Is there a standard way of determining the number of va_args? - c++

I'm experimenting with variable arguments in C++, using va_args. The idea is useful, and is indeed something I've used a lot in C# via the params functionality. One thing that frustrates me is the following excerpt regarding va_args, above:
Notice also that va_arg does not determine either whether the retrieved argument is the last argument passed to the function (or even if it is an element past the end of that list).
I find it hard to believe that there is no way to programmatically determine the number of variable arguments passed to the function from within that function itself. I would like to perform something like the following:
void fcn(int arg1 ...)
va_list argList;
va_start(argList, arg1);
int numRemainingParams = //function that returns number of remaining parameters
for (int i=0; i<numRemainingParams; ++i)
//do stuff with params
To reiterate, the documentation above suggests that va_arg doesn't determine whether the retrieved arg is the last in the list. But I feel this information must be accessible in some manner.
Is there a standard way of achieving this?

I find it hard to believe that there is no way to programmatically determine the number of variable arguments passed to the function from within that function itself.
Nonetheless, it is true. C/C++ do not put markers on the end of the argument list, so the called function really does not know how many arguments it is receiving. If you need to mark the end of the arguments, you must do so yourself by putting some kind of marker at the end of the list.
The called function also has no idea of the types or sizes of the arguments provided. That's why printf and friends force you to specify the precise datatype of the value to interpolate into the format string, and also why you can crash a program by calling printf with a bad format string.
Note that parameter passing is specified by the ABI for a particular platform, not by the C++/C standards. However, the ABI must allow the C++/C standards to be implementable. For example, an ABI might want to pass parameters in registers for efficiency, but it might not be possible to implement va_args easily in that case. So it's possible that arguments are also shadowed on the stack. In almost no case is the stack marked to show the end of the argument list, though, since the C++/C standards don't require this information to be made available, and it would therefore be unnecessary overhead.

The way variable arguments work in C and C++ is relatively simple: the arguments are just pushed on the stack and it is the callee's responsibility to somewhat figure out what arguments there are. There is nothing in the standard which provides a way to determine the number of arguments. As a result, the number of arguments are determined by some context information, e.g., the number of elements referenced in a format string.
Individual compilers may know how many elements there are but there is no standard interface to obtain this value.
What you could do instead, however, is to use variadic templates: you can determine very detailed information on the arguments being passed to the function. The interface looks different and it may be necessary to channel the arguments into some sort of data structure but on the upside it would also work with types you cannot pass using variable arguments.

No, there isn't. That's why variable arguments are not safe. They're a part of C, which lacks the expressiveness to achieve type safety for "convenient" variadic functions. You have to live with the fact that C contains constructions whose very correctness depends on values and not just on types. That's why it is an "unsafe language".
Don't use variable arguments in C++. It is a much stronger language that allows you to write equally convenient code that is safe.

No, there's no such way. If you have such a need, it's probably best to pack those function parameters in a std::vector or a similar collection which can be iterated.

The variable argument list is a very old concept inherited from the C history of C++. It dates back to the time where C programmers usually had the generated assembler code in mind.
At that time the compiler did not check at all if the data you passed to a function when calling it matched the data types the function expected to receive. It was the programmer's responsibility to do that right. If, for example, the caller called the function with a char and the function expected an int the program crashed, although the compiler didn't complain.
Today's type checking prevents these errors, but with a variable argument list you go back to those old concepts including all risks. So, don't use it if you can avoid it somehow.
The fact that this concept is several decades old is probably the reason that it feels wrong compared to modern concepts of safe code.


Is there a way to pass an unknown number of arguments to a function?

Right now, I am trying to call a function in C++ through a Json object. The Json object would provide me with the name of the callee function and all the parameters. I will be able to extract the parameters using a for loop, but I am not sure how I can pass them in. For loop only allows me to pass arguments one by one, and I did not find a way to call a function besides passing in all the arguments at once.
I've made a temporary solution of:
if (parameter_count == 1)
if (parameter_count == 2)
func(param_1, param_2);
This solution seems would not work for all cases since it can only work for functions with a limited number of arguments (depending on how many ifs I write). Is there a better way for this? Thanks!
EDIT: Sorry if I was being unclear. I do not know anything about func. I will be reading func from DLL based on its string name. Since I can't really change the function itself, I wouldn't be able to pass in a vector or struct directly.
Or perhaps did I have the wrong understanding? Are we allowed to pass in a single vector in place of a lot of parameters?
Sorry for making a mess through so many edits on this question. Brandon's solution with libffi works. Thanks!
So the problem as I understand it is that you have a void * pointer (which would come from your platform's DLL loading code) which "secretly" is a pointer to a function with a signature which is only known at runtime. You'd like to call this function at runtime with specified arguments.
Unfortunately, this is not possible to do cleanly with standard C++ alone. C++ cannot work with types that are not present in the program at compile-time, and since there is an infinite number of potential function signatures involved here there is no way to compile them all in.
What you'll want to do instead is manually set up the stack frame on your call stack and then jump to it, either via inline assembly or via some library or compiler extension that accomplishes this for your platform.
Here is a simple example of doing this via inline assembly. (To do this in general you will need to learn your platform's calling convention in detail, and needless to say this will constrain your program to the platform(s) you've implemented this for.)
I haven't actually tried it, but gcc has a compiler extension __builtin_apply that is apparently just meant to forward the arguments from one method wholesale to another but which could perhaps be used to accomplish something like this if you learned the (apparently opaque) description of the method.
[Update: Apparently I missed this in the comments, but Brandon mentioned libffi, a library which implements a bunch of platforms' calling conventions. This sounds like it might be the best option if you want to take this sort of approach.]
A final option would be to constrain the allowed signatures of your functions to a specified list, e.g. something like
dynamic_cast<std::function<void(void)> *>(myPtr)();
case VOID_INT:
dynamic_cast<std::function<void(int)> *>(myPtr)(my_int_arg_1);
// ...
(Syntax of the above may not be 100% correct; I haven't tested it yet.) Whether this approach is sensible for your purposes depends on what you're doing.

