Quaternion - Rotate To - c++

I have some object in world space, let's say at (0,0,0) and want to rotate it to face (10,10,10).
How do i do this using quaternions?

This question doesn't quite make sense. You said that you want an object to "face" a specific point, but that doesn't give enough information.
First, what does it mean to face that direction? In OpenGL, it means that the -z axis in the local reference frame is aligned with the specified direction in some external reference frame. In order to make this alignment happen, we need to know what direction the relevant axis of the object is currently "facing".
However, that still doesn't define a unique transformation. Even if you know what direction to make the -z axis point, the object is still free to spin around that axis. This is why the function gluLookAt() requires that you provide an 'at' direction and an 'up' direction.
The next thing that we need to know is what format does the end-result need to be in? The orientation of an object is often stored in quaternion format. However, if you want to graphically rotate the object, then you might need a rotation matrix.
So let's make a few assumptions. I'll assume that your object is centered at the world's point c and has the default alignment. I.e., the object's x, y, and z axes are aligned with the world's x, y, and z axes. This means that the orientation of the object, relative to the world, can be represented as the identity matrix, or the identity quaternion: [1 0 0 0] (using the quaternion convention where w comes first).
If you want the shortest rotation that will align the object's -z axis with point p:=[p.x p.y p.z], then you will rotate by φ around axis a. Now we'll find those values. First we find axis a by normalizing the vector p-c and then taking the cross-product with the unit-length -z vector and then normalizing again:
a = normalize( crossProduct(-z, normalize(p-c) ) );
The shortest angle between those two unit vectors found by taking the inverse cosine of their dot-product:
φ = acos( dotProduct(-z, normalize(p-c) ));
Unfortunately, this is a measure of the absolute value of the angle formed by the two vectors. We need to figure out if it's positive or negative when rotating around a. There must be a more elegant way, but the first way that comes to mind is to find a third axis, perpendicular to both a and -z and then take the sign from its dot-product with our target axis. Vis:
b = crossProduct(a, -z );
if ( dotProduct(b, normalize(p-c) )<0 ) φ = -φ;
Once we have our axis and angle, turning it into a quaternion is easy:
q = [cos(φ/2) sin(φ/2)a];
This new quaternion represents the new orientation of the object. It can be converted into a matrix for rendering purposes, or you can use it to directly rotate the object's vertices, if desired, using the rules of quaternion multiplication.

An example of calculating the Quaternion that represents the rotation between two vectors can be found in the OGRE source code for the Ogre::Vector3 class.

In response to your clarification and to just answer this, I've shamelessly copied a very interesting and neat algorithm for finding the quat between two vectors that looks like I have never seen before from here. Mathematically, it seems valid, and since your question is about the mathematics behind it, I'm sure you'll be able to convert this pseudocode into C++.
quaternion q;
vector3 c = cross(v1,v2);
q.v = c;
if ( vectors are known to be unit length ) {
q.w = 1 + dot(v1,v2);
} else {
q.w = sqrt(v1.length_squared() * v2.length_squared()) + dot(v1,v2);
return q;
Let me know if you need help clarifying any bits of that pseudocode. Should be straightforward though.
dot(a,b) = a1*b1 + a2*b2 + ... + an*bn
cross(a,b) = well, the cross product. it's annoying to type out and
can be found anywhere.

You may want to use SLERP (Spherical Linear Interpolation). See this article for reference on how to do it in c++


