Scheme list always in reverse order - list

Probably a trivial question for most of the more advanced schemers here, but as a newcomer, I've found this to be a problem.
I need a way to construct a new list that is in the same order it was when it came in. As an example, say we are given a list '(1 2 0 3 4 0 0 5). But traversing the list and passing the cdr back as the 1st argument ends up constructing the new list backwards.
Here's an example in code:
I pass it an "old-list" that needs work done on it and an empty list as "new-list" to be formed and returned.
note that taking 0s out is just here as "some condition" that the new list must meet
(define (form-new-list old-list new-list)
(cond ((null? old-list) new-list)
(if (eq? (car old-list) 0) (form-new-list (cdr old-list) new-list)
(form-new-list (cdr old-list) (cons (car old-list) new-list))))))
(form-new-list '(1 2 0 3 4 0 0 5) '()) ; gives (5 4 3 2 1)
;but want (1 2 3 4 5)
I DO NOT just want to reverse the list that is returned with a reverse procedure, but rather, want the new list to be put together in the correct order in the first place.
Is there some kind of "trick" to this, like making the recursive call somewhere else perhaps?
Any advice is greatly appreciated.

You're looking for the natural way to traverse a list using recursion. Use this procedure as a template for your solution - it simply copies a list exactly as it is received:
(define (copy lst)
(if (null? lst)
(cons (car lst)
(copy (cdr lst)))))
Notice the following points:
The recursion ends when the input list is null, and given that we're building a new list, the correct value to return is the null list
We're interested in building a new list, we do this by consing a new element for the output list, which in this case happens to be the first element of the input list (its car part)
Finally, the recursive step advances by invoking the procedure with the rest of the input list (its cdr part)
As usual, I end up my answers to people learning how to think recursively by recommending you take a look at either The Little Schemer or How to Design Programs, both books will teach you how to grok recursive processes in general, using Scheme.


Scheme - Testing if argument is a list (proper or improper)

I'm very new to scheme and am trying to figure out how to define a function that tests if the parameter to that function is a list, where being a proper list doesn't matter.
I've discerned that I need to check if the argument is either the empty list or a pair. I have the empty list case working fine, but I'm not sure how to check for the pair. I'm just coming off working with prolog, so my initial thought was to do something like this:
(define list?
(lambda (ls)
(if (or (eq? ls (quote()))
(cons(car(ls) cdr(ls))))
true false)))
My thinking was that if scheme could car and cdr the parameter, then it must be a pair, and it would return true. Otherwise it would just fail.
However, passing the argument '(1 2) yields this result:
(list? '(1 2))
. . application: not a procedure;
expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments
given: (1 2)
arguments...: [none]
I don't really understand what's going on here. Additionally, I feel like my thinking as to how to make this function is flawed, but I don't really know how to correct it.
EDIT: Is the issue that (if .....) is looking for a boolean from cons?
You have right idea! But the main reason why your code is not working is that on fourth line you have wrong brackets. This is right transcription of your code:
(define list?
(lambda (ls)
(if (or (eq? ls (quote()))
(cons (car ls) (cdr ls)))
#t #f)))
But in my opinion this solution is bad for these reasons:
If you supply improper list to this procedure it will end by an error when trying to do car or cdr.
For example: (1 2 3 . 4) will end by an error.
In Scheme you have to use literals #t and #f to denote true and false.
Cons always end by "true"
It will not check entire list.
I would write that procedure like this:
(define list?
(lambda (ls)
(if (null? ls)
(and (pair? ls)
(list? (cdr ls))))))
Lets try this on an example: (3 . 4). It is just pair - not a list.
The ls is (3 . 4). Is it null? No, then continue to second if branch.
Is it pair? Yes - continue in and and recursively call list? with 4
The ls is 4. Is it null? No. Again, continue to second branch.
Is it pair? No! Procedure returns #f

Clojure - Recursive up function

Hi I'm kind of new to clojure and I'm trying to write a function called up that removes a pair of parentheses from each top level element of a list. If the top level element is not a list, then it is added as well. For example,
>(up '((1 2) (3 4)))
(1 2 3 4)
>(up '(x (y) z))
(x y z)
Right now, I'm having a problem with the function ending too soon if I'm trying to remove one pair of parentheses. I want to do this recursively and without the help of other functions if possible. What I have at the moment:
(defn up [lst]
(if (empty? lst)
(if (list? (first lst))
(up (first lst))
(cons (first lst) (up (rest lst))))))
I know that the problem is that I am cons-ing an empty list with the last element of a nested list which ends my function, but I can't figure out how else to do it.
Diego's comment seems to indicate there were other answers here, but I don't see them now, so here goes...
Your function ends too soon because, when it hits an item that is itself a list, it recursively calls up on that item and ignores the rest of the items in the original list. (up (first lst))
The minimal change to your code would be to, instead, recursively call up on the concatenation of that first list item and the rest of the list. (up (concat (first lst) (rest lst)))
Even better would be to use the existing core function flatten instead of up.
On a side note, you would generally want to achieve recursion using recur instead of calling up directly, in order to avoid a stack overflow for large input lists.

