How to include SDL library in my VS 2010 project? - c++

I encountered a problem with linking and distributing libraries in Visual Studio 2010. What I want to do:
Link my project with SDL and use its headers
Keep SDL somewhere in my project directory, so when I clone it from source control on another machine, I won't have to install any additional library.
My attempts so far:
Google points to tutorials like this one : Lazy Foo Productions, but it doesn't do what I want because SDL is placed outside project directory.
When I copy SDL to solution directory and add it via Project->Properties->Linker.... It works, but project settings now contain absolute path to library directory, so I guess it won't compile on other machine.
What should I do? SDL is just a example here, I'd like to know how to solve such problem with any library.

You can use Project->Properties->Linker->General->Additional Library Directories to specify new directory where the linker to look up for libraries (it can use relative path)
You can use Project->Properties->C++->General->Additional Include Directories to specify where to look for the headers.


How can I add/import chibios library for embedded project in visual studio?

I want to use ch.h file from chibios in my project. The embedded project is created and is using HAL drivers for stm32. I want to find a way to add or import chibios library to the current project.
My question is that
how can I add these embedded libraries with lots of dependencies by visualGDB in visual studio?
Do I need to create .lib files of chibios?
What are the differences between C/C++ paths and linker paths?
Adding .a and .h files is enough or do I have to look for other files?
There are 3 ways that I followed and it wasn't successful.
I followed the link to add the paths.
The files that added to projects are libch.a and ch.h. It is called other header files inside ch.h. Then, I added the other header paths to C/C++ "additional include directories" too. After I added the third header file, I got the error "redefinition".
The second way, I wanted to use vcpkg, a library manager. But the chibios library wasn't available in vcpkg.
One another way is to add libraries in standard libraries without adding any paths. But how can I find standard libraries? If the location is in the compiler (gcc-arm-none-eabi), the chibios package was added, but it still wasn't detected in visual studio.
I really appreciate it if you know any tutorials or ways to add chibios in the visual studio

Custom libraries in Eclipse with Arduino plugin with cross references

I have an issue with custom libraries that reference headers in other custom libraries.
This is under Eclipse (2020-03) with the 9.11 CDT - Arduino Plugins. (So the latest Version at this time)
Until now I have been using Sloeber, which included all include paths from all custom libraries so everythig was building fine. But with the latest Eclipse/CDT version sloeber does not work anymore. Since it should not really be necessary anymore anyway, I am trying to get my projects to build with just the CDT-Arduino Plugin(s).
Simple projects are Building fine, but more complex have issues…
The build process (makefile generation) seems to scan though the libraries directory, because I can see all the entries in the makefile to build the things it findes in there. But I one of these libraries referneces a header of another one it failes to find it.
Of course I could just edit the include and make it relative, but since these are imported libraries I prefer not to make changes in the code.
With the Arduino plugin there is also no configuration for include paths etc in the project properties any more :-( Normally I would have added the include path there, but the arduino Plugin seems to want to do it all by itself...
Any idea, how I can add the required include paths? Is there a way to do this in the makefile.ini?
I found a different and better way to add custom libraries, which also solves the include path problem. Sadly there is no documentaion about this.
Anyway, it is very simple, just copy the library to the …/.arduinocdt/libraries/ folder. The custom library must contain a library.jason and file. When opening the Arduino download manager, you can see the new lib and ýou can add it.
Eclipse will read the library version from the json/properties and copy the data in the correct form in a sub directory with the version number.
For libraries added this way, all includes/headers will be found without Problems including libraries referencing other libraries.