Getting the address of a function's caller?

I'm calling a function with __func__ as one of the parameters so I can store the name of the function calling that function without having to retype the name of the calling function.
Is there a way of also getting the address of the calling function - a sort of getaddress(__func __) ??
The address will not tell you much; may I instead suggest the predefined macros __FILE__ and __LINE__? They will tell you the current source file (as a char*) and the current line. When you call a function passing those as parameters, you'd know which file/line was the function called from.
They're evaluated by the compiler at the point of usage. If you use them inside the function as opposed to passing them as parameters, they'll tell you the file/line of the function itself.
You can declare function pointers and then assign specific functions to them. So then you could have an array or other collection of such pointers as your table.
If this works for you and you accept the answer, I'm willing to come back and create a short summary here. (I know I'm not supposed to answer with just-a-link.) But see if this approach will do what you want.
There is no portable standard C++ way to do this. You could use compiler/OS specific hacks, the same was as in C, but it's less useful in C++ since it only works on extern "C" names (where the __FUNCTION__/__func__ match what dlsym expects).
Since that hack only works on extern "C" names, this means you can't use it for templated functions, class methods, or function overloading (same function name, different argument prototypes), which is fairly restrictive. Mind you, even typing out the function name wouldn't work in some of those cases already (e.g. the name alone doesn't describe the prototype, so function overloading wouldn't work).
I think you need to rethink a design that's essentially demanding reflection in C++; the nature of optimizing compilers is that most of the functions you define don't actually have to exist, or if they do, they exist only with names that are meaningless to anything but the compiler. When you ask to dynamically determine the address of the current function from within the function, you're assuming the function exists, with an actual address, in the final compiled binary, when it could just as easily have been inlined into each actual call site, partially merged with a near identical function, etc.

C function to exercise as many registers as possible

I'm writing a test suite for an assembler stub on multiple CPU architectures. The stub is meant to pass arguments to a C callback.
I have written tests to cover multiple scenarios (eg passing struct by value, mixing arguments of different native size, mixing float args with ints etc) and I would now like the test callback to do something that will use up lots of registers/stack slots etc.
The idea is to try and flush out implementations that are only working by fluke (eg value not correctly put on stack, but it happens to still be in a certain register so you get away with it etc).
Can anyone recommend a good piece of C/C++ I can use as the test here? I realise register use varies wildly across architectures and there's no guarantee at all that it will get complete coverage, but it would be nice to have something that gave a reasonable amount of confidence. Thanks
There is nothing in the C/C++ standards to help you here. Ultimately the only reliable way is exactly the way that compiler writers do it. They study the code their compiler generates and think up ways to break it.
Having said that, I can think of some strategies that might flush out some common problems.
Make calls with lots of different combinations of argument types and numbers. For example, a function with a single argument or return value that is a char/short/int/long/float/double/pointer etc will exercise a certain range of compiler code generation (and likely be passed in a register if possible). The same function with lots of arguments will use a different strategy, and (in most cases) not have enough registers.
Insert preamble code into the called function, so that passed in arguments are not used immediately but the registers get filled with other values.
Use variadic arguments. The calling conventions for variadic arguments (especially with separate compile and link) virtually guarantee arguments on the stack and not in registers.
Exercise lots of different call types: not just simple scalars but struct by value, pointer to function, pointer to member, etc.
Cheat. Call with one prototype but cast the function pointer so that the callee has a different prototype. For example, call with double on the stack but the callee function has two longs. Requires some inside knowledge of compiler workings.
The only pre-written code you will find to do this stuff is the compiler compliance suite for your chosen compiler.
Breaking compilers is fun. Hopefully something here will help you do it.

