Calling external services in scala code with dependencies - web-services

I am facing a major issue with my design at this juncture. My method is trying to accomplish the follows:
Insert the passed in object into the database.
Get the autoincremented id from the insert and use it to call webservice1 along with the object.
Get the result from webservice1 and call webservice2 with the original object and some response from webservice1.
Combine the results from webservice1 and 2 and write it into the database.
Get the resulting autoincremented id from the last insert and call webservice3 with the original object that would eventually result into the success or failure of the operation.
I want to design this in a flexible manner since the requirements are in a flux and I do not want to keep on modifying my logic based on any changing. I do realize some amount of change is inevitable but I would like to minimize the damage and respect the open-closed principle.
My initial take was as follows:
def complexOperation(someObject:T) =
dbService.insertIntoDb(someObject) match {
case Left(e:Exception) => Left(e)
case Right(id:Int) => webService.callWebService1(id,someObject) match {
case Left(e:Exception) => Left(e)
case Right(r:SomeResponse1) => webService.callWebservice2(r,someObject) match {
case Left(e:Exception) => webService.rollbackService1();Left(e)
case Right(context:ResponseContext) => dbService.insertContextIntoDb(context) match {
case Left(e:Exception) => Left(e)
case Right(id:Int) => webService.callWebservice3(id,someObject) match {
case Left(e:Exception) => webService.rollbackService3();Left(e)
case Right(r:Response) => Right(r)
As you can see, this is a tangled mess. I can neither unit test it, nor extend it nor very easily debug it if things spiral out of control. This code serves its purpose but it will be great to get some ideas on how I should refactor it to make the lives of the people who inherit my code a little more easier.

Have a look at scala.util.Try. It's available in Scala 2.10, which may or may not be available to you as an option, but the idea of it is perfect for your scenario.
What you have in your code example is what I like calling the "pyramid" of nesting. The best solution to this is to use flat-mapping wherever you can. But obviously that's an issue when you have stuff like Either[Exception, Result] at every step. That's where Try comes in. Try[T] is essentially a replacement for Either[Exception, T], and it comes with all of the flatMap-ing goodness that you need.
Assuming you can either change the return type of those webService calls, or provide some implicit conversion from Either[Exception, Result] to Try[Result], your code block would become something more like...
for {
id <- dbService.insertIntoDb(someObject)
r <- webService.callWebService1(id,someObject)
context <- webService.callWebservice2(r,someObject)
id2 <- dbService.insertContextIntoDb(context)
response <- webService.callWebservice3(id,someObject).recoverWith {
case e: Exception => webService.rollbackService3(); Failure(e)
} yield response
Lift has a similar mechanism in net.liftweb.common.Box. It's like Option, but with a container for Exceptions too.
edit: It looks like you can use the left or right method of an Either, and it will let you use flatMap-ing almost exactly the way I described with Try. The only difference is that the end result is an Either[Exception, Result] instead of a Try[Result]. Check out LeftProjection for details/examples.

You can use for comprehension to reduce the noise in the code.

#Dylan had the right idea above. Let me see if I can help translate what you want to do into idiomatic Scala 2.9.1 code.
This version doesn't attempt any rollbacks:
// 1: No rollbacks, just returns the first exception in Left
def complexOperation1(someObject:T): Either[Exception, Response] = {
for {
id <- dbService.insertIntoDb(someObject).right
r <- webService.callWebService1(id, someObject).right
context <- webService.callWebservice2(idResp, someObject).right
id2 <- dbService.insertContextIntoDb(context).right
response <- webService.callWebservice3(id,someObject).right
} yield response
Now, let's try to do the rollbacks exactly as you had them above:
// 2: Rolls back all web services and returns first exception in Left
def complexOperation1(someObject:T): Either[Exception, Response] = {
for {
id <- dbService.insertIntoDb(someObject).right
r <- webService.callWebService1(id, someObject).right
context <- webService.callWebservice2(idResp, someObject) { e =>
id2 <- dbService.insertContextIntoDb(context).right
response <- webService.callWebservice3(id,someObject) { e =>
} yield response
If you define a function which does the effect (the rollback) on the left, it get's a little cleaner and easier to test, for example:
// 3: Factor out the side-effect of doing the follbacks on Left
def rollbackIfLeft[T](f: => Either[Exception, T], r: => Unit): Either[Exception, T] = {
val result = f
result.left.foreach(_ => r) // do the rollback if any exception occured
def complexOperation1(someObject:T): Either[Exception, Response] = {
for {
id <- dbService.insertIntoDb(someObject).right
r <- webService.callWebService1(id, someObject).right
context <- rollbackIfLeft(webService.callWebservice2(idResp, someObject),
id2 <- dbService.insertContextIntoDb(context).right
response <- rollbackIfLeft(webService.callWebservice3(id,someObject),
} yield response
You can try out rollbackIfLeft in the scala REPL to get a sense of it:
scala> rollbackIfLeft(Right(42), println("hey"))
res28: Either[Exception,Int] = Right(42)
scala> rollbackIfLeft(Left(new RuntimeException), println("ERROR!"))
res29: Either[Exception,Nothing] = Left(java.lang.RuntimeException)
Hope this helps!


