How to use Remember me in spring security for custom authentication - cookies

Can any one give me idea how to use Remember me check box in spring security for custom authentication,
this is my remember me field in login page
and this is the configuration in secuirty.xml

As defined in Spring Docs, when one declares a "remember-me", the "user-service-ref" should be:
"The remember-me services implementations require access to a
UserDetailsService, so there has to be one defined in the application
However, in your case, your user-service-ref is a ref to a bean of type MyCustomAuthentication. This is why you get the ClassCastException "MyCustomAuthentication cannot be cast to UserDetailsService".
You should define something like:
<security:user-service id="userDetailsService">
<security:user name="username" password="pass" authorities="ROLE_USER" />
and use this id in the "user-service-ref"
P.S. IMHO you will have to fix your authentication-provider as well
For your request, to be more precise:
<http auto-config="true" use-expressions="true">
<remember-me user-service-ref="customUserDetailsManager"/>
<b:bean id="customUserDetailsManager"
class="com.something.something.MyCustomUserDetailsManager" />
<authentication-provider user-service-ref="customUserDetailsManager">
Note that MyCustomUserDetailsManager should implement UserDetailsManager
Another important note (from the docs):
Note that both (Spring's) implemementations require a
UserDetailsService. If you are using an authentication provider which
doesn't use a UserDetailsService (for example, the LDAP provider) then
it won't work unless you also have a UserDetailsService bean in your
application context.


Elixir Detergentex Soap Call Always Returns {:ok, :undefined, :undefined}

I've implemented a simple SOAP webservice client to test the functionality but whether my client or in iex, and regardless of the target service I always get {:ok, :undefined, :undefined}
Here is my code:
wsdl_url = ""
action = "ChangeVolumeUnit"
parameters = ["100", "dry", "centiliter"], action, parameters)
I'm using Versions:
Elixir: 1.2.0
Detergentex: 0.0.7
My mix.exs deps:
[{:erlsom, github: "willemdj/erlsom"},{:detergentex, "0.0.7"}]
Any suggestions on what I'm missing would be greatly appreciated.
1.) It's got a dependency on the detergent package.
Have you added the dependency for detergent? If not modify your mix.exs to this:
[{:erlsom, github: "willemdj/erlsom"},{:detergentex, "0.0.7"}, {:detergent, "~> 0.3.0"}]
2.) You also need to add detergentex to the list of applications as well:
def application do
[applications: [:logger, :detergentex]]
3.) The fact that it's returning {:ok, :undefined, :undefined} may simply indicate an issue with the endpoint or the message you're passing. Therefore I'd try it against an endpoint you're sure is good with a message you're sure will work. Perhaps the valid parameters to the endpoint they mention in their docs have changed since the docs were prepared.
By the way, I did see that you mentioned "regardless of the target service" but given it seems that you failed to add that detergent dependency and the fact that it looks like you forgot to add detergent to the application list, I'd still try some of those other SOAP endpoints again since you've changed things.

What is the best way to include a ResourceAdapter (rar) with the Liberty Buildpack?

