Reading a text file line by line in C++ - c++

How does the code below work ? where is the counter for the for-loop and how can i reset the counter to line number 0.
for (std::string line;std::getline(ifs, line); )

There is no need for a counter. This is equivalent to
std::string line;
while(getline(ifs, line))
There are methods to move the input iterator back to the beginning of the file. Something like: ifs.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); should do the trick.

Your for loop is equivalent to:
std::string line;
while (std::getline(ifs, line)) {
In other words: "keep iterating as long as getline returns true".

And to reset the counter to line number 0 (i.e. to the beginning of stream) you should use
ifs.seekg (0, ios::beg);


Custom istream end iterator

I want to read one line of text from an istream and split it into words. My current code is
where f is an ifstream object. However, this reads to the end of the file, and I want to stop it from reading when it reaches a newline. Is there any way to do something like istream_iterator<string>("\n") so the vector constructor will stop pushing back when it reaches a newline?
Use std::getline() to read a single line, and then use std::istringstream to read words from that line, eg:
std::string line;
std::getline(f, line);
std::istringstream iss(line);
std::vector<std::string> words(
Use std::getline to read each line and push them to your result container
std::vector<std::string> lines;
for (std::string line; std::getline(f, line); lines.push_back(line));
Edit: Remy Lebeau already answered to OP's question, I want to clarify my code:
Normaly, to read lines in a file we would write something like
while (f.good())
std::string line;
std::getline(f, line);
Since std::istream can be converted to boolean, we can rewrite it as:
while (f)
std::string line;
std::getline(f, line);
And since std::getline return the input stream itself, we can use it as the loop condition:
std::string line;
while (std::getline(f, line))
} // `line` still can be used after this line, outside its scope
But we have to pull the temporary variable line outside of its scope. To avoid doing so we use for instead of while loop and declare line inside for loop:
for (std::string line; std::getline(f, line); )
Finally, since the body of the loop contains only 1 line, we can put it inside for loop too:
for (std::string line; std::getline(f, line); lines.push_back(line));

fstream reading error (only reading first line)

I want to read a file with std::getline. but reads first line only
string FileReader::readLine() {
string line;
string read;
ifstream ReadFile;"input.txt");
if (ReadFile.is_open()) {
getline(ReadFile, line);
return line;
this is my method. I call this method several time but always reads first line how can i do to read next lines?
You need to change your program flow.
Don't return a string. Use the line within the loop to do whatever it is you want. Ensuring that you either don't leave the method or return to it.
You can't keep coming back to a function like this, as it will keep reading from the beginning.
void FileReader::readLine() {
string line;
string read;
ifstream ReadFile;"input.txt");
if (ReadFile.is_open()) {
while(getline(ReadFile, line))
//do what you want with that line, but return program flow here.

c++ reading file is too slow

I'm trying to to read ~36KB and it would take ~20 seconds to finish this loop:
ifstream input_file;"text.txt");
if( !(input_file.is_open()) )
cout<<"File not found";
std::string line;
stringstream line_stream; //to use << operator to get words from lines
int lineNum=1;
while( getline(input_file,line) ) //Read file line by line until file ends
line_stream.clear(); //clear stream
line_stream << line; //read line
while(line_stream >> word) //Read the line word by word until the line ends
//insert word into a linked list...
Any help would be appreciated.
stringstream::clear() does not clear all context inside it. It only resets the error and EOF flags, see
The result is your line_stream accumulates all previous lines and the inner loop will run words over all the accumulated lines again and again.
So the total time you spend is about O(n^2) compared to O(n) of what you expect it to be.
Instead of using the same object across each line, you could define the new line_stream instance inside the while loop to have a brand new and also empty one. Like this:
fstream input_file;"text.txt");
if( !(input_file.is_open()) )
cout<<"File not found";
std::string line;
int lineNum=1;
while( getline(input_file,line) ) //Read file line by line until file ends
stringstream line_stream; // new instance, empty line.
line_stream << line; //read line
while(line_stream >> word) //Read the line word by word until the line ends
//insert word into a linked list...
You could attempt the following:
std::ifstream file("text.txt");
std::string str;
while (std::getline(file, str))
cout << str; //call function to to retrieve words of str in memory not in file
I ran your code in 11ms, but with the mentioned option in 8ms. May be it works for you.
Try compiling with build flag -O2 or -O3.
I was surprised to see that a simple for-loop to read a 1GB file took 4.7 seconds, whereas another higher level language (Dart) did it in 3.x seconds.
After enabling this flag, runtime dropped to 2.1 seconds.