calling a function without knowing the number of parameters in advance

Suppose I have a dll with 2 of dll="dll1"
f1(int a, int b, int c);
f2(int a);
My program would take the function name ,the dll name and a "list" of parameters as input.
how would i call the appropriate function with its appropriate parameters.
if input is
this would require me to call f1 with 3 parameters
if input was
it would require me to call f2 with one parameter
how would i call the function without knowing the number of parameters in advance.
further clarification:
how do I write code that will call any
function with all its arguments by building the argument list dynamically
using some other source of information
Since the generated code differs based on the number of parameters, you have two choices: you can write some code in assembly language to do the job (basically walk through the parameter list and push each on the stack before calling the function), or you can create something like an array of pointers to functions, one for each number of parameters you care about (e.g., 0 through 10). Most people find the latter a lot simpler to deal with (if only because it avoids using assembly language at all).
To solve the problem in general you need to know:
The calling conventions (those stdcall, cdecl, fastcall, thiscall (btw, the latter two can be combined in MSVC++), etc things) that govern how the functions receive their parameters (e.g. in special registers, on the stack, both), how they return values (same) and what they are allowed to trash (e.g. some registers).
Exact function prototypes.
You can find all this only in the symbol/debug information produced by the compiler and (likely to a lesser extent) the header file containing the prototypes for the functions in the DLL. There's one problem with the header file. If it doesn't specify the calling convention and the functions have been compiled with non-default calling conventions (via a compiler option), you have ambiguity to deal with. In either case you'll need to parse something.
If you don't have this information, the only option left is reverse engineering of the DLL and/or its user(s).
In order to correctly invoke an arbitrary function only knowing its prototype and calling convention at run time you need to construct code analogous to that produced by the compiler when calling this function when it's known at compile time. If you're solving the general problem, you'll need some assembly code here, not necessarily hand-written, run-time generated machine code is a good option.
Last but not least, you need some code to generate parameter values. This is most trivial with numeric types (ints, floats and the like) and arrays of them and most difficult with structures, unions and classes. Creating the latter on the fly may be at least as difficult as properly invoking functions. Don't forget that they may refer to other objects using pointers and references.
The general problem is solvable, but not cheaply. It's far easier to solve a few simple specific cases and maybe avoid the entire problem altogether by rewriting the functions to have less-variable parameters and only one calling convention OR by writing wrapper functions to do that.
You might want to check out the Named Parameter Idiom.
It uses method chaining to basically accomplish what you want.
It solves the problem where you know what a default set of arguments look like, but you only need to customize a few of them and not necessarily in the order they are declared.
If your clients know at compile-time, then can wrap it this way:
template<class Args...>
void CallFunctionPointer(void* pf, Args&&... args)
typedef void(*FunctionType)(Args...);
FunctionType* pf2 = (FunctionType*) pf;
Note, if you pass the wrong number of paramters or the wrong type(s) of parameters behaviour is undefined.
In C/C++ you can cast a function pointer to any signature you want, however if you get it wrong behavior is undefined.
In your case there are two signatures you have mentioned:
void (*)(int)
void (*)(int, int, int)
When you load the function from the DLL it is your responsibility to make sure you cast it to the correct signature, with the correct number and types of parameters before you call it.
If you have control over the design of these functions, I would modify them to take a variable number of arguments. It the base type is always int, than just change the signature of all the functions to:
void (*)(int* begin, size_t n);
// begin points to an array of int of n elements
so that you can safely bind any of the functions to any number of arguments.

variadic function - how to ensure parameters passed correctly

Is there any way (built-in or a code pattern) to ensure that a variadic function is passed the correct number of parameters? (This will be included as part of an API obviously, I can check my own internal code.)
I was considering requiring a UN32 Magic Number to be the last argument passed and check that for validity in the variadic function. Does anyone have any thoughts on that?
va_* macros just pop the variables from the local stack, so you have to trust the user. passing an array/size tuple could be safer, I think.
You could use the PP_NARG macro to add a count semi-automatically.
int myfunc (int count, ...);
#define MYFUNC(...) myfunc(PP_NARG(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)
gcc -E produces:
int myfunc (int count, ...);
myfunc(4, a,b,c,d);
myfunc(7, a,b,c,d,e,f,g);
There is no definitive way in C or C++ to ensure that the correct number of arguments have been passed to a variadic function. Even requiring a signature is not guaranteed to work as it may clash with the value of a valid argument. You will probably be much better off passing a vector<> as the element count retrieved is accurate.
Couldn't you use the variadic template feature of C++0x applied to a function? This would generate a vararg function that is type-safe .
See this link with it's type-safe printf implementation using a variadic templated function
It depends on what you mean by "ensure that a variadic function is passed the correct number of parameters"...
Passing a UN32 Magic Number as last argument will allow you to determine where the list of arguments ends, so their overall number. So, by counting how many arguments you have found before UN32, you know how many arguments you have and your function should know whether is it enough. Don't know if it is ok for you to determine this at run-time (it could be too late)...
Anyway, usually variadic functions have a fixed argument list portion representing the mandatory arguments (at least one); so possibly this should be the way for you to ensure that the function gets the correct number of arguments...
No. Not possible.
Variadic breaks type-safety in a way that cannot be fixed.
If you want type-safety back, then consider breaking variadic function into several typesafe
member function of a [small] class that holds the shared state between their calls.
This is always possible, even if multiple calls might look awkward compared to single variadic
Shared state is probably why you wanted variadic function in the first place.
Take iostream vs printf as example.