I need to create object pointers in a loop, but I am struggling with creating unique pointers. Here's my code:
class DatClass{
int m;
DatClass(int i):m(i){}
class OtherClass{
DatClass* dc;
void Test(std::vector<OtherClass> v){
std::vector<OtherClass>::iterator it;
int i = 1;
for(it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++){
DatClass dc = DatClass(i);
std::cout << &dc << std::endl;
it->dc = &dc;
int main(){
std::vector<OtherClass> v;
This does not give me unique pointers. The output reads:
Do I need to use new in order to get unique pointers? If so, where would I put the corresponding delete?
Yes, you should use new to get unique addresses.
The delete should be when the loop is done - otherwise (delete is inside the same loop) - the OS could give you the same address again.
(Or to be exact - when you are done with the object allocated in this address)
What's going on in your code is that you use an automatically allocated memory. This memory is usually allocated on the stack - and in each iteration - the same memory is reused for the variable - thus it gives you the same address.
DatClass dc = DatClass(i); creates an instance of the class on the stack. Its address remains the same in the loop, that's why the output is the same.
You may want to do following:
void Test(const std::vector<OtherClass>& v){
std::vector<OtherClass>::iterator it;
for(it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++){
const DatClass& dc = *it;
std::cout << &dc << std::endl;
Each iteration of the loop inside Test creates a new DatClass instance on the stack and prints its address. Before the next iteration, this object's lifetime ends and this enables the compiler to reuse the same memory on the next iteration.
This is why you always see the same address (of course it's only possible because the standard specifically allows the compiler to do that).
If you want to see different addresses for the objects then you should either allocate all of them in function scope outside the loop (in which case they will reside on the stack but at different addresses) or else allocate them on the heap.
Of course it should be obvious that it doesn't make any difference what the vector itself contains, since this affects only the number of iterations the loop does. If you change the code to print the addresses of the objects actually inside the vector you will also see different addresses.
Short you are trying to do this dynamically. This means nu are not on stack you are on heap. So more memory will be allocated only if you need or use it not at program start up.
So int a = 5; <<< stack and new int* b = 55(when finished using it you MUST free the memory with delete b; or bad segmentation fault errors you will get later.);
`cout<< &b;` prints the value stored at the pointer ` 55`
`cout<< *b` prints the pointers value in memory `#1234` i think this is called offset
i recomand you for this kind of basic questions:
I think you may be trying to assign a new DatClass to OtherClass, but instead you're assigning an auto (on the stack) DatClass, that is destroyed at each loop iteration, because it's an automatic object (and the compiler is reusing its address on the stack, that's why you always see the same address)
I'd rather replace this:
for(it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++){
DatClass dc = DatClass(i); // auto object destroyed and address reused
std::cout << &dc << std::endl;
it->dc = &dc;
with this:
for(it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++){
DatClass *dc = new DatClass(i); // new object on heap
std::cout << dc << std::endl;
it->dc = dc;
so now you are creating new DatClass objects to assign to OtherClass objects.
(besides, you should also somewhere delete those new DatClass objects, to avoid resource leaks)
You print the address of dc. dc is on the stack at the same location every time. That's why you get the identical address every time.
You could change your loop to:
for (auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it){
OtherClass *oc = &(*it);
std::cout << oc << std::endl;
which gives you the addresses of all objects in v
A class type called "Pair" has already been defined for you. You need to write a function called pairFactory that creates an instance of Pair on the heap. Do not create the object on the stack. Then, your function needs to return a pointer to that created object.
I have written the code for pairFactory. It seems to run, but I get an InfraError.
Please help me find my mistake.
Also, I need to create the object in heap memory.
#include <iostream>
// This class Pair has already been defined for you.
// (You may not change this definition.)
class Pair {
int first, second;
void check() {
first = 5;
std::cout << "Congratulations! The check() method of the Pair class \n has executed. (But, this isn't enough to guarantee \n that your code is correct.)" << std::endl;
Pair *pairFactory() {
Pair P;
// (You can use as many lines as you want.)
return &P;
// Your function should be able to satisfy the tests below. You should try
// some other things to convince yourself. If you have a bug in this problem,
// the usual symptom is that after you submit, the grader will crash with a
// system error. :-)
int main() {
Pair *p;
p = new pairFactory();
// This function call should work without crashing:
// Deallocating the heap memory. (Assuming it was made on the heap!)
delete p;
std::cout << "If you can see this text, the system hasn't crashed yet!" << std::endl;
return 0;
You've got it backwards. Your factory needs to allocate on the heap. What you're doing is returning the address of a function-local object that doesn't exist anymore.
