compare function in lower bound - c++

I have following structure
enum quality { good = 0, bad, uncertain };
struct Value {
int time;
int value;
quality qual;
class MyClass {
MyClass() {
void InsertValues();
int GetLocationForTime(int time);
vector<Value> valueContainer;
void MyClass::InsertValues() {
for(int num = 0; num < 5; num++) {
Value temp;
temp.time = num;
temp.value = num+1;
temp.qual = num % 2;
int MyClass::GetLocationForTime(int time)
// How to use lower bound here.
return 0;
In above code I have been thrown with lot of compile errors. I think I am doing wrong here I am new to STL programming and can you please correct me where is the error? Is there better to do this?

The predicate needs to take two parameters and return bool.
As your function is a member function it has the wrong signature.
In addition, you may need to be able to compare Value to int, Value to Value, int to Value and int to int using your functor.
struct CompareValueAndTime
bool operator()( const Value& v, int time ) const
return v.time < time;
bool operator()( const Value& v1, const Value& v2 ) const
return v1.time < v2.time;
bool operator()( int time1, int time2 ) const
return time1 < time2;
bool operator()( int time, const Value& v ) const
return time < v.time;
That is rather cumbersome, so let's reduce it:
struct CompareValueAndTime
int asTime( const Value& v ) const // or static
return v.time;
int asTime( int t ) const // or static
return t;
template< typename T1, typename T2 >
bool operator()( T1 const& t1, T2 const& t2 ) const
return asTime(t1) < asTime(t2);
std::lower_bound(valueContainer.begin(), valueContainer.end(), time,
CompareValueAndTime() );
There are a couple of other errors too, e.g. no semicolon at the end of the class declaration, plus the fact that members of a class are private by default which makes your whole class private in this case. Did you miss a public: before the constructor?
Your function GetLocationForTime doesn't return a value. You need to take the result of lower_bound and subtract begin() from it. The function should also be const.
If the intention of this call is to insert here, then consider the fact that inserting in the middle of a vector is an O(N) operation and therefore vector may be the wrong collection type here.
Note that the lower_bound algorithm only works on pre-sorted collections. If you want to be able to look up on different members without continually resorting, you will want to create indexes on these fields, possibly using boost's multi_index

One error is that the fourth argument to lower_bound (compareValue in your code) cannot be a member function. It can be a functor or a free function. Making it a free function which is a friend of MyClass seems to be the simplest in your case. Also you are missing the return keyword.
class MyClass {
MyClass() { InsertValues(); }
void InsertValues();
int GetLocationForTime(int time);
friend bool compareValue(const Value& lhs, const Value& rhs)
return lhs.time < rhs.time;

Class keyword must start from lower c - class.
struct Value has wrong type qualtiy instead of quality
I dont see using namespace std to use STL types without it.
vector<value> - wrong type value instead of Value
You have to check it first before posting here with such simple errors i think.
And main problem here that comparison function cant be member of class. Use it as free function:
bool compareValue(const Value lhs, const int time) {
return lhs.time < time ;

class is the keyword and not "Class":
class MyClass {
And its body should be followed by semicolon ;.
There can be other errors, but you may have to paste them in the question for further help.

You just want to make compareValue() a normal function. The way you have implemented it right now, you need an object of type MyClass around. The way std::lower_bound() will try to call it, it will just pass in two argument, no extra object. If you really want it the function to be a member, you can make it a static member.
That said, there is a performance penalty for using functions directly. You might want to have comparator type with an inline function call operator:
struct MyClassComparator {
bool operator()(MyClass const& m0, MyClass const& m1) const {
return m0.time < m1.time;
... and use MyClassComparator() as comparator.


