OAuthException error in app center mobile authentication - server-side

I'm trying to do authentication from app center for mobile devices but I get this error when I try to exchange code parameter for access token:
"error": {
"message": "Error validating verification code. Please make sure your redirect_uri is identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 100
Auth token parameter is in Query String format because my app uses server-side authentication.
The url I'm calling is https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token and the redirect_uri parameter I'm sending to is like the following one:
www.example.com is the value I've set in mobile site url field in app settings.
Authentication from app center for web it's ok.
I don't understand what it's wrong in redirect uri form mobile devices...
Could you help me?

I found this post referencing needing a trailing slash on the URI
redirect_uri error in oauth for facebook django app

I had the same error. I couldn't solve it but found a workaround:
I ignore the code param that is sent to my mobile web app by Facebook automatically; instead I make a request for code myself, then I exchange code for access_token using the same redirect_uri I used to request for code.
To make it easier to apply the workaround, in your app > settings > permissions, you can change Auth Token Parameter from query string to URI fragment. Then Facebook won't send you code param automatically--you will have to make a request for it--that's what is needed.
Another way to solve it is to implement client-side authentification flow using URI fragment or parse URI fragment at the client-side and send access_token to the server as a param. I didn't test this approach yet.

Redirect URLs that are working for app center authentication
desktop: http://www.example.com/?fb_source=appcenter&fb_appcenter=1
mobile: http://www.example.com/?ref=app_directory
(part fb_source=appcenter_mobile&fb_appcenter=1 should be excluded for mobile, I think that it's FB bug)
http/https - depends on request
www.example.com - you should use exactly same string as saved at application settings (https://developers.facebook.com/apps/YOUR_APPLICATION_NUMBER/summary) Domain name is case sensitive for Facebook (also bug)


Getting Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch in cognito idp settings

I am following this cognito add social auth to add google auth into one of my app for testing. Completed all steps as listed, but when I am testing that using this
https://<your_user_pool_domain>/login?response_type=code&client_id=<your_client_id>&redirect_uri=https://www.example.com , I am getting an error
Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch
The redirect URI in the request, https://xxxx-xxxx.auth.ap-south-1.amazoncognito.com/oauth2/idpresponse, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client. To update the authorized redirect URIs, visit:
initially the redirect uri and callback url in cognito app client settings were different but i changed those, also I tried changing my redirect url to simple https://google.com, but still not working. I did some research regarding the same, found out that it might take some time to reflect the changes in google oauth setings, its been 2 hrs since I have changed the same, should I wait or is there some other work around this.
Also, I setup facebook login following same doc, it is working fine.
please help!
In my experience this mismatch refers to the difference between your constructed URL and the setting in Cognito Pool. In the pool config, the redirect_uri is called Callback URL. Make sure those two have the same URL.
You can set it in Cognito UI here: App Integration > App Client Settings > Sign in and sign out URLs > Callback URL(s)
or you can specify the URL(s) in your code if you are using CDK.
new cognito.UserPoolClient({
oAuth: {
callbackUrls: ['https://www.example.com', '<url2>'],
Finally I got the solution, redirect url in google auth credentials needs to be your **domainName+/oauth2/idpresponse** .
its has something to do with your uri, whether in google cloud or cognito ,double check if the uri entered is a match

POSTMAN Digest authentication not working

I am trying to access a REST API (Shopware to be specific), which is hosted externally.
When I log in to the frontend in the browser, I first need to enter a set of credentials in the browser authentication pop up. And then the application opens and I need to enter the application credentials.
I assumed the authentication for the API would also be similar.
This is how I see this set up: (sorry for the crude image) Set up pic
So first, I use HTTP Basic auth and pass my browser credentials to the server.
I get the following response:
"success": false,
"message": "Invalid or missing auth"
But in the Response header I get
Basic realm="<Realm B>", Digest realm="<Realm B>", domain="/", nonce="<nonce>", opaque="<opaque value>", algorithm="MD5", qop="auth"
Does this response mean that both Basic and Digest are supported for Realm B and the client can use any one of these?
I tried to authenticate again with Digest Auth chosen in postman,and using the realm B, nonce, opaque and qop values provided in the previous request.
But I still get a 401 Unauthorized error.
What am I missing? How does this two factor auth work via Postman?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Facebook auth setup

