Floating point decimal to IEEE 754 - ieee-754

How to convert m x 10^x to n x 2^y .
I want to covert 2.93 x 10^12 to IEEE-754 representation.

Two options: calculate n,y explicitly:
y = ceil(log2(m*10^x)), n = (m*10^x / 2^y)
iteratively with integers only:
write integer 293 to a variable mantissa (and keep count of the exponent=10)
while (exponent>0) {
mantissa*=10; exponent--;
while ((mantissa & 1)==0) {
mantissa>>=1; exp_two++;
EDIT: in IEEE-754 one assumes, that 0.5<n<=1.0. That is to be fixed (by multiplying/dividing by 2 until the condition is met and while adjusting the exponent y accordingly)

You can try this:
float f = 2.93E12;
unsigned int ui = *reinterpret_cast<unsigned int *>(&f);


round double with N significant decimal digits in an overflow-safe manner

I want a overflow-safe function that round a double like std::round in addition it can handle the number of significant decimal digts.
round(-17.747, 2) -> -17.75
round(-9.97729, 2) -> -9.98
round(-5.62448, 2) -> -5.62
round(std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), 10) ...
My first attempt was
double round(double value, int precision)
double factor=pow(10.0, precision);
return floor(value*factor+0.5)/factor;
but this can easily overflow.
Assuming IEEE, it is possible to decrease the possibility of overflows, like this.
double round(double value, int precision)
// assuming IEEE 754 with 64 bit representation
// the number of significant digits varies between 15 and 17
precision=std::min(17, precision);
double factor=pow(10.0, precision);
return floor(value*factor+0.5)/factor;
But this still can overflow.
Even this performance disaster does not work.
double round(double value, int precision)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::setprecision(precision) << value;
std::string::size_type sz;
return std::stod(ss.str(), &sz);
round(std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), 2.0) // throws std::out_of_range
I'm aware of setprecision, but i need rounding not only for displaying purpose. So that is not a solution.
Unlike this post here How to round a number to n decimal places in Java , my question is especially on overflow safety and in C++ (the anwser in the topic above are Java-specific or do not handle overflows)
I haven't heavily tested this code:
/* expects x in (-1, 1) */
double round_precision2(double x, int precision2) {
double iptr, factor = std::exp2(precision2);
double y = (x < 0) ? -x : x;
std::modf(y * factor + .5, &iptr);
return iptr/factor * ((x < 0) ? -1 : 1);
double round_precision(double x, int precision) {
int bits = precision * M_LN10 / M_LN2;
/* std::log2(std::pow(10., precision)); */
double iptr, frac = std::modf(x, &iptr);
return iptr + round_precision2(frac, bits);
The idea is to avoid overflow by only operating on the fractional part of the number.
We compute the number of binary bits to achieve the desired precision. You should be able to put a bound on them with the limits you describe in your question.
Next, we extract the fractional and integer parts of the number.
Then we add the integer part back to the rounded fractional part.
To compute the rounded fractional part, we compute the binary factor. Then we extract the integer part of the rounded number resulting from multiplying fractional part by the factor. Then we return the fraction by dividing the integral part by the factor.