Adding Gravity to Acceleration with Quaternions

I am new on this platform so please let me know if i am doing something wrong before reporting! Also, i already searched for similar problems but i could not find the answer i am looking for.
I have this problem where i need to "add" gravity component to my vector of linear accelerations, and i know this can be done with Quaternions. My vector:
Accelerations = [Xacc, Yacc, Zacc]
and a quaternions that represents my current orientation:
q = [w, x, y, z]
Let's say i start in this position:
q = [1,0,0,0]
Now of course if i move for example my smartwatch i'll get some values in my Accelerations Vector and some values in my Quaternion right?
I thought about converting my Accelerations vector into a Quaternion form:
AccQuat = [0, x, y, z]
And then make a rotation to this quaternion by the opposite of my q, so i can "translate" my Accelerations Quaternion to the Earth frame of reference q = [1,0,0,0], the converting it back into a Vector form, adding the Gravity Vector:
g = [0, 0, -9.81]
Once done, getting the "New" Vector with gravity added back into Quaternion form, rotating it to his native position and then converting it back into his vector form.
Its a little bit tricky but i think it can be done in such a way. Is this a right way to do what im trying to do? Because i have no other information other than an already Normalized Quaternion representing my position and a vector of linear Accelerations.
To multiply a Quaternions i have to apply:
qOut = q*p*q^-1
by doing 2 Quaternions multiplications right?
And if, for example, i have a quaternion representing a 90deg rotation on my Z-Axe:
q = [0.71, 0, 0, 0.71]
if i want to "Rotate back" my Accelerations Quaternion, i need to make
qOut = q*p*q^-1
but as q i need to use my "Reverse" quaternion:
qReverse = [0.71, 0, 0, -0.71]
Im working with C++ to make the code work but my problem now is the mental procedure rather than coding it.
Thanks everyone for the help!
========== EDIT ==================
More informations:
i have a fixed coordinates system called World (0,0,0) always parallel to my floor, my Quaternion rotations are for a system called "0" that refers to this World, they have the same centre in (0,0,0).
Maybe this can explain better:
World is Black, 0 is Blue One.
Lets suppose that my blue axis are my 3 components in the acceleration vector.
I thought about converting them into a Quaternion by simply adding a constant = 0 as w, then rotating them with the Quaternion formula (where q is reverse of my quaternion that i got from the data):
f = q*p*q^-1
So they can coincide with the Black system.
From this add the gravity component from the Z axis as it is // to the floor, then rotating my "New Accelerations quaternion" to his original position with the same formula but inverted q. In the end i want to get my Accelerations vector with Gravity added that's all. I thought it could be done with quaternions. Hope this can explain better, forgive me if im repeating same things but im also new to this argument.

