Avoiding the production of zombie processes in C++ - c++

Very strange bug, perhaps someone will see something I'm missing.
I have a C++ program which forks off a bash shell, and then passes commands to it.
Periodically, the commands will contain nonsense and the bash process will hang. I detect this using semtimedwait, and then run a little function like this:
if (kill(*bash_pid, SIGKILL)) {
cerr << "Error sending SIGKILL to the bash process!" << endl;
} else {
// collect exit status
long counter = 0;
do {
pid = waitpid(*bash_pid, &status, WNOHANG);
if (pid == 0) { // status not available yet
if(counter++ > 5){
cerr << "ERROR: Bash child process ignored SIGKILL >5 sec!" << endl;
} while (pid != *bash_pid && pid != -1);
if(pid == -1){
cerr << "Failed to clean up zombie bash process!" << endl;
// re-initialized bash process
*bash_pid = init_bash();
Assuming I understand the workings of waitpid correctly, this should first send SIGKILL to the shell, and then essentially sit in a spinlock, trying to reap the resulting process. Eventually, it succeeds and then a new bash process is started with init_bash().
At least, that's what should happen. Instead, the child process's exit status is never collected, and it continues to exist as a zombie process. In spite of this, the parent does exit the loop and manages to restart the bash process, and continues with normal execution. Eventually too many zombies are generated and the system runs out of pids.
Fork is called in exactly one place in the program, inside init_bash.
Checks prevent init_bash from being called except once at the program's start and after a call to the function above.

Articles that I read indicate that the reason for a zombie process is that a child process does an exit however the parent never collects the child's exit.
This article provides several ways to kill a zombie process from the command line. One technique is to use other signals besides SIGKILL for instance SIGTERM.
This article has an answer which suggests SIGKILL should not be used.
One of the techniques is to kill the parent thereby also killing its child processes including any zombies. The author indicates that there appear to be child processes that just remain as zombies until the OS is restarted.
You do not mention the mechanism used to communicate the commands to the child process. However one option may be to turn the child process loose by disconnecting it from its parent similar to the way a child of a terminal process can be disconnected from the terminal session. That way the child will become its own process and if there is a problem may exit without becoming a zombie.


Kill all child processes that used exec, c++

I don't know if this is the best way but I have a random number of child processes who have beed execed and wanted to implement a way to kill them without using ctrl+c. I was thinking of keeping a set of their pids and then check that set whenever I want to kill them from the parent process.
The way I was trying to do it was something like this
set<pid_t> pids;
pid_t id = fork();
if(id == 0)
execlp("./somewhere", "./somewhere", something.c_str(), NULL);
cout << "Didn't exec" << endl;
for(auto i : pids)
kill(i, something?)
I still don't quite know how to use the kill function or how pids work so I don't know if this will work in any way, I just did a simple project in c for college and though I could try something more complex in c++.
Anyways, the objective of this is to be able to have the parent process kill a single child process out of an undefined number of running child processes, or kill them all whenever the user writes quit
kill() on pid 0 sends the signal to all members of the calling process group:
If pid is 0, sig shall be sent to all processes (excluding an
unspecified set of system processes) whose process group ID is equal
to the process group ID of the sender, and for which the process has
permission to send a signal.
If you want to kill only certain processes (as seems to be your case) take a look to Grouping child processes with setpgid()

Use system() to create independent child process

I have written a program where I create a thread in the main and use system() to start another process from the thread. Also I start the same process using the system() in the main function also. The process started from the thread seems to stay alive even when the parent process dies. But the one called from the main function dies with the parent. Any ideas why this is happening.
Please find the code structure below:
void *thread_func(void *arg)
int main()
pthread_create(&thread_id, NULL, thread_func, NULL);
while (true)
pthread_join(thread_id, NULL);
return 0;
My suggestion is: Don't do what you do. If you want to create an independently running child-process, research the fork and exec family functions. Which is what system will use "under the hood".
Threads aren't really independent the same way processes are. When your "main" process ends, all threads end as well. In your specific case the thread seems to continue to run while the main process seems to end because of the pthread_join call, it will simply wait for the thread to exit. If you remove the join call the thread (and your "command") will be terminated.
There are ways to detach threads so they can run a little more independently (for example you don't have to join a detached thread) but the main process still can't end, instead you have to end the main thread, which will keep the process running for as long as there are detached threads running.
Using fork and exec is actually quite simple, and not very complex:
int pid = fork();
if (pid == 0)
// We are in the child process, execute the command
execl(command.c_str(), command.c_str(), nullptr);
// If execl returns, there was an error
std::cout << "Exec error: " << errno << ", " << strerror(errno) << '\n';
// Exit child process
else if (pid > 0)
// The parent process, do whatever is needed
// The parent process can even exit while the child process is running, since it's independent
// Error forking, still in parent process (there are no child process at this point)
std::cout << "Fork error: " << errno << ", " << strerror(errno) << '\n';
The exact variant of exec to use depends on command. If it's a valid path (absolute or relative) to an executable program then execl works well. If it's a "command" in the PATH then use execlp.
There are two points here that I think you've missed:
First, system is a synchronous call. That means, your program (or, at least, the thread calling system) waits for the child to complete. So, if your command is long-running, both your main thread and your worker thread will be blocked until it completes.
Secondly, you are "joining" the worker thread at the end of main. This is the right thing to do, because unless you join or detach the thread you have undefined behaviour. However, it's not what you really intended to do. The end result is not that the child process continues after your main process ends... your main process is still alive! It is blocked on the pthread_join call, which is trying to wrap up the worker thread, which is still running command.
In general, assuming you wish to spawn a new process entirely unrelated to your main process, threads are not the way to do it. Even if you were to detach your thread, it still belongs to your process, and you are still required to let it finish before your process terminates. You can't detach from the process using threads.
Instead, you'll need OS features such as fork and exec (or a friendly C++ wrapper around this functionality, such as Boost.Subprocess). This is the only way to truly spawn a new process from within your program.
But, you can cheat! If command is a shell command, and your shell supports background jobs, you could put & at the end of the command (this is an example for Bash syntax) to make the system call:
Ask the shell to spin off a new process
Wait for it to do that
The new process will now continue to run in the background
For example:
const std::string command = "./myLongProgram &";
// ^
However, again, this is kind of a hack and proper fork mechanisms that reside within your program's logic should be preferred for maximum portability and predictability.