Pair *pairFactory() {
return new Pair;
And then in your main function:
Pair *p = pairFactory();
You return reference to local variable here.
Pair *pairFactory() {
Pair P;
return &P; // Dangling pointer
So you have dangling pointer, once you leave the function.
You have to call new.
Pair *pairFactory()
return new Pair{};
main may look like:
int main() {
Pair* p = pairFactory();
// This function call should work without crashing:
// Deallocating the heap memory. (Assuming it was made on the heap!)
delete p;
std::cout << "If you can see this text, the system hasn't crashed yet!" << std::endl;
Better to use smart pointer to not have to manage memory yourself:
std::unique_ptr<Pair> pairFactory()
return std::make_unique<Pair>();
int main() {
auto p = pairFactory();
std::cout << "If you can see this text, the system hasn't crashed yet!" << std::endl;
You did exactly as you were told not to do:
Pair *pairFactory() {
Pair P; // <----- creates an instance of Pair on the stack
The intention of this exercise likely was to test your knowledge on the new operator. See here https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/new/operator_new
The function
Pair *pairFactory() {
return &P;
returns a pointer to memory on the local stack, which is destroyed / invalid as soon as it returns to main().
The issue with your code is that it returns a pointer that points to nothing as P only exists till the value of p is returned, as stored in heap memory. Using new keyword will allocate the memory in heap and will return a pointer to the value.
Pair *pairFactory() {
Pair P;
return &P;
Well I am creating a vector like this
vector<Member*> emp;
Then I am creating heap objects of the member class like this
Member* memObj = new Member();
Then using push_back like this
Well after using all my functions do I have to clear the memory by iterating like this ?
for( vector<Member*>::iterator iter = emp.begin();
iter != emp.end(); )
Member* mem = *iter;
iter = emp.erase (iter);
delete mem;
Is there any effective way other than iterating through each value? clear function calls the destructor only and it clears the values but does not free the memory..I wish to achieve polymorphism here...I am new in C++ ....please help..Thanks in advance.. :) I am not using C++11
If you are able to use a C++11 compiler, you can use one of the smart pointers.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Member>> emp;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Member>> emp;
If you are not able to use a C++11 compiler, VS 2005 is definitely too old to support C++11, you will have to delete the objects manually, like you have shown.
However, I would add a helper class to help with deleteing the Member objects.
struct MemberDeleteHelper
MemberDeleteHelper(std::vector<Member*> emp) : emp_(emp);
for( vector<Member*>::iterator iter = emp.begin();
iter != emp.end(); ++iter )
delete *iter;
std::vector<Member*>& emp_;
and use it as:
vector<Member*> emp;
MemberDeleteHelper deleteHelper(emp);
With this in place, the elements of emp will be deleted no matter how you return from the function. If an exception gets thrown from a nested function call, the stack will be unrolled and the elements of emp will still be deleted.
Do not use auto_ptr objects in std::vector. The pitfalls of using auto_ptr in STL containers are discussed at http://www.devx.com/tips/Tip/13606 (Thanks are due to #pstrjds for the link).
Unless your intent is to added instances of types derived from Member to the vector, there's no need for vector<Member*>, just use vector<Member>.
If you actually need dynamic allocation, use vector<unique_ptr<Member>>. The smart pointer will automatically delete the instances when you clear() the vector. If this is the case, don't forget that Member needs a virtual destructor.
Similar options for pre-C++11 compilers are std::vector<std::tr1::shared_ptr<Member>> or boost::ptr_vector<Member>.
Finally, your current code has a bug. vector::erase returns a pointer to the next element, so by manually incrementing the iterator within the loop, you're skipping every other element. And I don't understand why you're going through the trouble of storing the pointer in a temporary variable. Your loop should be
for( vector<Member*>::iterator iter = emp.begin(); iter != emp.end(); )
delete *iter;
iter = emp.erase(iter);
or just delete all the elements first and then clear the vector
for( vector<Member*>::iterator iter = emp.begin(); iter != emp.end(); ++iter)
delete *iter;
I have programmed a little software and wanted to create a new object on the heap. In the class member function I thus have
void gShop::CreateCustomer(int type, int number)
vSlot[number] = new gCustopmer(type);
where vSlot is a vector of pointers to customer objects. I have a (here: abbreviated) class gShop, in essence:
class gShop : public gBranch
gShop(): vSlot(100){}
std::vector <gCustomer*> vSlot;
and in main I call the member function to create new customers..
