c++ DLL\static library name issue - c++

I have problem that I am completely dumbfounded by and am hopping someone can point me in the right direction.
I have a DLL which has a static library linked in. In the DLL I have a function with the following signature and beginning:
CellMatrix BasisSwapFlows(double spread, const std::string & convention, int startDate, int endDate, bool forceEOM, const CellMatrix & returnSide, bool explode)
CashFlow::Vector flows(basisSwapFlows(spread, getBasisSwapConvention(convention), XLDate(startDate), XLDate(endDate), forceEOM));
In there I call a function from the static library with the signature:
CashFlow::Vector basisSwapFlows(double spread, const BasisSwapConvention & convention, const XLDate & startDate, const XLDate & endDate, bool forceEOM)
When I compile and run this in release mode then during the call to the static lib, the first parameter (spread) seems to be uninitilized. However, at the call site (in the DLL) it clearly is. This does not happen in Debug Mode. Also, if before the call to the static lib I make a copy of the argument i.e.:
double spread_loc(spread);
CashFlow::Vector flows(basisSwapFlows(spread_loc, getBasisSwapConvention(convention), XLDate(startDate), XLDate(endDate), forceEOM));
and pass that, the problem does not occur. Finally, if I modify the name of the static lib function to say basisSwapFlows_v2 the problem again goes away. However, reordering the parameters does nothing.
I'm using the VS2010 C++ compiler. Please let me know if there is any other info I can provide.
Edit: I also discovered that this problem goes away when I turn off optimization in the release build in both libraries. In fact, just disabling optimization in the DLL makes the problem go away.
Edit 2: Also discovered that just turning off Whole Program Optimization but leaving each project of Full Optimization resolves the problem.
Edit 3: Leaving all optimization on but taking the parameter by const ref also fixes the problem.

This very well could be an issue of using different versions of the stl. When you use runtime c++ libraries it is crucial that the same compiler with the same options was used in the client and linked library. Is it possible that you are calling the debug version of the library with the release version of the client or visa versea

The DLL and the static library must be compiled under the same conditions, that is memory alignment (byte, word, long), calling conentions (which is probably satisfied here) and same type lengthes (for example int might take 4 bytes on one compiler/switches and 2 bytes on another).


std::string is different when passed to method

I'm using an external library (Qpid Proton C++) in my Visual Studio project.
The API includes a method like:
container::connect(const std::string &url) {...}
I call it in my code this way:
but when debugging, stepping into the library's function, the string gets interpreted in the wrong way, with a size of some millions chars, and unintelligible content.
What could be the cause for this?
You need to put the breakpoint inside the function and not at the function declaration level, where the variable exists but is not yet initialized.
Just in case someone runs into a similar problem, as Alan Birtles was mentioning in his comment, one possible cause is having the library and your code using different C++ runtimes, and that turned out to be the case this time.
In general, as stated in this page from Visual C++ documentation,
If you're using CRT (C Runtime) or STL (Standard Template Library) types, don't pass them between binaries (including DLLs) that were compiled by using different versions of the compiler.
which is exactly what was going on.

