[[Django Celery]] Celery blocked doing IO tasks - django

I use celery to do some IO tasks, such as grab remote image, sending email to users.
But celery sometimes blocked with no logs. At this time, it won't do any task i send. I have to restart it, it begin to work where it blocked.
It puzzles me for a very long time. What can i do ? And what is the best practice for distributing IO tasks with celery?

By default, celery worker fork several processes waiting for tasks request from client.
For the tasks of IO pending and your system need a larger number of concurrency that handle
request concurrently. Here is the command:
celery -A tasks worker --without-heartbeat -P threads --concurrency=10
If simutanelous income requests is a lot, your concurrency level have to set higher than the size of incoming reqeust burst.
The system's performance may be limited by the hardware memeory size or OS's select API.
You can use celery's thread/ gevent model when concurrency is large:
celery -A tasks worker --without-heartbeat -P threads --concurrency=1000
celery -A tasks worker --without-heartbeat -P gevent --concurrency=1000

you can increase the celery concurrency
manage.py celeryd --concurrency=3
where concurrency == number of processors
run shell command
grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo
to get number of processors on your machine


Wsgi number of process and threads setting in AWS Beanstalk

I have an AWS beanstalk env and have old setting of wsgi (given below), I do not have idea how does this work internally, can anybody guide me?
NumProcesses:7 -- number of process
NumThreads:5 -- number of thread in each process
How memory and cpu are being used with this configuration because there is no memory and cpu settings in AWS beanstalk level.
These parameters are part of configuration option for Python environment:
They mean (from docs):
NumProcesses: The number of daemon processes that should be started for the process group when running WSGI applications (default value 1).
NumThreads: The number of threads to be created to handle requests in each daemon process within the process group when running WSGI applications (default value 15).
Internally, these values map to uwsgi or gunicorn configuration options in your EB environment. For example:
uwsgi --http :8000 --wsgi-file application.py --master --processes 4 --threads 2
Their impact on memory and cpu usage of your instance(s) is based on your application and how resource intensive it is. If you are not sure how to set them up, maybe keeping them at default values would be a good start.
The settings are also available in the EB console, under Software category:
To add on to #Marcin
Amazon linux 2 uses gunicorn
workers are processes in gunicorn
Gunicorn should only need 4-12 worker processes to handle hundreds or thousands of requests per second.
Gunicorn relies on the operating system to provide all of the load balancing when handling requests. Generally, we (gunicorn creators) recommend (2 x $num_cores) + 1 as the number of workers to start off with. While not overly scientific, the formula is based on the assumption that for a given core, one worker will be reading or writing from the socket while the other worker is processing a request.
To see how the settings in the option settings map to gunicorn you can ssh into your eb instance, go
$ eb ssh
$ cd cd /var/app/current/
$ cat Procfile
web: gunicorn --bind --workers=3 --threads=20 api.wsgi:application
A positive integer generally in the 2-4 x $(NUM_CORES) range. You’ll want to vary this a bit to find the best for your particular application’s work load.
The threads option only applies to gthread worker type. gunicons default worker class is sync, If you try to use the sync worker type and set the threads setting to more than 1, the gthread worker type will be used instead automatically
based on all the above I would personally choose
workers = (2 x $NUM_CORES ) + 1
threads = 4 x $NUM_CORES
for a t3.medum instance that has 2 cores that translates to
workers = 5
threads = 8
obviously, you need to tweak this for your use case, and treat these as defaults that could very well not be right for your particular application use case, read the refs below to see how to choose the right setup for you use case
REF: Gunicorn Workers and Threads
REF: https://medium.com/building-the-system/gunicorn-3-means-of-concurrency-efbb547674b7
REF: https://docs.gunicorn.org/en/stable/settings.html#worker-class