We have a situation where a Liberty application accesses a custom resource adapter through a JNDI lookup to a connection factory, defined in the server.xml. The combination of the connectionFactory, resourceAdapter, and enterpriseApplication nodes in the server.xml appears to make it impossible to bundle the rar inside the ear and push an ear as a single entity without major app refactoring, which is a non-starter.
I see two options for getting around this right now:
Push the rar/ear combo as a bundled server package, or
Modify the Liberty buildpack to pull in the rar at push time, generating the expected nodes in the server.xml
Am I missing a third option?
Thanks, Tom
The third option would be to embed the RAR in your app, but I didn't understand your comment about why that would require extensive app refactoring. In theory, the app shouldn't change, just the config...
See the IBM Knowledge Center topic for details on configuring a connection factory for use with an embedded resource adapter.
For the standalone resource adapter, I assume you had something like this in server.xml:
<connectionFactory jndiName="eis/NAME" type="javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory">
<properties.rarName dataStoreName="name" hostName="otherName"/>
<resourceAdapter id="rarName" location="rarName.rar"/>
when you embed the rar in the ear, as you noted, that resourceAdapter node goes away and instead you would use something like this:
<application location="C:/applications/app1.ear"/>
<connectionFactory jndiName="eis/NAME” type='javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory’>
<properties.app1.rarName dataStoreName="name" hostName="otherName"/>
Note that for an embedded resource adapter, the properties element must now also include the application name (in this case “app1”) in the name of the element.
As indicated in the Knowledge Center topic, if you wanted to override the default name of the resource adapter, you could instead do:
<application location="C:/applications/app1.ear”>
<resourceAdapter id=“rarName" alias="MyEmbeddedRA"/>
<connectionFactory jndiName="eis/NAME" type="javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory">
<properties.app1.MyEmbeddedRA dataStoreName="name" hostName="otherName"/>

Getting a Windows Client to Change its Web Service Endpoint Dynamically – Problems with a WSDL

This describes a problem I had and the solution found, which I did not see discussed elsewhere (except the Background material).
Background – What Should Work (but May Not)
Let’s assume a web service defined by “”, whose functions are to be called by a Windows client “myclient.exe”. In Visual Studio, you provide a “Service Reference” (The problem described here also manifests with the older-style “Web Reference”.)
Suppose you have more than 1 machine (mysite and mysite2) exposing the same web services. It is desirable to just change the client’s choice of endpoint at runtime to point to the correct machine, without having to update the Service Reference. This could be done in 3 ways:
Edit the deployed myclient.exe.config (or its source at compile time in VS, app.config), in particular:
<endpoint address="" …/>
Arrange your client code so that it reads in or selects the endpoint address, and sets it in the constructor (where “MyWebService” is the name of the Service Reference, and MyWebServiceBinding is defined in app.config), e.g. in C#:
public static EndpointAddress remoteAddress =
new EndpointAddress("");
public static BasicHttpBinding basicBinding =
new BasicHttpBinding("MyWebServiceBinding"); //Your binding type may differ
public MyWebService.myWebServicePortTypeClient mws =
new MyWebService.myWebServicePortTypeClient(basicBinding, remoteAddress);
Do like (2), but instead of in the constructor, set the endpoint later, say, during the first call to the service:
private void SetMyEndpointAddress(MyWebService.myWebServicePortTypeClient mws)
mws.Endpoint.Address = new
All of these can still quietly fail if the specifics of the service WSDL are problematic (probably not generated in a routine manner by a MS server; PHP NuSoap in my case). Assuming you have control over the server WSDL, the next section explains what to look for.
Removing Unnecessary URLs from the WSDL
The WSDL is a long document with overall structure shown next. If any of the phrases pointed to here by "<===" contains a URL (e.g.,, change its generation process so that this is no longer true.
<definitions ...
xmlns:tns="soap/MyWebServices" <===
targetNamespace="soap/MyWebServices"> <===
<xsd:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
targetNamespace="soap/MyWebServices"> <===
[multiple <message>...</message> sections, ones for each defined function.]
<portType name="myWebServicesPortType">...</portType>
<binding name="MyWebServicesBinding" type="tns:myWebServicesPortType">...</binding>
<service name="MyWebServices">...</service>
In addition, within the <binding>…</binding> section, the “soapAction” for each function should be only the function name. It should not include a URL prefix (followed by “#” and the function). Typical function:
<operation name="getMyData">
soapAction="getMyData" <===
<input><soap:body use="literal" namespace=""/></input>
<output><soap:body use="literal" namespace=""/></output>
The ONLY place where a URL to the particular machine should appear is in the <service> section:
<service name="MyWebServices">
<port name="MyWebServicesPort" binding="tns:MyWebServicesBinding">
<soap:address location=""/>

