hl.regex.pattern not working in solr - regex

I am using solr to fetch data.
I was using below parameters to fetch data:
Above query is not working with hl.regex.pattern parameter.
If I remove "hl.regex.pattern" than it is providing results in highlight section.
If I provide that regex pattern than it will not.
Regex is working in my c# code.
So am I missing anything here?

It's almost certainly the ^\. Those aren't valid in a URI, so you'll have to escape them.
From RFC 1738:
only alphanumerics, the special characters "$-_.+!*'(),", and
reserved characters used for their reserved purposes may be used
unencoded within a URL.
This is a little dated, since non-Roman alphanumerics like λάμδα are allowed now, but the gist is the same.
Try hl.regex.pattern=%5E%5Cd+%20%3E%3E%20 instead.


Regex match hyphenated word with hyphen-less query

I have an Azure Storage Table set up that possesses lots of values containing hyphens, apostrophes, and other bits of punctuation that the Azure Indexers don't like. Hyphenated-Word gets broken into two tokens — Hyphenated and Word — upon indexing. Accordingly, this means that searching for HyphenatedWord will not yield any results, regardless of any wildcard or fuzzy matching characters. That said, Azure Cognitive Search possesses support for Regex Lucene queries...
As such, I'm trying to find out if there's a Regex pattern I can use to match words with or without hyphens to a given query. As an example, the query homework should match the results homework and home-work.
I know that if I were trying to do the opposite — match unhyphenated words even when a hyphen is provided in the query — I would use something like /home(-)?work/. However, I'm not sure what the inverse looks like — if such a thing exists.
Is there a raw Regex pattern that will perform the kind of matching I'm proposing? Or am I SOL?
Edit: I should point out that the example I provided is unrealistic because I won't always know where a hyphen should be. Optimally, the pattern that performs this matching would be agnostic to the precise placement of a hyphen.
Edit 2: A solution I've discovered that works but isn't exactly optimal (and, though I have no way to prove this, probably isn't performant) is to just break down the query, remove all of the special characters that cause token breaks, and then dynamically build a regex query that has an optional match in between every character in the query. Using the homework example, the pattern would look something like [-'\.! ]?h[-'\.! ]?o[-'\.! ]?m[-'\.! ]?e[-'\.! ]?w[-'\.! ]?o[-'\.! ]?r[-'\.! ]?k[-'\.! ]?...which is perhaps the ugliest thing I've ever seen. Nevertheless, it gets the job done.
My solution to scenarios like this is always to introduce content- and query-processing.
Content processing is easier when you use the push model via the SDK, but you could achieve the same by creating a shadow/copy of your table where the content is manipulated for indexing purposes. You let your original table stay intact. And then you maintain a duplicate table where your text is processed.
Query processing is something you should use regardless. In its simplest form you want to clean the input from the end users before you use it in a query. Additional steps can be to handle special characters like a hyphen. Either escape it, strip it, or whatever depending on what your requirements are.
I have to support searches for ordering codes that may contain hyphens or other special characters. The maintainers of our ordering codes may define ordering codes in an inconsistent format. Customers visiting our sites are just as inconsistent.
The requirement is that ABC-123-DE_F-4.56G should match any of
ABC 123 DEF 56 G
I solve this using my suggested approach above. I use content processing to generate a version of the ordering code without any special characters (using a simple regex). Then, I use query processing to transform the end user's input into an OR-query, like:
<verbatim-user-input-cleaned> OR OrderCodeVariation:<verbatim-user-input-without-special-chars>
So, if the user entered ABC.123.DE.F.4.56G I would effecively search for
ABC.123.DE.F.4.56G OR OrderingCodeVariation:ABC123DEF56G
It sounds like you want to define your own tokenization. Would using a custom tokenizer help? https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/search/index-add-custom-analyzers
To add onto Jennifer's answer, you could consider using a custom analyzer consisting of either of these token filters:
pattern_replace: A token filter which applies a pattern to each token in the stream, replacing match occurrences with the specified replacement string.
pattern_capture: Uses Java regexes to emit multiple tokens, one for each capture group in one or more patterns.
You could use the pattern_replace token filter to replace hyphens with the desired character, maybe an empty character.

need a regular expression that copes with this URL:

I have a URL from google circles that doesn't get validated by normal regular expressions. for instance, asp.net provides a standard regular expression to cope with URLS, which is:
"http(s)?://([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+(/[\w- ./?%&=]*)?"
But when you get a google circles URL:
it can't cope.
I thought of appending to the end the following expression: (\?.+)?
which basically means the URL can have a question mark after it and then any number of characters of any type, but that doesn't work.
The whole expression would be:
"[Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp]([Ss])?://([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+(/[\w- ./?%&=]*(\?.+)?)?"
For some reason, that doesn't work with complicated URLs either.
Help is appreciated.
I added the anchors ^ and $ for the purposes of this test, escaped the / because the following is a javascript regex literal, changed the &, which had no business being there, to &;, removed the space and added # to the third character set, and it seems to work okay:
'https://plus.google.com/photos/114197249914471021468/albums/5845982797151575009/5845982803176407170?authkey=CKfNzLrhmenraA#photos/114197249914471021468/albums/5845982797151575009/5845982803176407170?authkey=CKfNzLrhmenraA' )
// true
I also moved the - to the end in the third character set, as it should be at the start or end of the set if not specifying a range.
Disclaimer: I do not propose this as good way of validating urls in general, it is just an edited version of the original regex which now works in this specific case.

