain you in some steps:
First step:
For solving this kind of range problems between X and Y always make it simple by counting between 0 to X and 0 to Y-1, then subtract the result. i.e. if you have a function like f(N) that calculates the numbers that have at least half their digits the same between 0 and N, then your final result is:
f(X) - f(Y-1)
Second step:
Next we have to compute f(N). We split this function into 2 sub functions, one for calculating the result for numbers having the same number of digits with N (lets call it f_equal), and the other for counting the qualified numbers having digits less the N (let's call it f_less). E.g. if N is 19354, we count the qualified numbers between 0 to 9999, then in another method count the favorite numbers between 10000 to 19354, after that we sum up the result. Next, I'll explain you how to implement these two methods.
Third step:
Here, we want to compute f_less method. you can do it by some math, but I always prefer to write a simple DP for solving these tasks. I will write the recursive function whether you can use memoization or you can make it bottom-up with some loops (I'll leave it as a practice for you).
long long f_less(int curDigit, int favNum, int favNumCountSoFar, int nonFavNum, int nonFavNumCountSoFar, int maxDigit){
if(curDigit == maxDigit ){
//for numbers with even maxDigit there may be a case when we have 2 favorite numbers
//and we should count them only once. like 522552
if(favNumCountSoFar*2 == maxDigit && favNumCountSoFar == nonFavNumCountSoFar) return 1;
if(2*favNumCountSoFar >= maxDigit) return 2;
return 0;
long long res = 0;
for(int i=(curDigit==0?1:0);i<=9;++i) //skip the leading zero
res += f_less(curDigit+1, favNum, favNumCountSoFar + 1, nonFavNum, nonFavNumCountSoFar,maxDigit);
res += f_less(curDigit+1, favNum, favNumCountSoFar, i, (i==nonFavNum?nonFavNumCountSoFar+1:1),maxDigit);
return res;
And call it for all numbers through 0 to 9:
long long res = 0;
for(int maxDigit = 1; maxDigit < NUMBER_OF_DIGITS(N); ++maxDigit)
for(int favNumber = 0; favNumber < 10; ++favNumber)
res += f_less(0, favNumber, 0, -1, 0, maxDigit);
Fourth Step:
Finally we have to compute f_equal. Here we have to keep the number in a string to always check whether we are still in the range below N or not in the recursive function. Here is the implementation of f_equal (again use memoization or make it bottom-up):
string s = NUM_TO_STRING(N);
int maxDigit = s.size();
long long f_equal(int curDigit, int favNum, int favNumCountSoFar,int nonFavNum, int nonFavNumCountSoFar, bool isEqual){ //isEqual checks that whether our number is equal to N or it's lesser than it
if(curDigit == maxDigit ){
//for numbers with even maxDigit there may be a case when we have 2 favorite numbers
//and we should count them only once. like 522552
if(favNumCountSoFar*2 == maxDigit && favNumCountSoFar == nonFavNumCountSoFar) return 1;
if(2*favNumCountSoFar >= maxDigit) return 2;
return 0;
long long res = 0;
for(int i=(curDigit==0?1:0);i<=9;++i){ //skip the leading zero
if(isEqual && i>(s[curDigit]-'0')) break;
res += f_equal(curDigit+1, favNum, favNumCountSoFar + 1, nonFavNum, nonFavNumCountSoFar, isEqual && (i==(s[curDigit]-'0')));
res += f_equal(curDigit+1, favNum, favNumCountSoFar, i, (i==nonFavNum?nonFavNumCountSoFar+1:1), isEqual && (i==(s[curDigit]-'0')));
return res;
And call it:
long long res = 0;
for(int favNumber = 0; favNumber < 10; ++favNumber)
res += f_equal(0, favNumber,0, -1, 0, true);
The final result is res/2. The code is tested and works well.
Obviously, then, you won't do this by considering all numbers in the range. Instead, think in terms of generating the numbers you want. For instance, design a function that will generate all of the qualifying numbers, given no more than the length in digits.
For instance, for 5 digits, you want all the numbers with at least three 1's, or three 2's, or ... Can you do that in one pass, or do you need to separate those with exactly three 1's from those with more?