difference between Load DLL and Direct Call

i think is very stupid, but I can't understand,
for example, I want use Windows API like GetWindowsDirectory, GetSystemInfo and etc... I can use Api directly or calling through GetProcAddress :
Method 1
here I can calling APIs with LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress :
#include <windows.h>
typedef UINT (WINAPI *GET_WIN_DIR)(LPWSTR lpBuffer, UINT size);
TCHAR infoBuffer[MAX_PATH + 1];
HINSTANSE dllLoad = LoadLibrary("Kernel32.dll");
GET_WIN_DIR function = (GET_WIN_DIR )GetProcAddress(dllLoad, "GetWindowsDirectoryW");
int result = function2(infoBuffer, MAX_PATH + 1);
Method 2
here I can calling directly APIs like GetWindowsDirectory :
#include <windows.h>
TCHAR infoBuffer[MAX_PATH + 1];
GetWindowsDirectory(infoBuffer, MAX_PATH);
I have 2 question :
What is the difference between the two methods above?
is it load Library impact on executable file?(.exe)(I did test, but it'snot changed)
Microsoft calls
Method 1 ... Explicit linking
Method 2 ... Implicit linking
From MSDN Linking an Executable to a DLL:
Implicit linking is sometimes referred to as static load or load-time dynamic linking. Explicit linking is sometimes referred to as dynamic load or run-time dynamic linking.
With implicit linking, the executable using the DLL links to an import library (.lib file) provided by the maker of the DLL. The operating system loads the DLL when the executable using it is loaded. The client executable calls the DLL's exported functions just as if the functions were contained within the executable.
With explicit linking, the executable using the DLL must make function calls to explicitly load and unload the DLL and to access the DLL's exported functions. The client executable must call the exported functions through a function pointer.
An executable can use the same DLL with either linking method. Furthermore, these mechanisms are not mutually exclusive, as one executable can implicitly link to a DLL and another can attach to it explicitly.
In our projects we use implicit linking in any common case.
We use the explicit linking exceptionally in two situations:
for plug-in DLLs which are loaded explicitly at run-time
in special cases where the implicit linked function is not the right one.
The 2nd case may happen if we use DLLs which themselves link to distinct versions of other DLLs (e.g. from Microsoft). This is, of course, a bit critical. Actually, we try to prevent the 2nd case.
No, I don't think it's stupid at all. If you don't understand, ask. That's what this site is for. Maybe you'll get downvoted, who knows, but not by me. Goes with the territory. No pain, no gain, ask me how I know.
Anyway, the main purpose of what #Scheff calls 'explicit linking' is twofold:
If you're not sure whether the the DLL you want to use to is going to be present on the machine at runtime (although you can also use /DELAYLOAD for this which is a lot more convenient).
If you're not sure if the function you want to call is present in (for example) all versions of Windows on which you want your application to run.
Regard point 1, an example of this might be reading or writing WMA files. Some older versions of Windows did not include WMA support by default (we're going back quite a long way here) and if you implicitly link to WMA.DLL then your application won't start up if it's not present. Using explicit linking (or /DELAYLOAD) lets you check for this at runtime and put up a polite message if it's missing while still allowing the rest of your app to function as normal.
As for point 2, you might, for example, want to make use of the LoadIconWithScaleDown() function because it generally produces a nicer scaled icon than LoadIcon(). However, if you just blindly call it then, again, your app wont run on XP because XP doesn't support it, so you would instead call it conditionally, via GetProcAddress(), if it's available and fall back to LoadIcon() if not.
Okay, so to round off, what's the deal with /DELAYLOAD? Well, this is a linker switch that lets you tell the linker which DLL's are optional for your app. Once you've done that, then you can do something like this:
if (LoadIconWithScaleDown)
LoadIconWithScaleDown (...);
LoadIcon (...);
And that is pretty neat.
So I hope you can now see that this question is really about the utility of explicit linking versus the inconvenience involved (all of which goes way anyway with /DELAYLOAD). What goes on under the covers is, for me, less interesting.
And yes, the end result, in terms of the way the program behaves, is the same. Explicit linking or delay loading might involve a small (read: tiny) performance overhead but I really wouldn't worry about that, and delay loading involves a few potential 'gotchas' (which won't affect most normal mortals) as detailed here.

C++ Passing std::string by reference to function in dll

I have the problem with passing by reference std::string to function in dll.
This is function call:
CAFC AFCArchive;
std::string sSSS = std::string("data\\gtasa.afc");
This is function header:
#define AFCLIBDLL_API __declspec(dllimport)
AFCLIBDLL_API EAFCErrors CAFC::OpenArchive(std::string const &_sFileName);
I try to debug pass-by-step through calling the function and look at _sFileName value inside function.
_sFileName in function sets any value(for example, t4gs..\n\t).
I try to detect any heap corruption, but compiler says, that there is no error.
DLL has been compiled in debug settings. .exe programm compiled in debug too.
What's wrong?? Help..!
P.S. I used Visual Studio 2013. WinApp.
I have change header of func to this code:
AFCLIBDLL_API EAFCErrors CAFC::CreateArchive(char const *const _pArchiveName)
std::string _sArchiveName(_pArchiveName);
I really don't know, how to fix this bug...
About heap: it is allocated in virtual memory of our process, right? In this case, shared virtual memory is common.
The issue has little to do with STL, and everything to do with passing objects across application boundaries.
1) The DLL and the EXE must be compiled with the same project settings. You must do this so that the struct alignment and packing are the same, the members and member functions do not have different behavior, and even more subtle, the low-level implementation of a reference and reference parameters is exactly the same.
2) The DLL and the EXE must use the same runtime heap. To do this, you must use the DLL version of the runtime library.
You would have encountered the same problem if you created a class that does similar things (in terms of memory management) as std::string.
Probably the reason for the memory corruption is that the object in question (std::string in this case) allocates and manages dynamically allocated memory. If the application uses one heap, and the DLL uses another heap, how is that going to work if you instantiated the std::string in say, the DLL, but the application is resizing the string (meaning a memory allocation could occur)?
C++ classes like std::string can be used across module boundaries, but doing so places significant constraints on the modules. Simply put, both modules must use the same instance of the runtime.
So, for instance, if you compile one module with VS2013, then you must do so for the other module. What's more, you must link to the dynamic runtime rather than statically linking the runtime. The latter results in distinct runtime instances in each module.
And it looks like you are exporting member functions. That also requires a common shared runtime. And you should use __declspec(dllexport) on the entire class rather than individual members.
If you control both modules, then it is easy enough to meet these requirements. If you wish to let other parties produce one or other of the modules, then you are imposing a significant constraint on those other parties. If that is a problem, then consider using more portable interop. For example, instead of std::string use const char*.
Now, it's possible that you are already using a single shared instance of the dynamic runtime. In which case the error will be more prosaic. Perhaps the calling conventions do not match. Given the sparse level of detail in your question, it's hard to say anything with certainty.
I encountered similar problem.
I resolved it synchronizing Configuration Properties -> C / C++ settings.
If you want debug mode:
Set _DEBUG definition in Preprocessor Definitions in both projects.
Set /MDd in Code Generation -> Runtime Library in both projects.
If you want release mode:
Remove _DEBUG definition in Preprocessor Definitions in both projects.
Set /MD in Code Generation -> Runtime Library in both projects.
Both projects I mean exe and dll project.
It works for me especially if I don't want to change any settings of dll but only adjust to them.