Can a URL contain a semicolon and still be valid?

I am using a regular expression to convert plain text URL to clickable links.
However, sometimes in the body of the text, URL are enumerated one per line with a semi-colon at the end. The real URL does not contain any ";".
Is it permitted to have a semicolon (;) in a URL or can the semicolon be considered a marker of the end of an URL? How would that fit in my regular expression?
A semicolon is reserved and should only for its special purpose (which depends on the scheme).
Section 2.2:
Many URL schemes reserve certain
characters for a special meaning:
their appearance in the
scheme-specific part of the URL has a
designated semantics. If the character
corresponding to an octet is
reserved in a scheme, the octet must
be encoded. The characters ";",
"/", "?", ":", "#", "=" and "&" are
the characters which may be
reserved for special meaning within a
scheme. No other characters may be
reserved within a scheme.
The W3C encourages CGI programs to accept ; as well as & in query strings (i.e. treat ?name=fred&age=50 and ?name=fred;age=50 the same way). This is supposed to be because & has to be encoded as & in HTML whereas ; doesn't.
The semi-colon is a legal URI character; it belongs to the sub-delimiter category: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt
However, the specification states that whether the semi-colon is legitimate for a specific URI or not depends on the scheme or producer of that URI. So, if site using those links doesn't allow semi-colons, then they're not valid for that particular case.
Technically, a semicolon is a legal sub-delimiter in a URL string; plenty of source material is quoted above including http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt.
And some do use it for legitimate purposes though it's use is likely site-specific (ie, only for use with that site) because it's usage has to be defined by the site using it.
In the real world however, the primary use for semicolons in URLs is to hide a virus or phishing URL behind a legitimate URL.
For example, sending someone an email with this link:
http:// www.yahoo.com/junk/nonsense;0200.0xfe.0x37.0xbf/malicious_file/
will result in the Yahoo! link (www.yahoo.com/junk/nonsense) being ignored because even though it is legitimate (ie, properly formed) no such page exists. But the second link (0200.0xfe.0x37.0xbf/malicious_file/) presumably exists* and the user will be directed to the malicious_file page; whereupon one's corporate IT manager will get a report and one will likely get a pink slip.
And before all the nay-sayers get their dander up, this is exactly how the new Facebook phishing problem works. The names have been changed to protect the guilty as usual.
*No such page actually exists to my knowledge. The link shown is for purposes of this discussion only.
http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt covers URLs and what characters may appear in unencoded form. Given that URLs containing semicolons work properly in browsers, your code should support them.
Yes, semicolons are valid in URLs. However, if you're plucking them from relatively unstructured prose, it's probably safe to assume a semicolon at the end of a URL is meant as sentence punctuation. The same goes for other sentence-punctuation characters like periods, question marks, quotes, etc..
If you're only interested in URLs with an explicit http[s] protocol, and your regex flavor supports lookbehinds, this regex should suffice:
After the protocol, it simply matches one or more characters that may be valid in a URL, without worrying about structure at all. But then it backs off as many positions as necessary until the final character is not something that might be sentence punctuation.
Quoting RFCs is not all that helpful in answering this question, because you will encounter URLs with semicolons (and commas for that matter). We had a Regex that did not handle semicolons and commas, and some of our users at NutshellMail complained because URLs containing them do in fact exist in the wild. Try building a dummy URL in Facebook or Twitter that contains a ';' or ',' and you will see that those two services encode the full URL properly.
I replaced the Regex we were using with the following pattern (and have tested that it works):
string regex = #"((www\.|(http|https|ftp|news|file)+\:\/\/)[_.a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9\/_:#=.+?,##%&~_-]*[^.|\'|\# |!|\(|?|,| |>|<|;|\)])";
This Regex came from http://rickyrosario.com/blog/converting-a-url-into-a-link-in-csharp-using-regular-expressions/ (with a slight modification)

How to reject names (people and companies) using whitelists with C# regex's?