Now that you've thought about that, think about this: instead of generating all those numbers, just count them. For instance, for three 1's and two other digits, you have 9*9 pairs of other digits (make sure not to double-count things such as 11122). You can arrange the 1's in 10 ways, with a possible swap of the other two digits.
Note that the problem is a little different with an even quantity of digits: you have to avoid double-counting the half-and-half numbers, such as 111222.
Does that get you moving?
#bobjoe628: this is not intended to be a complete algorithm; rather, it's a suggestion to get you started. Yes, you have several combinatoric problems to handle. As for 11122233, I'm not sure I understand your concern: as with any such permutation problem, you have to handle each digit being interchangeable with its siblings. There are 10C5 ways to distribute the 1's; in the remaining spots, there are 5C3 ways to distribute the 2's; the other two slots are 3'3. Readily available algorithms (i.e. browser search) will cover those machinations.
I trust that you can write an algorithm to generate numbers: note that you need only one combination of digits, so it's safe to simply generate digits in ascending order, as you've been giving your examples: 1111122233. Once you've generated that, your combinatoric code should cover all unique permutations of those digits.
Finally, note that most languages have support packages that will perform permutations and combinations for you.
The number 0 is just shorthand. In reality there are an infinite number of leading zeros and an infinite number of trailing zeros (after the decimal point), like ...000000.000000....
For all integers it's obvious that there are at least as many 0s after the decimal point as there are non-zero digits before the decimal point; so all integers can be counted.
There are an infinite number of numbers between 0 and 1; and all of these have at least as many 0s to the left of the decimal point as they have non-zero digits after the decimal point. The same applies to numbers between 0 and -1.
For almost all floating point numbers that a computer can store, there simply isn't enough bits to cancel out all the leading and trailing zeros.
The only numbers that can't be counted are positive and negative infinity, and some but not all irrational numbers that are <= 1 or >= -1.
float getCount(int x, int y) {
if(x == y) return 0.0; // Special case (no numbers are between x and y)
return INFINITY; // The closest value to the correct answer that a computer can use
Here is a partial combinatoric answer. I leave out how to use the function to construct a full answer.
(Please see here for the same code with more elaborate comments: https://repl.it/#gl_dbrqn/AllSteelblueJuliabutterfly)
Fixing the leftmost digit(s), L, in a number with R digits to the right of L, we can calculate how many ways we can distribute (N / 2) or more of digit d by:
Python Code
import math, operator, collections
# Assumes L has at least one digit set
# f({'string':'12', 'digit_frequencies':[0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 'num_digit_frequencies': 2}, 6)
def f(L, N):
R = N - len(L['string'])
count = 0
counted = False
for digit_frequency in L['digit_frequencies']:
start = int(math.ceil(N / 2.0)) - digit_frequency
if start > R:
for i in xrange(start, R + 1):
if not (N & 1) and not counted:
if L['num_digit_frequencies'] == 1 and not digit_frequency and i == N / 2:
count = count - choose(R, i)
if L['num_digit_frequencies'] == 2 and digit_frequency and not any([x > N / 2 for x in L['digit_frequencies']]) and i + digit_frequency == N / 2:
count = count - choose(R, i)
counted = True
m = 9**(R - i)
n = R - i + 1
k = i
count = count + m * choose(n + k - 1, k)
return count
# A brute-force function to confirm results
# check('12', 6)
def check(prefix, length):
result = [x for x in xrange(10**(length - 1), 10**length) if len(str(x)) == length and str(x).startswith(prefix) and isValid(str(x))]
print result
return len(result)
def isValid(str):
letters = collections.Counter(str)
return any([x >= math.ceil(len(str) / 2.0) for x in letters.values()])
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4941753/is-there-a-math-ncr-function-in-python
def choose(n, r):
r = min(r, n-r)
if r == 0: return 1
numer = reduce(operator.mul, xrange(n, n-r, -1))
denom = reduce(operator.mul, xrange(1, r+1))
return numer//denom

All pair Bitwise OR sum

Is there an algorithm to find Bit-wise OR sum or an array in linear time complexity?
Suppose if the array is {1,2,3} then all pair sum id 1|2 + 2|3 + 1|3 = 9.
