Install latest cppunit in windows - c++

I am trying to install CppUnit on Windows.
I have downloaded it from here, decompressed it, and noticed that all files have ,v in their name, and no extension.
The instructions for installation (in included files, as well as on every site I found that suggests installation for Windows, are for Linux. (example installing CppUnit for Windows Instructions).
Others, just to build: (example: installing CppUnit for Visual Studio Instructions or Second answer on same topic).
The accepted answer on the above link has a comment saying that the person who accepted it "Sorted it, I downloaded another version" - after he had exactly the same problem as I did - but did not specify what version or from where...
The link I have above is the latest version.
I was able to find a very old version, 1.12.1, from 2008, that would almost build (with lots of errors), on Windows. I am using it now to learn how to implement CppUnit. Still, it is 4 years old... I would like to be able to use the latest build...
Please, can someone give me some suggestion that I can implement, and works, in Windows, to install the latest cppUnit ?
Thank you.

The first download you made is an archive of the CVS repository. This explains the strange ,v "extensions" you see on the files. It is not what you should download. And indeed, the correct download you made (version 1.12.1) is 4 years old. It was the latest stable version though, so it should normally build. I don't know what the exact problems were you encountered.
There are however two newer options. There is CppUnit2, which is available here. And there is an independent fork of the original project available here.
Perhaps you can check either of those out and see if they are less problematic for you.

The fork Bart mentions on appears to be the (only?) continuation of CppUnit version 1, and at this moment has version 1.13.2.
Note that for this version, if you want to use the test runner on Win64, you'll have to make a small modification described here until that has made it to a newer release.


Should I compile Qt VS use the online installer?

I compiled Qt5 by myself years ago for a Linux project. These days I'm working on Windows and I install Qt5 using the online installer.
Here and there however I face indications that compiling Qt might led to a better debugging experience, last time I notice it was here.
From that days I was using compiled Qt I don't have any memories of better experience than using the online installer.
So I would like to know more about the possible benefits of using a Qt compiled by myself. Is it worth it? Does it give me any extras compared to the online installer?
TLDR: You can use the online installer for initial development and works great with Qt Creator. Maybe later, you might need to build it yourself.
Qt's Windows installer installs most everything you need - including pre-built reference binaries with the most common options available. Perfect for initial development. There's even an option to install the source with the binaries for easy debugging. Download the symbols too if you do this.
You may want to compile the binaries yourself would be for any of the following reasons:
Build with your own custom patches
In case you need to change a build option like the renderer or openssl linkage.
You have a business requirement to build all code you ship.
At least those are the 3 reasons why we build Qt binaries directly ourselves on my team.

How to install spread library on Windows

Ther are many articles about how to install spread library on Linux(1. download source & unzip it ./config 3. make 4. make install) but seems no article about how to install spread on Windows......
I had downloaded spread-bin-4.4.0-Windows8_x64 from official site(my environemnt is win10), but there is no .bat or .exe file found under the unzipped folder. Does anyone know how to install spread library on Windows?
In linux, there is a standard way of installing libraries that all the software on your machine is supposed to use. In part this works because all that software is chosen in such a way that the same versions of libraries will satisfy everyone, that's what makes up a linux distribution to some extent.
In windows, the model of development is totally different. Any third party software, not from microsoft, is something the customer paid for and microsoft never signs off on it or anything. Third party stuff generally is supposed to provide its own libraries since you have no idea what other third party stuff is present. There's not much point in globally installing things since most programs won't use what you globally install anyways.
So, if you have a library on windows, you should install in whatever way the program that you intend to use it with will find it. If you are intending to install it for use with a project you are developing, that is a different question, and ultimately one about your build system or IDE.
In modern days there are things like NuGet which allow you to do things in a more linuxy way on windows. But that's quite recent and not that much software from typical user's perspective gets its dependencies that way.
After further study, I found a Visual Studio solution file:spread.sln under \win32 folder! So in conclusion, to install Spread libarary on Windows:
1. get source codes from
2. unzip
3. open solution file under \win32 folder with Visual Studio
(Please note that "do not" use relatively new version of VS since this solution is built with older VS(like VS 2010) otherwise unexpected errors occurred)
4. build solution
There you go! You can build your project with Spread library now!
P.S. This spread.sln is a Win32 solution. I'm just wonder is there a Win64 version solution file......