when I am using this comparator function without static keyword it giving error [duplicate]

trying to compile the following code I get this compile error, what can I do?
ISO C++ forbids taking the address of
an unqualified or parenthesized
non-static member function to form a
pointer to member function.
class MyClass {
int * arr;
// other member variables
MyClass() { arr = new int[someSize]; }
doCompare( const int & i1, const int & i2 ) { // use some member variables }
doSort() { std::sort(arr,arr+someSize, &doCompare); }
doCompare must be static. If doCompare needs data from MyClass you could turn MyClass into a comparison functor by changing:
doCompare( const int & i1, const int & i2 ) { // use some member variables }
bool operator () ( const int & i1, const int & i2 ) { // use some member variables }
and calling:
doSort() { std::sort(arr, arr+someSize, *this); }
Also, isn't doSort missing a return value?
I think it should be possible to use std::mem_fun and some sort of binding to turn the member function into a free function, but the exact syntax evades me at the moment.
EDIT: Doh, std::sort takes the function by value which may be a problem. To get around this wrap the function inside the class:
class MyClass {
struct Less {
Less(const MyClass& c) : myClass(c) {}
bool operator () ( const int & i1, const int & i2 ) {// use 'myClass'}
MyClass& myClass;
doSort() { std::sort(arr, arr+someSize, Less(*this)); }
As Andreas Brinck says, doCompare must be static (+1). If you HAVE TO have a state in your comparator function (using the other members of the class) then you'd better use a functor instead of a function (and that will be faster):
class MyClass{
// ...
struct doCompare
doCompare( const MyClass& info ) : m_info(info) { } // only if you really need the object state
const MyClass& m_info;
bool operator()( const int & i1, const int & i2 )
// comparison code using m_info
{ std::sort( arr, arr+someSize, doCompare(*this) ); }
Using a functor is always better, just longer to type (that can be unconvenient but oh well...)
I think you can also use std::bind with the member function but I'm not sure how and that wouldn't be easy to read anyway.
UPDATE 2014: Today we have access to c++11 compilers so you could use a lambda instead, the code would be shorter but have the exact same semantic.
The solution proposed by Rob is now valid C++11 (no need for Boost):
void doSort()
using namespace std::placeholders;
std::sort(arr, arr+someSize, std::bind(&MyClass::doCompare, this, _1, _2));
Indeed, as mentioned by Klaim, lambdas are an option, a bit more verbose (you have to "repeat" that the arguments are ints):
void doSort()
std::sort(arr, arr+someSize, [this](int l, int r) {return doCompare(l, r); });
C++14 supports auto here:
void doSort()
std::sort(arr, arr+someSize, [this](auto l, auto r) {return doCompare(l, r); });
but still, you declared that arguments are passed by copy.
Then the question is "which one is the most efficient". That question was treated by Travis Gockel: Lambda vs Bind. His benchmark program gives on my computer (OS X i7)
Clang 3.5 GCC 4.9
lambda 1001 7000
bind 3716166405 2530142000
bound lambda 2438421993 1700834000
boost bind 2925777511 2529615000
boost bound lambda 2420710412 1683458000
where lambda is a lambda used directly, and lambda bound is a lambda stored in a std::function.
So it appears that lambdas are a better option, which is not too much of a surprise since the compiler is provided with higher level information from which it can make profit.
You can use boost::bind:
void doSort() {
std::sort(arr,arr+someSize, boost::bind(&MyClass::doCompare, this, _1, _2));
There is a way to do what you want, but you need to use a small adaptor. As the STL doesn't write it for you, can can write it yourself:
template <class Base, class T>
struct adaptor_t
typedef bool (Base::*method_t)(const T& t1, const T& t2));
adaptor_t(Base* b, method_t m)
: base(b), method(m)
adaptor_t(const adaptor_t& copy) : base(copy.base), method(copy.method) {}
bool operator()(const T& t1, const T& t2) const {
return (base->*method)(t1, t2);
Base *base;
method_t method;
template <class Base, class T>
adaptor_t<Base,T> adapt_method(Base* b, typename adaptor_t<Base,T>::method_t m)
{ return adaptor_t<Base,T>(b,m); }
Then, you can use it:
doSort() { std::sort(arr,arr+someSize, adapt_method(this, &doCompare)); }
The third argument in the calling of std::sort() is not compatible to the function pointer needed by std::sort(). See my answer to another question for a detailed explanation for why a member function signature is different from a regular function signature.
just make your helper function, static which you are going to pass inside the sort function.
for e.g
struct Item
int val;
int id;
//Compare function for our Item struct
static bool compare(Item a, Item b)
return b.val>a.val;
Now you can pass this inside your sort function
A very simple way to effectively use a member function is to use operator<. That is, if you have a function called compare, you can call it from operator<. Here is a working example:
class Qaz
Qaz(int aX): x(aX) { }
bool operator<(const Qaz& aOther) const
return compare(*this,aOther);
static bool compare(const Qaz& aP,const Qaz& aQ)
return aP.x < aQ.x;
int x;
Then you don't even need to give the function name to std::sort:
std::vector<Qaz> q;
Updating Graham Asher answer, as you don't need the compare but can use the less operator directly.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
class Qaz {
Qaz(int aX): x(aX) { }
bool operator<(const Qaz& aOther) const {
return x < aOther.x;
int x;
int main() {
std::vector<Qaz> q;
for (auto& num : q)
std::cout << num.x << "\n";
char c;
std::cin >> c;
return 0;