'Ray' creation for raypicking not fully working

I'm trying to implement a 'raypicker' for selecting objects within my project. I do not fully understand how to implement this, but I understand conceptually how it should work. I've been trying to learn how to do this, but most tutorials I find go way over my head. My current code is based on one of the recent tutorials I found, here.
After several hours of revisions, I believe the problem I'm having with my raypicker is actually the creation of the ray in the first place. If I substitute/hardcode my near/far planes with a coordinate that would undisputably be located within the region of a triangle, the picker identifies it correctly.
My problem is this: my ray creation doesn't seem to fully take my current "camera" or perspective into account, so camera rotation won't affect where my mouse is.
I believe to remedy this I need something like using gluUnProject() or something, but whenever I used this the x,y,z coordinates returned would be incredibly small,
My current ray creation is a mess. I tried to use methods that others proposed initially, but it seemed like whatever method I tried it never worked with my picker/intersection function.
Here's the code for my ray creation:
void oglWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
QVector3D nearP = QVector3D(event->x()+camX, -event->y()-camY, -1.0);
QVector3D farP = QVector3D(event->x()+camX, -event->y()-camY, 1.0);
int i = -1;
for (int x = 0; x < tileCount; x++)
bool rayInter = intersect(nearP, farP, tiles[x]->vertices);
if (rayInter == true)
i = x;
if (i != -1)
for (int x = 0; x < tileCount; x++)
To repeat, I used to load up the viewport, model & projection matrices, and unproject the mouse coordinates, but within a 1920x1080 window, all I get is values in the range of -2 to 2 for x y & z for each mouse event, which is why I'm trying this method, but this method doesn't work with camera rotation and zoom.
I don't want to do pixel color picking, because who knows I may need this technique later on, and I'd rather not give up after the amount of effort I put in so far
As you seem to have problems constructing your rays, here's how I would do it. This has not been tested directly. You could do it like this, making sure that all vectors are in the same space. If you use multiple model matrices (or stacks thereof) the calculation needs to be repeated separately with each of them.
use pos = gluUnproject(winx, winy, near, ...) to get the position of the mouse coordinate on the near plane in model space; near being the value given to glFrustum() or gluPerspective()
origin of the ray is the camera position in model space: rayorig = inv(modelmat) * camera_in_worldspace
the direction of the ray is the normalized vector from the position from 1. to the ray origin: raydir = normalize(pos - rayorig)
On the website linked they use two points for the ray and they don't seem to normalize the ray direction vector, so this is optional.
Ok, so this is the beginning of my trail of breadcrumbs.
I was somehow having issues with the QT datatypes for the matrices, and the logic pertaining to matrix transformations.
This particular problem in this question resulted from not actually performing any transformations whatsoever.
Steps to solving this problem were:
Converting mouse coordinates into NDC space (within the range of -1 to 1: x/screen width * 2 - 1, y - height / height * 2 - 1)
grabbing the 4x4 matrix for my view matrix (can be the one used when rendering, or re calculated)
In a new vector, have it equal the inverse view matrix multiplied by the inverse projection matrix.
In order to build the ray, I had to do the following:
Take the previously calculated value for the matrices that were multiplied together. This will be multiplied by a vector 4 (array of 4 spots), where it will hold the previously calculated x and y coordinates, as well as -1, then +1.
Then this vector will be divided by the last spot value of the entire vector
Create another vector 4 which was just like the last, but instead of -1, put "1" .
Once again divide that by its last spot value.
Now the coordinates for the ray have been created at the far and near planes, so it can intersect with anything along it in the scene.
I opened a series of questions (because of great uncertainty with my series of problems), so parts of my problem overlap in them too.
In here, I learned that I needed to take the screen height into consideration for switching the origin of the y axis for a Cartesian system, since windows has the y axis start at the top left. Additionally, retrieval of matrices was redundant, but also wrong since they were never declared "properly".
In here, I learned that unProject wasn't working because I was trying to pull the model and view matrices using OpenGL functions, but I never actually set them in the first place, because I built the matrices by hand. I solved that problem in 2 fold: I did the math manually, and I made all the matrices of the same data type (they were mixed data types earlier, leading to issues as well).
And lastly, in here, I learned that my order of operations was slightly off (need to multiply matrices by a vector, not the reverse), that my near plane needs to be -1, not 0, and that the last value of the vector which would be multiplied with the matrices (value "w") needed to be 1.
Credits goes to those individuals who helped me solve these problems:
srobins of facepunch, in this thread
derhass from here, in this question, and this discussion
Take a look at
Lot of help in determining intersections between various kinds of geometry
http://geomalgorithms.com/code.html also has some c++ functions one of them serves your purpose

2d rotation on set of points causes skewing distortion

I'm writing an application in OpenGL (though I don't think this problem is related to that). I have some 2d point set data that I need to rotate. It later gets projected into 3d.
I apply my rotation using this formula:
x' = x cos f - y sin f
y' = y cos f + x sin f
Where 'f' is the angle. When I rotate the point set, the result is skewed. The severity of the effect varies with the angle.
It's hard to describe so I have pictures;
The red things are some simple geometry. The 2d point sets are the vertices for the white polylines you see around them. The first picture shows the undistorted pointsets, and the second picture shows them after rotation. It's not just skew that's occuring with the rotation; sometimes it seems like displacement occurs as well.
The code itself is trivial:
double cosTheta = cos(2.4);
double sinTheta = sin(2.4);
for(size_t j=0; j < listHullVx.size(); j++) {
// translate
listHullVx[j] = listHullVx[j] - xlate;
// rotate
double xPrev = listHullVx[j].x;
double yPrev = listHullVx[j].y;
listHullVx[j].x = ((xPrev*cosTheta) - (yPrev*sinTheta));
listHullVx[j].y = ((yPrev*cosTheta) + (xPrev*sinTheta));
// translate
listHullVx[j] = listHullVx[j] + xlate;
If I comment out the code under '//rotate' above, the output of the application is the first image. And adding it back in gives the second image. There's literally nothing else that's going on (afaik).
The data types being used are all doubles so I don't think its a precision issue. Does anyone have any idea why rotation would cause skewing like the above pictures show?
filipe's comment below was correct. This probably has nothing to do with the rotation and I hadn't provided enough information for the problem;
The geometry I've shown in the pictures represents buildings. They're generated from lon/lat map coordinates. In the point data I use to do the transform, I forgot to use an actual projection to cartesian coordinate space and just mapped x->lon, y->lat, and I think this is the reason I'm seeing the distortion. I'm going to request that this question be deleted since I don't think it'll be useful to anyone else.
As a result of your comments it tunred out the it is unlikely that the bug is in the presented code.
One final other hint: std transform formulars are only valid if the cooridnate system is cartesian,
on ios you sometimes have inverted y Achsis.

