Is it possible to have dynamically generated query names in ColdFusion? - coldfusion

What I am trying to do is
<cfloop array="#LOCAL.someArray" index="LOCAL.aString">
<cfset LOCAL.queryName = "uniqueQueryName_" & LOCAL.aString />
<cfquery name="#LOCAL.queryName#" datasource="db" cachedwithin="#CreateTimeSpan(1,0,0,0)#">
SELECT count(*) AS c FROM someTable
<cfdump var="#LOCAL.queryName#" />
is this possible, or is there a better way to do it?
This works with <cfloop query="LOCAL.queryName"> but not when I try to do <cfset ArrayAppend(LOCAL.returnArray, LOCAL.queryName.c) />

There is no need to use evaluate() to do this, and one shouldn't (so I've down-voted that answer, sorry).
All you need to do is use associative array notation:
<cfdump var="#local[qname]#">
If one wants to access a column of that query, it's:
And for a specific cell:
There are very very very few situations in which evaluate() is the correct answer to anything. One cannot rely on the Adobe docs because - unfortunately - an awful lot of it was not written by very experienced ColdFusion developers.

You can dump the query, and I imagine also access it by doing something like this:
<cfloop list="q1,q2,q3" index="qname">
<cfquery name="#qname#" datasource="dsn">
SELECT * from some_table;
<cfdump var="#Evaluate('#qname#')#" />
The Evaluate function is what allows you to do what you want.


Coldfusion Complex Construct

I am trying to construct a coldfusion conditional statement that looks for incremental form ID checkboxes to have been selected. All checkboxes are defined as Component[component number]. I have established a loop that is looking for a URL variable that is different for every form that calls on the condition as seen below. The issue I am having is that I recieve an error when executing that tells me "Complex constructs are not supported with function parameterexists."
Clearly it has to do with the dynamic nature of the parameterexists statement, but I do not fully know what this means. Can anyone explain this and also offer a solution? I am fairly new to coldfusion and coding, so take it easy on me.
<cfloop from="1" to="#URL.loopcounter#" index="loopvar">
<cfif parameterexists(Form.Component#loopvar#)>
INSERT INTO Results (MP_Barcode, Reworked, Reworked_By)
VALUES ('#Form.MontaplastBarcode#', 'YES', '#URL.BadgeNumber#')
Depending on the form that calls on this action, the URL loopcounter variable could range from 1 to 50.
To answer the question, there are several ColdFusion functions that won't allow you to create a dynamic name before the function evaluates it. parameterExists() was one of those. Both isDefined() and structKeyExists() will allow dynamic variables. So will the member function of structKeyExists() > structName.keyExists("theKey").
Again, if you are new to ColdFusion, I'd simply pretend you never saw parameterExists(). I believe it has been listed as "deprecated" since CF 4.5 or somewhere around there. That's almost 20 years ago. That function has actually become somewhat of a joke about how Adobe never really throws away their trash.
As I pointed out above, I'd get rid of it completely and go with structKeyExists(). I also don't know what your whole page is doing, but with the code you provided, I'd change it to something like this:
<cfloop from="1" to="#url.loopcounter#" index="loopvar">
<cfif structKeyExists(form,"Component#loopvar#")>
<cfset inMontplastBarcode = sanitizingFunction(FORM.MontaplastBarcode)>
<cfset inBadgeNumber = sanitizingFunction(URL.BadgeNumber)>
<!--- Now use sanitized inputs in query with queryparams --->
<cfquery name="InsertStuff" datasource="myds">
INSERT INTO Results (MP_Barcode, Reworked, Reworked_By)
<cfqueryparam value="#inMontaplastBarcode#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="50">
, 'YES'
, <cfqueryparam value="#inBadgeNumber#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="20">
In your database, Reworked should be a boolean datatype. It appears that it may be a 'Yes' or 'No' string. A true boolean will be a) smaller and b) easier to validate. In the cfqueryparams, if you are using a cf_sql_varchar datatype, make sure you set an appropriate max length. You'll need to look at the available CF datatypes and see how they match up to your database datatypes. (Also see
For your sanitizingFunction() that you'll use to sanitize your input variables, you'll want to write a function that will follow through the steps to clean up your variables to strip out unsafe characters or other things you don't want. That is an entirely different, extremely large topic all on its own.
In your form, name your checkboxes simpler. Like reworked01 through reworked50.
On the action page use cfparam to default them to zero (since html forms don't post unchecked boxes):
<cfloop from="1" to="#url.loopCounter#" index="i">
<cfparam name="form.reworked#numberFormat(i, 00)#" default="0">
Then instead of fumbling with whether or not a variable exists, you can instead look for the value:
<cfloop from="1" to="#url.loopCounter#" index="i">
<cfif evaluate("form.reworked"&i) eq 1>
<!--- some logic here --->
<!--- some other logic here --->

