I need to edit the resources of a file in C++ using UpdateResource(), however I am unsure on how to go about getting the data for the 5th parameter (lpData).
I have no idea about how to create the data that needs to be provided for the function and the structure of the data, Can anybody provide guidance on how to go about getting/creating the data?
Simply you can use:
wchar_t wszMyText[] = L"Some text";
HANDLE hUpdate = BeginUpdateResourceW( L"/path/to/file", FALSE );
// test return value.
BOOL res = UpdateResourceW( hUpdate, RT_STRING, L"MyResource", wszMyText,
sizeof(wszMyText) - sizeof(wchar_t);
// check return value
EndUpdateResource( hUpdate, FALSE );
In my project i use libgmime for MIME types. I'm trying to create new GMimeMessage using std::string as a body.
According to docs it can be done using GMimeStream and GMimeDataWrapper for preparing data, and then creating GMimePart from this data to be set as MIME part of new message.
The code:
std::string body = "some test data";
GMimeMessage* message = g_mime_message_new(FALSE);
//set header
g_mime_object_set_header((GMimeObject *) message, name.c_str()), value.c_str();
//create stream and write data into it.
GMimeStream* stream;
g_mime_stream_construct(stream, 0, body.length());
g_mime_stream_write_string(stream, body.c_str());
GMimeDataWrapper* wrapper = g_mime_data_wrapper_new_with_stream(stream, GMIME_CONTENT_ENCODING_DEFAULT);
//create GMimePart to be set as mime part of GMimeMessage
GMimePart* mime_part = g_mime_part_new();
g_mime_part_set_content_object(mime_part, wrapper);
g_mime_message_set_mime_part(message, (GMimeObject *) mime_part);
When i try to create message in this way, i get segfault here:
g_mime_stream_write_string(stream, body.c_str());
Maybe i'm using wrong method of message creation...
What's the right way it can be done?
You have bad initialization GMimeStream *stream. Need:
GMimeStream *stream;
/* initialize GMime */
g_mime_init (0);
/* create a stream around stdout */
stream = g_mime_stream_mem_new_with_buffer(body_part.c_str(), body_part.length());
See doc: http://spruce.sourceforge.net/gmime/tutorial/x49.html
And sample: http://fossies.org/linux/gmime/examples/basic-example.c
I have my xml as char buffer (that's fetched from server, I don't want to save it -> takes extra time and is completely obsolete):
char myword[] = "...xml..."
xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt = xmlSchemaNewParserCtxt(xsdFilePath);
xmlDocPtr doc = ?;
Now I need to get doc. I'm trying to use following function:
doc = xmlReadMemory(myword, sizeof(myword), ?URL?, NULL, 0)
But the problem is with URL, what should I put in there..? Am I using this function right? Maybe there is another way to get xmlDocPtr?
BTW: I need xmlDocPtr to perform:
ret = xmlSchemaValidateDoc(ctxt, doc);
Simply pass a NULL pointer:
doc = xmlReadMemory(myword, sizeof(myword), NULL, NULL, 0);
I'm having a problem when calling OpenDatabase function (DAO). It's prototipe is:
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OpenDatabase(BSTR Name/*[in]*/, VARIANT Options/*[in,opt]*/,
VARIANT ReadOnly/*[in,opt]*/,
VARIANT Connect/*[in,opt]*/,
Dao_tlb::Database** ppDb/*[out,retval]*/) = 0; // [-1]
So, when I do this:
if(OpenDialog1->Execute() != true) return;
The selected filename is saved in OpenDialog1->FileName. Then I call the function above:
pDatabasePtr = pDBEngine->OpenDatabase(WideString(OpenDialog1->FileName).c_bstr(), myOpts, myRead, myCon);
and this works! But, the problem is when I try to set the filename to something else:
OpenDialog1->FileName = ParamStr(1); // OpenDatabase don't work in runtime - file not recognised!
or even set the filename inside a function:
pDatabasePtr = pDBEngine->OpenDatabase(WideString(L"SomeDB.mdb").c_bstr(), myOpts, myRead, myCon);
In both cases I get strange errors and never able to open a database. So, I probably convert UnicodeString/WideString to BSTR incorrectly.