Implementing a complex rotation-based camera

I am implementing a 3D engine for spatial visualisation, and am writing a camera with the following navigation features:
Rotate the camera (ie, analogous to rotating your head)
Rotate around an arbitrary 3D point (a point in space, which is probably not in the center of the screen; the camera needs to rotate around this keeping the same relative look direction, ie the look direction changes too. This does not look directly at the chosen rotation point)
Pan in the camera's plane (so move up/down or left/right in the plane orthogonal to the camera's look vector)
The camera is not supposed to roll - that is, 'up' remains up. Because of this I represent the camera with a location and two angles, rotations around the X and Y axes (Z would be roll.) The view matrix is then recalculated using the camera location and these two angles. This works great for pan and rotating the eye, but not for rotating around an arbitrary point. Instead I get the following behaviour:
The eye itself apparently moving further up or down than it should
The eye not moving up or down at all when m_dRotationX is 0 or pi. (Gimbal lock? How can I avoid this?)
The eye's rotation being inverted (changing the rotation makes it look further up when it should look further down, down when it should look further up) when m_dRotationX is between pi and 2pi.
(a) What is causing this 'drift' in rotation?
This may be gimbal lock. If so, the standard answer to this is 'use quaternions to represent rotation', said many times here on SO (1, 2, 3 for example), but unfortunately without concrete details (example. This is the best answer I've found so far; it's rare.) I've struggled to implemented a camera using quaternions combining the above two types of rotations. I am, in fact, building a quaternion using the two rotations, but a commenter below said there was no reason - it's fine to immediately build the matrix.
This occurs when changing the X and Y rotations (which represent the camera look direction) when rotating around a point, but does not occur simply when directly changing the rotations, i.e. rotating the camera around itself. To me, this doesn't make sense. It's the same values.
(b) Would a different approach (quaternions, for example) be better for this camera? If so, how do I implement all three camera navigation features above?
If a different approach would be better, then please consider providing a concrete implemented example of that approach. (I am using DirectX9 and C++, and the D3DX* library the SDK provides.) In this second case, I will add and award a bounty in a couple of days when I can add one to the question. This might sound like I'm jumping the gun, but I'm low on time and need to implement or solve this quickly (this is a commercial project with a tight deadline.) A detailed answer will also improve the SO archives, because most camera answers I've read so far are light on code.
Thanks for your help :)
Some clarifications
Thanks for the comments and answer so far! I'll try to clarify a few things about the problem:
The view matrix is recalculated from the camera position and the two angles whenever one of those things changes. The matrix itself is never accumulated (i.e. updated) - it is recalculated afresh. However, the camera position and the two angle variables are accumulated (whenever the mouse moves, for example, one or both of the angles will have a small amount added or subtracted, based on the number of pixels the mouse moved up-down and/or left-right onscreen.)
Commenter JCooper states I'm suffering from gimbal lock, and I need to:
add another rotation onto your transform that rotates the eyePos to be
completely in the y-z plane before you apply the transformation, and
then another rotation that moves it back afterward. Rotate around the
y axis by the following angle immediately before and after applying
the yaw-pitch-roll matrix (one of the angles will need to be negated;
trying it out is the fastest way to decide which).
double fixAngle = atan2(oEyeTranslated.z,oEyeTranslated.x);
Unfortunately, when implementing this as described, my eye shoots off above the scene at a very fast rate due to one of the rotations. I'm sure my code is simply a bad implementation of this description, but I still need something more concrete. In general, I find unspecific text descriptions of algorithms are less useful than commented, explained implementations. I am adding a bounty for a concrete, working example that integrates with the code below (i.e. with the other navigation methods, too.) This is because I would like to understand the solution, as well as have something that works, and because I need to implement something that works quickly since I am on a tight deadline.