vShop[0].CreateCustomer(TYPE_M20, 1);
vShop[0].CreateCustomer(TYPE_F40, **2**);//EDIT:typo previously here. I intend to create customers by reading a file later on.
std::cout<< "1" << vShop[0].vSlot[1]->itsTypeString << std::endl;
std::cout<< "2" << vShop[0].vSlot[2]->itsTypeString << std::endl;
I know that I have created with "new" two objects on the "heap" (if I handle the terminology right - sorry I am quite new to programming without formal education) and I also have two pointers to that objects stored in a vector within the object shop[0].
My question is I heard the saying that for every new there is a delete. Where do I have to delete this object? I am actually not planning on deleting any created shop or customer object in the program.
Secondly, is this code so far okay in terms of not causing memory leaks? I am a bit worried that I created the new object within a member function class, so should I try to implement delete in the destructor to gShop and set the pointer to NULL - in the theoretical case I should ever want to delete shop[0]?
Many thanks.
In the way you have written your code, you should expand you destructor implementation for gShop to iterate over the vector<> vSlot and delete each element. Because you have memory that has to be managed in this way to prevent a memory leak, you are also required to follow the Rule of Three. So, you also need to do something during copy construction (a deep copy), and you have to do something for the assignment operator (cleanup up the vector<> that is about to be copied over, and do a deep copy).
You can avoid these issues, and allow your object to use the default destructor, copy constructor, and assignment operator, by using a smart pointer instead. For example:
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<gCustomer>> vSlot;
When you create an element in the vSlot, you could use make_shared():
vSlot[number] = std::make_shared<gCustopmer>(type);
The smart pointer will delete the memory for you when there are no more references to the memory. If you don't have C++.11 available to you, you can use boost::shared_ptr instead.
The smart pointer will make it so that a copy of your gShop will share the same pointers as the original gShop it copied from. The smart pointer makes that situation okay, since there will not be multiple delete calls on the same memory. However, if you need the deep copy semantics, then you would still need to implement your own copy constructor and assignment operator to make the deep copies.
If you want something that will clean up automatically like a smart pointer, but still give you a deep copy with the default copy constructor and default assignment operator, then you can try to use boost::optional.
If you are using g++ version 4.4 or higher, then you should be able to enable C++.11 features with -std=gnu++0x, or -std=c++0x if you don't want GNU extensions. If you have g++ 4.7 or higher, then the options are -std=gnu++11 or -std=c++11.
Every time you create object with new piece of memory is taken from the heap. Only way to communicate with this memory is via pointer you got from new. When you use delete on that pointer memory is freed and may by used for other purposes. So when you lose pointer you create memory leak.
In your code the right way is:
Start with the vector with null pointers.
When you create object in exact position check pointer. If it is not null you already have object and have to delete it (or maybe throw error)
void gShop::CreateCustomer(int type, int number)
if(vSlot[number] != 0) {
delete vSlot[number];
vSlot[number] = 0;
vSlot[number] = new gCustopmer(type);
When the vector is destroyed you need to free all memory within it. So you destructor will be something like this:
gShop::~gShop() {
for(int i = 0; i < (int)vSlot.size(); ++i) {
delete vSlot[i];
Yes any memory that is allocated from the heap must be freed!
With the "new" you are allocating memory from the heap that is the sizeof gCustomer.
A good place to deallocate your memory would be in your destructor: ~gShop()
Memory leaks are caused by not deallocating your memory, although once your close your program all the memory is freed automatically.
