problems of installing kde runtime libraries on Linux - c++

I am trying to install kde runtime libraries for kscope on Linux (2.6.18-308.11.1.el5).
I have downloaded kde-runtime-4.9.2 from
But, in the downloaded files, I cannot find INSTALL or other help files about how to install it.
Any help will be appreciated.

This is what you can do(assuming you are not on kubuntu):
1) add kubuntu's backports to your existing ppa(to gain access to KDE libraries):
# sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports
2) Update the package index:
# sudo apt-get update
3) Install kdebase-runtime deb package:
# sudo apt-get install kdebase-runtime
this should work

kscope had it's latest release in 2008 and depends on KDE 3 libraries.
kdelibs 4 are incompatible with kdelibs 3. To get it running you need a distribution that still supports kde3. (or compile kde3 all yourself)
I suggest you use an alternative application - like KDevelop (you actually tagged your question with kdevelop)


Matplotlib install issues. Pip Centos - Freetype "Missing" when it is installed

I am using a virtualenv for a django setup. I am trying to build a view that pulls data from logs and then graphs the data. Eventually I would like to have this real-time and live. If you have any recommendations on other solutions that would suit my project best, please do not hesitate to include them in the comment fields below.
I have attempted to install matplotlib from pip using pip install matplotlib.
I receive the following message:
* The following required packages can not be built:
* freetype
I then validated that it was installed
yum install freetype
Package freetype-2.3.11-14.el6_3.1.x86_64 already installed and latest version
I then found that there is a python-matplotlib which is an older version .99. However, I want to keep this inside of the virtual environment and not system wide.
find / -name *freetype*
/var/lib/yum/yumdb/f/d2807dcfe3762c0b9f8ef1d9bf0f05788e73282a-freetype-2.3.11-14.el6_3.1- x86_64
I searched all over stackoverflow and only saw solutions for ubuntu which did not transfer over to centos.
Thank you for your time,
pip is going to compile matlibplot on your local machine, so you'll need freetype development headers installed as well.
CentOS 6+, Fedora, etc.:
$ sudo yum -y install freetype freetype-devel libpng-devel
On older operating systems (e.g. CentOS 5), you may run into a more specific freetype versioning issue with newer releases of matlibplot. If you're version agnostic, sticking with a legacy 1.3.x release will negate these dependency issues:
$ pip install matplotlib==1.3.1
Please note, you may need to downgrade your numpy to 1.8 in order to make matplotlib 1.3 work.
$ pip install numpy==1.8
Good luck!
I have just had a similar (albeit not exactly the same) situation. I'll write it up here as this page comes up among the first search results.
CentOS 5
pip install matplotlib complains about freetype
Both freetype and freetype-devel are installed.
~/.pip/pip.log provides the explanation of the problem. There is the line:
freetype: no [Requires freetype2 2.3 or later. Found 2.2.1.]
Obviously, the solution is either to upgrade freetype or downgrade matplotlib.
The second is easier (assuming I am OK with the older version).
pip install matplotlib==1.3.1 works fine.
On the matplotlib installation, this is what I did. Not sure if this is going to help you. Just followed the steps here:
I did not use pip, btw and have CentOS 6.4.
I had this happen to me in two different situations, see if yours is one of them:
freetype was installed, but not in the $PATH yet. Just exiting the shell and starting a new one fixed this.
I was building matplotlib from source, and trying to build from the master branch. After I switched to v1.3.x it correctly detected freetype.