Scheduled Celery Task Lost From Redis

I'm using Celery in Django with Redis as the Broker.
Tasks are being scheduled for the future using the eta argument in apply_async.
After scheduling the task, I can run celery -A MyApp inspect scheduled and I see the task with the proper eta for the future (24 hours in the future).
Before the scheduled time, if I restart Redis (with service redis restart) or the server reboots, running celery -A MyApp inspect scheduled again shows "- empty -".
All scheduled tasks are lost after Redis restarts.
Redis is setup with AOF, so it shouldn't be losing DB state after restarting.
After some more research, I found out that running redis-cli -n 0 hgetall unacked both before and after the redis restart shows the tasked in the queue. So redis still has knowledge of the task, but for some reason when redis restarts, the task is removed from the worker? And then never sent again and it just stays indefinitely in the unakced queue.

docker-compose and graceful Celery shutdown

I've been wondering about and searching for solutions for this and I didn't find any.
I'm running Celery in a container built with docker-compose. My container is configured like this:
build: .
container_name: cl01
env_file: ./config/variables.env
- /celery-entrypoint.sh
- ./django:/django
- web
- db
- redis
stop_grace_period: 1m
And my entrypoint script looks like this:
# Wait for django
sleep 10
su -m dockeruser -c "celery -A myapp worker -l INFO"
Now, if I run docker-compose stop, I would like to have a warm (graceful) shutdown, giving Celery the provided 1 minute (stop_grace_period) to finish already started tasks. However docker-compose stop seems to kill Celery straight away. Celery should also log that it is asked to shut down gracefully, but I don't see anything but an abrupt stop to my task logs.
What am I doing wrong or what do I need to change to make Celery shut down gracefully?
Suggested answer below about providing the --timeout parameter to docker-compose stop does not solve my issue.
You need to mark celery process with exec, this way celery process will have the same ID as docker command and docker will be able to send a SIGTERM signal to it and gracefully close celery process.
# should be the last command in script
exec celery -A myapp worker -l INFO
Via docs
Usage: stop [options] [SERVICE...]
-t, --timeout TIMEOUT Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds (default: 10).
Try with timeout set to 60 seconds at least.
My experience implementing graceful shutdown for celery workers spawned by supervisord inside a docker container.
Supervisord part
nodaemon=true # run supervisord in the foreground
files=celery.conf # path to the celery config file
Set nodaemon=true so that we can start it as a background process from the entrypoint script later.
programs=one, two
command=celery -A backend --config=celery.py worker -n worker_one --pidfile=/var/log/celery/worker_one.pid --pool=gevent --concurrency=10 --loglevel=INFO
# similar to the previous one
The configuration file above is responsible for starting a group of workers each running in a separate process within a group. I'd like to stop on a stopwaitsecs section value. Let's see what the documentation tells us about it:
This parameter sets the number of seconds to wait for the OS to return
a SIGCHLD to supervisord after the program has been sent a
stopsignal. If this number of seconds elapses before supervisord
receives a SIGCHLD from the process, supervisord will attempt to kill
it with a final SIGKILL.
If stopwaitsecs>stop_grace_period specified for your service in a docker-compose file then you'll be getting SIGKILL from your docker. Make sure
stopwaitsecs<stop_grace_period, otherwise all running tasks get interrupted by docker.
Entrypoint script part
# safety switch, exit script if there's error.
set -e
echo "Signal caught..."
echo "Supervisor is stopping processes gracefully..."
# cleanup all pid files
rm worker_one.pid
rm worker_two.pid
supervisorctl stop celery_workers:
echo "All processes have been stopped. Exiting..."
exit 1
supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf
# start trapping signals (docker sends `SIGTERM` for shutdown)
start_supervisord & # start supervisord in a background
SUPERVISORD_PID=$! # PID of the last background process started
EXIT_STATUS=$? # the exit status of the last command executed
The script above consists of:
registering a cleanup function on_close
starting supervisord's process group in a background
registering the last background process's PID and waiting for it to finish
Docker part
stop_grace_period: 15m30s
entrypoint: [/entrypoints/entrypoint.sh]
The only setting worth mentioning here is entrypoint form declaration. In our case better to use exec form. It starts an executable script in a process with PID 1 and doesn't create any subprocesses as shell form does. SIGTERM from docker stop <container> gets propagated to an executable which traps it and performs all cleaning and closing logic.
Try using this:
docker-compose down

