Unhandled exception in C++ program - c++

I'm trying to answer this question from my C++ book that says: There are n people in a room, where n is an integer greater than or equal to 2. Each person shakes hands once with every other person. What is the total number of handshakes in the room? Write a recursive function to solve this problem.
I've written a program, but nothing is being outputted from the function. I'm pretty sure my stuff inside the handshake function is correct, but nothing is being outputted by the function inside the main function. It keeps giving me an error:
Unhandled exception at 0x00c01639 in Problem2.exe: 0xC00000FD: Stack overflow.
Thank you for your help in advance!
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
int handshake(int n);
int main()
int i, n;
cout<<"How many people are in the room? ";
for (n = 1; n = i; n++)
cout<<"There are "<<handshake(n)<<" in the room"<<endl;
return 0;
int handshake(int n)
if (n == 1)
return 0;
else if (n == 2)
return 1;
return (handshake(n) + (n - 1));

Your problem is here:
return (handshake(n) + (n - 1));
Notice you're returning handshake(n) on a call of handshake(n), throwing you into infinite recursion land (and causing the call stack to overflow, hence your error).
This sounds like homework so I won't give any specific solution. I will make the following remarks:
Recursive functions need to have a base case (which you have) and a recursive step (which you need to fix). In particular, if f(x) is a recursive function, its result should depend on f(x-e), where e is strictly greater than 0.
You only need to call a recursive function once in your main code; it will take care of calling itself when needed.

The problem is because of stackoverflow which happens because the call to handshake(n) is making a recursive call to handshake(n) again and this infinite recursive calls causes the stack to explode.
Recursive calls should be called with arguments that are closer to the values that lead to base conditions, 0 and 1 in your case.
In your case the correct recursive call is:
return (handshake(n-1) + (n - 1));
As the recursive formula for number of hand shakes in a party is:
H(n) = H(n-1) + n-1
with the base condition of H(1) = 0 and H(2) = 1 where n is the number of people in the party and H(n) is the number of handshakes when every person in the party shakes hand with every other person in the party.
Also the condition in your for loop:
for (n = 1; n = i; n++)
will assign i to n. But what you want is to compare the value as:
for (n = 1; n <= i; n++)


C++ time limit exceeded when it doesn't even execute the function

While I was solving a problem in LeetCode, I found something very strange.
I have this line which I assume gives me a time limit exceeded error:
s.erase(i-k, k);
when I comment(//) this line, it doesn't show me time exceed error, but the strange part was, it has never executed even when i didn't comment it.
below is the entire code.
and Here is the problem link.
class Solution {
string removeDuplicates(string s, int k) {
char prev = s[0];
int cnt = 1;
cnt = 1;
for(int i = 1; i < s.size() + 1; i++){
if(s[i] == prev){
} else {
if(cnt == k){
// when input is "abcd" it never comes to this scope
// which is impossible to run erase function.
s.erase(i-k, k);
i = 0;
if(i >= s.size()) break;
cnt = 1;
prev = s[i];
return s;
When Input is "abcd", it never even go to the if scope where 'erase' function is in.
Although 'erase' function never run, it still affect on the time complexity, and I can't get the reason.
Does anyone can explain this? or is this just problem of LeetCode?
Many online contest servers report Time Exceeding when program encounters critical error (coding bug) and/or crashes.
For example error of reading out of bounds of array. Or dereferencing bad (junk) pointers.
Why Time Exceeded. Because with critical error program can hang up and/or crash. Meaning it also doesn't deliver result in time.
So I think you have to debug your program to find all coding errors, not spending your time optimizing algorithm.
Regarding this line s.erase(i-k, k); - it may crash/hang-up when i < k, then you have negative value, which is not allowed by .erase() method. When you get for example i - k equal to -1 then size_t type (type of first argument of erase) will overflow (wrap around) to value 18446744073709551615 which is defnitely out of bounds, and out of memory border, hence your program may crash and/or hang. Also erase crashes when there is too many chars deleted, i.e. for erase s.erase(a, b) you have to watch that a + b <= s.size(), it is not controlled by erase function.
See documentation of erase method, and don't put negative values as arguments to this method. Check that your algorithm never has negative value i.e. never i < k when calling s.erase(i-k, k);, also never i-k + k > s.size(). To make sure there is no program crash you may do following:
int start = std::min(std::max(0, i-k), int(s.size()));
int num = std::min(k, std::max(0, int(s.size()) - start));
s.erase(start, num);