Save float16 max number in float32

How to save the float16 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Half-precision_floating-point_format) max number in float32 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-precision_floating-point_format) format?
I want to have a function which could convert 0x7bff to 65504. 0x7bff is the max value can be represented by floating point half precision:
0 11110 1111111111 -> decimal value: 65504
I want to have 0x7bff to represent the actual bits in my program.
float fp16_max = bit_cast(0x7bff);
# want "std::cout << fp16_max" to be 65504
I tried to implement such a function but it didn't seem to work:
float bit_cast (uint32_t fp16_bits) {
float i;
memcpy(&i, &fp16_bits, 4);
return i;
float test = bit_cast(0x7bff);
# print out test: 4.44814e-41
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
/* Decode the IEEE-754 binary16 encoding into a floating-point value.
Details of NaNs are not handled.
static float InterpretAsBinary16(unsigned Bits)
// Extract the fields from the binary16 encoding.
unsigned SignCode = Bits >> 15;
unsigned ExponentCode = Bits >> 10 & 0x1f;
unsigned SignificandCode = Bits & 0x3ff;
// Interpret the sign bit.
float Sign = SignCode ? -1 : +1;
// Partition into cases based on exponent code.
float Significand, Exponent;
// An exponent code of all ones denotes infinity or a NaN.
if (ExponentCode == 0x1f)
return Sign * (SignificandCode == 0 ? INFINITY : NAN);
// An exponent code of all zeros denotes zero or a subnormal.
else if (ExponentCode == 0)
/* Subnormal significands have a leading zero, and the exponent is the
same as if the exponent code were 1.
Significand = 0 + SignificandCode * 0x1p-10;
Exponent = 1 - 0xf;
// Other exponent codes denote normal numbers.
/* Normal significands have a leading one, and the exponent is biased
by 0xf.
Significand = 1 + SignificandCode * 0x1p-10;
Exponent = ExponentCode - 0xf;
// Combine the sign, significand, and exponent, and return the result.
return Sign * std::ldexp(Significand, Exponent);
int main(void)
unsigned Bits = 0x7bff;
"Interpreting the bits 0x%x as an IEEE-754 binary16 yields %.99g.\n",
By the very declaration float fp16_max, your value is already a 32-bit float; no need to cast here. I guess you can simply:
float i = fp16_max;
The assumption here is that your "magic" bit_cast function already returned a 32-bit float properly. Since you haven't shown us what bit-cast does or actually returns, I'll assume it does indeed return a proper float value.
How to save the float16 max number in float32 format?
You can simply convert the integer to float:
float half_max = 65504;
If you would like to calculate the value, you can use ldexpf:
float half_max = (2 - ldexpf(1, -10)) * ldexpf(1, 15)
Or generally, for any IEEE float:
// in case of half float
int bits = 16;
int man_bits = 10;
// the calculation
int exp_bits = bits - man_bits - 1;
int exp_max = (1 << (exp_bits - 1)) - 1;
long double max = (2 - ldexp(1, -1 * man_bits)) * ldexp(1, exp_max);
Bit casting 0x7bff does not work, because 0x7bff is the representation in the binary16 format (in some endianness), not in binary32 format. You cannot bit cast conflicting representations.

Conversion between 4-byte IBM floating-point and IEEEE [duplicate]

I need to read values from a binary file. The data format is IBM single Precision Floating Point (4-byte Hexadecimal Exponent Data). I have C++ code that reads from the file and takes out each byte and stores it like so
unsigned char buf[BUF_LEN];
for (long position = 0; position < fileLength; position += BUF_LEN) {
file.read((char* )(&buf[0]), BUF_LEN);
// printf("\n%8ld: ", pos);
for (int byte = 0; byte < BUF_LEN; byte++) {
// printf(" 0x%-2x", buf[byte]);
This prints out the hexadecimal values of each byte.
this picture specifies IBM single precision floating point
IBM single precision floating point
How do I convert the buffer into floating point values?
The format is actually quite simple, and not particularly different than IEEE 754 binary32 format (it's actually simpler, not supporting any of the "magic" NaN/Inf values, and having no subnormal numbers, because the mantissa here has an implicit 0 on the left instead of an implicit 1).
As Wikipedia puts it,
The number is represented as the following formula: (−1)sign × 0.significand × 16exponent−64.
If we imagine that the bytes you read are in a uint8_t b[4], then the resulting value should be something like:
uint32_t mantissa = (b[1]<<16) | (b[2]<<8) | b[3];
int exponent = (b[0] & 127) - 64;
double ret = mantissa * exp2(-24 + 4*exponent);
if(b[0] & 128) ret *= -1.;
Notice that here I calculated the result in a double, as the range of a IEEE 754 float is not enough to represent the same-sized IBM single precision value (also the opposite holds). Also, keep in mind that, due to endian issues, you may have to revert the indexes in my code above.
Edit: #Eric Postpischil correctly points out that, if you have C99 or POSIX 2001 available, instead of mantissa * exp2(-24 + 4*exponent) you should use ldexp(mantissa, -24 + 4*exponent), which should be more precise (and possibly faster) across implementations.