How to include SFML source code into my visual studio 2017 c++ project and compile

I have been programming a game in c++ using the sfml library. However, I would like to adjust some of the code of that library, and use that altered code in my project.
So instead of linking the dll I would like to add the source code and then play with that source code. (e.g. for speed optimization).
I know that doing something like that is generally speaking a bad idea. Howeover, I want to learn by playing around a bit and trying different things.
So how would I add the sfml source code to my c++ project in MS visual studio. Note that I am a total noob. I already tried adding the sfml folder that I downloaded from git in the project properties page called "Additional Include Directories", but i am getting errors, of the form "Cannot open include file: 'SFML/Graphics/GLCheck.hpp': No such file or directory" so I guess that i have not yet done enough.
If you want to modify the source code in the library, all you'd have to do is just navigate to where you have SFML installed and go into the code files with a text editor and edit them.
Then, you could link the library to your VS project the same way you would normally but that library is now modified by you.
Seeing as you have a search directory issue already in VS, you must fix that first. Fix that and then go and modify the library's .hpp, .h, .cpp, whatever files in-place.
To fix the search issue.... I don't use VS for graphics, I use CodeBlocks so I am not sure about their GUI to link libraries and change search directories... but, find out where you installed SFML. Check your /usr/include/, it's probably there. Specify that path in the search directories. Just go and find where that GLCheck.hpp file is located. For Example: Say it's full path is /usr/include/SFML/Graphics/GLCheck.hpp... then /usr/include/SFML/Graphics/ or just /usr/include/ (VS might handle it recursively) needs to be in the list of SEARCH DIRECTORIES.

cannot open file 'SDL2.lib'

I am trying to open sdl2 in my project on Visual C++ 2012 but i keep getting this error:
error LNK1104: cannot open file 'SDL2.lib'
I added the additional libraries and include folder but no luck..
I added the link to the libraries through the linker but i get the same error..
what should i do?
I'm referencing VS 2010, but I've read before that some people have had errors when using the VC++ Directories in their project properties as opposed to the Linker->General->Additional Library Directories.
Unfortunately, there really isn't much more to do besides making sure the directories are linked properly. There really is only one answer to this question. It also may depend on the download of SDL you chose, are you donwloading the Development Library as opposed to the binary?
Watch this video
In summary, you want to add the path include folder here: (configuration properties> C/C++ > General> Additional Include Directories),
and add the path of the lib folder here: (configuration properties> Linker > General> Additional Library Directories)
and finally, link .lib file in: linker > input > Additional Dependencies.
It seems like you didn't add your library directory path in VC++ Directories/Library Directories.. You have to link your library directory path (Where you have save you libraries of SDL) in your program. After adding, it will definitely work
I would like to add for others experiencing this problem that its an easy mistake if you are using the Development Library to link to the lib folder. SDL needs you link to either the x86 or x64 folder in the lib folder.
If you run or compile your program before you make those required changes of SDL then you will get this error always.. so first add a c++ file then make those changes and then write something and try to run ..this time it will never give this error
It seems like VS can't find the lib files. There are two ways you can do this. One is to configure the appropriate directories in VS as TwinkleBearDev's article shows. Another is to put the libraries directly where VS would look for them, as my article shows. I don't know if the folders for VS2012 are the same though - might be slightly different.

Netbeans C++ using MinGW and the libnoise library

Using netbeans 7.2 and the most recent version of MinGW (using installer) I can't use the libnoise library. I am properly including the header files, the auto completion confirms this, however the library is simply not working. There is a .lib file and a .dll. I have tried every possible combination of adding them under project > properties > Build > Linker as well as putting the .dll in the base project directory. Despite all this I am still getting undefined reference errors whenever I try and run the code. Does anyone know what to do?
I know that it is possible to link import library files (*.lib) with MinGW, but I still suggest to recompile libnoise.
With the current Makefile, this is not very easy and may break. Thus I've written a CMake script, which doesn't only work on Windows, but should work on all CMake supported platforms. In addition to this, I've cleaned up the directory structure. The code itself hasn't been touched and when you build a library it should essentially be the same as the current one.
libnoise on GitHub
After you've built your shared library, you'll have a libnoise.dll.a and libnoise.dll file. You then add libnoise.dll.a to the linking settings and put the DLL itself next to the binary, or in the working directory.
You have to link the lib file (= adding it to linker libraries) and put the dll to
<project root>/dist/<...>/
(where your exe is put to). There's no need to add the dll to linker too.
Can you please post the error message you get?