Please, if you answer with a text description of the algorithm, make sure it is detailed enough to implement ('Rotate around Y, then transform, then rotate back' may make sense to you but lacks the details to know what you mean. Good answers are clear, signposted, will allow others to understand even with a different basis, are 'solid weatherproof information boards.')
In turn, I have tried to be clear describing the problem, and if I can make it clearer please let me know.
My current code
To implement the above three navigation features, in a mouse move event moving based on the pixels the cursor has moved:
// Adjust this to change rotation speed when dragging (units are radians per pixel mouse moves)
// This is both rotating the eye, and rotating around a point
static const double dRotatePixelScale = 0.001;
// Adjust this to change pan speed (units are meters per pixel mouse moves)
static const double dPanPixelScale = 0.15;
switch (m_eCurrentNavigation) {
case ENavigation::eRotatePoint: {
// Rotating around m_oRotateAroundPos
const double dX = (double)(m_oLastMousePos.x - roMousePos.x) * dRotatePixelScale * D3DX_PI;
const double dY = (double)(m_oLastMousePos.y - roMousePos.y) * dRotatePixelScale * D3DX_PI;
// To rotate around the point, translate so the point is at (0,0,0) (this makes the point
// the origin so the eye rotates around the origin), rotate, translate back
// However, the camera is represented as an eye plus two (X and Y) rotation angles
// This needs to keep the same relative rotation.
// Rotate the eye around the point
const D3DXVECTOR3 oEyeTranslated = m_oEyePos - m_oRotateAroundPos;
D3DXMATRIX oRotationMatrix;
D3DXMatrixRotationYawPitchRoll(&oRotationMatrix, dX, dY, 0.0);
D3DXVECTOR4 oEyeRotated;
D3DXVec3Transform(&oEyeRotated, &oEyeTranslated, &oRotationMatrix);
m_oEyePos = D3DXVECTOR3(oEyeRotated.x, oEyeRotated.y, oEyeRotated.z) + m_oRotateAroundPos;
// Increment rotation to keep the same relative look angles
case ENavigation::ePanPlane: {
const double dX = (double)(m_oLastMousePos.x - roMousePos.x) * dPanPixelScale;
const double dY = (double)(m_oLastMousePos.y - roMousePos.y) * dPanPixelScale;
m_oEyePos += GetXAxis() * dX; // GetX/YAxis reads from the view matrix, so increments correctly
m_oEyePos += GetYAxis() * -dY; // Inverted compared to screen coords
case ENavigation::eRotateEye: {
// Rotate in radians around local (camera not scene space) X and Y axes
const double dX = (double)(m_oLastMousePos.x - roMousePos.x) * dRotatePixelScale * D3DX_PI;
const double dY = (double)(m_oLastMousePos.y - roMousePos.y) * dRotatePixelScale * D3DX_PI;
The RotateXAxis and RotateYAxis methods are very simple:
void Camera::RotateXAxis(const double dRadians) {
m_dRotationX += dRadians;
m_dRotationX = fmod(m_dRotationX, 2 * D3DX_PI); // Keep in valid circular range
void Camera::RotateYAxis(const double dRadians) {
m_dRotationY += dRadians;
// Limit it so you don't rotate around when looking up and down
m_dRotationY = std::min(m_dRotationY, D3DX_PI * 0.49); // Almost fully up
m_dRotationY = std::max(m_dRotationY, D3DX_PI * -0.49); // Almost fully down
And to generate the view matrix from this:
void Camera::UpdateView() const {
const D3DXVECTOR3 oEyePos(GetEyePos());
const D3DXVECTOR3 oUpVector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // Keep up "up", always.
// Generate a rotation matrix via a quaternion
D3DXQuaternionRotationYawPitchRoll(&oRotationQuat, m_dRotationX, m_dRotationY, 0.0);
D3DXMATRIX oRotationMatrix;
D3DXMatrixRotationQuaternion(&oRotationMatrix, &oRotationQuat);
// Generate view matrix by looking at a point 1 unit ahead of the eye (transformed by the above
// rotation)
D3DXVECTOR3 oForward(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
D3DXVECTOR4 oForward4;
D3DXVec3Transform(&oForward4, &oForward, &oRotationMatrix);
D3DXVECTOR3 oTarget = oEyePos + D3DXVECTOR3(oForward4.x, oForward4.y, oForward4.z); // eye pos + look vector = look target position
D3DXMatrixLookAtLH(&m_oViewMatrix, &oEyePos, &oTarget, &oUpVector);