c++ float subtraction rounding error

I have a float value between 0 and 1. I need to convert it with -120 to 80.
To do this, first I multiply with 200 after 120 subtract.
When subtract is made I had rounding error.
Let's look my example.
float val = 0.6050f;
val *= 200.f;
Now val is 121.0 as I expected.
val -= 120.0f;
Now val is 0.99999992
I thought maybe I can avoid this problem with multiplication and division.
float val = 0.6050f;
val *= 200.f;
val *= 100.f;
val -= 12000.0f;
val /= 100.f;
But it didn't help. I have still 0.99 on my hand.
Is there a solution for it?
Edit: After with detailed logging, I understand there is no problem with this part of code. Before my log shows me "0.605", after I had detailed log and I saw "0.60499995946884155273437500000000000000000000000000"
the problem is in different place.
Edit2: I think I found the guilty. The initialised value is 0.5750.
std::string floatToStr(double d)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(15) << d;
return ss.str();
int main()
float val88 = 0.57500000000f;
std::cout << floatToStr(val88) << std::endl;
The result is 0.574999988079071
Actually I need to add and sub 0.0025 from this value every time.
Normally I expected 0.575, 0.5775, 0.5800, 0.5825 ....
Edit3: Actually I tried all of them with double. And it is working for my example.
std::string doubleToStr(double d)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(15) << d;
return ss.str();
int main()
double val88 = 0.575;
std::cout << doubleToStr(val88) << std::endl;
val88 += 0.0025;
std::cout << doubleToStr(val88) << std::endl;
val88 += 0.0025;
std::cout << doubleToStr(val88) << std::endl;
val88 += 0.0025;
std::cout << doubleToStr(val88) << std::endl;
return 0;
The results are:
But I bound to float unfortunately. I need to change lots of things.
Thank you for all to help.
Edit4: I have found my solution with strings. I use ostringstream's rounding and convert to double after that. I can have 4 precision right numbers.
std::string doubleToStr(double d, int precision)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(precision) << d;
return ss.str();
double val945 = (double)0.575f;
std::cout << doubleToStr(val945, 4) << std::endl;
std::cout << doubleToStr(val945, 15) << std::endl;
std::cout << atof(doubleToStr(val945, 4).c_str()) << std::endl;
and results are:
Let us assume that your compiler implements IEEE 754 binary32 and binary64 exactly for float and double values and operations.
First, you must understand that 0.6050f does not represent the mathematical quantity 6050 / 10000. It is exactly 0.605000019073486328125, the nearest float to that. Even if you write perfect computations from there, you have to remember that these computations start from 0.605000019073486328125 and not from 0.6050.
Second, you can solve nearly all your accumulated roundoff problems by computing with double and converting to float only in the end:
$ cat t.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
printf("0.6050f is %.53f\n", 0.6050f);
printf("%.53f\n", (float)((double)0.605f * 200. - 120.));
$ gcc t.c && ./a.out
0.6050f is 0.60500001907348632812500000000000000000000000000000000
In the above code, all computations and intermediate values are double-precision.
This 1.0000038… is a very good answer if you remember that you started with 0.605000019073486328125 and not 0.6050 (which doesn't exist as a float).
If you really care about the difference between 0.99999992 and 1.0, float is not precise enough for your application. You need to at least change to double.
