For the following structure of a trie.
struct Trie {
bool eow; //when a Trie field isWord = true, hence there is a word
char letter;
Trie *letters[27];
I'm trying to create a function for an auto completion program, that basically prints out words in a trie given a specific string prefix
Here is what i have:
int wordcheck( TrieNode &node )
if (node.isWord == 1) // you have found your word, so return true
return 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
if (node.letters[i] != NULL && wordcheck(*(node.letters[i])))
return 1;
return 0;
string find (TrieNode &node, const string &word, string acc)
if (word.length() == 0)
string x = "";
if (node.isWord == 1){
x = " ";
int check = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
if (node.letters[i] != NULL && wordcheck(*(node.letters[i])))
x = x + acc; check = 0; break;
if(check == 1)
{ return x; }
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++){
if (node.letters[i] != NULL && wordcheck(*(node.letters[i])))
char let = (char)(i + (int)'a');
if (x[x.length() - 1 ] == ' ')
x = x + acc;
x = x + node.letters[i]->letter
+ find(*(node.letters[i]), word, acc + node.letters[i]->letter);
return x;
else if (node.letters[word[0] - 'a'] == NULL)
{ return ""; }
else {
return word[0] + find(*(node.letters[ word[0] - 'a']),
word.substr(1, word.length()-1),
acc + word[0]);
it seems to work other than the fact it if i give it a long prefix it will print words shorter than the prefix. I used accumulative recursion, and im sure there is a more efficient way of doing this. My question is if anyone could make it so that i return the right strings, or guide me through a easier algorithm if possible?
I'm trying to create a function for an auto completion program, that basically prints out words in a trie given a specific string prefix
I am not going to analyse your program - for me it is too complicated, e.g. I don't get any idea what wordcheck is supposed to do? Why is it not bool but int? Do you really need to check that your sub-trie has any word, do you really have non empty Trie without words in it?
For first - to print all words which begin with the given prefix - you need to go to the node where all these words begin:
TrieNode* TreeNode::get(std::string word)
TreeNode* retVal = this;
for (size_t i = 0; i < word.length(); ++i) {
if (Words[i] < 'a' || words[i] > 'z')
throw std::runtime_error("Wrong word");
if (retVal->letters[word[i] - 'a'] != NULL)
retVal = retVal->letters[word[i] - 'a'];
return nullptr;
return retVal;
You need the function which prints all the words from the given node:
void TreeNode::printAll(std::ostream& os, std::string prefix)
if (isWord)
os << prefix << "\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < 26; ++i) {
if (retVal->letters[i] != NULL)
// this recursive call can be replaced with iterative solution with stack
letters[i]->print(os, prefix + char('a' + i));
And combining these functions - gives you what you want:
void TreeNode::printBeginWith(std::ostream& os, std::string prefix)
TreeNode* node = get(prefix);
if (node)
node->printAll(os, prefix);
I am writing code for Leetcode problem 38. Count and Say. It doesn't pass the cases, so I add some cout to debug. Please tell me is there a normal way to debug nested for loop, where should I add the cout expression. I don't want to know how to modify the code to pass the cases.
Here is my code:
class Solution {
string countAndSay(int n) {
string cur("1");
while (--n) {
string tmp = cur;
string next;
for (int i = 0; i < tmp.size();) {
cout << "i:" << i << endl;
int count = 1;
for (int j = i + 1; j < tmp.size(); j++) {
if (tmp[j] != tmp[0]) {
cout << "count:" << count << endl;
next += std::to_string(count) + tmp[0];
cout << "cur:" << cur << endl;
i += count;
cur = next;
cout << n << cur << endl;
return cur;
You're gonna have to use a debugger for that, and step by step go through your algorithm to find the bugs. It's hard to debug someone else's algorithm.
