std::list - Sort one item - c++

Is it possible to sort a list based off one item?
For instance, if I have
1,3,2,4,5,6,7 ... 1000000
And I know that 3 is the second element, is it possible to efficiently sort 3 into it's correct position between 2 and 4 without re-sorting the entire list?
EDIT: I should also note that, in this scenario, it is assumed that the rest of the list is already sorted; it is simply the 3 that is now out of place.

You could simply find that unordered object (O(n)), take the object out (O(1)), find the correct position (O(n)), then insert it again (O(1)).
Assuming C++11,
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::list<int> values {1, 2, 3, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 14};
auto it = std::is_sorted_until(values.begin(), values.end());
auto val = *--it;
// ^ find that object.
auto next = values.erase(it);
// ^ remove it.
auto ins = std::lower_bound(next, values.end(), val);
// ^ find where to put it back.
values.insert(ins, val);
// ^ insert it.
for (auto value : values) {
std::cout << value << std::endl;
Before C++11 you need to implement std::is_sorted_until yourself.

For this very limited case, writing your own bubblesort would probably be faster than std::sort.

If you have that level of knowledge, why don't you just swap the items yourself rather than trying to coerce sort to do it for you?
Surely that's a better way.
Even if you don't know where it has to go, you can find that out quickly, remove it, then insert it at the correct location.

I suppose you could use the insert method to move the element, but I'd like to know more about the way you calculate its "correct" position: there could be a better suited algorithm.

If you think about the traversal possible for a list, it's clearly only end-to-end. So:
if you don't know where the mis-ordered element is you have to first scan through the elements one by one until you find it, then
you can remember the value and delete the out-of-order element from the list, then
there are two possibilities:
that element is greater in your sorting order than any other element you've yet encountered, in which case you need to keep going through the remaining elements until you find the correct place to insert it.
the element would belong somewhere amongst the elements you've already passed over, in which case:
you can move backwards, or forwards from the first element again, until you find the correct place to put it.
if you've created some records from your earlier traversal you can instead use it to find the insertion place faster, for example: if you've created a vector of list iterators, you can do a binary search in the vector. Vectors of every Nth element, hash tables etc. are all other possibilities.

This is If you dont use std::list.
With a Selection sort algorthm, you simply sort items 0 to 3 ( selectionSort(list,3)) if you know that thats the range.
Not the entire range till the end.
Sample code :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void selectionSort(int *array,int length)//selection sort function
int i,j,min,minat;
for(j=i+1;j<(length);j++) //select the min of the rest of array
if(min>array[j]) //ascending order for descending reverse
minat=j; //the position of the min element
int temp=array[i] ;
array[i]=array[minat]; //swap
void printElements(int *array,int length) //print array elements
int i=0;
for(i=0;i<length;i++) cout<<array[i]<<" ";
cout<<" \n ";
int main(void)
int list[]={1,3,2,4,5,6}; // array to sort
int number_of_elements=6;
cout<<" \nBefore selectionSort\n";
cout<<" \nAfter selectionSort\n";
cout<<" \nPress any key to continue\n";
return 0;
Before selectionSort
1 3 2 4 5 6
After selectionSort
1 2 3 4 5 6
Press any key to continue


I am trying my sorting method, which works well with data with no repeates entries, but am getting random numbers in place of repeated numbers?