slick 3 two leftJoin query result to classes mapping

Current question is relative with next one, but now I need to read the data from database instead of insert.
I have next three case classes:
case class A (id: Long, bList: List[B])
case class B (id: Long, aId: cList: List[C])
case class C (id: Long, bId: Long)
And query with two leftJoin functions and incomingAId for filtering aTable results:
val query = (for {
((aResult,bResult),cResult) <- aTable.filter( === incomigAId)
.joinLeft(bTable).on( === _.aId)
.joinLeft(cTable).on( === _.bId)
} yield ((aResult,bResult),cResult)).result.transactionally
Next query works and the result looks valid, but isn't easy to handle it to the case classes. Also, executionResult has Seq[Nothing] type and process of mapping requires something like that:{ executionResult => { vectorElement: [Tuple2[Tuple2[A, Option[B]], Option[C]]]
Is there any proper way to prevent Seq[Nothing] (changes in query)?
Or if the query result type is fine, could you please share solution how to map it to the case classes above?
Right now I'm using next solution, but I suppose that some part of code can be optimized (e.g. groupBy replacing with something else).
execute(query).mapTo[Vector[((A, Option[B]), Option[C])]]
.flatMap { insideFuture =>
insideFuture.groupBy(_._1._1).mapValues { values =>
//scala groupBy losts ordering
val orderedB = values.groupBy(_._1._2).toSeq.sortBy(
}.headOption match {
case Some(data) => Future.successful {
data._1.copy(bList = {
case (Some(bElement), optionCElements) =>
bElement.copy(cList = optionCElements.toList.flatten)
case _ =>
throw new Exception("Invalid query result. Unable to find B elements")
case None => Future.failed(new Exception("Unable to find A with next id " + incomigAId))

How to extract messages using regex in Scala?

My version of RegEx is being greedy and now working as it suppose to. I need extract each message with timestamp and user who created it. Also if user has two or more consecutive messages it should go inside one match / block / group. How to solve it?
val pattern = "((a\.b|c\.d)\n(.+\n)+)+?".r
for(m <- pattern.findAllIn(str).matchData; e <- m.subgroups) println(e)
ndn solution throws StackOverflowError when executed:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
at java.util.regex.Pattern$GroupTail.match(
val pattern = "(?:.+(?:\\Z|\\n))+?(?=\\Z|\\w\\.\\w)".r
val array = (pattern findAllIn str).toArray.reverse foreach{println _}
for(m <- pattern.findAllIn(str).matchData; e <- m.subgroups) println(e)
I don't think a regular expression is the right tool for this job. My solution below uses a (tail) recursive function to loop over the lines, keep the current username and create a Message for every timestamp / message pair.
import java.time.LocalTime
case class Message(user: String, timestamp: LocalTime, message: String)
val Timestamp = """\[(\d{2})\:(\d{2})\:(\d{2})\]""".r
def parseMessages(lines: List[String], usernames: Set[String]) = {
def go(
lines: List[String], currentUser: Option[String], messages: List[Message]
): List[Message] = lines match {
// no more lines -> return parsed messages
case Nil => messages.reverse
// found a user -> keep as currentUser
case user :: tail if usernames.contains(user) =>
go(tail, Some(user), messages)
// timestamp and message on next line -> create a Message
case Timestamp(h, m, s) :: msg :: tail if currentUser.isDefined =>
val time = LocalTime.of(h.toInt, m.toInt, s.toInt)
val newMsg = Message(currentUser.get, time, msg)
go(tail, currentUser, newMsg :: messages)
// invalid line -> ignore
case _ =>
go(lines.tail, currentUser, messages)
go(lines, None, Nil)
Which we can use as :
val input = """
you can also get commands
from the console
can you check if has been resolved
ah, okay
anyways startsLevel is still 4
might be a dead end
that need to be started early as well
val lines = input.split('\n').toList
val users = Set("a.b", "c.d")
parseMessages(lines, users).foreach(println)
// Message(a.b,10:12:03,you can also get commands)
// Message(a.b,10:11:26,from the console)
// Message(a.b,10:11:21,can you check if has been resolved)
// Message(a.b,10:10:47,ah, okay)
// Message(c.d,10:10:39,anyways startsLevel is still 4)
// Message(a.b,10:09:25,might be a dead end)
// Message(a.b,10:08:56,that need to be started early as well)
The idea is to take as little characters as possible that will be followed by a username or the end of the string:
See it in action