So, why this function (OpenDatabase) works with
if(OpenDialog1->Execute() != true) return;
and does not work with
OpenDialog1->FileName = ParamStr(1);
How do I set the conversion correctly?
I found answer in here if anyone else needs it:
I am developing a plugin for NSIS (Unicode) and I am trying to use InternetCrackUrl() to get the hostname of a URL (ie: http://www.google.com/test.html -> www.google.com) but instead of lpszHostName just returning "www.google.com", it returns "www.google.com/test.html".
Here is my code:
void __declspec(dllexport) Example(HWND hwndParent, int string_size, TCHAR *variables, stack_t **stacktop, extra_parameters *extra) {
LPWSTR szURI = new WCHAR[string_size];
// Sets szURI to "http://www.xyz.com/test.html"
wstring strUri = szURI;
ZeroMemory(&urlComp, sizeof(urlComp));
urlComp.dwStructSize = sizeof(urlComp);
// Set required component lengths to non-zero so that they are cracked.
urlComp.dwHostNameLength = static_cast<DWORD>(-1);
urlComp.dwSchemeLength = static_cast<DWORD>(-1);
urlComp.dwUrlPathLength = static_cast<DWORD>(-1);
urlComp.dwExtraInfoLength = static_cast<DWORD>(-1);
if (!InternetCrackUrlW(strUri.c_str(), strUri.length(), 0, &urlComp)) {
return _T("InternetCrackUrl failed");
// urlComp.lpszHostName = www.xyz.com/test.html
Any ideas?
If you don't provide your own buffer InternetCrackUrl will return pointers to characters in the original string you pass as input. It doesn't copy the string.
So, lpszHostName will point to the first character, and dwHostNameLength will give you the number of chars that make the host name.
That is the expected behavior.
Because when you say www.google.com it translates to http://www.google.com/test.html.
The URL is really www.google.com/test.html which is what is returned.
To get what you need, you will need to do some string manipulation.
You could use the strrchr function or the find_first_of method of the std::string class.
My application crashes on reading / writing data from the database. I have one database on c: and I copy-pasted and rename with different name. The following process is what I have used for copy...Please guide me if you have any suggestion or solution.
RFs fs;
CFileMan* fileMan=CFileMan::NewL(fs);
TInt err=fileMan->Copy(anOld,aNew);
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
It crashes on following line when I am trying to insert or get any data from the database.
User::LeaveIfError( iDatabase.Execute( strSQL ) );
db creation:
TBool Open = OpenL();
if (!Open)
User::LeaveIfError(iDatabase.Replace(iDbSession, iDBPath ));
// create table
_LIT(KSQLtest,"CREATE TABLE testtable(id INTEGER,test1 VARCHAR(50),test2 VARCHAR(50))"); User::LeaveIfError(iDatabase.Execute(KSQLtest));
Open database:
User::LeaveIfError( iDbSession.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( iDbSession );
if ( KErrNone != iDatabase.Open(iDbSession, iDBPath))
return EFalse;
CleanupClosePushL( iDatabase );
iIsDatabaseOpened = ETrue;
return ETrue;
User:: LeaveIfError() throws an exception when iDatabase.Execute() returns an error code.
You can find the most common Symbian error codes at NewLC
If the crash happens before RDbDatabase::Execute() is actually run, we'll need to see more code to figure out why iDatabase is in a bad state.
You need to explain what "crashes" means - an exception/leave? a panic? If so, what leave code, or what panic category and number?
If it "crashes" here
User::LeaveIfError( iDatabase.Execute( strSQL ) );
you might want to check the return value, i.e.
TInt error = iDatabase.Execute( strSQL );
//Now log/display the error
A few other points of note:
If you use CleanupClosePushL() on an object, you don't need to call both Close() and CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(). The latter will call Close() for you.
Your OpenL() function uses a mix of leaving and return code which is considered bad style generally. In addition, functions which leave something on the cleanup stack are generally named xxxxLC(), the trailing 'C' denoting a cleanup item.