Compiling gRPC using MSYS2/Mingw32

I've come across an issue whilst trying to compile the latest branch of grpc under MSYS2, using mingw64 as suggested by the official installation guide.
The latest gcc for msys2 is 5.2.0, which isn't exactly on good terms with grpc. Still, downgrading to 4.9.1 helped a bit. Through a lot of manual editing of the makefile and a couple C headers, I was finally able to compile all the dependencies. As far as I can tell, most objects had successfully compiled. However, make keeps failing with the error "no target to make libgrp.dll, required by shared_c"(might not be perfect wording). I end up with botched static libs that are recognized by Qt as lacking symbols.
I would greatly appreciate a reliable compilation guide for grpc, and/or precompiled binaries fit for Qt 5.5 32-bit. I know the project is not too mature just yet, but it looks very promising and I can't wait to work with it!
Many thanks!
You're right that mingw isn't quite a first class citizen for grpc, but it's something we're looking to work on soon. Please file bugs at for anything you find!
That said, we do test the C codebase against Visual Studio 2013 regularly. I expect C++ to be tested regularly soon, along with VS2015. Could VS2015 be the solution to your problems, given it's now a free download?

point cloud development on PCL

For a long time opencv has been (and still is,) the main infrastructure for 2d development.
When going 3d, PCL is the natural choise: it has vast range of algorithms implemented, online API documentation, and the backbone of the industry's leading companies.
That said, How can it be that the last binary is for IDE 5 years ago?(!!!) last update was in 2013 (probably due to the death of OPENNI, thank you Apple), the implementation is obsolete , and I am not even talking about c++1x, nevertheless the futuristic compute capability 5.x.
Is PCL a dead project? are there's any predecessors?
I too work with PCL and find the outdated libraries frustrating. However as PhilLab mentioned the GitHub page is still active.
HOWEVER: Thanks to Tsuksa Sugiura there exists a perfect pre-built package for Windows + VS2015. He even maintains this and updates it. Both x86 and x64.
ALSO it is possible to use 1.8.0 RC2 on the NVidia Tegra platforms, such as the Jetson TX1. here the CMake system is working relatively well.
AND ROS supports it (again defaults to 1.7.2, but can run on 1.8.x)
So to conclude; sure no one is packing it into tidy releases, but the package is slowly getting advanced. And it kind of is our only choice...
Also to the moderators: I would have commented this on PhilLab's answer as I feel this doesn't dignify a new answer... but on this strange community you can answer before being able to comment. Sorry.
I share your frustration with the outdated prebuilts (outdated both in IDE version and PCL version) but the project is still quite active on GitHub:
The release cycle seems to be quite lengthy but the commits come in steadily
Edit: Release 1.8.0 is in preparation and the lack of Windows builds is because the lack of a Windows programmer
Edit (06/2018): The newest versions include windows prebuilds
Now the best option to use PCL on windows is using the vcpkg package management system to manage the dependencies and binaries.

Allegro 4.2.3 Creating A Static/Release Build Using Visual C++ 2010 Express To Run On Other Windows Computers