merge 2 lists A over B in scala

I have 2 immutable case classes A(source, key, value) and B(source, key, value)
I want to add A over B in such a way when 'source' and 'key' doesn't exist, to be added from A to the B and when 'source' and 'key' exist to replace the value from B with the one from A. The same way 'merge_array' function from php works on a multidimensional array.
I tried with 'A.union(B).groupBy(.key)' and then 'groupBy(.source)' and get the 1st value. But then I realized that I can never be sure that first value will always be the value of A.
I'm quite new to scala and I really ran out of ideas how I could do this from a functional immutable point of view.
Anyone has any idea how I could do this?
Thank you
case class TranslationValue(source: String, key: String, value: String)
def main(args:Array[String]):Unit = {
println(merge(data1.toSet, data2.toSet))
def merge(a: Set[TranslationValue], b: Set[TranslationValue]) = {
a.union(b).groupBy(_.key).flatMap{ case (s, v) =>
v.groupBy(_.source).flatMap{case (s1, v1) => {
for (res <- 0 to 0) yield v1.head
data1 has this data
TranslationValue(messages,OrdRef,Order Reference),
TranslationValue(messages,OrdId,Order Id)
data2 has this data
putting data1 over data2 I want to obtain
TranslationValue(messages,OrdRef,Order Reference),
TranslationValue(messages,OrdId,Order Id)
I know that what I do can be done better, but like I said, I'm learning :)
you can group in one go:
def merge(a: Seq[TranslationValue], b: Seq[TranslationValue]) = {
i think you could also override the equals method for TranslationValue so that two translation values are equal when source and key are the same(the hashcode method has also to be overridden). Then a.union(b) would be enough.
It seems Set doesnt guarantee order of items(Scala: Can I rely on the order of items in a Set?), but a seq should.

Calling a web service that depends on a result from another web service in play framework

I want to call a second web service with the result from the first one.
Below is some code that highlights my intent.
By the way it compiles fine in IntelliJ(Probable a bug in the IDE).
def get = {
for {
respA <- WS.url(url1).get
id <- respA.body.split(",").take(2)
respB <- WS.url(url2 + id).get // Here is a compile error
} yield {
respA = is a comma separated list with ids used in the next call.
respB = is an XML response that I parse in the yield method
The compile error Play Framework gives me:
type mismatch;
found : scala.concurrent.Future[Seq[MyObject]]
required: scala.collection.GenTraversableOnce[?]
I find the compile error strange.
How can a Future of [Seq[MyObject]] exist at that line?
It shouldn't be any different from the line two lines up that compiles?
WS.url(url1).get returns Future[Response] so all your generators in the for comprehension should be futures. In your code snippet, you are mixing Array[String] and Future[Response]. See Type Mismatch on Scala For Comprehension for some background on for comprehension.
So I would try something like this:
for {
respA <- WS.url(url1).get
ids = respA.body.split(",").take(2)
responsesB <- Future.sequence( => WS.url(url2 + id).get))
} yield { => getMyObjects(respB.xml))
So the types are:
respA: Response
ids: Array[String] => WS.url(url2 + id).get): Array[Future[Response]]
Future.sequence( => WS.url(url2 + id).get)): Future[Array[Response]]
responsesB: Array[Response]
And the return type of the for comprehension is a Future of an array of whatever getMyObjects returns.
Note that if sequence does not work on Future[Array[_]] try to do ids = respA.body.split(",").toList.take(2).