c++ debugging a recursive function and it doesn't exit the function right away

If I put a break point on this function it will step through until the base case is met but when it hits the return 1 it doesn't actually exit the loop. Instead it goes to the bottom bracket and then bounces to int t = expo(m, n / 2) and steps downs to return t * t*m. It then goes back to the bottom bracket and repeats this process before eventually stopping. Can someone explain what is going on?
int expo(const int m, const unsigned int n) {
funcCallCounter++; //counts how many times the function is called
if (n == 0) {
return 1;
else {
if (n % 2 == 0) {
int t = expo(m, n / 2);
return t * t;
else {
int t = expo(m, n / 2);
return t * t*m;
When the flow of your program in a function encounters a return statement, control is returned to place that called that function. That is true even if it was the same function. This is completely normal and expected.
In your case, each call still has work to do after the recursive step (because your expo() call is never quite the last thing before return) and you're seeing the program get on with that work.
Keep an eye on your stack frame while debugging; you'll see that it's not really jumping around in the way that you think it is; you're returning to previous call contexts.

staircase child always getting a 0?

Hi I am a beginner in recursions.
A child is running up a staircase he can hop 1, 2 or 3 steps at a time I need to find and return the number of ways he can climb a certain stair number?
My approach:
I am trying to divide the problem into smaller base cases and add 1 when a correct ans is reached.
My code:
void helper(int n ,int& a){
a = a+1;
int staircase(int n){
int ans = 0;
return ans;
I seem to be getting only 0 as answer?
I dont see why your code won't work. Here is a demo of it working with some changes: Live Demo
It is recommended that you don't pass in a reference and rather make each sub-problem which is either step 1, 2 or 3 self contained problems where you combine the results and that is the final answer similar to:
int staircase_without_reference(int n)
if(n == 0) return 1;
if(n < 0) return 0;
return staircase(n - 1) + staircase(n - 2) + staircase(n - 3);
This returns the similar to your program without the reference parameter.

Learning C++, looking for a clarification on this project from a book

The goal here was to create a program that found and output all the prime numbers between 1 and 100. I've noticed I have a tendency to complicate things and create inefficient code, and I'm pretty sure I did that here as well. The initial code is mine, and everything that I've put between the comment tags is the code given in the book as a solution.
// Find all prime numbers between 1 and 100
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
int counter; // loop counter
int count_two; // counter for second loop
int val; // equals the number of count, used in division to check for primes
bool check;
check = true;
for(counter = 1; counter <= 100; counter++){
val = counter;
for(count_two = 2; count_two <= 9; count_two++){
if((val % count_two) == !(check)){
cout << val << " is a prime number.\n";
return 0;
// program didn't work properly because of needless complication; all that needs to be checked for is whether a number is divisible by two
*********correct code***********
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int i, j;
bool isprime;
for(i=1; i < 100; i++) {
isprime = true;
// see if the number is evenly divisible
for(j=2; j <= i/2; j++)
// if it is, then it is not prime
if((i%j) == 0) isprime = false;
if(isprime) cout << i << " is prime.\n";
return 0;
From what I can gather, I was on a reasonably correct path here. I think I complicated things with the double loop and overuse of variables, which probably led to the program working incorrectly -- I can post the output if need be, but it's certainly wrong.
My question is basically this: where exactly did I go wrong? I don't need somebody to redo this because I'd like to correct the code myself, but I've looked at this for a while and can't quite figure out why mine isn't working. Also, since I'm brand new to this, any input on syntax/readability would be helpful as well. Thanks in advance.
As it is, your code says a number is prime if it is divisible by any of the numbers from 2 to 9. You'll want a bool variable somewhere to require that it's all and not any, and you'll also need to change this line:
if((val % count_two) == !(check)){
Since check = true, this resolves as follows:
if ((val % count_two) == !true){
if ((val % count_two) == false){
if ((val % count_two) == 0){
(Notice how the value false is converted to 0. Some languages would give a compile error here. C++ converts it into an integer).
This in fact does the opposite of what you want. Instead, write this, which is correct and clearer:
if (val % count_two != 0) {
Finally, one thing you can do for readability (and convenience!) is to write i, j, and k instead of counter, count_two, and count_three. Those three letters are universally recognized by programmers as loop counters.
In addition to the points made above:
You seemed to think you didn't need to have 2 loops. You do need them both.
Currently, in your code, the upper range of the inner loop is in-dependent on the value of your outer loop. But this is not correct; you need to test divisibility up the the sqrt(outer_loop_value). You'll note in your "correct" code they use half of the outer_loop_value - this could be a performance trade off but strictly speaking you need to test up to sqrt(). But consider that your outer loop was up to 7, your inner loop is testing division all the way up to 9 and 7 is in that range. Which means 7 would be reported as not prime.
In your "correct" code the indenting makes the code harder to interpret. The inner for loop only has a single instruction. That loop loops through all possible divisors. This is unnecessary it could break out at the first point that the mod is zero. But the point is that the if(isprime) cout << i << " is prime.\n"; is happening in the outer loop, not the inner loop. In your (un-commented) code you have put that in the inner loop and this results in multiple responses per outer loop value.
Stylistically there is no need to copy the counter into a new val variable.