std::unordered_set of pointers

I have the following struct
struct MyClass {
int myInt;
std::map<int, int> myMap;
I want to use unordered_set<MyClass*, PointedObjHash, PointedObEq> but I can't find a valid way to declare PointedObEq.
I tried
struct PointedObjHash {
size_t operator() (MyClass* const& c) const {
std::size_t seed = 0;
boost::hash_combine(seed, c->myInt);
boost::hash_combine(seed, c->myMap);
return seed;
and I hope it is fine, but I can't find a way to declare PointedObjEq
--- EDIT ---
If declare operator== inside the class debug never breaks, but I think 'cause MyClass == MyClass* never happens...
struct MyClass {
bool operator==(MyClass* const& c) {
return this->myInt == c->myInt & this->myMap == c->myMap;
If declare operator== inside the class debug never breaks, but I think 'cause MyClass == MyClass* never happens...
The unordered_set needs to use operator== (or PointedObjEq) to double-check the results of the hash function. The hash provides approximate equality, the equality function is used to weed out false positives.
If you've tested adding the same value to the set twice, then you've tested the equality function. To be sure, of course, you can have it print something to the console.
Since it's impossible to define an operator== function with two pointer operands, the PointedObjEq class will be necessary. Note that it takes a MyClass const * on both sides. Also, there's no need to use a reference to a pointer.
struct PointedObjEq {
bool operator () ( MyClass const * lhs, MyClass const * rhs ) const {
return lhs->myInt == rhs->myInt
&& lhs->myMap == rhs->myMap;
This should do:
struct PointedObEq {
bool operator()(MyClass const * lhs, MyClass const * rhs) const {
return lhs->myInt == rhs->myInt && lhs->myMap == rhs->myMap;
The reason why your solution does not work is because you have effectively written a mechanism to compare a MyClass with a MyClass*, when you actually need something to compare a MyClass* with a MyClass*.
P.S.: My original answer passed the pointers by const&. Thinking about it, that's a strange coding style, so I changed it to pass the pointers by value.
typedef MyClass* PtrMyClass;
struct PointedObjCompare
{ // functor for operator==
bool operator()(const PtrMyClass& lhs, const PtrMyClass& rhs) const
// your code goes here
std::unordered_set < MyClass*, PointedObjHash, PointedObjCompare > myset;