Faking an enumerator in FakeItEasy

How can I create a fake with FakeItEasy that allows different return values on successive calls. This is one example of what I would like to be able to do:
var enumerator = A.Fake<IDictionaryEnumerator>();
A.CallTo(() => enumerator.MoveNext()).Returns(true); //Expected value for first call
A.CallTo(() => enumerator.Key).Returns("key1");
A.CallTo(() => enumerator.Value).Returns("value1");
A.CallTo(() => enumerator.MoveNext()).Returns(false); //Expected value for second call
Assert.IsTrue(enumerator.MoveNext()); //Fails
The assertion will fail since it the last set up of MoveNext will overwrite the first one.
Is it possible to do what I want in FakeItEasy?
Clarified the original question's example and provided a working example below.
Based on Patrik's answer this code shows how you can set up the fake. The trick is to reverse all setups and use Once().
var enumerator = A.Fake<IDictionaryEnumerator>();
A.CallTo(() => enumerator.MoveNext()).Returns(false).Once();
A.CallTo(() => enumerator.MoveNext()).Returns(true).NumberOfTimes(2);
A.CallTo(() => enumerator.Key).Returns("key2").Once();
A.CallTo(() => enumerator.Value).Returns("value2").Once();
A.CallTo(() => enumerator.Key).Returns("key1").Once();
A.CallTo(() => enumerator.Value).Returns("value1").Once();
Debug.WriteLine(enumerator.Key + ": "+ enumerator.Value);
This will print:
key1: value1
key2: value2
I'm not entirely sure that I understand what you mean, the code you supplied will always fail. However if you mean that you want it to return true the second time it's called it can be done. There are a couple of different ways that I can think of, two of them are:
A.CallTo(() => enumerator.MoveNext()).ReturnsNextFromSequence(false, true);
The other way is:
A.CallTo(() => enumerator.MoveNext()).Returns(true);
A.CallTo(() => enumerator.MoveNext()).Returns(false).Once();
On second though I guess I understand your question better, what you want to happen is that MoveNext should return true the first time and false the second time? If that's the case just change the orders of the values in the examples above.
FakeItEasy does not use a record/replay model and you are correct in that the latest configured rule has precedence over any earlier specified rules. That's why you have to specify repeat - ".Once()" - on the latest configuration for it only to be valid once.
There are many reasons why the latest has precedence, one of the most important ones is that it lets you set up a default return value in the setup of your fixture and override it to return specific values in some of your tests, this is impossible when using a record/replay model.
The OP's example based on Patrik's answer is fine ... but tedious if the sequence grows large. To supplement that answer consider that even though fake/mock examples most often show a bunch of straight line code to Arrange themselves you actually have the full power of a programming language at your command. Conditionals, loops, and even procedures.
So consider the following:
public static void AFakeDictionaryEnumeratorReturns(
IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator, params object[] pairs)
if (0 != pairs.Length % 2)
throw new ArgumentException("pairs must have even number of elements", "pairs");
int n = pairs.Length / 2;
A.CallTo(() => enumerator.MoveNext()).Returns(false).Once();
A.CallTo(() => enumerator.MoveNext()).Returns(true).NumberOfTimes(n);
for (int i = pairs.Length; i > 0; i -= 2)
A.CallTo(() => enumerator.Key).Returns(pairs[i - 2]).Once();
A.CallTo(() => enumerator.Value).Returns(pairs[i - 1]).Once();
and now the test becomes:
var enumerator = A.Fake<IDictionaryEnumerator>();
"key1", "value1", "key2", "value2", "key3", "value3");
var keys = new List<object>();
var values = new List<object>();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
Assert.Equal(new List<object> { "key1", "key2", "key3" }, keys);
Assert.Equal(new List<object> { "value1", "value2", "value3" }, values);
(An IDictionaryEnumerator deals in pairs, so this example isn't as clearly beneficial as it could be. For a standard IEnumerator<T> a single static generic method would serve for a whole bunch of different enumerators.)