Stack versus Integer

I've created a program to solve Cryptarithmetics for a class on Data Structures. The professor recommended that we utilize a stack consisting of linked nodes to keep track of which letters we replaced with which numbers, but I realized an integer could do the same trick. Instead of a stack {A, 1, B, 2, C, 3, D, 4} I could hold the same info in 1234.
My program, though, seems to run much more slowly than the estimation he gave us. Could someone explain why a stack would behave much more efficiently? I had assumed that, since I wouldn't be calling methods over and over again (push, pop, top, etc) and instead just add one to the 'solution' that mine would be faster.
This is not an open ended question, so do not close it. Although you can implement things different ways, I want to know why, at the heart of C++, accessing data via a Stack has performance benefits over storing in ints and extracting by moding.
Although this is homework, I don't actually need help, just very intrigued and curious.
Thanks and can't wait to learn something new!
EDIT (Adding some code)
letterAssignments is an int array of size 26. for a problem like SEND + MORE = MONEY, A isn't used so letterAssignments[0] is set to 11. All chars that are used are initialized to 10.
answerNum is a number with as many digits as there are unique characters (in this case, 8 digits).
int Cryptarithmetic::solve(){
for(size_t z = 0; z < 26; z++){
if(letterAssignments[z] != 11) letterAssignments[z] = 10;
if(answerNum < 1) return NULL;
size_t curAns = answerNum;
for(int i = 0; i < numDigits; i++){
if(nextUnassigned() != '$') {
size_t nextAssign = curAns % 10;
assign(nextUnassigned(), nextAssign);
curAns /= 10;
return answerNum;
Two helper methods in case you'd like to see them:
char Cryptarithmetic::nextUnassigned(){
char nextUnassigned = '$';
for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
if(letterAssignments[i] == 10) return ('A' + i);
void Cryptarithmetic::assign(char letter, size_t val){
assert('A' <= letter && letter <= 'Z'); // valid letter
assert(letterAssignments[letter-'A'] != 11); // has this letter
assert(!isAssigned(val)); // not already assigned.
letterAssignments[letter-'A'] = val;
From the looks of things the way you are doing things here is quite inefficiant.
As a general rule try to have the least amount of for loops possible since each one will slow down your implementation greatly.
for instance if we strip all other code away, your program looks like
while(thing) {
for(z < 26) {
for(i < numDigits) {
for(i < 26) {
for(i < 26) {
this means that for each while loop you are doing ((26+26)*numDigits)+26 loop operations. Thats assuming isAssigned() does not use a loop.
Idealy you want:
while(thing) {
for(i < numDigits) {
which i'm sure is possible with changes to your code.
This is why your implementation with the integer array is much slower than an implementation using the stack which does not use the for(i < 26) loops (I assume).
In Answer to your original question however, storing an array of integers will always be faster than any struct you can come up with simply because there are more overheads involved in assigning the memory, calling functions, etc.
But as with everything, implementation is the key difference between a slow program and a fast program.
The problem is that by counting you are considering also repetitions, when may be the problem asks to assign a different number to each different letter so that the numeric equation holds.
For example for four letters you are testing 10*10*10*10=10000 letter->number mappings instead of 10*9*8*7=5040 of them (the bigger is the number of letters and bigger becomes the ratio between the two numbers...).
The div instruction used by the mod function is quite expensive. Using it for your purpose can easily be less efficient than a good stack implementation. Here is an instruction timings table: http://gmplib.org/~tege/x86-timing.pdf
You should also write unit tests for your int-based stack to make sure that it works as intended.
Programming is actually trading memory for time and vice versa.
Here you are packing data into integer. You spare memory but loose time.
Speed of course depends on the implementation of stack. C++ is C with classes. If you are not using classes it's basically C(as fast as C).
const int stack_size = 26;
struct Stack
int _data[stack_size];
int _stack_p;
inline void push(int val)
assert(_stack_p < stack_size); // this won't be overhead
// unless you compile debug version(-DNDEBUG)
_data[_stack_p] = val;
inline int pop()
assert(_stack_p > 0); // same thing. assert is very useful for tracing bugs
return _data[--_stack_p]; // good hint for RVO
inline int size()
return _stack_p;
inline int val(int i)
assert(i > 0 && i < _stack_p);
return _data[i];
There is no overhead like vtbp. Also pop() and push() are very simple so they will be inlined, so no overhead of function call. Using int as stack element also good for speed because int is guaranteed to be of best suitable size for processor(no need for alignment etc).