I have been trying a sorting method in which I subtract each number stored in an array by other elements in the same array. Then, I saw a pattern that the number of differences which come to be negative, is the rank or position of element in the Sorted one. But, things go wrong when I am using repeated entries.
My basic method is :
Take every element of the SampleArray.
subtract it from every element of the SampleArray
check if the difference comes to be negative.
if it is then, increase a variable called counter.
And use this counter as the position of element in sorted array.
For example: lets take (5,2,6,4)
first take 5, subtract it from each of the numbers which will give results (0,-3,1,-1), so counter will become 2, which will be the index of 5 in the sorted Array. And repeat it for each of the elements.
for 5, counter will be 2.
for 2, counter will be 0.
for 6, counter will be 3.
for 4, counter will be 1.
And hence the sorted Array will be {2,4,5,6}.
First, see the code :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void sorting(int myArray[], int sizeofArray);
int main()
int checkArray[] = {5,4,2,20,12,13,8,6,10,15,0}; //my sample Arry
int sized;
sized=sizeof checkArray/sizeof(int);//to know the size
cout << sized << endl;
sorting(checkArray, sized);
void sorting(int myArray[], int sizeofArray)
int tempArray[sizeofArray];
for (int i=0; i<sizeofArray; i++)
int counter=0;
for (int j=0;j<sizeofArray; j++ )
int checkNum = myArray[j]-myArray[i];
if (checkNum<0)
counter++; //to know the numbers of negatives
for (int x=0;x<sizeofArray; x++)
cout << tempArray[x] << " " ;
Now, if we run this program with entries with no repetitions then, it sorts out the array, But if we use repeated entries like
int checkArray[] = {8,2,4,4,6}
the tempArray gets its first element as 2 as counter will be zero.
the tempArray gets its second element as 4 as counter will be 1.
but, the tempArray can't get its third one as counter will be still 1, and thus prints some randomNo in place of this. (here the things go wrong).
Can you please suggest a method to solve this?
This is an odd way of writing insertion sort,
I would assume you can change your condition to:
if (checkNum<0 || (checkNum==0 && j<i))
But I would suggest using a proper sorting routine instead
The idea is to separate duplicates by saying that if the values are the same we sort according to their order in the sequence; as if the sequence was a pair of the value and the sequence number (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...).
The issue here is that for any 2 equally sized numbers the nested loop will return the same counter value. Thus for such a counter value tempArray[counter + 1] will never be initialized.
The way to solve this would be to maintain a vector<bool> denoting what each position had been written and write to the next valid position if that is the case.
But supporting a second vector is just going to make your O(n2) code slower. Consider using sort instead:
sort(begin(checkArray), end(checkArray))

Removing multiple elements from stl list while iterating

This is not similar to Can you remove elements from a std::list while iterating through it?. Mine is a different scenario.
Lets say I have a list like this.
1 2 3 1 2 2 1 3
I want to iterate this stl list in such a way that
When I first encounter an element X I do some activity and then I need to remove all the elements X in that list and continue iterating. Whats an efficient way of doing this in c++.
I am worried that when i do a remove or an erase I will be invalidating the iterators. If it was only one element then I could potentially increment the iterator and then erase. But in my scenario I would need to delete/erase all the occurances.
Was thinking something like this
while (!list.empty()) {
int num = list.front();
// Do some activity and if successfull
Dont know if this is the best.
Save a set of seen numbers and if you encounter a number in the set ignore it. You can do as follows:
list<int> old_list = {1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3};
list<int> new_list;
set<int> seen_elements;
for(int el : old_list) {
if (seen_elements.find(el) == seen_elements.end()) {
return new_list;
This will process each value only once and the new_list will only contain the first copy of each element in the old_list. This runs in O(n*log(n)) because each iteration performs a set lookup (you can make this O(n) by using a hashset). This is significantly better than the O(n^2) that your approach runs in.