If you need an answer in a specific range, and you are getting answers slightly outside that range but within rounding error of one of the ends, replace the answer with the appropriate range end.
The point everybody is making can be summarised: in general, floating point is precise but not exact.
How precise is governed by the number of bits in the mantissa -- which is 24 for float, and 53 for double (assuming IEEE 754 binary formats, which is pretty safe these days ! [1]).
If you are looking for an exact result, you have to be ready to deal with values that differ (ever so slightly) from that exact result, but...
(1) The Exact Binary Fraction Problem
...the first issue is whether the exact value you are looking for can be represented exactly in binary floating point form...
...and that is rare -- which is often a disappointing surprise.
The binary floating point representation of a given value can be exact, but only under the following, restricted circumstances:
the value is an integer, < 2^24 (float) or < 2^53 (double).
this is the simplest case, and perhaps obvious. Since you are looking a result >= -120 and <= 80, this is sufficient.
the value is an integer which divides exactly by 2^n and is then (as above) < 2^24 or < 2^53.
this includes the first rule, but is more general.
the value has a fractional part, but when the value is multiplied by the smallest 2^n necessary to produce an integer, that integer is < 2^24 (float) or 2^53 (double).
This is the part which may come as a surprise.
Consider 27.01, which is a simple enough decimal value, and clearly well within the ~7 decimal digit precision of a float. Unfortunately, it does not have an exact binary floating point form -- you can multiply 27.01 by any 2^n you like, for example:
27.01 * (2^ 6) = 1728.64 (multiply by 64)
27.01 * (2^ 7) = 3457.28 (multiply by 128)
27.01 * (2^10) = 27658.24
27.01 * (2^20) = 28322037.76
27.01 * (2^25) = 906305208.32 (> 2^24 !)
and you never get an integer, let alone one < 2^24 or < 2^53.
Actually, all these rules boil down to one rule... if you can find an 'n' (positive or negative, integer) such that y = value * (2^n), and where y is an exact, odd integer, then value has an exact representation if y < 2^24 (float) or if y < 2^53 (double) -- assuming no under- or over-flow, which is another story.
This looks complicated, but the rule of thumb is simply: "very few decimal fractions can be represented exactly as binary fractions".
To illustrate how few, let us consider all the 4 digit decimal fractions, of which there are 10000, that is 0.0000 up to 0.9999 -- including the trivial, integer case 0.0000. We can enumerate how many of those have exact binary equivalents:
1: 0.0000 = 0/16 or 0/1
2: 0.0625 = 1/16
3: 0.1250 = 2/16 or 1/8
4: 0.1875 = 3/16
5: 0.2500 = 4/16 or 1/4
6: 0.3125 = 5/16
7: 0.3750 = 6/16 or 3/8
8: 0.4375 = 7/16
9: 0.5000 = 8/16 or 1/2
10: 0.5625 = 9/16
11: 0.6250 = 10/16 or 5/8
12: 0.6875 = 11/16
13: 0.7500 = 12/16 or 3/4
14: 0.8125 = 13/16
15: 0.8750 = 14/16 or 7/8
16: 0.9375 = 15/16
That's it ! Just 16/10000 possible 4 digit decimal fractions (including the trivial 0 case) have exact binary fraction equivalents, at any precision. All the other 9984/10000 possible decimal fractions give rise to recurring binary fractions. So, for 'n' digit decimal fractions only (2^n) / (10^n) can be represented exactly -- that's 1/(5^n) !!
This is, of course, because your decimal fraction is actually the rational x / (10^n)[2] and your binary fraction is y / (2^m) (for integer x, y, n and m), and for a given binary fraction to be exactly equal to a decimal fraction we must have:
y = (x / (10^n)) * (2^m)
= (x / ( 5^n)) * (2^(m-n))
which is only the case when x is an exact multiple of (5^n) -- for otherwise y is not an integer. (Noting that n <= m, assuming that x has no (spurious) trailing zeros, and hence n is as small as possible.)
(2) The Rounding Problem
The result of a floating point operation may need to be rounded to the precision of the destination variable. IEEE 754 requires that the operation is done as if there were no limit to the precision, and the ("true") result is then rounded to the nearest value at the precision of the destination. So, the final result is as precise as it can be... given the limitations on how precise the arguments are, and how precise the destination is... but not exact !
(With floats and doubles, 'C' may promote float arguments to double (or long double) before performing an operation, and the result of that will be rounded to double. The final result of an expression may then be a double (or long double), which is then rounded (again) if it is to be stored in a float variable. All of this adds to the fun ! See FLT_EVAL_METHOD for what your system does -- noting the default for a floating point constant is double.)
So, the other rules to remember are:
floating point values are not reals (they are, in fact, rationals with a limited denominator).
The precision of a floating point value may be large, but there are lots of real numbers that cannot be represented exactly !
floating point expressions are not algebra.
For example, converting from degrees to radians requires division by π. Any arithmetic with π has a problem ('cos it's irrational), and with floating point the value for π is rounded to whatever floating precision we are using. So, the conversion of (say) 27 (which is exact) degrees to radians involves division by 180 (which is exact) and multiplication by our "π". However exact the arguments, the division and the multiplication may round, so the result is may only approximate. Taking:
float pi = 3.14159265358979 ; /* plenty for float */
float x = 27.0 ;
float y = (x / 180.0) * pi ;
float z = (y / pi) * 180.0 ;
printf("z-x = %+6.3e\n", z-x) ;
my (pretty ordinary) machine gave: "z-x = +1.907e-06"... so, for our floating point:
x != (((x / 180.0) * pi) / pi) * 180 ;
at least, not for all x. In the case shown, the relative difference is small -- ~ 1.2 / (2^24) -- but not zero, which simple algebra might lead us to expect.
hence: floating point equality is a slippery notion.
For all the reasons above, the test x == y for two floating values is problematic. Depending on how x and y have been calculated, if you expect the two to be exactly the same, you may very well be sadly disappointed.
[1] There exists a standard for decimal floating point, but generally binary floating point is what people use.
[2] For any decimal fraction you can write down with a finite number of digits !
Even with double precision, you'll run into issues such as:
200. * .60499999999999992 = 120.99999999999997
It appears that you want some type of rounding so that 0.99999992 is rounded to 1.00000000 .
If the goal is to produce values to the nearest multiple of 1/1000, try:
#include <math.h>
val = (float) floor((200000.0f*val)-119999.5f)/1000.0f;
If the goal is to produce values to the nearest multiple of 1/200, try:
val = (float) floor((40000.0f*val)-23999.5f)/200.0f;
If the goal is to produce values to the nearest integer, try:
val = (float) floor((200.0f*val)-119.5f);