Add lists to a list lisp

I'm new to Lisp and I'm having trouble figuring out how I add a list to another list. I start with an empty list, and I have to add new lists, each containing three elements. For example,
(add '(1 2 3) '())
would return ((1 2 3)) [let's call it new-list], and adding a new list to this new one, for example
(add '(4 5 6) new-list)
would return ((1 2 3) (4 5 6)) or ((4 5 6) (1 2 3))
I've tried a few different ways, but so far the closest I've come up was ((((1 2 3)) (4 5 6)) (7 8 9))
I was using something like this:
(defun add (lst new-let)
(if (null lst) '()
(setf new-lst (cons new-lst (cons lst '()))))
Have you tried :
(defun add (thing lst) (append lst (list thing)))
I haven't tried this with Common Lisp as I am more of a Scheme kind of guy, bu I think it would work.
The way I read it, your requirement is exactly cons (non destructive) or push (destructive).
You being new to LISP I'd like to give you an alternative to the accepted answer.
Lists are singly linked list chains. Such structure allows for adding and removing in front to be a constant time operation while adding or removing something from the end would take as many turns as there are elements in the list in both time and space (it will have to recreate the list structure on it's way).
(defun add (element list)
(cons element list))
This looks very familiar.. It's actually just a wrapper to cons. So lets imagine you have a practical application where you'd like to use add, but needed the elements in the order in your question. One way to do it would then be to finish up first (add whats to add), then do one reverse or nreverse (if every element was made in your function and mutation won't matter for the outside)..
(defun fetch-all (num-elements thunk &optional acc)
(if (zerop num-elements)
(nreverse acc)
(fetch-all (- num-elements 1) thunk (add (funcall thunk) acc)))); add == cons

Scheme list counting function

I'm trying to write a Scheme function that counts all the items in a list, but unlike the length function that is available would count inner lists also so countAll '(a (a b)) would return 3 and not 2.
the first check is for an empty list, the second is supposed to check if the head of the list is currently a list itself, it should then add the length of THAT list to the total and call the next recursive call, if it isn't, it should simply skip to the third part which will add one to the total and call the function recursively.
I'm getting syntactical errors and I'm unsure about my approach. Am I going about this the right way? Are there better/Easier ways to do this?
(define countAll
(lambda (list)
(if (null? list)
((if (list? (car list)
(+ length (car list)
(countAll (cdr list))))))
(+ 1
(countAll (cdr list))))))
(+ 1
(countAll(cdr list)
You've made a mess of your parentheses. I would strongly advise rewriting this using cond, as in
((null? lst) 0)
((list? (car lst)) (???))
(else (???)))
This will make it easier to see what you are doing and much less likely that you mess up your parentheses. Nested ifs really are something to avoid except in the simplest of circumstances.
Your approach is nearly right, but you've missed something. You have made a big assumption about what happens when (list? (car lst)) evaluates to true. Can you think what it is? If you think about it hard enough, you'll realise that you cannot use the length function here.
The solution to this kind of problem follows a well-known structure, a recipe if you wish, for traversing a list of lists. This looks like homework, so I'll help you with the general idea and you go ahead filling-in the blanks:
(define (countAll lst)
(cond ((null? lst) ; if the list is empty.
<???>) ; then it doesn't have any elements
((not (list? (car lst))) ; if the first element in the list is not a list
(<???> (countAll <???>))) ; add one and advance the recursion over the `cdr`
(else ; otherwise
(+ (countAll <???>) ; add the result of the recursion over the `car`
(countAll <???>))))) ; with the result of the recursion over the `cdr`
If you need more help understanding how to structure a solution to this kind of problems dealing with lists of lists, I'd recommend you take a look at either The Little Schemer or How to Design Programs, both books will teach you how to grok recursive processes in general.
if you want to count elements of nested list you can use the deep recursion function as some people answer here. or what I do is use racket function (flatten) to make the nested list flat then use recursion on level 1 list as in the following code
(define (howMany ls)
(if (null? ls)
(+ 1 (howMany (cdr ( flatten ls )))))) ; flat the nested list and deal with it as a level 1 list.

Trying to reverse a list in Scheme

Be forewarned: this is a homework problem. I'm trying to write a Scheme function that reverses a list. '(1 2 3) becomes '(3 2 1), etc. I'm not allowed to use the predefined function that does this.
Am I on the right track with what I wrote here?
(define (myReverse list)
(if (null? list) '()
(append (myReverse(cdr list)) car list)))
Well, using list as an name is going to be odd, since Scheme is a Lisp-1. Call it lst instead.
Think about what you can do with foldl, cons, '(), and lst.
Am I on the right track with what I wrote here?
Yes. Some things to consider:
list is a built-in function name, and one you might actually want to use in this solution, so you probably shouldn't name your formal that
You forgot the parentheses around car list
append expects two lists; you're passing it a list and a number
> (append '(1) 2)
(1 . 2)
> (append '(1) '(2))
(1 2)