I can find all pair AND sum in O(n) using following algorithm.... How can I change this to get all pair OR sum.
int ans = 0; // Initialize result
// Traverse over all bits
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
// Count number of elements with i'th bit set
int k = 0; // Initialize the count
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
if ( (arr[j] & (1 << i)) )
// There are k set bits, means k(k-1)/2 pairs.
// Every pair adds 2^i to the answer. Therefore,
// we add "2^i * [k*(k-1)/2]" to the answer.
ans += (1<<i) * (k*(k-1)/2);
From here: http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/calculate-sum-of-bitwise-and-of-all-pairs/
You can do it in linear time. The idea is as follows:
For each bit position, record the number of entries in your array that have that bit set to 1. In your example, you have 2 entries (1 and 3) with the ones bit set, and 2 entries with the two's bit set (2 and 3).
For each number, compute the sum of the number's bitwise OR with all other numbers in the array by looking at each bit individually and using your cached sums. For example, consider the sum 1|1 + 1|2 + 1|3 = 1 + 3 + 3 = 7.
Because 1's last bit is 1, the result of a bitwise or with 1 will have the last bit set to 1. Thus, all three of the numbers 1|1, 1|2, and 1|3 will have last bit equal to 1. Two of those numbers have the two's bit set to 1, which is precisely the number of elements which have the two's bit set to 1. By grouping the bits together, we can obtain the sum 3*1 (three ones bits) + 2*2 (two two's bits) = 7.
Repeating this procedure for each element lets you compute the sum of all bitwise ors for all ordered pairs of elements in the array. So in your example, 1|2 and 2|1 will be computed, as will 1|1. So you'll have to subtract off all cases like 1|1 and then divide by 2 to account for double counting.
Let's try this algorithm out for your example.
Writing the numbers in binary, {1,2,3} = {01, 10, 11}. There are 2 numbers with the one's bit set, and 2 with the two's bit set.
For 01 we get 3*1 + 2*2 = 7 for the sum of ors.
For 10 we get 2*1 + 3*2 = 8 for the sum of ors.
For 11 we get 3*1 + 3*2 = 9 for the sum of ors.
Summing these, 7+8+9 = 24. We need to subtract off 1|1 = 1, 2|2 = 2 and 3|3 = 3, as we counted these in the sum. 24-1-2-3 = 18.
Finally, as we counted things like 1|3 twice, we need to divide by 2. 18/2 = 9, the correct sum.
This algorithm is O(n * max number of bits in any array element).
Edit: We can modify your posted algorithm by simply subtracting the count of all 0-0 pairs from all pairs to get all 0-1 or 1-1 pairs for each bit position. Like so:
int ans = 0; // Initialize result
// Traverse over all bits
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
// Count number of elements with i'th bit not set
int k = 0; // Initialize the count
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
if ( !(arr[j] & (1 << i)) )
// There are k not set bits, means k(k-1)/2 pairs that don't contribute to the total sum, out of n*(n-1)/2 pairs.
// So we subtract the ones from don't contribute from the ones that do.
ans += (1<<i) * (n*(n-1)/2 - k*(k-1)/2);

Trying to multiply the kiddy way

I'm supposed to multiply two 3-digit numbers the way we used to do in childhood.
I need to multiply each digit of a number with each of the other number's digit, calculate the carry, add the individual products and store the result.
I was able to store the 3 products obtained (for I/P 234 and 456):
..in a 2D array.
Now when I try to arrange them in the following manner:
to ease addition to get the result; by:
xx is the 2D array I've stored the 3 products in.
everything seems to be going fine till I do this:
Here's when things go awry. The values get all mashed up. On printing, I get 001400 041700 093604.
What am I doing wrong?
Assuming the first index of xx is the partial sum, that the second index is the digit in that sum, and that the partial sums are stored with the highest digit at the lowest index,
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DIGITS; i++) // NUM_DIGITS = number of digits in multiplicands
for (int j = 5; j >= 0; j--) // Assuming 5 is big enough
int index = (j - 1) - (NUM_DIGITS - 1) - i;
xx[i][j] = index >= 0 ? xx[i][index] : 0;
There are definitely more efficient/logical ways of doing this, of course, such as avoiding storing the digits individually, but within the constraints of the problem, this should give you the right answer.