Sitecore context in HttpHandler

I have HttpTaskAsyncHandler in my sitecore solution and i call it I have sutup IngnoreUrlPrefix and etc.
By some reason i can't get access to SC.Context.Database Database is null in ProcessRequestAsync(HttpContext context) method,
it looks like I don't access to Sitecore context in HttpHandler.
How to resolve it ?
You wont be able to access Sitecore Context (Database or Item) in the Handler. We have confirmed this with Sitecore Support for our task.
The best way is Implement a Processor in the Request pipeline begin.
How to Implement
Inherit HttpRequestProcessor in your class found in (using Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest;)
and add that Processor after SiteResolver in < httpRequestBegin >
<processor type="Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.SiteResolver, Sitecore.Kernel" />
<!-- Custom Module -->
<processor type="SND641.Customization.RobotsModule, SND641" />
If you choose to ignore your script file (by using IgnoreUrlPrefix), then you it will not be processed by Sitecore's request pipeline and thus will not have a Sitecore context.
I think you can solve it by removing your url prefix from IgnoreUrlPrefix and make sure the file extension of your handler is added to the allowed extensions parameter of the FilterUrlExtensions pipeline processor:
<processor type="Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.FilterUrlExtensions, Sitecore.Kernel">
<param desc="Allowed extensions (comma separated)">aspx</param>
This way you can call your script and still have Sitecore process all the pipelines.
You can get context without pipeline. Along with web.config handler definition, you will need to add under customHandler. It helps in getting sitecore context. E.g
<handler trigger="blogfeed.xml" handler="blogfeed.xml" />
I'm sorry if I'm not getting exactly what you are trying to do. But by working with handlers I did have issues that my code was not able to access the sitecore object even when I updated the web.config and
I noticed that my handler was like this:
public class GetHandler: IHttpHandler
by adding the System.web.SessionState.IrequiresSessionStatem, like this:
public class GetHandler : IHttpHandler, System.Web.SessionState.IRequiresSessionState
then everything started to work and I was able to get items from sitecore without issues:
Public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
Database webdb = Factory.GetDatabase("web");
previous my change the webdb was coming with nothing and the code was coming back with "Command "Sitecore.Database" is not valid"
after that changes, as I said, everything worked for me.
I hope this helps and adds some value to the existing answers.

InstantiationException in web service client calling Web Service deployed to JBoss

I'm deploying a StatelessSessionBean annotated with #WebService to JBoss. I'm taking the WSDL generated by JBoss to generate client stubs. My problem is in calling a method which returns a list of objects. If the list is empty the call succeeds however if the list is not empty then I get the following exception: Failed to read a response: javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException
- with linked exception:
[javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: Unable to create an instance of
- with linked exception:
at $Proxy34.getWorkflows(Unknown Source)
at com.companyname.api.SimpleClient.go(
Searching the web led me to this discussion here:
However I have set the #XmlSeeAlso stuff correctly and it is present on the generated stub classes. I can confirm that the DataItemType class is abstract so it is not surprising that an attempt to instantiate it causes a problem. I'm not at all clear on why the DataItemType class is being instantiated at all (as it is abstract). This is the XML that is returned from the server (it looks about right to me):
<env:Envelope xmlns:env=''>
<ns2:getWorkflowsResponse xmlns:ns2="">
<dataItemType xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="DataItemTypeText">
<displayName>Email Address</displayName>
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
There were a number of issues with the generated WSDL (note that it wasn't a handcrafted one). There was nothing specific that I changed which indicated why this particular exception was thrown (or why, for example, there wasn't a failure when generating the incorrect WSDL).
Once I adjusted the annotations so that a valid WSDL was created then I had further issues which the JAX-WS versions I was using. I ended up upgrading the version used by JBoss which, in turn, led to me needing put the newer JAX-WS jars in my JRE endorsed directory.
I'm not going to detail what I did in any more detail as there was no specific thing that I did that addressed this problem. If anyone else sees it I would suggest being very specific in the annotations you use to generate your WSDL and taking a careful look at your WSDL.