I've run into a few problems using a C# regex to implement a whitelist of allowed characters on web inputs. I am trying to avoid SQL injection and XSS attacks. I've read that whitelists of the allowable characters are the way to go.
The inputs are people names and company names.
Some of the problems are:
Company names that have ampersands. Like "Jim & Sons". The ampersand is important, but it is risky.
Unicode characters in names (we have asian customers for example), that enter their names using their character sets. I need to whitelist all these.
Company names can have all kinds of slashes, like "S/A" and "S\A". Are those risky?
I find myself wanting to allow almost every character after seeing all the data that is in the DB already (and being entered by new users).
Any suggestions for a good whitelist that will handle these (and other) issues?
NOTE: It's a legacy system, so I don't have control of all the code. I was hoping to reduce the number of attacks by preventing bad data from getting into the system in the first place.
This SO thread has a lot of good discussion on protecting yourself from injection attacks.
In short:
Filter your input as best as you can
Escape your strings using framework based methods
Parameterize your sql statements
In your case, you can limit the name field to a small character set. The company field will be more difficult, and you need to consider and balance your users need for freedom of entry with your need for site security. As others have said, trying to write your own custom sanitation methods is tricky and risky. Keep it simple and protect yourself through your architecture - don't simply rely on strings being "safe", even after sanitization.
To clarify - if you're trying to develop a whitelist, it's not something that the community can hand out, since it's entirely dependent on the data you want. But let's look at a example of a regex whitelist, perhaps for names. Say I've whitelisted A-Z and a-z and space.
Regex reWhiteList = new Regex("^[A-Za-z ]+$")
That checks to see if the entire string is composed of those characters. Note that a string with a number, a period, a quote, or anything else would NOT match this regex and thus would fail the whitelist.
if (reWhiteList.IsMatch(strInput))
// it's ok, proceed to step 2
// it's not ok, inform user they've entered invalid characters and try again
Hopefully this helps some more! With names and company names you'll have a tough-to-impossible time developing a rigorous pattern to check against, but you can do a simple allowable character list, as I showed here.
Do not try to sanitize names, especially with regex!
Just make sure that you are properly escaping the values and saving them safely in your DB, and them escaping them back when presenting in HTML
Company names might have almost any kind of symbol in them, so I don't know how well this is going to work for you. I'd concentrate on shielding yourself directly from various attacks, not hoping that your strings are "naturally" safe.
(Certainly they can have ampersands, colons, semicolons, exclamation points, hyphens, percent signs, and all kinds of other things that could be "unsafe" in a host of contexts.)
Why filter or regex the data at all, or even escape it, you should be using bind variables to access the database.
This way, the customer could enter something like: anything' OR 'x'='x
And your application doesn't care because your SQL code doesn't parse the variable because it's not set when you prepare the statement. I.e.
'SELECT count(username) FROM usertable WHERE username = ? and password = ?'
then you execute that code with those variables set.
This works in PHP, PERL, J2EE applications, and so on.
I think writing your own regexp is not a good idea: it would be very hard. Try leveraging existing functions of your web framework, there is lots of resources on the net. If you say C#, I assume you are using ASP.NET, try the following article:
How To: Protect From Injection Attacks in ASP.NET
This is my current regex WHITELIST for a company name. Any input outside of these characters is rejected:
"^[0-9\p{L} '\-\.,\/\&]{0,50}$"
The \p{L} matches any unicode "letter". So, the accents and asian characters are whitelisted.
The \& is a bit problematic because it potentially allows javascript special characters.
The \' is problematic if not using parameterized queries, because of SQL injection.
The \- could allow "--", also a potential for SQL injection if not using parameterized queries.
Also, the \p{L} won't work client-side, so you can't use it in the ASP.NET regular expression validator without disabling clientside validation:

CAtlRegExp for a regular expression that matches 4 characters max

Short version:
How can I get a regex that matches a#a.aaaa but not a#a.aaaaa using CAtlRegExp ?
Long version:
I'm using CAtlRegExp http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/k3zs4axe(VS.80).aspx to try to match email addresses. I want to use the regex
extracted from here.
But the syntax that CAtlRegExp accepts is different than the one used there. This regex returns the error REPARSE_ERROR_BRACKET_EXPECTED, you can check for yourself using this app: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/string/mfcregex.aspx
Using said app, I created this regex:
But the problem is this matches a#a.aaaaa as valid, I need it to match 4 characters maximum for the op-level domain.
So, how can I get a regex that matches a#a.aaaa but not a#a.aaaaa ?
Try: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\._%\+\-]+#([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.)+\c\c\c?\c?$
This expression replaces the [A-Z]{2,4} sequence which CAtlRegExp doesn't support with \c\c\c?\c?
\c serves as an abbreviation of [a-zA-Z]. The question marks after the 3rd and 4th \c's indicate they can match either zero or one characters. As a result, this portion of the expression matches 2, 3 or 4 characters, but neither more nor less.
You are trying to match email addresses, a very widely used critical element of internet communication.
To which I would say that this job is best done with the most widely used most correct regex.
Since email address format rules are described by RFC822, it seems useful to do internet searches for something like "RFC822 email regex".
For Perl the answer seems to be easy: use Mail::RFC822::Address: regexp-based address validation
RFC 822 Email Address Parser in PHP
Thus, to achieve the most correct handling of email addresses, one should either locate the most precise regex that there is out somewhere for the particular toolkit (ATL in your case) or - in case there's no suitable existing regex yet - adapt a very precise regex of another toolkit (Perl above seems to be a very complete albeit difficult candidate).
If you're trying to match a specific sub part of email addresses (as seems to be the case given your question), then it probably still makes sense to start with the most up-to-date/correct/universal regex and specifically limit it to the parts that you require.
Perhaps I stated the obvious, but I hope it helped.