memory address of a member variable of argument objects changes when dll function is called

class SomeClass
//some members
MemberClass one_of_the_mem_;
I have a function foo( SomeClass *object ) within a dll, it is being called from an exe.
address of one_of_the_mem_ changes during the time the dll call is dispatched.
before the call is made (from exe):
'&(this).one_of_the_mem_' - `0x00e913d0`
after - in the dll itself :
'&(this).one_of_the_mem_' - `0x00e913dc`
The address of object remains constant. It is only the member whose address shift by c every time.
I want some pointers regarding how can I troubleshoot this problem.
Code :
Code from Exe
stat = module->init ( this,
Code in DLL
Status_C ModuleClass( SomeClass *object, int index, Config *conf, const char* name)
Update 1:
I compared the Offsets of members following Michael's instruction and they are the same in both cases.
Update 2:
I found a way to dump the class layout and noticed the difference in size, I have to figure out why is that happening though.
linked is the question that I found to dump class layout.
Update 3:
Final Update : Solved the problem, much thanks to Michael Burr.
it turned out that one of the build was using 32 bit time, _USE_32BIT_TIME_T was defined in it and the other one was using 64 bit time. So it generated the different layout for the object, attached is the difference file.
Your DLL was probably compiled with different set of compiler options (or maybe even a slightly different header file) and the class layout is different as a result.
For example, if one was built using debug flags and other wasn't or even if different compiler versions were used. For example, the libraries used by different compiler versions might have subtle differences and if your class incorporates a type defined by the library you could have different layouts.
As a concrete example, with Microsoft's compiler iterators and containers are sensitive to release/debug, _SECURE_SCL on/off , and _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING on/off setting (at least up though VS 2008 - VS 2010 may have changed some of this to a certain extent). See http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/352699/secure-scl-is-broken-in-release-builds for some details.
These kinds of issues make using C++ classes across DLL boundaries a bit more fragile than using straight C interfaces. They can occur in C structures as well, but it seems like C++ libraries have these differences more often (I think that's the nature of having richer functionality).
Another layout-changing issue that occurs every now and then is having a different structure packing option in effect in the different compiles. One thing that can 'hide' this is that pragmas are often used in headers to set structure packing to a certain value, and sometimes you may come across a header that does this without changing it back to the default (or more correctly the previous setting). If you have such a header, it's easy to have it included in the build for one module, but not another.
that sounds a bit wierd, you should show more code, it should 'move' if it being passed by ref, it sounds more like a copy of it is being made and that having the member function called.
Perhaps the DLL versions is compiled against a different version that you are referencing. check and make sure the header file is for the same version as the dll.
Recompile the library if you can.

Why is my parameter passed by reference not modified within the function?