How can I setup PAW to work with Facebook locally for development? Or even at all for that matter?
I have a node.js backend that I'm setting up with Facebook Auth. Every one of my routes needs the user to be logged in. I have two endpoints related to FB Auth. localhost:3000/api/v1/loginFB and localhost:3000/api/v1/callbackFB. Both of these work great in a web browser.
loginFB simply returns this string... https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=523534457345&redirect_uri=https://localhost:3000/api/v1/callbackFB&scope=email,public_profile,user_friends.
When I call that URI in a browser, it returns a code=blahblah which my callbackFB endpoint uses to fire off another request to get the access token. All good.
So now in PAW I'm confused by the difference between the request URI and the Authorization URL text field? Should I use the loginFB URI for my request URI? And then https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth in the Authorization URL textfield?
Basically what's happening is that when I click Get Access Token, it returns the code but my callbackFB endpoint 500's by saying "This authorization code has been used." The code that it's getting returned is definitely different each time I Get Access Token.
This is where I'm at with this thing (Client ID and Client Secret are actually my App ID and App Secret from fb's dev management site, and the Access Token URL is actually set to https://graph.facebook.com/v2.3/oauth/access_token which I'm 99% sure is the correct URI):
This is the error I get when I click Get Access Token button:
It would be awesome to get some advice from anyone with experience with this issue. Thanks.
Re: #MichaMazaheri
tl;dr Fixed in version 2.2.2
Sorry for the super late follow-up. We actually fix this exact issue in Paw 2.2.2, which is already released on our website, and pending review for the Mac App Store. (It was some JSON vs. Form URL-Encoded parsing issue). Thanks for reporting.

SAML Integration with ColdFusion

I am trying to integrate SAML with ColdFusion 9 Enterprise. The problem I am facing is related to the SAML request I am doing. I am using CFLOCATION to make the request. When I am making the request the request to the server is made as GET request, and I SAML server expects it to be a POST request, which eventually ends up no matching the tokens sent from my server to SAML server.
I am not sure what is causing this. I also tried make the request using the CFHTTP making redirect = "yes" in this case it would not redirect to the url and would not give any error in firebug or in SAML tracer.
Can any one please help me?
eagerly waiting for a response.
Thank you :)
If the server receiving the SAML requires a POST, then a GET will not suffice, obviously. Since you are doing a <cflocation>, I'm assuming you're trying to redirect the user (and their browser) after building the SAML assertion to the screen.
You either have to:
a) Build your SAML as a form, and include Javascript to force the form to "post" (submit) after it shows on the page.... or
b) You can leave the form on the screen, typically with the SAML assertion embedded in a hidden field, probably named "samlResponse", and let the user click a Submit button to actually go.
YOU (the CF server) can't push the SAML for them. The user has to do it, either with an automated form post via Javascript or by allowing the user to submit the form manually.
Start there, report back.

Oauth2 code from mobile app

I'm writing an Android app which will authenticate itself using OAuth2 to a Web server under my control.
I'm using Apache Amber on the client side, and oauth2app with Django on the server side.
From the client, I can generate an authorization request, and start a browser Activity that goes to a page asking whether to allow the client access, and after answering in the affirmative, redirects to a page with a "code" parameter.
But how do I get the "code" back to my client, in order to make the subsequent access_token request?
Do I need to bypass the browser entirely? How would that work?
I believe you have a couple of choices here.
The redirect_uri parameter will indicate to the server where it should send the code.
From the ouath2app docs:
If a request is authorized, Authorizer:grant_response() will serialize an object into a JSON response will return a redirect response to the client’s redirect_uri with information on the authorization code passed as query string parameters (response_type CODE) or access token passed as URI fragments.
So armed with that:
If that value is a location on your server, then your mobile browser is going to get the value as part of the redirect. Specifically, you're trying to read the URI fragments in the redirect. I believe this is the intended usage for an application like yours. This blog post seems to have code that might be relevant, under the section "Retrieving the access token".
Alternatively, as you pointed out, you could send the token to a different handler on your server, and then pass it back to your client. It must the callback URL defined in the service.
I found a different blog post, specific to OAuth 2:
The trick is to fire up a new Activity whose content is provided by a WebView (rather than a layout). You can attach a handler to the WebView that's called on the redirect to the page containing the "code" parameter.
Some of the specifics in the blog post concern Google APIs, but so far my experiments suggest that it will work in my situation.