Sorting just two elements using STL

Quite often I have two variables foo1 and foo2 which are numeric types. They represent the bounds of something.
A user supplies values for them, but like a recalcitrant musician, not necessarily in the correct order!
So my code is littered with code like
if (foo2 < foo1){
std::swap(foo2, foo1);
Of course, this is an idiomatic sort with two elements not necessarily contiguous in memory. Which makes me wonder: is there a STL one-liner for this?
I suggest to take a step back and let the type system do the job for you: introduce a type like Bounds (or Interval) which takes care of the issue. Something like
template <typename T>
class Interval {
Interval( T start, T end ) : m_start( start ), m_end( end ) {
if ( m_start > m_end ) {
std::swap( m_start, m_end );
const T &start() const { return m_start; }
const T &end() const { return m_end; }
T m_start, m_end;
This not only centralizes the swap-to-sort code, it also helps asserting the correct order very early on so that you don't pass around two elements all the time, which means that you don't even need to check the order so often in the first place.
An alternative approach to avoid the issue is to express the boundaries as a pair of 'start value' and 'length' where the 'length' is an unsigned value.
No, but when you notice you wrote the same code twice it's time to write a function for it:
template<typename T, typename P = std::less<T>>
void swap_if(T& a, T& b, P p = P()) {
if (p(a, b)) {
using std::swap;
swap(a, b);
std::minmax returns pair of smallest and largest element. Which you can use with std::tie.
#include <algorithm>
#include <tuple>
#include <iostream>
int main()
int a = 7;
int b = 5;
std::tie(a, b) = std::minmax({a,b});
std::cout << a << " " << b; // output: 5 7
Note that this isn't the same as the if(a < b) std::swap(a,b); version. For example this doesn't work with move-only elements.
if the data type of your value that you're going to compare is not already in c++. You need to overload the comparison operators.
For example, if you want to compare foo1 and foo2
template <class T>
class Foo {
int value; // value
int GetValue() const {
return value;
bool operator<(const Foo& lhs, const Foo& rhs) {
return (lhs.GetValue() < rhs.GetValue());
If your value is some type of int, or double. Then you can use the std::list<>::sort member function.
For example:
std::list<int> integer_list;
for(std::list<int>::iterator list_iter = int_list.begin(); list_iter != int_list.end(); list_iter++)