I have got a C function in a static library, let's call it A, with the following interface :
int A(unsigned int a, unsigned long long b, unsigned int *y, unsigned char *z);
This function will change the value of y an z (this is for sure). I use it from within a dynamic C++ library, using extern "C".
Now, here is what stune me :
y is properly set, z is not changed. What I exactly mean is that if both are initialized with a (pointed) value of 666, the value pointed by y will have changed after the call but not the value pointed by z (still 666).
when called from a C binary, this function works seamlessly (value
pointed by z is modified).
if I create a dummy C library with a function having the same prototype, and I use it from within my dynamic C++ library, it works very well. If I re-use the same variables to call A(..), I get the same result as before, z is not changed.
I think that the above points show that it is not a stupid mistake with the declaration of my variables.
I am clearly stuck, and I can't change the C library. Do you have any clue on what can be the problem ?
I was thinking about a problem on the C/C++ interface, per instance the way a char* is interpreted.
Edit : I finally found out what was the problem. See below my answer.
It looks like a difference between the the way your C library and C++ compiler is dealing with long longs. My guess is that it is that the C library is probably pre C89 standard and actually treating the 64bit long long as a 32bit long. Your C++ library is handling it correctly and placing 64bits on the call stack and hence corrupting y and z. Maybe try calling the function through *int A(unsigned int a, unsigned long b, unsigned int *y, unsigned char z), and see what you get.
Just a thought.
This is one of those questions where there's nothing obviously wrong from what you've described, yet things aren't working the way you expect.
I think you should edit your post to give a lot more information in order to get some sensible answers. In particular, let's start with:-
What platform is this code for:
Windows, linux, something embedded
or ...?
What compiler is the C
static library built with?
compiler is the C++ dynamic library
built with?
What compiler is the C
which can successfully call the
library built with?
Do you have a
source-level debugger? If so, can
you step into the C code from the
Unless you're wrong about A always modifying the data pointed to by Z, the only likely cause of your problem is an incompatibility between the parameter passing conventions . The "long long" issue may be a hint that things are not as they seem.
As a last resort, you could compare the disassembled C++ calling code (which you say fails) and the C calling code (which you say succeeds), or step through the CPU instructions with the debugger (yes, really - you'll learn a good skill as well as solving the problem)
As far as I know, long long is not part of standard C++, maybe that is the source of your problem.
dunno. Try to debug-step into A and see what happens (assembly code alert!)
Maybe you can wrap the original function in a C library that you call from your C++ library?
Based on your points 2 and 3, it seems like this could work.
If it doesn't, it gives you another debug point to find more clues - see which of your libraries the failure first pops up in, and check why 2 and 3 work, but this doesn't - what is the minimal difference?
You could also try to examine the stack that is set up by your function call in each case to check if the difference is here -- considering different calling conventions.
Step 1: Compare the pointers y and z passed from the C++ side with those received by the C function.
P.S. I don't want to sound obvious, but just double-checking here. I suppose when you say that z is modified just fine when called from a C binary, you mean that the data where z is pointing is modified just fine. The pointers y and z themselves are passed by value, so you can't change the pointers.
Another wild guess: are you sure you're linking against the right instance of the function in your C library? Could it be that there are several such functions available in your libraries? In C the linker doesn't care about the return type or the parameter list when deciding how to resolve a function -- only the name is important. So, if you have multiple functions with the same name...
You could programmatically verify the identity of the function. Create a C library that calls your function A with some test parameters and that works fine and that prints the pointer to function A. Link the library into your C++ app. Then print the pointer to the original A function as seen from the C++ code and compare the pointer with that seen by your C library when invoked in the same process.
Again, an obvious one, but who knows... Are you sure the C function you're invoking is stateless, meaning its output depends only on its inputs? If the function isn't stateless, then it might be that the "hidden" state is responsible for the different behavior (not changing the data pointed to by z) of the function when invoked from your C++ app.
First of all, I am very grateful to everyone for your help.
Thanks to the numerous ideas and clues you gave me, I have been able to finally sort out this problem. Your advices helped me to question what I took for granted.
Short answer to my problem : The problem was that my C++ library used an old version of the C library. This old version missed the 4th argument. As a consequence, the 4th argument was obviously never changed.
I am a bit ashamed now that I realised this was the problem. However, I was misslead by the fact that my code was compiling fine. This was due to the fact that the C++ library compiled against the correct version of the C lib, but at runtime it used the old version statically linked with another library that I was using.
C++ Lib (M) ---> dyn C++ lib (N) ---> C lib (P) v.1.0
------> C lib (P) v.1.1
(N) is a dynamic library which is statically linked with (P) version 1.0.
The compiler accepted the call from (M) to the function with 4 arguments because I linked against (P) version 1.1, but at runtime it used the old version of (P).
Feel free to edit this answer or the question or to ask me to do so.
In your C++ program, is the prototype declared with extern "C"?