Is there a shorter way to do this than qoq in coldfusion

I often have to switch between a code and name from a query in my code. Here's what it looks like:
<cfquery name="AllLocations" >
Select Name, Code From Locations
Later in the page I will need the name and have the code, or visa-versa:
<cfquery name="ThisLocation" dbtype="query >
Select Name From Locations where Code = '#Code#'
Is there a shorter way to do this so I don't have to do the qoq every time?
You could do something like this:
<cfoutput>[listfind(valuelist(allLocations.code), code)]#
Edit starts here
Given the comment about performance, I understand that arrays are faster than lists.
<cfoutput>[arrayFind(allLocations['code'], code)]#

Var scoping issue possibly?

A few times in my functions I have stuff like this:
<cffunction name="mergeData">
<cfquery name="myQuery">
SELECT columnName FROM tableName
<cfquery dbtype="query" name="myOtherQuery">
SELECT columnName FROM myQuery
<cfset resulta = mergeData(queryA) />
<cfset resultb = mergeData(queryB) />
<cfset resultc = mergeData(queryC) />
Occasionally then I get the error The select column reference [myQuery.columnname] is not found in table [myQuery].
So what could be causing this. How can I diagnose. I was thinking it could be a scoping issue, so I'm going to add <cfquery name="local.myQuery"> just to make sure things are contained in the function (I should be doing that anyway probably). But when something only happens sometimes I have a hard time figuring out how to diagnose.
EDIT: Added some clarity on why it's most likely a scoping issue. My thought is that myQuery is poossibly being referenced in other calls. I mean, it's not like it's running multiple threads on the data, but is it possible that that could be the cause? Are there other causes? This isn't always the case when I get the error. I also get it on a page where it function is only running once.
In the query of queries, use brackets around the local scope prefix.
<cffunction name="mergeData">
<cfquery name="local.myQuery">
SELECT columnName FROM tableName
<cfquery dbtype="query" name="local.myOtherQuery">
SELECT columnName FROM [local].myQuery
<cfset resulta = mergeData(queryA) />
<cfset resultb = mergeData(queryB) />
<cfset resultc = mergeData(queryC) />
I've never gotten LOCAL to work in query of queries in a function.
So I do this....
<cfquery name="VARIABLES.myQuery">
SELECT columnName FROM tableName
<cfquery dbtype="query" name="myOtherQuery">
I strongly suggest using a more explicit name for your query, especially in query of queries.

ColdFusion Query-of-Queries Wildcard LIKE condition not working with single quotes?