This'll pass through:
#include <string>
struct Solution {
static const std::string countAndSay(int n) {
if (not n) {
return "";
std::string res = "1";
while (--n) {
std::string curr = "";
for (int index = 0; index < res.size(); index++) {
int count = 1;
while ((index + 1 < res.size()) and (res[index] == res[index + 1])) {
curr += std::to_string(count) + res[index];
res = curr;
return res;
Java Solutions
class Solution {
public String countAndSay(int n) {
if (n == 1)
return "1";
String prev = countAndSay(n - 1);
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
int i = 0;
while (i < prev.length()) {
char curr = prev.charAt(i);
int j = 0;
while (i + j < prev.length() && prev.charAt(i + j) == curr)
i += j;
return str.toString();
Here is one of LeetCode's solutions using regex:
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
class Solution {
public String countAndSay(int n) {
String currSeq = "1";
// Pattern to match the repetitive digits
String regexPattern = "(.)\\1*";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexPattern);
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
Matcher m = pattern.matcher(currSeq);
StringBuffer nextSeq = new StringBuffer();
// each group contains identical and adjacent digits
while (m.find()) {
nextSeq.append( + String.valueOf(;
// prepare for the next iteration
currSeq = nextSeq.toString();
return currSeq;
and here's another LeetCode's solution also using Sliding Window:
class Solution {
public String countAndSay(int n) {
LinkedList<Integer> prevSeq = new LinkedList<Integer>();
// Using -1 as the delimiter
List<Integer> finalSeq = this.nextSequence(n, prevSeq);
StringBuffer seqStr = new StringBuffer();
for (Integer digit : finalSeq) {
return seqStr.toString();
protected LinkedList<Integer> nextSequence(int n, LinkedList<Integer> prevSeq) {
if (n <= 1) {
// remove the delimiter before return
return prevSeq;
LinkedList<Integer> nextSeq = new LinkedList<Integer>();
Integer prevDigit = null;
Integer digitCnt = 0;
for (Integer digit : prevSeq) {
if (prevDigit == null) {
prevDigit = digit;
digitCnt += 1;
} else if (digit == prevDigit) {
// in the middle of the sub-sequence
digitCnt += 1;
} else {
// end of a sub-sequence
// reset for the next sub-sequence
prevDigit = digit;
digitCnt = 1;
// add the delimiter for the next recursion
return this.nextSequence(n - 1, nextSeq);
For additional details, you can see the Discussion Board. There are plenty of accepted solutions with a variety of languages and explanations, efficient algorithms, as well as asymptotic time/space complexity analysis1, 2 in there.
Q: Make palindromic string non-palindromic by rearranging its letters.
I just want to know why my solution is failing (wrong answer) for some test cases when i submit the code. I am sure there is an easy solution such as sorting the whole string?
void makeNonPalindrome(string& s)
bool ans = false;
int l = s.length();
if(l % 2 == 0)
for(int i = l/2; i < l; i++)
if(s[l/2 - 1] != s[i])
swap(&s[l/2 - 1],&s[i]);
ans = true;
for(int i = 0; i < l/2-1; i++)
if(s[l/2 - 1] != s[i])
ans = true;
for(int i = l/2 + 1; i < l; i++)
if(s[l/2 - 1] != s[i])
swap(&s[l/2 - 1],&s[i]);
ans = true;
for(int i = 0; i < l/2-1; i++)
if(s[l/2 - 1] != s[i])
ans = true;
if(s[l/2] != s[0])
ans = true;
cout << s << '\n';
cout << -1 << '\n';
Rearranging a palindrome so it become non-palindromic can be done quite fast, by simply trying to swap two adjacent letters in the string if they are different.
For instance, in 'bob', you'd need to find the first distinct adjacent letters (that is b and o in our case), and swap them. The result would then be 'obb', which is not a palindrome.
void makeNonPalindrome(std::string& s) {
char tmp;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < s.length() - 1; i++) {
if (s[i] != s[i+1]) { // then swap s[i] and s[i+1]
tmp = s[i];
s[i] = s[i+1];
s[i+1] = tmp;
std::cout << s << '\n';
std::cout << -1 << '\n';
This is a simpler way to make a palindrome non palindromic.
NB: this function assumes that the input is indeed a palindrome, so if you feed it a string like 'oob', it will output 'bob' which is a palindrome.
Given the input palindrome string s you can just use find_first_not_of to determine if the string can be rearranged into a non-palindrome at all, and if so what characters should be swapped to do this. For example:
const auto foo = s.find_first_not_of(s[0], 1);
If foo == string::npos it means that there isn't a possible non-palindrome rearrangement. Otherwise swap(s[0], s[foo]) will break the palindrome.
Live Example
I cant get the char search to work. The substring function is working but the char search won't provide the right location of the char it is looking for
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int charsearch(string searchInto, char ch, int start = 0)
int x = 0;
long n = searchInto.length();
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
cout << ch;
if (searchInto[i] == ch)
i = x;
cout<< x;
return x;
int substr(string src, string tosearch, int start = 0)
string searchInto = src;
long n = searchInto.size();
long m = tosearch.size();
int ans = -1;
for (int i = start; i < n; ++i)
int p = i;
int q = 0;
bool escape = false;
while (p < n && q < m) {
if (searchInto[p] == tosearch[q]) {
if (tosearch[q] == '/' && !escape) {
} else {
++p; ++q;
escape = false;
} else if (!escape && tosearch[q] == '*') {
while (q < m && p < n && searchInto[p] != tosearch[q]) ++p;
escape = false;
} else if (!escape && tosearch[q] == '?') {
++p; ++q;
escape = false;
} else if (tosearch[q] == '/' && !escape) {
escape = true;
} else break;
if (q == m) {
return i;
if (q == m - 1 && tosearch[q] == '*') {
if (q > 0 && tosearch[q - 1] == '/') continue;
else return i;
return ans;
int main()
string searchInto, tosearch;
cout<< "Enter string:";
getline(cin, searchInto);
cout << "Looking for :";
getline(cin, tosearch);
if (tosearch.length() < 2)
char ch =;
cout << "Found at: " <<charsearch(searchInto, ch) << endl;
cout << "Used Char" << endl;
cout << "Found at: " <<substr(searchInto, tosearch) << endl;
return 0;
To find a character in a string, you have two interfaces.
std::string::find will return the position of a character you find:
auto pos = yourStr.find('h');
char myChar = yourStr[pos];
If the character does not exist, then std::string::npos will be returned as the std::size_t returned for position.
stl algorithm std::find, in header algorithm returns an iterator:
auto it = std::find(yourStr.begin(), yourStr.end(), 'h');
char myChar = *it;
If the character does not exist, then it == yourStr.end().