RabbitMQ not closing old connections with Celery

I use Celery with Django to consume/publish tasks to RabbitMQ from ~20 workers across a few datacenters. After about a month or so, I'm at 8000 open socket descriptors and the number keeps increasing until I restart RabbitMQ. Often I "kill -9" the Celery worker process instead of shutting them down since I do not want to wait for jobs to finish. On the workers I do not see the connections that RabbitMQ is showing. Is there a way to purge the old connections from RabbitMQ?
I'm using Celery 3.1.13 and RabbitMQ 3.2.4, all on Ubuntu 14.04. I'm not using librabbitmq, but pyamqp.
I was getting the same issue with the following 3-machine setup:
Worker (Ubuntu 14.04)
Django App Server (Ubuntu 14.04)
Rabbit MQ Server (Ubuntu 14.04 | rabbitmq-server 3.2.4)
Each task the worker received opened one connection that never closed (according to the RabbitMQ log) and consumed ~2-3 MB of memory.
I have since upgraded Celery to the latest version on my Django server and the socket descriptors and memory usage are holding steady.
I also see the connections close in the RabbitMQ log after the task completes, like so:
closing AMQP connection <0.12345.0> ( ->
Use BROKER_HEARTBEAT in Django's settings.py file.
RabbitMQ expects this value from the client(Celery in this case).
Refer to
http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/userguide/configuration.html#std:setting-broker_heartbeat for more details.

Celery: WorkerLostError: Worker exited prematurely: signal 9 (SIGKILL)

I use Celery with RabbitMQ in my Django app (on Elastic Beanstalk) to manage background tasks and I daemonized it using Supervisor.
The problem now, is that one of the period task that I defined is failing (after a week in which it worked properly), the error I've got is:
[01/Apr/2014 23:04:03] [ERROR] [celery.worker.job:272] Task clean-dead-sessions[1bfb5a0a-7914-4623-8b5b-35fc68443d2e] raised unexpected: WorkerLostError('Worker exited prematurely: signal 9 (SIGKILL).',)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/python/run/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/billiard/pool.py", line 1168, in mark_as_worker_lost
WorkerLostError: Worker exited prematurely: signal 9 (SIGKILL).
All the processes managed by supervisor are up and running properly (supervisorctl status says RUNNNING).
I tried to read several logs on my ec2 instance but no one seems to help me in finding out what is the cause of the SIGKILL. What should I do? How can I investigate?
These are my celery settings:
And this is my supervisord.conf:
command=/opt/python/run/venv/bin/celery worker -A com.cygora -l info --pidfile=/opt/python/run/celery_worker.pid
command=/opt/python/run/venv/bin/celery beat -A com.cygora -l info --pidfile=/opt/python/run/celery_beat.pid --schedule=/opt/python/run/celery_beat_schedule
Edit 1
After restarting celery beat the problem remains.
Edit 2
Changed killasgroup=true to killasgroup=false and the problem remains.
The SIGKILL your worker received was initiated by another process. Your supervisord config looks fine, and the killasgroup would only affect a supervisor initiated kill (e.g. the ctl or a plugin) - and without that setting it would have sent the signal to the dispatcher anyway, not the child.
Most likely you have a memory leak and the OS's oomkiller is assassinating your process for bad behavior.
grep oom /var/log/messages. If you see messages, that's your problem.
If you don't find anything, try running the periodic process manually in a shell:
And see what happens. I'd monitor system and process metrics from top in another terminal, if you don't have good instrumentation like cactus, ganglia, etc for this host.
One sees this kind of error when an asynchronous task (through celery) or the script you are using is storing a lot of data in memory because it leaks.
In my case, I was getting data from another system and saving it on a variable, so I could export all data (into Django model / Excel file) after finishing the process.
Here is the catch. My script was gathering 10 Million data; it was leaking memory while I was gathering data. This resulted in the raised Exception.
To overcome the issue, I divided 10 million pieces of data into 20 parts (half a million on each part). I stored the data in my own preferred local file / Django model every time the length of data reached 500,000 items. I repeated this for every batch of 500k items.
No need to do the exact number of partitions. It is the idea of solving a complex problem by splitting it into multiple subproblems and solving the subproblems one by one. :D