It seems to me that "Roll" shouldn't be possible given the way you form your view matrix. Regardless of all the other code (some of which does look a little funny), the call D3DXMatrixLookAtLH(&m_oViewMatrix, &oEyePos, &oTarget, &oUpVector); should create a matrix without roll when given [0,1,0] as an 'Up' vector unless oTarget-oEyePos happens to be parallel to the up vector. This doesn't seem to be the case since you're restricting m_dRotationY to be within (-.49pi,+.49pi).
Perhaps you can clarify how you know that 'roll' is happening. Do you have a ground plane and the horizon line of that ground plane is departing from horizontal?
As an aside, in UpdateView, the D3DXQuaternionRotationYawPitchRoll seems completely unnecessary since you immediately turn around and change it into a matrix. Just use D3DXMatrixRotationYawPitchRoll as you did in the mouse event. Quaternions are used in cameras because they're a convenient way to accumulate rotations happening in eye coordinates. Since you're only using two axes of rotation in a strict order, your way of accumulating angles should be fine. The vector transformation of (0,0,1) isn't really necessary either. The oRotationMatrix should already have those values in the (_31,_32,_33) entries.
Given that it's not roll, here's the problem: you create a rotation matrix to move the eye in world coordinates, but you want the pitch to happen in camera coordinates. Since roll isn't allowed and yaw is performed last, yaw is always the same in both the world and camera frames of reference. Consider the images below:
Your code works fine for local pitch and yaw because those are accomplished in camera coordinates.
But when you rotate around a reference point, you are creating a rotation matrix that is in world coordinates and using that to rotate the camera center. This works okay if the camera's coordinate system happens to line up with the world's. However, if you don't check to see if you're up against the pitch limit before you rotate the camera position, you will get crazy behavior when you hit that limit. The camera will suddenly start to skate around the world--still 'rotating' around the reference point, but no longer changing orientation.
If the camera's axes don't line up with the world's, strange things will happen. In the extreme case, the camera won't move at all because you're trying to make it roll.
The above is what would normally happen, but since you handle the camera orientation separately, the camera doesn't actually roll.
Instead, it stays upright, but you get strange translation going on.
One way to handle this would be to (1)always put the camera into a canonical position and orientation relative to the reference point, (2)make your rotation, and then (3)put it back when you're done (e.g., similar to the way that you translate the reference point to the origin, apply the Yaw-Pitch rotation, and then translate back). Thinking more about it, however, this probably isn't the best way to go.
Update 2
I think that Generic Human's answer is probably the best. The question remains as to how much pitch should be applied if the rotation is off-axis, but for now, we'll ignore that. Maybe it'll give you acceptable results.
The essence of the answer is this: Before mouse movement, your camera is at c1 = m_oEyePos and being oriented by M1 = D3DXMatrixRotationYawPitchRoll(&M_1,m_dRotationX,m_dRotationY,0). Consider the reference point a = m_oRotateAroundPos. From the point of view of the camera, this point is a'=M1(a-c1).
You want to change the orientation of the camera to M2 = D3DXMatrixRotationYawPitchRoll(&M_2,m_dRotationX+dX,m_dRotationY+dY,0). [Important: Since you won't allow m_dRotationY to fall outside of a specific range, you should make sure that dY doesn't violate that constraint.] As the camera changes orientation, you also want its position to rotate around a to a new point c2. This means that a won't change from the perspective of the camera. I.e., M1(a-c1)==M2(a-c2).
So we solve for c2 (remember that the transpose of a rotation matrix is the same as the inverse):
M2TM1(a-c1)==(a-c2) =>
Now if we look at this as a transformation being applied to c1, then we can see that it is first negated, then translated by a, then rotated by M1, then rotated by M2T, negated again, and then translated by a again. These are transformations that graphics libraries are good at and they can all be squished into a single transformation matrix.
#Generic Human deserves credit for the answer, but here's code for it. Of course, you need to implement the function to validate a change in pitch before it's applied, but that's simple. This code probably has a couple typos since I haven't tried to compile:
case ENavigation::eRotatePoint: {