How can I find the number of ways a number can be expressed as a sum of primes? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Generating the partitions of a number
Prime number sum
The number 7 can be expressed in 5 ways as a sum of primes:
2 + 2 + 3
2 + 3 + 2
2 + 5
3 + 2 + 2
5 + 2
Make a program that calculates, in how many ways number n can be
expressed as a sum of primes. You can assume that n is a number
between 0-100. Your program should print the answer in less than a
Example 1:
Give number: 7 Result: 5
Example 2:
Give number: 20 Result: 732
Example 3:
Give number: 80 Result: 10343662267187
I've been at this problem for hours. I can't figure out how to get n from (n-1).
Here are the sums from the first 30 numbers by a tree search
0 0 0 1 2 2 5 6 10 16 19 35 45 72 105 152 231 332 500 732 1081 1604 2351 3493 5136 7595 11212 16534 24441
I thought I had something with finding the biggest chain 7 = 5+2 and somehow using the knowledge that five can be written as 5, 3+2, 2+3, but somehow I need to account for the duplicate 2+3+2 replacement.
Look up dynamic programming, specifically Wikipedia's page and the examples there for the fibonacci sequence, and think about how you might be able to adapt that to your problem here.
Okay so this is a complicated problem. you are asking how to write code for the Partition Function; I suggest that you read up on the partition function itself first. Next you should look at algorithms to calculate partitions. It is a complex subject here is a starting point ... Partition problem is [NP complete] --- This question has already been asked and answered here and that may also help you start with algorithms.
There're several options. Since you know the number is between 0-100, there is the obvious: cheat, simply make an array and fill in the numbers.
The other way would be a loop. You'd need all the primes under 100, because a number which is smaller than 100 can't be expressed using the sum of a prime which is larger than 100. Eg. 99 can't be expressed as the sum of 2 and any prime larger than 100.
What you also know is: the maximum length of the sum for even numbers is the number divided by 2. Since 2 is the smallest prime. For odd numbers the maximum length is (number - 1) / 2.
8 = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2, thus length of the sum is 4
9 = 2 + 2 + 2 + 3, thus length of the sum is 4
If you want performance you could cheat in another way by using GPGPU, which would significantly increase performance.
Then they're is the shuffling method. If you know 7 = 2 + 2 + 3, you know 7 = 2 + 3 + 2. To do this you'd need a method of calculating the different possibilities of shuffling. You could store the combinations of possibilities or keep them in mind while writing your loop.
Here is a relative brute force method (in Java):
int[] primes = new int[]{/* fill with primes < 100 */};
int number = 7; //Normally determined by user
int maxLength = (number % 2 == 0) ? number / 2 : (number - 1) / 2; //If even number maxLength = number / 2, if odd, maxLength = (number - 1) / 2
int possibilities = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= maxLength; i++){
int[][] numbers = new int[i][Math.pow(primes.length, i)]; //Create an array which will hold all combinations for this length
for (int j = 0; j < Math.pow(primes.length, i); j++){ //Loop through all the possibilities
int value = 0; //Value for calculating the numbers making up the sum
for (int k = 0; k < i; k++){
numbers[k][j] = primes[(j - value) % (Math.pow(primes.length, k))]; //Setting the numbers making up the sum
value += numbers[k][j]; //Increasing the value
for (int x = 0; x < primes.length; x++){
int sum = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < i; y++){
sum += numbers[y];
if (sum > number) break; //The sum is greater than what we're trying to reach, break we've gone too far
if (sum == number) possibilities++;
I understand this is complicated. I will try to use an analogy. Think of it as a combination lock. You know the maximum number of wheels, which you have to try, hence the "i" loop. Next you go through each possibility ("j" loop) then you set the individual numbers ("k" loop). The code in the "k" loop is used to go from the current possibility (value of j) to the actual numbers. After you entered all combinations for this amount of wheels, you calculate if any were correct and if so, you increase the number of possibilities.
I apologize in advance if I made any errors in the code.