There are some silly mistakes in your CharSearch method. First of all, You have to break the loop when you got your target character. And most importantly you are not assigning x when you are finding the target. Furthermore, there is extra increment of value i inside the loop. I have modified the function. Please check it below
int charsearch(string searchInto, char ch, int start = 0) {
int x = -1;
long n = searchInto.length();
for (int i = start; i < n; i++)
cout << ch;
if (searchInto[i] == ch)
x = i; // previously written as i = x which is wrong
break; // loop should break when you find the target
cout<< x;
return x;
Please note that,you can either also use find method of string or std::find of algorithm to search in string.
You need to make changes as per this code
int charsearch(string searchInto, char ch, int start = 0)
int x = -1; // : change, if return -1, means not found
long n = searchInto.length();
for (int i = start; i < n; i++) // : change
cout << ch;
if (searchInto[i] == ch)
x = i; // : change
break; // : change
cout<< x;
return x;
Note : This function will return 1st match.
I come from Python/Java land and I'm trying to tinker with making my own hashmap now in c++.
When I try to check to compare the locations of positions in the hash table to NULL (lines 6 and 11), I get the error:
invalid operands to binary expression ('value_type' (aka 'HashEntry') and 'long')"
I'm hoping someone can steer me in the direction of what I'm doing wrong and how I can fix it.
void CustomHash::insert(HashEntry entry) {
int k = entry.getKey();
int i = 0;
int hashVal = hash_One(k);
int temp = hashVal;
while (i < size && hashArray[temp] != NULL) {
temp = (hashVal + i*hash_Two(k)) % size;
if (hashArray[temp] == NULL) {
hashArray[temp] = entry;
else {
cout << "Failure" << endl;
Edit 1: hashArray declaration
CustomHash::CustomHash(int m) {
this->size = m;
this->hashArray = vector<HashEntry>();
hashArray is a vector<HashEntry> Object
hashArray[temp] evaluates to a HashEntry. You cannot compare a HashEntry with NULL.
Use a different strategy to check whether hasArray has any items whose key is equal to temp. I suggest using std::count_if.
while (i < size && std::count_if(hashArray.begin(), hashArray.end(),
[=temp](HashEntry const& e)
{ return (temp == e.getKey());}) > 0 )
temp = (hashVal + i*hash_Two(k)) % size;
A better solution, as suggested by #cdhowie, is to use std::any_of.
while (i < size && std::any_of(hashArray.begin(), hashArray.end(),
[=temp](HashEntry const& e)
{ return (temp == e.getKey());}) )
temp = (hashVal + i*hash_Two(k)) % size;
I've a task to count the occurrences of sub string in a char String. I write this code but on certain inputs output is wrong. like string is "hassana" and sub is "as" then it outputs 2 ...some one plz help me
int CharString :: countOccurenceOf(const char* substr)
int count = 0;
bool find = false;
for(int i = 0; i < size1; i++)
if(cstr[i] == substr[0])
int x = i;
int c = 1;
find = true;
while ( substr[c] != '\0' && find == true && (x+1) < size1)
if(cstr [x+1] != substr[c])
find = false;
if (find == true)
i = i + c-1;
return count;
Got some that okay?
int CharString :: countOccurenceOf(const char* substr)
int len = 0;
if ( substr != '\0')
while( substr[len] != '\0')
int count = 0;
bool find = false;
for(int i = 0; i < size1; i++)
if(cstr[i] == substr[0])
int x = i;
int c = 1;
find = true;
while ( substr[c] != '\0' && find == true && (x+1) < size1)
if(cstr [x+1] != substr[c])
find = false;
if (find == true && c == len)
i = i + c-1;
return count;
The problem is that you're breaking automatically if x+1 < size1. If the first character of the substring matches the last character of the main string, then this will automatically break and "find" will still be set to true so you'll increment matches by 1. There are numerous ways to change your code to fix this problem; hopefully you can find one now that you know what the problem is.
Assuming cstr is your class internal string:
int CharString :: countOccurenceOf(const char* substr)
int occurrencies = 0;
unsigned char* s = cstr;
while (s) {
if (strstr(s,substr)) { occurrencies++; s+= strlen(substr); }
else s++;
return occurrencies;