Waiting in Background process in C program in Unix

Im trying to emulate shell through C program. In my program whenever I run any normal (foreground) commands it works fine. Also I have handled background process with commands ending with '&'. Now to handle this I have avoided the parent waiting for a child process.
The problem is whenever for the first time in my shell I run any background command(i.e ending in '&') then it works fine. But then after that each command(normal) doesnot terminate. I guess it waits for the previously opened process. How to rectify. Please you can ask questions so that i can make myself more clear to you. This is the snippet which is doing the above mentioned task.
//logic fo creating command
int ret=execvp(subcomm[0],subcomm);
//Child will never come here if execvp executed successfully
//something to add to make it not wait for other process in my scenario for second time
Here proc_state just determines whether it is background or foreground.It is just a character. count_pipe is just a variable holding number of pipes (e.g ls -l|wc|wc this contains 2 pipes). Dont worry this all is working fine.
waitpid(0, &flag, 0) waits for any child process whose process group ID is equal to that of your shell. So if you have not called setsid() after the fork() of the disconnected child process, the code above will wait for that too.
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) { /* child process */
setsid(); /* Child creates new process group */
... /* redirections, etc */

c++ fork, without wait, defuncts execl

Looking to fork a process, in c++, that wont hang its parent process - its parent is a daemon and must remain running. If i wait() on the forked process the forked execl wont defunt - but - it will also hang the app - not waiting fixes the app hang - but the command becomes defunt.
if((pid = fork()) < 0)
perror("Error with Fork()");
else if(pid > 0) {
//wait here will hang the execl in the parent
//dont wait will defunt the execl command
//---- wait(&pid);
return "";
} else {
struct rlimit rl;
int i;
if (rl.rlim_max == RLIM_INFINITY)
rl.rlim_max = 1024;
for (i = 0; (unsigned) i < rl.rlim_max; i++)
if(execl("/bin/bash", "/bin/bash", "-c", "whoami", (char*) 0) < 0) perror("execl()");
How can I fork the execl without a wait(&pid) where execl's command wont defunct?
Fixed by adding the following before the fork
Still working with my limited skills at a more compatible solution based on the accepted answer. Thanks!
By default, wait and friends wait until a process has exited, then reap it. You can call waitpid with the WNOHANG to return immediately if no child has exited.
The defunct/"zombie" process will sit around until you wait on it. So if you run it in the background, you must arrange to reap it eventually by any of several ways:
try waitpid with WNOHANG routinely: int pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG)
install a signal handler for SIGCHLD to be notified when it exits
Additionally, under POSIX.1-2001, you can use sigaction set the SA_NOCLDWAIT on SIGCHLD. Or set its action to SIG_IGN. Older systems (including Linux 2.4.x, but not 2.6.x or 3.x) don't support this.
Check your system manpages, or alternative the wait in the Single Unix Specification. The Single Unix Spec also gives some helpful code examples. SA_NOCLDWAIT is documented in sigaction.
I think a signal handler would be the best way as indicated. I would like to point out another way this could be handled: Fork twice and have the child exit while the grandchild would call execl. The defunct process would then be cleaned up by the init process.
As said in comment, double fork saves process from defunct state.
What is the reason for performing a double fork when creating a daemon?

c++ fork() & execl() dont wait, detach completely

So I have a simple fork and exec program. It works pretty good but I want to be able to detach the process that is started, I try a fork with no wait:
if((pid = fork()) < 0)
perror("Error with Fork()");
else if(pid > 0) {
return "";
else {
if(execl("/bin/bash", "/bin/bash", "-c", cmddo, (char*) 0) < 0) perror("execl()");
It starts the proc fine but when my main app is closed - so is my forked proc.
How do I keep the forked process running after the main proc (that started it) closes?
Thanks :D
Various things to do if you want to start a detached/daemon process:
fork again and exit the first child (so the second child process no longer has the original process as its parent pid)
call setsid(2) to get a new session and process group
reopen stdin/stdout/stderr to dereference the controlling tty, if there was one. Or, for example, you might have inherited a pipe stdout that will be broken and give you SIGPIPE if you try to write it.
chdir to / to get away from the ancestor's current directory
Probably all you really want is to ignore SIGHUP in your fork()ed process as this is normally the one which brings the program down. That is, what you need to do is
signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
Using nohup arranges for a reader to be present which would avoid possibly writing to close pipe. To avoid this you could either arrange for standard outputs not to be available or to also ignore SIGPIPE. There are a number of signals which terminate your program when not ignore (see man signal; some signals can't be ignored) but the one which will be sent to the child is is SIGHUP.