I have a query-of-queries that performs a LIKE condition on a variable string:
When the variable contains a single word that includes a single quote, some results are returned, but not all:
<cfset _myVar = "Women's" />
<cfquery name="_qData" dbtype="Query">
WHERE NAME LIKE '%#_myvar#%'
When the variable contains more than one word, and one of those words includes a single quote, no records are returned:
<cfset _myVar = "Women's Initiative" />
<cfquery name="_qData" dbtype="Query">
WHERE NAME LIKE '%#_myvar#%'
I've tried PreserveSingleQuotes() as well as wrapping the varaibles with CFQUERYPARAM, but, to no avail - I get the same results.
Is there a way to make this work?
Adding in a repro case
<cfset myQuery = queryNew('hello')>
<cfset queryAddRow(myQuery,5)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what up",1)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what's up",2)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what's up friends",3)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what u",4)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what",5)>
<cfdump var="#myQuery#">
<cfquery name="res" dbtype="query">
FROM myQuery
WHERE hello LIKE <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="%$what's up%">
<cfdump var="#res#">
Railo - returns both results (rows 2 and 3)
ColdFusion 10,0,13,287689 - returns no results
If I change my SQL to
WHERE hello LIKE '%what''s up%'
I still get no results
aarh!! a classic case of royal pain in the rear.
To solve this, you have to add an extra ' to every ' in your search term, there by escaping it.
<cfset myQuery = queryNew('hello')>
<cfset queryAddRow(myQuery,5)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what up",1)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what's up",2)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what's up friends",3)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what u",4)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what",5)>
<cfdump var="#myQuery#">
<cfset x = "what's up" />
<cfquery name="res" dbtype="query">
FROM myQuery
WHERE hello LIKE <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#replace(x, "'", "''", "all")#%">
<cfdump var="#res#">
if you do this directly, as you mentioned,
WHERE hello LIKE '%what''s up%'
the parser is going bonkers. But, if you pass the value via a function return value, the run time assignment of values via a variable somehow makes the parser happy.
I remember using such tricks in sending multiple SQL statements delimited with ';' in cfquery. Directly writing
inside cfquery fails, but assigning them to a string and then sending the string as a return value for any string manipulator function (lcase, ucase, etc) worked perfectly.
Note: the problem is solved, but if my explanation and approach is diff, feel free to correct and comment.
I'm running ColdFusion 10 u13.
Modifying your repo code this seemed to work:
<cfset myQuery = queryNew('hello')>
<cfset queryAddRow(myQuery,5)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what up",1)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what's up",2)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what's up friends",3)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what u",4)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what",5)>
<cfdump var="#myQuery#">
<cfquery name="res" dbtype="query">
FROM [myQuery]
WHERE [hello] LIKE <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="%what''s up%">
Note the double single quotes in the <cfqueryparam> tag. Like Dan I would have thought that the <cfqueryparam> tag would have taken care of this for you automatically. Perhaps this is a bug in QoQ?

Building a query param dynamically

Hi I am trying to build a query parameter dynamically, and am getting an error, i am using the code below,
<cfset featQuery="">
<cfloop list="#arguments.uid_features#" index="x">
<cfif x neq "0">
<cfif Len(featQuery) gt 0>
<cfset featQuery = featQuery& " AND ">
<cfset featQuery = featQuery & 'uid_prodf_featid = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="' & x & '">'>
I get this error message from coldfusion;
[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Incorrect syntax near '<'.
If i look at the output, it looks correct, but normaly using cfquerypram, you just get (param1), uid_prodf_featid=(param1) in the error message it displays the following;
uid_prodf_featid = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="5">
You can't really build and execute CFML dynamically like you're attempting to do. It looks to me like you're trying to build a SQL query outside of a cfquery tag context; this would be fine, except for your need to parameterize it. If possible, change your code to run within a cfquery tag pair:
SELECT * FROM tableFoo
<cfif ListLen(arguments.uid_features)>
WHERE uid_prodf_featid IN (<cfqueryparam value="#arguments.uid_features#" list="true" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER">)
Also, as you can see I've changed your query structure a bit - you had a lot of code to do something that is much more easily accomplished as I show above.
I see that you actually are doing AND operations with each item in your uid_features list... I have a hard time imagining there being a valid logical reason for that (rather than OR), but if so, my example won't work for that - instead change it back to a series of AND conditions within the loop.