fake a request in Django - django

I have a Django equipped with Tastypie and under REST style it's not easy to combine objectes of different types together, so I'm thinking if it's posible to provide a special view for combining response of several REST urls into a bigger JSON object and return to client. The url may look like,
http:// domain.com /combined_view/?p={rest url 1...}&p={rest url
2...}&p={rest url 3...}
and returned JSON would be,
[ {response of rest url 1...},
{response of rest url 2...},
{response of rest url 3...},
The question is, inside a normal django view, how can I fake a request object, and process it into a response object? Thx.

Calling your own RESTful API from inside your view is a waste of resources. Directly access the objects using the database ORM instead.
Also unrelated Resources/Objects are supposed to be not combined together. If you think that the models should be combined together then maybe your model needs to take care of it and have a relation combining the two.
And to answer your question directly, you can call your urls using httplib2 and parse the response.

I urge you to reconsider whatever it is that your doing, because whatever answer we give you here is bound to go directly against the resourceful design of REST interfaces.
If you have Foo, Bar and Baz models and you create equivalent resources for them, it's impossible to generate a request that's going to return a mixed collection of Foo, Bar, Baz resources, unless these are nested resources in a joint relationship.
Your either not thinking in a resourceful manner or don't need to, but definitely don't turn RESTful architectures into something they haven't been designed for.


ember-data adapter to read from cloudant RESTful API

The cloudant RESTful API is fairly simple but doesn't match the way ember-data expects things to be. How can I customize or create an Adapter that deals with these issues...
In my specific case I only want to load records from one of several secondary indexes (ie. MapReduce fnctions).
The URL for this is below, where [name] and [view] would change depending on user selection or the route I am in.
Looking at the ember-data source there doesn't seem to be an easy way of defining URLs like this. I took a look at findQuery and it expects to send any variables through as url params not as part of the actual URL itself.
Am I missing something? Is there an obvious way of dealing with this?
Then the data comes back in a completely different format, is there a way to tell ember what this format is?
I had similar problem where URL's are dynamic. I ended up creating my own adapater by extending DS.RESTAdapter and overriding the default buildURL method. For example:
App.MyAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
buildURL: function(record, suffix) {
var username, db_name, name, view;
// Do your magic and fill the variables
return 'https://'+username+'.cloudant.com/'+db_name+'/_design/'+name+'/_view/'+view;
I ended up also defining my own find, findAll, findQuery, createRecord, updateRecord, deleteRecord etc. methods as I had to pass more variables to buildURL method.
If returning data is in different format then you can also write your own serializer by extending DS.JSONSerializer and define your own extraction methods extract, extractMany etc.
You should evaluate how well your API follows the data format required by ember/data RESTAdapter. If it is very different then it's maybe better to use some other component for communication like ember-model, ember-restless, emu etc, as ember-data is not very flexible (see this blog post). You can also write your own ajax queries directly from routes model hooks without using ember-data or other components at all. It is not very hard to do that.

Django-tastypie creating a URL hierarchy

I'd like to create a URL hierarchy using Tastypie but am running into some errors. Here's how I'd like the hierarchy to work:
I can't find out how to do this. When I set this up following the Tastypi instructions my URLs would be like this:
If I change the resource_name for spice to "/recipe/spice" then I get a "NotFound: Invalid resource lookup data provided (mismatched type)" error.
Any suggestions about what I could do?
Tastypie is meant to help implement a REST API, and thus by default only supports URLs that conform to REST practices. Namely, each URL should contain a resource name ('recipe' or 'spice') and optionally an identifier for that resource ('ID'). Anything outside of this breaks from REST practices and if you're not implementing a REST API you may want to re-consider whether or not you should be using Tastypie.
That being said, Tastypie does provide a ton of hooks for customizing things. For custom URLs, you'll want to define the method override_urls to map certain URLs to custom views and do some pre-processing before sending it to the regular dispatchers.
If possible, I'd recommend just using standard REST practices and break things up as separate 'recipe' and 'spice' resources. If you need to filter on recipes based on spices that are in them, 'spices' should be passed in as a GET parameter rather than part of the base URL. Hope that helps.

Is there Django middlware to accept multiple 'requests' in a request and return multiple 'responses' in a response?

I'm looking for Django middleware to let me issue several queries in one request and combine the [JSON] results to send back in one request? To illustrate:
If I have two web methods:
/query/show/widgets => ['widget1', 'widget2']
/query/show/sprockets => ['sprocket1', 'sprocket2']
and I want to do this:
which might return something like
{'widgets': ['widget1', 'widget2'],
'sprockets': ['sprocket1', 'sprocket2']}
I could write this myself but there may already be something that can do the job.
I highly doubt this exists, so you'll pretty much have to do it yourself.
Write a middleware that looks for your separator, split those URLs, resolve them and call the view, then merge the results.

How to solve two REST problems: the interface document; loss of privacy in descriptive URLs