Efficiently mark nodes in a graph that must no longer be considered

I have a graph and iterate over every node multiple times until i mark it as finished eventually and ignore it in future iterations. This process is repeated until all nodes are marked.
So far, i have a std::vector that stores the status for all nodes: finished[v] = 1 when the node is finished and 0 otherwise. The code looks like this:
for every node v {
if finished[v] == 0 {
The problem is that near the end of the computation, only a few nodes are not marked but i still check every single one for finshed[v] == 0
Would it be better to save all node id's in a vector and then remove them until the vector is empty (I heard removing elements in a vector is not really efficient)?
Since I already store the number of finished nodes as a smple integer, I could just move all marked nodes at the end of the vector and cut it (at the position totalNumberOfNodes - numberOfFinishedNodes) in case moving elements is more efficient than deleting. Or is a vector just inferior to other data structures in this scenario?
Using std::list<T>:
#include <list>
std::list<int> unvisited_nodes;
// fill in unvisited_nodes with all nodes' ids
loop of you algorithm
// iterate only over unvisited nodes
for (auto it = unvisited_nodes.begin(); it != unvisited_nodes.end(); )
if (shouldNotBeVisitedAgain(*it))
Using your std::vector<T>:
#include <vector>
std::vector<int> unvisited_nodes;
// fill in unvisited_nodes with all nodes' ids
loop of you algorithm
// iterate only over unvisited nodes
for (int i = 0; i < unvisited_nodes.size(); )
if (shouldNotBeVisitedAgain(unvisited_nodes[i]))
std::swap(unvisited_nodes[i], unvisited_nodes.back());
Regarding elements' removal from std::vector<T>: this operations has O(N) complexity only in case you want to preserve the original order of elements. This operation can be optimized if the order of elements after removal does not need to be the same:
std::vector<int> v = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } ;
// now, let's remove element under index 3, v[3] == 4:
std::swap(v[3], v.back());
// now v == { 1, 2, 3, >7<, 5, 6 }
If you need them to stay in a particular order: a linked list may be the only efficient solution (you can consider other data structures like "ropes" if you want, but I suspect you won't want to implement them).
If you only need them to stay in sorted order: std::multiset should also work; just remove the elements that you've visited.
If you don't care about order at all: just keep a vector of the indices of all the nodes to be processed, but instead of actually erasing an element from the middle, swap it with the last element and then pop the back of the vector.

Finding maximum values of rests of array

For example:
array[] = {3, 9, 10, **12**,1,4,**7**,2,**6**,***5***}
First, I need maximum value=12 then I need maximum value among the rest of array (1,4,7,2,6,5), so value=7, then maxiumum value of the rest of array 6, then 5, After that, i will need series of this values. This gives back (12,7,6,5).
How to get these numbers?
I have tried the following code, but it seems to infinite
I think I'll need ​​a recursive function but how can I do this?
max=0; max2=0;...
for(i=0; i<array_length; i++){
if (matrix[i] >= max)
else {
for (j=i; j<array_length; j++){
if (matrix[j] >= max2)
...for if else for if else
This is how you would do that in C++11 by using the std::max_element() standard algorithm:
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
int main()
int arr[] = {3,5,4,12,1,4,7,2,6,5};
auto m = std::begin(arr);
while (m != std::end(arr))
m = std::max_element(m, std::end(arr));
std::cout << *(m++) << std::endl;
Here is a live example.
This is an excellent spot to use the Cartesian tree data structure. A Cartesian tree is a data structure built out of a sequence of elements with these properties:
The Cartesian tree is a binary tree.
The Cartesian tree obeys the heap property: every node in the Cartesian tree is greater than or equal to all its descendants.
An inorder traversal of a Cartesian tree gives back the original sequence.
For example, given the sequence
4 1 0 3 2
The Cartesian tree would be
/ \
1 2
Notice that this obeys the heap property, and an inorder walk gives back the sequence 4 1 0 3 2, which was the original sequence.
But here's the key observation: notice that if you start at the root of this Cartesian tree and start walking down to the right, you get back the number 4 (the biggest element in the sequence), then 3 (the biggest element in what comes after that 4), and the number 2 (the biggest element in what comes after the 3). More generally, if you create a Cartesian tree for the sequence, then start at the root and keep walking to the right, you'll get back the sequence of elements that you're looking for!
The beauty of this is that a Cartesian tree can be constructed in time Θ(n), which is very fast, and walking down the spine takes time only O(n). Therefore, the total amount of time required to find the sequence you're looking for is Θ(n). Note that the approach of "find the largest element, then find the largest element in the subarray that appears after that, etc." would run in time Θ(n2) in the worst case if the input was sorted in descending order, so this solution is much faster.
Hope this helps!
If you can modify the array, your code will become simpler. Whenever you find a max, output that and change its value inside the original array to some small number, for example -MAXINT. Once you have output the number of elements in the array, you can stop your iterations.
std::vector<int> output;
for (auto i : array)
auto pos = std::find_if(output.rbegin(), output.rend(), [i](int n) { return n > i; }).base();
Hopefully you can understand that code. I'm much better at writing algorithms in C++ than describing them in English, but here's an attempt.
Before we start scanning, output is empty. This is the correct state for an empty input.
We start by looking at the first unlooked at element I of the input array. We scan backwards through the output until we find an element G which is greater than I. Then we erase starting at the position after G. If we find none, that means that I is the greatest element so far of the elements we've searched, so we erase the entire output. Otherwise, we erase every element after G, because I is the greatest starting from G through what we've searched so far. Then we append I to output. Repeat until the input array is exhausted.