I have successfully installed allegro 4.2.3 in accordance with the instructions at the following link and it all works great:
The only thing I've ended up deviating from in respect to the tutorial linked above, is I've selected Windows Application instead of Console Application where illustrated within the 3rd graphical example (note selecting between Win32 Console Application or Win32 Project as illustrated in the 2nd graphical example, I've found to make no noticeable difference so far).
Selecting Windows Application where illustrated in the 3rd graphical example, has for me at least, simply resulted in NOT Needing to include the line: #define USE_CONSOLE in all my Allegro programs.
Please in respect of the tutorial linked above and the title of this post, can someone please help me by answering the following question:
Start of Question:
How can I get my Allegro games to work on other computers that use Windows, without the other computers requiring that Visual C++ 2010 Express be installed, And/Or the pre-built binary version of Allegro 4.2.3 (linked to in the above tutorial) also being required to be on the other computers and linked to/configured within Visual C++ 2010 Express, also described in the above tutorial.
End of Question
Incidentally: A great link for anyone interested in making standard C++ programs (i.e. that don't use Allegro or other various libraries) work by having a fully independent .exe file (compiled/built using Visual C++ 2010 Express) which can indeed run on other computers using windows, is below:
Thank you for taking the time to read this post and I hope very much that someone is able to help.
My Reply To Matthews 1st Answer Is Below:
Hi Matthew,
I’ve been looking on Google to try and find out how the various elements you mention, fit in with and compare to the linked tutorial in my post which explains step by step how to configure visual C++ 2010 Express with the Allegro 4.2.3 binary.
The first thing I want to check with you, is if all the binaries in the 4.4.2 section and 4.2.3 section on the site, are essentially both pre-built binaries, and therefore ultimately configuring version 4.4.2 to work with VC++ 2010 should be in principle similar to configuring version 4.2.3 (or perhaps not?) I have downloaded version 4.4.2 and can see that there are indeed the same 3 folders, bin, include & lib.
Here is the link again to the online tutorial which explains how to successfully configure step by step, Allegro 4.2.3 with visual C++ 2010 Express:
Working through the steps in the above tutorial, I have noticed additional elements in your initial answer which I have listed below. (Please note, although the tutorial does indeed work well for version 4.2.3, simply selecting the release option instead of debug when building does not result in the .exe files working on other windows computers (although the .exe file in the release folder does still run on my primary computer), and so I guess there are other things that need to be done in addition to selecting release.
1) allegro-4.4.2-monolith-static-mt.lib --- Does this need to be added to additional dependencies in the Input Section within the Linker dropdown for both debug and release. (Also how does this compare with the tutorial for this part of the configuration i.e. are there any other additional dependencies)
2) link to all the various Win32 libraries when you static link --- I don’t know how to link to these libraries. I’m a bit stumped on this.
3) #define ALLEGRO_STATICLINK --- Does this mean that “ALLEGRO_STATICLINK” needs adding to the Preprocessor Section within the C/C++ dropdown, as I read somebody else did in an attempt to get it all working for 4.4.2
To conclude: I suppose to ask my initial question once again considering all that has been said so far, I would ask it in the following 2 parts:
Part 1) How would the online tutorial need adding to/modifying for static builds to work successfully on other computers using windows for version 4.2.3, and would this then just mean selecting the release build option and of course keeping together any files linked with the .exe when distributing.
Part 2) If using the 4.4.2 version, again how would the online tutorial need adding to/modifying for static and dynamic builds to work successfully.
Tutorial type answers to Part 1 or 2 would be awesome for me and many other newbies
Thank you very much indeed for reading this post.
Allegro 4.2 is painfully old. You should use 4.4 at minimum. It is source compatible with 4.2 (same API) and still receives updates from time to time. Allegro 5 is where all the active development is now, but it has a completely new API. I still highly recommend that you take a look at it.
Anyway, to answer the question, yes, you need to static link. Grab a binary from here:
Link with the allegro-4.4.2-monolith-static-mt.lib file, and make sure you compile using the /MT switch (as opposed to /MD). The -static aspect means the Allegro DLL is not needed. the -mt flag means the C runtime is not needed.
You'll also need to link to all the various Win32 libraries when you static link. Also, be sure to #define ALLEGRO_STATICLINK in your project settings.
It's been a little while, but if I remember correctly there's an easy way to do this, though it's probably not the best way. It's good for just sending a little demo to a friend. Even if you just build in Debug mode, you can send the game over to other people. Copy/paste the allegro-4.2.2-monolith-md.lib file (Its name is something like that, but probably not that exactly) into the project's Debug folder (next to the .exe). You'll probably also need the MSVCR1000.lib file (or something like that. Can't remember the exact name), but you'll have to find that online somewhere.
DISCLAIMER: I've never used such a completely old version of Allegro, so this solution may not exactly be applicable. But I was using Allegro after version 5 and up to 5.6, so I know it works for newer versions. You should just use a newer version, really.