const double dX = (double)(m_oLastMousePos.x - roMousePos.x) * dRotatePixelScale * D3DX_PI;
double dY = (double)(m_oLastMousePos.y - roMousePos.y) * dRotatePixelScale * D3DX_PI;
dY = validatePitch(dY); // dY needs to be kept within bounds so that m_dRotationY is within bounds
D3DXMATRIX oRotationMatrix1; // The camera orientation before mouse-change
D3DXMatrixRotationYawPitchRoll(&oRotationMatrix1, m_dRotationX, m_dRotationY, 0.0);
D3DXMATRIX oRotationMatrix2; // The camera orientation after mouse-change
D3DXMatrixRotationYawPitchRoll(&oRotationMatrix2, m_dRotationX + dX, m_dRotationY + dY, 0.0);
D3DXMATRIX oRotationMatrix2Inv; // The inverse of the orientation
D3DXMatrixTranspose(&oRotationMatrix2Inv,&oRotationMatrix2); // Transpose is the same in this case
D3DXMATRIX oScaleMatrix; // Negative scaling matrix for negating the translation
D3DXMATRIX oTranslationMatrix; // Translation by the reference point
D3DXMATRIX oTransformMatrix; // The full transform for the eyePos.
// We assume the matrix multiply protects against variable aliasing
D3DXVECTOR4 oEyeFinal;
D3DXVec3Transform(&oEyeFinal, &m_oEyePos, &oTransformMatrix);
m_oEyePos = D3DXVECTOR3(oEyeFinal.x, oEyeFinal.y, oEyeFinal.z)
// Increment rotation to keep the same relative look angles
I think there is a much simpler solution that lets you sidestep all rotation issues.
Notation: A is the point we want to rotate around, C is the original camera location, M is the original camera rotation matrix that maps global coordinates to the camera's local viewport.
Make a note of the local coordinates of A, which are equal to A' = M × (A - C).
Rotate the camera like you would in normal "eye rotation" mode. Update the view matrix M so that it is modified to M2 and C remains unchanged.
Now we would like to find C2 such that A' = M2 × (A - C2).
This is easily done by the equation C2 = A - M2-1 × A'.
Voilà, the camera has been rotated and because the local coordinates of A are unchanged, A remains at the same location and the same scale and distance.
As an added bonus, the rotation behavior is now consistent between "eye rotation" and "point rotation" mode.
You rotate around the point by repeatedly applying small rotation matrices, this probably cause the drift (small precision errors add up) and I bet you will not really do a perfect circle after some time. Since the angles for the view use simple 1-dimension double, they have much less drift.
A possible fix would be to store a dedicated yaw/pitch and relative position from the point when you enter that view mode, and using those to do the math. This requires a bit more bookkeeping, since you need to update those when moving the camera. Note that it will also make the camera move if the point move, which I think is an improvement.
If I understand correctly, you are satisfied with the rotation component in the final matrix (save for inverted rotation controls in the problem #3), but not with the translation part, is that so?
The problem seems to come from the fact that you treating them differently: you are recalculating the rotation part from scratch every time, but accumulate the translation part (m_oEyePos). Other comments mention precision problems, but it's actually more significant than just FP precision: accumulating rotations from small yaw/pitch values is simply not the same---mathematically---as making one big rotation from the accumulated yaw/pitch. Hence the rotation/translation discrepancy. To fix this, try recalculating eye position from scratch simultaneously with the rotation part, similarly to how you find "oTarget = oEyePos + ...":
oEyePos = m_oRotateAroundPos - dist * D3DXVECTOR3(oForward4.x, oForward4.y, oForward4.z)
dist can be fixed or calculated from the old eye position. That will keep the rotation point in the screen center; in the more general case (which you are interested in), -dist * oForward here should be replaced by the old/initial m_oEyePos - m_oRotateAroundPos multiplied by the old/initial camera rotation to bring it to the camera space (finding a constant offset vector in camera's coordinate system), then multiplied by the inverted new camera rotation to get the new direction in the world.
This will, of course, be subject to gimbal lock when the pitch is straight up or down. You'll need to define precisely what behavior you expect in these cases to solve this part. On the other hand, locking at m_dRotationX=0 or =pi is rather strange (this is yaw, not pitch, right?) and might be related to the above.