How to create a set with my customized comparison in c++

Could someone explain me what is going on in this example here?
They declare the following:
bool fncomp (int lhs, int rhs) {return lhs<rhs;}
And then use as:
bool(*fn_pt)(int,int) = fncomp;
std::set<int,bool(*)(int,int)> sixth (fn_pt)
While the example for the sort method in algorithm library here
can do like this:
bool myfunction (int i,int j) { return (i<j); }
std::sort (myvector.begin()+4, myvector.end(), myfunction);
I also didn't understand the following:
struct classcomp {
bool operator() (const int& lhs, const int& rhs) const
{return lhs<rhs;}
this keyword operator (not being followed by an operator as in a op. overload)... what is the meaning of it? Any operator applied there will have that behavior? And this const modifier... what is the effect caused by it?
I was trying to make a set of C-style string as follows:
typedef struct
char grid[7];
} wrap;
bool compare(wrap w1, wrap w2)
return strcmp(w1.grid, w2.grid) == -1;
set <wrap, compare> myset;
I thought I could create a set defining my sorting function in a similar as when I call sort from algorithm library... once it didn't compile I went to the documentation and saw this syntax that got me confused... Do I need to declare a pointer to a function as in the first example i pasted here?
struct classcomp {
bool operator() (const int& lhs, const int& rhs) const
{return lhs<rhs;}
Defines a functor by overloading the function call operator. To use a function you can do:
int main() {
std::set <wrap, bool (*)(wrap,wrap)> myset(compare);
return 0;
Another alternative is to define the operator as a part of the wrap class:
struct wrap {
char grid[7];
bool operator<(const wrap& rhs) const {
return strcmp(this->grid, rhs.grid) == -1;
int main() {
wrap a;
std::set <wrap> myset;
return 0;
You're almost there... here's a "fixed" version of your code (see it run here at
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
typedef struct
char grid[7];
} wrap;
bool compare(wrap w1, wrap w2) // more efficient: ...(const wrap& e1, const wrap# w2)
return strcmp(w1.grid, w2.grid) < 0;
set <wrap, bool(*)(wrap, wrap)> myset(compare);
int main() {
wrap w1 { "abcdef" };
wrap w2 { "ABCDEF" };
std::cout << myset.begin()->grid[0] << '\n';
"explain [to] me what is going on in this example"
Well, the crucial line is...
std::set<wrap, bool(*)(wrap, wrap)> myset(compare);
...which uses the second template parameter to specify the type of function that will perform comparisons, then uses the constructor argument to specify the function. The set object will store a pointer to the function, and invoke it when it needs to compare elements.
"the example for the sort method in algorithm library..."
std::sort in algorithm is great for e.g. vectors, which aren't automatically sorted as elements are inserted but can be sorted at any time. std::set though needs to maintain sorted order constantly, as the logic for inserting new elements, finding and erasing existing ones etc. all assumes the existing elements are always sorted. Consequently, you can't apply std::sort() to an existing std::set.
"this keyword operator (not being followed by an operator as in a op. overload)... what is the meaning of it? Any operator applied there will have that behavior? And this const modifier... what is the effect caused by it?
operator()(...) can be invoked on the object using the same notation used to call a function, e.g.:
classcomp my_classcomp;
if (my_classcomp(my_int1, my_int_2))
std::cout << "<\n";
As you can see, my_classcomp is "called" as if it were a function. The const modifier means that the code above works even if my_classcomp is defined as a const classcomp, because the comparison function does not need to modify any member variables of the classcomp object (if there were any data members).
You almost answered your question:
bool compare(wrap w1, wrap w2)
return strcmp(w1.grid, w2.grid) == -1;
struct wrap_comparer
bool operator()(const wrap& _Left, const wrap& _Right) const
return strcmp(_Left.grid, _Right.grid) == -1;
// declares pointer to function
bool(*fn_pt)(wrap,wrap) = compare;
// uses constructor with function pointer argument
std::set<wrap,bool(*)(wrap,wrap)> new_set(fn_pt);
// uses the function directly
std::set<wrap,bool(*)(wrap,wrap)> new_set2(compare);
// uses comparer
std::set<wrap, wrap_comparer> new_set3;
std::sort can use either a function pointer or a function object (, as well as std::set constructor.
const modifier after function signature means that function can't modify object state and so can be called on a const object.