Coming from a lot of frustrating times with WSDL/Soap, I very much like the REST paradigm, but am trying to solve two basic problems in our application, before moving over to REST. The first problem relates to the lack of an interface document. I think I finally see how to handle this situation: One can query his way down from a top-level "/resources" resource using various requests of GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS to find the one needed resource in the correct hypermedia format. Is this the idea? If so, the client need only be provided with a top-level resource URI: http://www.mywebservicesite.com/mywebservice/resources. He will then have to do some searching and possible keep track of what he is discovering, so that he can use the URIs again efficiently in future to do GETs, POSTs, PUTs, and DELETEs. Are there any thoughts on what should happen here?
The other problem is that we cannot use descriptive URLs like /resources/../customer/Madonna/phonenumber. We do have an implementation of opaque URLs we use in the context of a session, and I'm wondering how opaque URLs might be applied to REST. The general problem is how to keep domain-specific details out of URLs, and still benefit from what REST has to offer.
The other problem is that we cannot use descriptive URLs like /resources/../customer/Madonna/phonenumber.
I think you've misunderstood the point of opaque URIs. The notion of opaque URIs is with respect to clients: A client shall not decipher a URI to guess anything of semantic meaning from it. So a service may well have URIs like /resources/.../customer/Madonna/phonenumber, and that's quite a good idea. The URIs should be treated as opaque by clients: not infer from the URI that it represents Madonna's phone number, and that Madonna is a customer of some sort. That knowledge can only be obtained by looking inside the URI itself, or perhaps by remembering where the URI was discovered.
A consequence of this is that navigation should happen by links, not by deconstructing the URI. So if you see /resouces/customer/Madonna/phonenumber (and it actually represents Customer Madonna's phone number) you should have links in that resource to point to the Madonna resource: e.g.
"phone_number" : "01-234-56",
"customer_URI": "/resources/customer/Madonna"
That's the only way to navigate from a phone number resource to a customer resource. An important aspect is that the server implementation might or might not have domain specific information in the URI, The Madonna record might just as well live somewhere else: /resources/customers/byid/81496237. This is why clients should treat URIs as opaque.
Edit 2:
Another question you have (in the comments) is then how a client, with the required no knowledge of the server's URIs is supposed to be able to find anything. Clients have the following possibilities to find resources:
Provide a search interface. This could be done by providing an OpenSearch description document, which tells clients how to search for items. An OpenSearch template can include several variables, and several endpoints, depending on what you're looking for. So if you have a "customer ID" that's unique, you could have the following template: /customers/byid/{proprietary:customerid}", the customerid element needs to be documented somewhere, inside the proprietary namespace. A client can then know how to use such a template.
Provide a custom form. This implies making a custom media type in which you explicitly define how (based on an instance of the document) a URI to a customer can be forged. <customers template="/customers/byid/{id}"/>. The documentation (for the media type) would have to state that the template attribute must be interpreted as a relative URI after the string substitution "{id}" to an actual customer ID.
Provide links to all resources. Some resources aren't innumerable, so you can simply make a link to each and every one of them, optionally including identifying information along with the links. This could also be done in a custom media type: <customer id="12345" href="/customer/byid/12345"/>.
It should be noted that #1 and #2 are two ways of saying the same thing: Clients are allowed to create URIs if they
haven't got the URI structure a priori
a media type exists for which the documentation states that URIs should be created
This is much the same way as a web browser has no idea of any URI structure on the web, except for the rules laid out in the definition of HTML forms, to add a ? and then all the query parameters separated by &.
In theory, if you have a customer with id 12345, then you could actually dispense with the href, since you could plug the customer id 12345 into #1 or #2. It's more common to actually provide real links between resources, rather than always relying on lookup or search techniques.
I haven't really used web RPC systems (WSDL/Soap), but i think the 'interface document' is there mostly to allow client libraries to create the service API, right? if so, REST shouldn't need it, because the verbs are already defined and don't really need to be documented again.
AFAIUI, the REST way is to document the structure of each resource (usually encoded in XML or JSON). In that document, you'll also have to document the relationship between those resources. In my case, a resource is often a container of other resources (sometimes more than one type), therefore the structure doc specifies what field holds a list of URLs pointing to the contained resources. Ideally, only one unique resource will need a single, fixed (documented) URL. everithing else follows from there.
The URL 'style' is meaningless to the client, since it shouldn't 'construct' an URL. Every URL it needs should be already constructed on a resource field. That let's you change the URL structure without changing the client (that has saved tons of time to me). Your URLs can be as opaque or as descriptive as you like. (personally, i don't like text keys or slugs; my keys are all BIGINTs or UUIDs)
I am currently building a REST "agent" that addresses the first part of your question. The agent offers a temporary bookmarking service. The client code that is interacting with the agent can request that an URL be bookmarked using some identifier. If the client code needs to retrieve that representation again, it simply asks the agent for the url that corresponds to the saved bookmark and then navigates to that bookmark. Currently those bookmarks are not persisted so they only last for the lifetime of the client application, but I have found it a useful mechanism for accessing commonly used resources. E.g. The root representation provides a login link. I bookmark that link and if the client ever receives a 401 then I can redirect to the "login" bookmark.
To address an issue you mentioned in a comment, the agent also has the ability to store retrieved representations in a dictionary. If it becomes necessary to aggregate and manipulate multiple representations at the same time then I can simply request that the agent store the current representation in a dictionary associated to a key and then continue navigating to the next resource. Once the client has accumulated all the necessary representation it can do what it needs to do.

REST services - exposing non-data "actions"

I understand how to use REST for doing general entity interactions - using urls names to map to entities and the HTTP verbs to map to actions on those entities. But what is the generally accepted way of looking at "actions" more like RPC?
For example, let's say I want to send a command for the device to reset? There's no real "entity" here or do I do something like POST to http://mydevice/device/reset?
/device/reset or /system/reset are ok.
The REST "design pattern" does encourage you to NOT use any verbs.. You could do:
POST http://mydevice/system/state
Related information:
How to create REST URL’s without verbs?
Threads tagged with restful-url
I don't think that's the case to use POST. The "RESET action" is a idempotent action (if you call it n times you will always get the same result), so IMHO you should use a PUT call instead POST (as POST is not idempotent).
Also, as you are Putting a resource, you can use
PUT http://system
PUT http://system/status/reset
But I think the first one is "more restful", since you are putting a resource, while the second one you just use the URL.
I usually name the entity "system" or something like that. So you do "/system/reset". You've chosen device so that works too.
But yea, I usually consider these types of actions to be updates, which would use the POST method. So I think you are right to POST to /device/reset