gShop needs to delete the gCustomer objects that it creates. It can do that in its destructor, eg:
class gShop : public gBranch
std::vector<gCustomer*>::iterator iter = vSlot.begin();
std::vector<gCustomer*>::iterator end = vSlot.end();
while (iter != end)
delete *iter;
void deleteCustomer(gCustomer *customer)
delete customer;
std::for_each(vSlot.begin(), vSlot.end(), deleteCustomer);
However, you would still have a memory leak. You are storing two separate gCustomer objects in the same vSlot[1] slot of vShop[0], so you are losing track of one of your customers. I suspect you meant to do this instead:
vShop[0].CreateCustomer(TYPE_M20, 1);
vShop[0].CreateCustomer(TYPE_F40, 2); // <-- was previously 1
std::cout<< "1" << vShop[0].vSlot[1]->itsTypeString << std::endl;
std::cout<< "2" << vShop[0].vSlot[2]->itsTypeString << std::endl;
That being said, you should re-think your design and let the STL handle all of the memory management for you, eg:
class gShop : public gBranch
std::vector <gCustomer> vSlot;
void gShop::CreateCustomer(int type)
gCustomer &cust = vSlot.back();
cust.itsContactToShop = itsShopNumber;
cust.itsNumber = vSlot.size()-1;
// remember that vectors are 0-indexed
std::cout<< "0" << vShop[0].vSlot[0].itsTypeString << std::endl;
std::cout<< "1" << vShop[0].vSlot[1].itsTypeString << std::endl;
class gShop : public gBranch
std::vector <std::shared_ptr<gCustomer> > vSlot;
void gShop::CreateCustomer(int type)
std::shared_ptr customer = std::make_shared<gCustomer>(type);
customer->itsContactToShop = itsShopNumber;
customer->itsNumber = vSlot.size();
std::cout<< "0" << vShop[0].vSlot[0]->itsTypeString << std::endl;
std::cout<< "1" << vShop[0].vSlot[1]->itsTypeString << std::endl;
for(ItemTemplateListIterator iter = item_template_list.begin(); iter != item_template_list.end(); ++iter) {
int id = iter->first;
string description = iter->second->description;
some_file_stream << id << endl;
some_file_stream << description << endl;
Where item_template_list is a map of <int, MyClass*>, ItemTemplateListIterator is a typedef for a const_iterator of map<int, MyClass*> and MyClass has a public string property called description.
What very likely happened is that the object pointers that you stored in the map are not valid anymore (because the memory was deallocated elsewhere). Attempting to access a deallocated memory area causes a segfault. Not valid is meaning either NULL or having a so-called "dangling pointer".
Maybe also you are modifying the map or objects in the map in another thread while iterating through it.
There is too little code here for me to help you more.
I'll take a shot.
One of the MyClass* (pointers) has a "junk" (incorrect) value when you try to access it and boo-m. Segfault city.
As commented, you can store the full object in the map and not bother with pointers.
one of (iter->second) == null
The reason this is segfault is probably because the MyClass* is null or has been freed and has garbage value.
You can easily find out if it's null:
MyClass * obj = iter->second;
if (obj == null) {
cerr << "Unexpected null pointer" << endl;
} else {
string description = obj->description;
some_file_stream << id << endl;
some_file_stream << description << endl;
However, you still need to go through the rest of your code that populates the list and find out why it's not what you expected it to be.
Overall I'd say unless you're aiming to eliminate unnecessary copying of objects you'll be safer to store actual objects in the list and just make sure your copy constructor can handle them.
I guess I don't fully understand how destructors work in C++. Here is the sample program I wrote to recreate the issue:
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct Odp
int id;
Odp(int id)
this->id = id;
cout << "Destructing Odp " << id << endl;
typedef vector<shared_ptr<Odp>> OdpVec;
bool findOdpWithID(int id, shared_ptr<Odp> shpoutOdp, OdpVec& vec)
for (OdpVec::iterator iter = vec.begin(); iter < vec.end(); iter++)
Odp& odp = *(iter->get());
if (odp.id == id)
return true;
return false;
int main()
OdpVec vec;
vec.push_back(shared_ptr<Odp>(new Odp(0)));
vec.push_back(shared_ptr<Odp>(new Odp(1)));
vec.push_back(shared_ptr<Odp>(new Odp(2)));
shared_ptr<Odp> shOdp;
bool found = findOdpWithID(0, shOdp, vec);
found = findOdpWithID(1, shOdp, vec);
Just before main() concludes, the output of this program is:
Destructing Odp 0
Destructing Odp 1
Why does this happen? I'm retaining a reference to each of the Odp instances within the vector. Does it have something to do with passing a shared_ptr by reference?
UPDATE I thought that shared_ptr::reset decremented the ref count, based on MSDN:
The operators all decrement the
reference count for the resource
currently owned by *this
but perhaps I'm misunderstanding it?