problem sorting using member function as comparator

trying to compile the following code I get this compile error, what can I do?
ISO C++ forbids taking the address of
an unqualified or parenthesized
non-static member function to form a
pointer to member function.
class MyClass {
int * arr;
// other member variables
MyClass() { arr = new int[someSize]; }
doCompare( const int & i1, const int & i2 ) { // use some member variables }
doSort() { std::sort(arr,arr+someSize, &doCompare); }
doCompare must be static. If doCompare needs data from MyClass you could turn MyClass into a comparison functor by changing:
doCompare( const int & i1, const int & i2 ) { // use some member variables }
bool operator () ( const int & i1, const int & i2 ) { // use some member variables }
and calling:
doSort() { std::sort(arr, arr+someSize, *this); }
Also, isn't doSort missing a return value?
I think it should be possible to use std::mem_fun and some sort of binding to turn the member function into a free function, but the exact syntax evades me at the moment.
EDIT: Doh, std::sort takes the function by value which may be a problem. To get around this wrap the function inside the class:
class MyClass {
struct Less {
Less(const MyClass& c) : myClass(c) {}
bool operator () ( const int & i1, const int & i2 ) {// use 'myClass'}
MyClass& myClass;
doSort() { std::sort(arr, arr+someSize, Less(*this)); }
As Andreas Brinck says, doCompare must be static (+1). If you HAVE TO have a state in your comparator function (using the other members of the class) then you'd better use a functor instead of a function (and that will be faster):
class MyClass{
// ...
struct doCompare
doCompare( const MyClass& info ) : m_info(info) { } // only if you really need the object state
const MyClass& m_info;
bool operator()( const int & i1, const int & i2 )
// comparison code using m_info
{ std::sort( arr, arr+someSize, doCompare(*this) ); }
Using a functor is always better, just longer to type (that can be unconvenient but oh well...)
I think you can also use std::bind with the member function but I'm not sure how and that wouldn't be easy to read anyway.
UPDATE 2014: Today we have access to c++11 compilers so you could use a lambda instead, the code would be shorter but have the exact same semantic.
The solution proposed by Rob is now valid C++11 (no need for Boost):
void doSort()
using namespace std::placeholders;
std::sort(arr, arr+someSize, std::bind(&MyClass::doCompare, this, _1, _2));
Indeed, as mentioned by Klaim, lambdas are an option, a bit more verbose (you have to "repeat" that the arguments are ints):
void doSort()
std::sort(arr, arr+someSize, [this](int l, int r) {return doCompare(l, r); });
C++14 supports auto here:
void doSort()
std::sort(arr, arr+someSize, [this](auto l, auto r) {return doCompare(l, r); });
but still, you declared that arguments are passed by copy.
Then the question is "which one is the most efficient". That question was treated by Travis Gockel: Lambda vs Bind. His benchmark program gives on my computer (OS X i7)
Clang 3.5 GCC 4.9
lambda 1001 7000
bind 3716166405 2530142000
bound lambda 2438421993 1700834000
boost bind 2925777511 2529615000
boost bound lambda 2420710412 1683458000
where lambda is a lambda used directly, and lambda bound is a lambda stored in a std::function.
So it appears that lambdas are a better option, which is not too much of a surprise since the compiler is provided with higher level information from which it can make profit.
You can use boost::bind:
void doSort() {
std::sort(arr,arr+someSize, boost::bind(&MyClass::doCompare, this, _1, _2));
There is a way to do what you want, but you need to use a small adaptor. As the STL doesn't write it for you, can can write it yourself:
template <class Base, class T>
struct adaptor_t
typedef bool (Base::*method_t)(const T& t1, const T& t2));
adaptor_t(Base* b, method_t m)
: base(b), method(m)
adaptor_t(const adaptor_t& copy) : base(copy.base), method(copy.method) {}
bool operator()(const T& t1, const T& t2) const {
return (base->*method)(t1, t2);
Base *base;
method_t method;
template <class Base, class T>
adaptor_t<Base,T> adapt_method(Base* b, typename adaptor_t<Base,T>::method_t m)
{ return adaptor_t<Base,T>(b,m); }
Then, you can use it:
doSort() { std::sort(arr,arr+someSize, adapt_method(this, &doCompare)); }
The third argument in the calling of std::sort() is not compatible to the function pointer needed by std::sort(). See my answer to another question for a detailed explanation for why a member function signature is different from a regular function signature.
just make your helper function, static which you are going to pass inside the sort function.
for e.g
struct Item
int val;
int id;
//Compare function for our Item struct
static bool compare(Item a, Item b)
return b.val>a.val;
Now you can pass this inside your sort function
A very simple way to effectively use a member function is to use operator<. That is, if you have a function called compare, you can call it from operator<. Here is a working example:
class Qaz
Qaz(int aX): x(aX) { }
bool operator<(const Qaz& aOther) const
return compare(*this,aOther);
static bool compare(const Qaz& aP,const Qaz& aQ)
return aP.x < aQ.x;
int x;
Then you don't even need to give the function name to std::sort:
std::vector<Qaz> q;
Updating Graham Asher answer, as you don't need the compare but can use the less operator directly.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
class Qaz {
Qaz(int aX): x(aX) { }
bool operator<(const Qaz& aOther) const {
return x < aOther.x;
int x;
int main() {
std::vector<Qaz> q;
for (auto& num : q)
std::cout << num.x << "\n";
char c;
std::cin >> c;
return 0;