Direct3D - How do I calculate Roll from View Matrix?

This one has been eating up my entire night, and I'm finally throwing up my hands for some assistance. Basically, it's fairly straightforward to calculate the Pitch and Yaw from the View Matrix right after you do a camera update:
D3DXMatrixLookAtLH(&m_View, &sCam.pos, &vLookAt, &sCam.up);
pDev->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &m_View);
// Set the camera axes from the view matrix
sCam.right.x = m_View._11;
sCam.right.y = m_View._21;
sCam.right.z = m_View._31;
sCam.up.x = m_View._12;
sCam.up.y = m_View._22;
sCam.up.z = m_View._32;
sCam.look.x = m_View._13;
sCam.look.y = m_View._23;
sCam.look.z = m_View._33;
// Calculate yaw and pitch and roll
float lookLengthOnXZ = sqrtf( sCam.look.z^2 + sCam.look.x^2 );
fPitch = atan2f( sCam.look.y, lookLengthOnXZ );
fYaw = atan2f( sCam.look.x, sCam.look.z );
So my problem is: there must be some way to obtain the Roll in radians similar to how the Pitch and Yaw are being obtained at the end of the code there. I've tried several dozen algorithms that seemed to make sense to me, but none of them gave quite the desired result. I realize that many developers don't track these values, however I am writing some re-centering routines and setting clipping based on the values, and manual tracking breaks down as you apply mixed rotations to the View Matrix. So, does anyone have the formula for getting the Roll in radians (or degrees, I don't care) from the View Matrix?
Woohoo, got it! Thank you stacker for the link to the Euler Angles entry on Wikipedia, the gamma formula at the end was indeed the correct solution! So, to calculate Roll in radians from a "vertical plane" I'm using the following line of C++ code:
fRoll = atan2f( sCam.up.y, sCam.right.y ) - D3DX_PI/2;
As Euler pointed out, you're looking for the arc tangent of the Y (up) matrix's Z value against the X (right) matrix's Z value - though in this case I tried the Z values and they did not yield the desired result so I tried the Y values on a whim and I got a value which was off by +PI/2 radians (right angle to the desired value), which is easily compensated for. Finally I have a gryscopically accurate and stable 3D camera platform with self-correcting balance. =)
It seems the Wikipedia article about Euler angles contains the formula you're lookin for at the end.