How to read a file word by word and find the position of each word?

I'm trying to read a file word by word and do some implementation on each word. In future I want to know where was the position of each word. Position is line number and character position in that line. If character position is not available I only need to know when I'm reading a file when I go to the next line. This is the sample code I have now:
string tmp;
I need to know when fin is going to next line?!
"I need to know when fin is going to next line"
This is not possible with stream's operator >>. You can read the input line by line and process each line separately using temporary istringstream object:
std::string line, word;
while (std::getline(fin, line)) {
// skip empty lines:
if (line.empty()) continue;
std::istringstream lineStream(line);
for (int wordPos = 0; lineStream >> word; wordPos++) {
just don't forget to #include <sstream>
One simple way to solve this problem would be using std::getline, run your own counter, and split line's content into words using an additional string stream, like this:
string line;
int line_number = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!getline(fin, line)) {
istringstream iss(line);
string tmp;
while (iss >> tmp) {

ifstream not reading EOF character

I am creating a program (In C++) that takes an ASCII file and reads a few values from each line until it reaches the end of the file. I am using ifstream to read the file, and I have never had problems with it stopping when I use the ifstream.eof() method. This time, however, even though it found the eof character in my test case, when I analyzed my other files, it is infinite looping because it never finds the eof character. Is this a coding issue, or an issue with my files?
string line = "";
unsigned long pos = 0;
ifstream curfile(input.c_str());
getline(curfile, line);
int linenumber = 0;
cout<<"About to try to read the file"<<endl;
if (!curfile.good())
cout<<"Bad file read"<<endl;
while (!curfile.eof())
cout<<"Getting line "<<linenumber<<endl;
pos = line.find_first_of(' ');
line = line.substr(pos+1, line.size()-1);
pos = line.find_first_of(' ');
current.push_back(atof(line.substr(0, pos).c_str()));
for (int i = 0; i<4; i++)
pos = line.find_first_of(' ');
line = line.substr(pos+1, line.size()-1);
pos = line.find_first_of(' ');
dx.push_back(atof(line.substr(0, pos).c_str()));
pos = line.find_first_of(' ');
line = line.substr(pos+1, line.size()-1);
pos = line.find_first_of(' ');
dy.push_back(atof(line.substr(0, pos).c_str()));
getline(curfile, line);
EDIT: When I first run the loop, currentfile.good() returns false...what am I doing that causes it to return that?
First thing is first, you shouldn't check like that. eof() doesn't return true until after a failed read. But you can do better (and easier)!
check the stream state with the implicit conversion to void* which can be used in a bool context. Since most of the read operations on streams return a reference to the stream, you can write some very consice code like this:
std::string line;
while(std::getline(currentfile, line)) {
// process line
Basically what it is doing is saying "while I could successfully extract a line from currentfile, do the following", which is what you really meant to say anyway ;-);
Like I said, this applies to most stream operations, so you can do things like this:
int x;
std::string y;
if(std::cin >> x >> y) {
// successfully read an integer and a string from cin!
EDIT: The way I would rewrite your code is like this:
string line;
unsigned long pos = 0;
int linenumber = 0;
ifstream curfile(input.c_str());
std::cout << "About to try to read the file" << std::endl;
while (std::getline(curfile, line)) {
std::cout << "Getting line " << linenumber << std::endl;
// do the rest of the work with line
Do not do it like that.
EOF is not the only thing you'll encounter while reading. There's a bunch of errors you might get, and so the best is to simply test the stream itself:
// read somehow
If you're reading lines, then, the simplest way is:
std::string line;
while(std::getline(currentfile, line))
// use line
Your first call to getline is triggering one of the fail-bits on the ifstream object. That is why if you do a check for a fail-bit using ios::good(), you never enter your read loop. I would check to see what the value of line is ... it's probably empty, meaning you're having another issue reading your file, like maybe permissions problems, etc.
The problem is here:
if (!curfile.good())
cout<<"Bad file read"<<endl; // OK you print bad.
while (!curfile.eof()) // But the loop is still entered.
// Another reason to **NEVER** to use
// while (file.eof()) // as bad does not mean eof
// though eof is bad
Try this:
void readFile(std::istream& str)
std::string line;
while(std::getline(str, line))
std::stringstream lineStream(line);
std::string ignoreWord;
int number[3];
lineStream >> ignoreWord // reads one space seporated word
>> number[0] // reads a number
>> ignoreWord >> ignoreWord >> ignoreWords // reads three words
>> number[1] // reads a number
>> number[2]; // reads a number