Generating random floating-point values based on random bit stream

Given a random source (a generator of random bit stream), how do I generate a uniformly distributed random floating-point value in a given range?
Assume that my random source looks something like:
unsigned int GetRandomBits(char* pBuf, int nLen);
And I want to implement
double GetRandomVal(double fMin, double fMax);
I don't want the result precision to be limited (for example only 5 digits).
Strict uniform distribution is a must
I'm not asking for a reference to an existing library. I want to know how to implement it from scratch.
For pseudo-code / code, C++ would be most appreciated
I don't think I'll ever be convinced that you actually need this, but it was fun to write.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
FILE* devurandom;
bool geometric(int x) {
// returns true with probability min(2^-x, 1)
if (x <= 0) return true;
while (1) {
uint8_t r;
fread(&r, sizeof r, 1, devurandom);
if (x < 8) {
return (r & ((1 << x) - 1)) == 0;
} else if (r != 0) {
return false;
x -= 8;
double uniform(double a, double b) {
// requires IEEE doubles and 0.0 < a < b < inf and a normal
// implicitly computes a uniform random real y in [a, b)
// and returns the greatest double x such that x <= y
union {
double f;
uint64_t u;
} convert;
convert.f = a;
uint64_t a_bits = convert.u;
convert.f = b;
uint64_t b_bits = convert.u;
uint64_t mask = b_bits - a_bits;
mask |= mask >> 1;
mask |= mask >> 2;
mask |= mask >> 4;
mask |= mask >> 8;
mask |= mask >> 16;
mask |= mask >> 32;
int b_exp;
frexp(b, &b_exp);
while (1) {
// sample uniform x_bits in [a_bits, b_bits)
uint64_t x_bits;
fread(&x_bits, sizeof x_bits, 1, devurandom);
x_bits &= mask;
x_bits += a_bits;
if (x_bits >= b_bits) continue;
double x;
convert.u = x_bits;
x = convert.f;
// accept x with probability proportional to 2^x_exp
int x_exp;
frexp(x, &x_exp);
if (geometric(b_exp - x_exp)) return x;
int main() {
devurandom = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r");
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {
printf("%.17g\n", uniform(1.0 - 1e-15, 1.0 + 1e-15));
Here is one way of doing it.
The IEEE Std 754 double format is as follows:
[s][ e ][ f ]
where s is the sign bit (1 bit), e is the biased exponent (11 bits) and f is the fraction (52 bits).
Beware that the layout in memory will be different on little-endian machines.
For 0 < e < 2047, the number represented is
(-1)**(s) * 2**(e – 1023) * (1.f)
By setting s to 0, e to 1023 and f to 52 random bits from your bit stream, you get a random double in the interval [1.0, 2.0). This interval is unique in that it contains 2 ** 52 doubles, and these doubles are equidistant. If you then subtract 1.0 from the constructed double, you get a random double in the interval [0.0, 1.0). Moreover, the property about being equidistant is preserve.
From there you should be able to scale and translate as needed.
I'm surprised that for question this old, nobody had actual code for the best answer. User515430's answer got it right--you can take advantage of IEEE-754 double format to directly put 52 bits into a double with no math at all. But he didn't give code. So here it is, from my public domain ojrandlib:
double ojr_next_double(ojr_generator *g) {
uint64_t r = (OJR_NEXT64(g) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFull) | 0x3FF0000000000000ull;
return *(double *)(&r) - 1.0;
NEXT64() gets a 64-bit random number. If you have a more efficient way of getting only 52 bits, use that instead.
This is easy, as long as you have an integer type with as many bits of precision as a double. For instance, an IEEE double-precision number has 53 bits of precision, so a 64-bit integer type is enough:
#include <limits.h>
double GetRandomVal(double fMin, double fMax) {
unsigned long long n ;
GetRandomBits ((char*)&n, sizeof(n)) ;
return fMin + (n * (fMax - fMin))/ULLONG_MAX ;
This is probably not the answer you want, but the specification here:
in sections [rand.util.canonical] and [rand.dist.uni.real], contains sufficient information to implement what you want, though with slightly different syntax. It isn't easy, but it is possible. I speak from personal experience. A year ago I knew nothing about random numbers, and I was able to do it. Though it took me a while... :-)
The question is ill-posed. What does uniform distribution over floats even mean?
Taking our cue from discrepancy, one way to operationalize your question is to define that you want the distribution that minimizes the following value:
Where x is the random variable you are sampling with your GetRandomVal(double fMin, double fMax) function, and means the probability that a random x is smaller or equal to t.
And now you can go on and try to evaluate eg a dabbler's answer. (Hint all the answers that fail to use the whole precision and stick to eg 52 bits will fail this minimization criterion.)
However, if you just want to be able to generate all float bit patterns that fall into your specified range with equal possibility, even if that means that eg asking for GetRandomVal(0,1000) will create more values between 0 and 1.5 than between 1.5 and 1000, that's easy: any interval of IEEE floating point numbers when interpreted as bit patterns map easily to a very small number of intervals of unsigned int64. See eg this question. Generating equally distributed random values of unsigned int64 in any given interval is easy.
I may be misunderstanding the question, but what stops you simply sampling the next n bits from the random bit stream and converting that to a base 10 number number ranged 0 to 2^n - 1.
To get a random value in [0..1[ you could do something like:
double value = 0;
for (int i=0;i<53;i++)
value = 0.5 * (value + random_bit()); // Insert 1 random bit
// or value = ldexp(value+random_bit(),-1);
// or group several bits into one single ldexp
return value;