(V)C++ (2010) regular expressions, "recursive captures" - c++

I want match and capture operators and operands of an expression like:
1 + x
x + y + 3 + 10
So on regexpal,
Appears to do it, but how do I obtain the matched captures? Notice [+] and (\w+) is already in 1 capture.

Unfortunately this is not possible (at least in any regex flavor that I know of). If one capturing group is used multiple times, the capture will always be filled with the last thing it captured. Simpley example: ([a-z])* applied to abc will give you only c.
I recommend that you use the regex just to check for a valid format. Then you can split the string at the matches of \s*\b\s*. This should then result in an array containing x, +, y, +, 3, +, 10 for your last example.
Here is some example code that shows how to use regexes to split strings, using boost::regex.

Maybe this would be a better job for System.CodeDom.Compiler than for Regexes.

If boost is an option for you, then you can use boost::regex with boost::match_extra flag, then match_results::captures and sub_match::captures contain list of all captured items


Matlab: How to replace dynamic part of string with regexprep

I have strings like
#(foo) 5 + foo.^2
#(bar) bar(1,:) + bar(4,:)
and want the expression in the first group of parentheses (which could be anything) to be replaced by x in the whole string
#(x) 5 + x.^2
#(x) x(1,:) + x(4,:)
I thought this would be possible with regexprep in one step somehow, but after reading the docu and fiddling around for quite a while, I have not found a working solution, yet.
I know, one could use two commands: First, grab the string to be matched with regexp and then use it with regexprep to replace all occurrences.
However, I have the gut feeling this should be somehow possible with the functionality of dynamic expressions and tokens or the like.
Without the support of an infinite-width lookbehind, you cannot do that in one step with a single call to regexprep.
Use the first idea: extract the first word and then replace it with x when found in between word boundaries:
s = '#(bar) bar(1,:) + bar(4,:)';
word = regexp(s, '^#\((\w+)\)','tokens'){1}{1};
s = regexprep(s, strcat('\<',word,'\>'), 'x');
Output: #(x) x(1,:) + x(4,:)
The ^#\((\w+)\) regex matches the #( at the start of the string, then captures alphanumeric or _ chars into Group 1 and then matches a ). tokens option allows accessing the captured substring, and then the strcat('\<',word,'\>') part builds the whole word matching regex for the regexprep command.

Combining 2 regular expressions

I have 2 strings and I would like to get a result that gives me everything before the first '\n\n'.
'1. melléklet a 37/2018. (XI. 13.) MNB rendelethez\n\nÁltalános kitöltési előírások\nI.\nA felügyeleti jelentésre vonatkozó általános szabályok\n\n1.
'12. melléklet a 40/2018. (XI. 14.) MNB rendelethez\n\nÁltalános kitöltési előírások\n\nKapcsolódó jogszabályok\naz Önkéntes Kölcsönös Biztosító Pénztárakról szóló 1993. évi XCVI. törvény (a továbbiakban: Öpt.);\na személyi jövedelemadóról szóló 1995. évi CXVII.
I have been trying to combine 2 regular expressions to solve my problem; however, I could be on a bad track either. Maybe a function could be easier, I do not know.
I am attaching one that says that I am finding the character 'z'
extended regex : [\z+$]
I guess finding the first number is: [^0-9.].+
My problem is how to combine these two expressions to get the string inbetween them?
Is there a more efficient way to do?
You may use
re.findall(r'^(\d.*?)(?:\n\n|$)', s, re.S)
Or with re.search, since it seems that only one match is expected:
m = re.search(r'^(\d.*?)(?:\n\n|$)', s, re.S)
if m:
See the Python demo.
Pattern details
^ - start of a string
(\d.*?) - Capturing group 1: a digit and then any 0+ chars, as few as possible
(?:\n\n|$) - a non-capturing group matching either two newlines or end of string.
See the regex graph:

Regex cannot prevent a match of suffix name made up using I,V,X and SR/JR

I am trying to prevent the inclusion of suffix name, for example, JR/SR, or other suffix made up of using I,V,X using regular expression way. To accomplish this I have implemented the following regex
Using this I am able to prevent various possible combination eg.,
'Last Name I',
'Last Name II',
'Last Name IJR',
'Last Name SRX' etc.
However, there are still couple of combinations remaining, which this regex can match. eg., 'Last Name IXV' or 'Last Name VXI'
These two I am not able to debug. Please suggest me in which part of this regex I can make changes to satisfy the requirement.
Thank you!
Try this pattern: .+\b(?:(?>[JS]R)|X|I|J|V)+$
.+ - match one or more of any characters
\b - word boudnary
(?:...) - non-capturing group
(?>...) - atomic group
[JS]R - match whether S or J followed by R
| - alternation: match what is on the left OR what's on the right
+ - quantifier: match one or more times preceeding pattern
$ - match end of the string
In order to solve this I have worked on the above regex a little bit more. And here is the final result that can successfully match up with the "roman numeral" upto thirty constituted I, V, and X.
What I have done here is:
I have taken those input into consideration which are standalone,
that is: SR or XXV I have observed the incorrect pattern and
have restricted them to match as a positive result.
Separate input has been ensured using \b the word boundary.
Word-boundary: It suggests that starting of a word, that means in
simple words it says "yes there is a word" or "no it is not."
it has done in the following way-
using negative lookahead (?!(IIX|IIV|IVV|IXX|IXI))
How I have arrived on this solution is given as follows:
I have observed closely all the pattern first, that from I to X - that is:
V I I I (it is out of the range of 3 characters.)
we have an I, V, and X at first position. Then there is another I, X and V
on the second position. After then again same I and V. I have
implemented this in the following regex of the above written code:
Start it with I and then look for any of I, V, or X in a range of 'zero' to 'three' characters, and do neglect invalid numbers written inside the ?!(IIX|IIV|IVV|IXX|IXI) Similarly, I have done with other combinations given below.
Then for V and X : \b(V|X)\b
Then for the VI, VII: \bV[I]{1,2}\b
Then for the XI - XXX: \b((?!XVV|XVX)X([IXV]{1,2}))\b
To validate a suffix name, i.e. JR, SR, one can use following regex: \b[S|J]R\b
and the last (^$) is for matching a blank string or in other words, when no input has provided to the given input-box or textbox.
You may post any question or suggestion, if you have.
Ps: This regex is simply a solution to validate "roman numbers" from 1 to 30 using I, V, and X. I hope it helps to learn a bit to each and every newbie of regex.
I solved this with a more explicit:
(.+) (?:(?>JR$|SR$|I$|II$|III$|IV$|MD$|DO$|PHD$))|(.+)
I know I could do something like [JS]R but I like the way this reads:
(.+) match any characters and then a space
(?:(?>JR$|SR$|I$|II$|III$|IV$|MD$|DO$|PHD$)) atomically look for but don't match endings like JR etc
|(.+) if you don't find the endings then match any characters
Feel free to add the endings you'd like to suit your needs.

Python: RE only captures first and last match

I'm trying to make a Regular Expression that captures the following:
- XX or XX:XX, up to 6 repetitions (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX), where X is a hexadecimal number.
In other words, I'm trying to capture MAC addresses than can range from 1 to 6 bytes.
regex = re.compile("^([0-9a-fA-F]{2})(?:(?:\:([0-9a-fA-F]{2})){0,5})$")
The problem is that if I enter for example "11:22:33", it only captures the first match and the last, which results in ["11", "22"].
The question: is there any method that {0,5} character will let me catch all repetitions, and not the last one?
Not in Python, no. But you can first check the correct format with your regex, and then simply split the string at ::
result = s.split(':')
Also note that you should always write regular expressions as raw strings (otherwise you get problems with escaping). And your outer non-capturing group does nothing.
Technically there is a way to do it with regex only, but the regex is quite horrible:
But here you would always get six captures, just that some might be empty.

Difference between * and + regex

Can anybody tell me the difference between the * and + operators in the example below:
[<>]+ [<>]*
Each of them are quantifiers, the star quantifier(*) means that the preceding expression can match zero or more times it is like {0,} while the plus quantifier(+) indicate that the preceding expression MUST match at least one time or multiple times and it is the same as {1,} .
So to recap :
a* ---> a{0,} ---> Match a or aa or aaaaa or an empty string
a+ ---> a{1,} ---> Match a or aa or aaaa but not a string empty
* means zero-or-more, and + means one-or-more. So the difference is that the empty string would match the second expression but not the first.
+ means one or more of the previous atom. ({1,})
* means zero or more. This can match nothing, in addition to the characters specified in your square-bracket expression. ({0,})
Note that + is available in Extended and Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions, and is not available in Basic RE. * is available in all three RE dialects. That dialect you're using depends most likely on the language you're in.
Pretty much, the only things in modern operating systems that still default to BRE are grep and sed (both of which have ERE capability as an option) and non-vim vi.
* means zero or more of the previous expression.
In other words, the expression is optional.
You might define an integer like this:
In other words, an optional negative sign followed by one or more digits.
They are quantifiers.
+ means 1 or many (at least one occurrence for the match to succeed)
* means 0 or many (the match succeeds regardless of the presence of the search string)
[<>]+ is same as [<>][<>]*
I'll bring some example to extend answers above. Let we have a text:
if we write \d+test\d+, this expression matches 100test10 and test10 but \d*test\d* matches three of them