Install boost version 1.40

I am using a server running with Ubuntu 12.04
I want to install the boost libraries in it. I know
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
will make the work done, but it installs the latest version version 1.52 or above.
But I need to install the particular version 1.40 as there is a problem in a simulator which I am using for my academic purpose. What is the particular command for that so that I can install the boost libraries along with the other requirements for it like the linking files
Thanks in advance
Quick answer: sudo apt-get install libboost-dev=
If it doesn't work, continue reading.
The apt-get does support installing a particular version of a package as long as it is in an archive that apt knows about. From the apt-get manpage:
A specific version of a package can be selected for installation by following the
package name with an equals and the version of the package to select. This will
cause that version to be located and selected for install. Alternatively a specific
distribution can be selected by following the package name with a slash and the version of
the distribution or the Archive name (stable, frozen, unstable).
For e.g. if you wanted to install apache 2.20 for Ubuntu, you would do something like:
sudo apt-get install apache2=2.2.20-1ubuntu1
Note that you may need to do some dependency resolution on your own in this case, but if there are any problems apt-get will tell you what is causing them. For e.g.(on 11.04)
sudo apt-get install apache2=2.2.20-1ubuntu1 \
apache2.2-common=2.2.20-1ubuntu1 \
apache2.2-bin=2.2.20-1ubuntu1 \
Note: You must first check if build 1.40 is still available. For that use:
aptitude search libboost
If aptitude search command don't give you sufficient results, try sudo aptitude update and then run aptitude search again.
You might have to investigate whether debs from earlier Ubuntu versions can be installed. i.e. remove the current package, download the debs and try installing them. But there could be dependency on older versions of the standard library.If so, you can probably try downloading the source from launchpad.
As a last resort, download from and build it - painfully!
EDIT: I see you have asked the same question on ubuntu forums and it seems that you have 1.48 as the default. You might have to build the library itself. Can you try this apt-get
sudo apt-get install libboost1.40-all-dev=1.40.0-4ubuntu4
If this doesn't work, you will have to build it and install it yourself. You can download the source from
Download source (1.40.0): libboost 1.40.0 source files
After it's installed, run the following command to hold your installed version, preventing the package manager from automatically updating it in the future:
sudo echo "[packagename] hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
Source:How to Downgrade Packages on Ubuntu
Generally you download sources, build it (some parts are not just headers like filesystem on Windows). Then you can select which subset of libraries you want to install (you can make compact version with only what you need). Then by invoking bootstrap script you build it to another directory this subset of libraries you want and then you invoke install.
Here is a pretty good description how to do it:

BLAS library incompatible with Fortran 77 compiler settings

I'm trying to install Octave-3.6.2 from source on Ubuntu 12.04 with KDE desktop but when I run the Octave configure script I get this error
BLAS library was detected but found incompatible with your Fortran 77
compiler settings
I used ./configure F77=gfortran as was suggested by numerous web searches and I've ensured that the alternatives system F77 files are moved out of harms way as per the comments in this SO post. The installed BLAS libraries are those installed by the package manager.
What does the error mean and how do I remedy it?
Try installing the Package liblapack-dev, libblas-dev, and if it exists, libblas-64. While not Ubuntu, I had the same issue and needed to install the fedora fc20 equivalent packages which are blas-devel, blas64-devel, lapack-devel, and lapack64-devel. The standard routine for getting the build dependencies is
sudo yum-builddep octave
While that installed most of the dependencies, I needed to follow with the following before it would completely configure. This is from an almost scratch Fedora fc20 install with updates as of 10/23/2014.
sudo yum install lapack64-devel lapack64
sudo yum install gl2ps-devel qrupdate-devel qt-devel qscintilla-devel java-devel
Although I did not explicitly list the blas-devel and blas64-devel packages, they were installed as dependencies of the libpack packages as was libpack-devel and plain libpack.
I suppose for Ubuntu it may be apt-get. Either way, here is another post that talks about an earlier version of Ubuntu.
BLAS and LAPACK libraries required for compiling
I fixed this problem by moving the BLAS to /usr/lib64.
for slackware recompile blas using -libdir=/usr/lib64
Run sudo apt-get build-dep octave
This will install all dependencies for octave
I was compiling octave-4.0.1 on openSUSE-12.3_x86-64 and met this problem. Before this, the blas lib (libblas3) was already installed. Then I installed the 32bit lib (libblas3-32bit), nothing changed. Then I installed the package named "blas-devel", it's resolved.
That package includes these files:

Failed to compile wxWidgets-2.9.2 on Kubuntu11.10(64bit) with '--with-opengl' flag

I tried to compile wxWidgets-2.9.2 with opengl support by calling
configure --with-opengl
But it failed when the configure script tried to locate the lib files of opengl
checking for GL/gl.h... yes
checking for GL/glu.h... yes
checking for -lGL... no
checking for -lMesaGL... no
configure: error: OpenGL libraries not available
However, I checked /usr/lib and found that there is in that directory. Actually, before trying to compile wxWidgets-2.9.2, I had written several opengl programs and all were successfully compiled and run. Could someone help me to fix this?
This is actually a bug in the configure script, please see
The solution is to download the latest codes from
Or you can select to overwrite only the configure,acinclude.m4 files.
Have you tried installing the free implementation?
sudo apt-get install libglw1-mesa libglw1-mesa-dev
Are you running proprietary drivers from Nvidia or something? I think it messes around with the OpenGL environment while installing. Perhaps, it is worth trying to go back the the opensource ones if this is the case.
There is also a know issue OpenGL libs not located by 'configure' in debian testing
First of all check if opengl libs are installed! them --->
we need to change Configure file on source! check this link:
the same issues arise on ubuntu 12.04!
I also met the same problem when trying to compile wxWidgets3.1.0 --with-opengl on Debian Jessie x86_64. I tried
SEARCH_LIB="`echo "$SEARCH_INCLUDE" | sed s#include#$wx_cv_std_libpath#g` /usr/$
wx_cv_std_libpath /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu"
pkg-config --variable=libdir gl
sudo apt-get install libglw1-mesa libglw1-mesa-dev
OpenGL libraries not available
I then tried
sudo apt-get install glutg3-dev
glutg3-dev is not found.
So I searched for the alternative to glutg3-dev in Jessie and I tried
sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev
then it worked!
Installing mesa didn't help for me, but installing glutg3-dev did the trick
sudo apt-get install glutg3-dev

How do you install Boost on MacOS?

How do you install Boost on MacOS?
Right now I can't find bjam for the Mac.
You can get the latest version of Boost by using Homebrew.
brew install boost.
Download MacPorts, and run the following command:
sudo port install boost
Just get the source, and compile Boost yourself; it has become very easy. Here is an example for the current version of Boost on the current macOS as of this writing:
Download the the .tar.gz from
Unpack and go into the directory:tar -xzf boost_1_50_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_50_0
Configure (and build bjam):
./ --prefix=/some/dir/you/would/like/to/prefix
Install:./b2 install
Depending on the prefix you choose in Step 3, you might need to sudo Step 5, if the script tries copy files to a protected location.
Unless your compiler is different than the one supplied with the Mac XCode Dev tools, just follow the instructions in section 5.1 of Getting Started Guide for Unix Variants. The configuration and building of the latest source couldn't be easier, and it took all about about 1 minute to configure and 10 minutes to compile.
Install both of them using homebrew separately.
brew install boost
brew install bjam
Fink appears to have a full set of Boost packages...
With fink installed and running just do
fink install boost1.35.nopython
at the terminal and accept the dependencies it insists on. Or use
fink list boost
to get a list of different packages that are availible.
Install Xcode from the mac app store.
Then use the command:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
the above will install homebrew and allow you to use brew in terminal
then just use command :
brew install boost
which would then install the boost libraries to <your macusername>/usr/local/Cellar/boost
In order to avoid troubles compiling third party libraries that need boost installed in your system, run this:
sudo port install boost +universal
Try +universal
One thing to note: in order for that to make a difference you need to have built python with +universal, if you haven't or you're not sure you can just rebuild python +universal. This applies to both brew as well as macports.
$ brew reinstall python
$ brew install boost
$ sudo port -f uninstall python
$ sudo port install python +universal
$ sudo port install boost +universal
you can download bjam for OSX (or any other OS) here
If you are too lazy like me:
conda install -c conda-forge boost