UPDATE 2: Looks like this version of findOdpWithID() doesn't cause the destructor to be called:
bool findOdpWithID(int id, shared_ptr<Odp> shpoutOdp, OdpVec& vec)
for (OdpVec::iterator iter = vec.begin(); iter < vec.end(); iter++)
Odp& odp = *(iter->get());
if (odp.id == id)
shpoutOdp = *iter;
return true;
return false;
This line right here is probably what is tripping you up.
What you're doing here is getting (through get()) the naked pointer from the smart pointer, which won't have any reference tracking information on it, then telling shpoutOdp to reset itself to point at the naked pointer. When shpoutOdp gets destructed, it's not aware that there is another shared_ptr that points to the same thing, and shpoutOdp proceeds to destroy the thing it's pointed to.
You should just do
shpoutOdp = *iter;
which will maintain the reference count properly. As an aside, reset() does decrement the reference counter (and only destroys if the count hits 0).
So many things that are being used nearly correctly:
bool findOdpWithID(int id, shared_ptr<Odp> shpoutOdp, OdpVec& vec)
Here the parameter shpoutOdp is a a copy of the input parameter. Not such a big deal considering it is a shared pointer but that is probably not what you were intending. You probably wanted to pass by reference otherwise why pass it to the function in the first place.
Resetting a parameter as it is passed in.
Does this mean it could be dirty (then why have it as an input parameter) it make the function return a shared pointer as a result if you want to pass something out.
Odp& odp = *(iter->get());
Don't use get on shared pointers unless you really need to (and you really if ever need too). Extracting the pointer is not necessary to get at what the pointer points at and makes you more likely to make mistakes because you are handling pointers. The equivalent safe(r) line is:
Odp& odp = *(*iter); // The first * gets a reference to the shared pointer.
// The second star gets a reference to what the shared
//pointer is pointing at
This is where it all goes wrong:
You are creating a new shared pointer from a pointer. Unfortunately the pointer is already being managed by another shared pointer. So now you have two shared pointers that think they own the pointer and are going to delete it when they go out of scope (the first one goes out of scope at the end of the function as it is a copy of the input parameter (rather than a reference)). The correct thing to do is just to do an assignment. Then the shared pointers know they are sharing a pointer:
shpoutOdp = *iter; // * converts the iterator into a shared pointer reference
The next line though not totally wrong does assume that the iterators used are random access (which is true for vector).
for (OdpVec::iterator iter = vec.begin(); iter < vec.end(); iter++)
But this makes the code more brittle as a simple change in the typedef OdpVec will break the code without any warning. So to make this more consistent with normal iterator usage, use != when checking against end() and also prefer the pre increment operator:
for (OdpVec::iterator iter = vec.begin(); iter != vec.end(); ++iter)
shared_ptr::reset destroys the contents already in the shared_ptr. If you want to affect only that single shared_ptr reference, simply assign to it.
EDIT: In response to comment, you can fix it by changing the body of your for loop to:
if ((*iter)->id == id)
shpoutOdp = *iter;
return true;
EDIT2: That all said, why aren't you using std::find_if here?
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm> //for std::find_if
#include <functional> //for std::bind
struct Odp
int id;
int GetId()
return id;
Odp(int id)
this->id = id;
std::cout << "Destructing Odp " << id << std::endl;
typedef std::vector<shared_ptr<Odp> > OdpVec;
int main()
OdpVec vec;
vec.push_back(std::shared_ptr<Odp>(new Odp(0)));
vec.push_back(std::shared_ptr<Odp>(new Odp(1)));
vec.push_back(std::shared_ptr<Odp>(new Odp(2)));
OdpVec::iterator foundOdp = std::find_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(),
std::bind(std::equal_to<int>(), 0, std::bind(&Odp::GetId,_1)));
bool found = foundOdp != vec.end();
The nice thing about shared_ptr is that it handles the ref-counting internally. You don't need to manually increment or decrement it ever. (And that is why shared_ptr doesn't allow you to do so either)
When you call reset, it simply sets the current shared_ptr to point to another object (or null). That means that there is now one less reference to the object it pointed to before the reset, so in that sense, the ref counter has been decremented. But it is not a function you should call to decrement the ref counter.
You don't ever need to do that. Just let the shared_ptr go out of scope, and it takes care of decrementing the reference count.
It's an example of RAII in action.
The resource you need to manage (in this case the object pointed to by the shared_ptr) is bound to a stack-allocated object (the shared_ptr itself), so that its lifetime is managed automatically. The shared_ptr's destructor ensures that the pointed-to object is released when appropriate.