factorial array for tic tac toe

I am currently trying to teach myself C++ and programming in general. So as a beginner project i'm making a genetic algorithm that creates an optimal AI for a Tic-Tac-Toe game. I am not enrolled in any programming classes so this is not homework. I'm just really interested in AI.
So i am trying to create a multidimensional array of a factorial, in my case 9! . For example if you made one of 3! it would be array[3][6] = { {1, 2, 3}, {1, 3, 2}, {2, 3, 1}, {2, 1, 3}, {3, 2, 1}, {3, 1, 2}}. Basically 3! or 3*2*1 would be the amount of ways you could arrange 3 numbers in order.
I think that the solution should be simple yet im stuck trying to find out how to come up with a simple solution. I have tried to swap them, tried to shift them right, increment ect.. the methods that work are the obvious ones and i don't know how to code them.
So if you know how to solve it that's great. If you can give a coding format that's better . Any help is appreciated.
Also i'm coding this in c++.
You can use next_permutation function of STL
I actually wrote an algorithm for this by hand once. Here it is:
bool incr(int z[NUM_INDICES]){
int a=NUM_INDICES-1;
for(int i=NUM_INDICES-2;i>=0;i--)
if(z[i]>z[i+1]) a--;
else break;
if(a==0) return false;
int b=2147483647,c;
for(int i=a;i<=NUM_INDICES-1;i++)
int temp=z[a-1]; z[a-1]=z[c]; z[c]=temp;
return true;
This is the increment function (i.e. you have an array like [3,2,4,1], you pass it to this, and it modifies it to [3,4,1,2]). It works off the fact that if the last d elements of the array are in descending order, then the next array (in "alphabetical" order) should satisfy the following conditions: 1) the last d+1 elements are a permutation among themselves; 2) the d+1-th to last element is the next highest element in the last d+1 elements; 3) the last d elements should be in ascending order. You can see this intuitively when you have something like [2,5,3, 8,7,6,4,1]: d = 5 in this case; the 3 turns into the next highest of the last d+1 = 6 elements; and the last d = 5 are arranged in ascending order, so it becomes [2,5,4, 1,3,6,7,8].
The first loop basically determines d. It loops over the array backwards, comparing consecutive elements, to determine the number of elements at the end that are in descending order. At the end of the loop, a becomes the first element that is in the descending order sequence. If a==0, then the whole array is in descending order and nothing more can be done.
The next loop determines what the d+1-th-to-last element should be. We specified that it should be the next highest element in the last d+1 elements, so this loop determines what that is. (Note that z[a-1] is the d+1-th-to-last element.) By the end of that loop, b contains the lowest z[i]-z[a-1] that is positive; that is, z[i] should be greater than z[a-1], but as low as possible (so that z[a-1] becomes the next highest element). c contains the index of the corresponding element. We discard b because we only need the index.
The next three lines swap z[a-1] and z[c], so that the d+1-th-to-last element gets the element next in line, and the other element (z[c]) gets to keep z[a-1]. Finally, we sort the last d elements using qsort (comp must be declared elsewhere; see C++ documentation on qsort).
If you want a hand crafted function for generating all permutations, you can use
#include <cstdio>
#define REP(i,n) FOR(i,0,n)
#define FOR(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<b;i++)
#define GI ({int t;scanf("%d",&t);t;})
int a[22], n;
void swap(int & a, int & b) {
int t = a; a = b; b = t;
void perm(int pos) {
if(pos==n) {
REP(i,n) printf("%d ",a[i]); printf("\n");
FOR(i,pos,n) {
int main (int argc, char const* argv[]) {
n = GI;
REP(i,n) a[i] = GI;
return 0;