Can you get a "nan" from overflow in C++? - c++

I'm writing a program that uses a very long recursion (about 50,000) and some very large vectors (also 50,000 in length of type double) to store the result of each recursion before averaging them. At the end of the program, I expect to get a number output.
However, some of the results I got was "nan". The mysterious thing is, if I reduce the number of recursions the program will work just fine. So I'm guessing this might be something to do with the size of the vector. So my question is, if you get an overflow in a very long vector (or say array), what will be the effect? Will you get an "nan" just like in my case?
Another mysterious thing about my program is that I have tried some even larger recursions (100,000), but the output was normal. But when I changed a parameter value, so that each numbers stored in the vector will become larger (although they are still of type double), the output becomes "nan". Will the maximum capacity of a vector be dependent on the size of the number it stores?

You didn't tell us what your recursion is, but it is fairly easy to generate NaNs with a long sequence of operations if you are using square root, pow, inverse sine, or inverse cosine.
Suppose your calculation produces a quantity, call it x, that is supposed to be the sine of some angle θ, and suppose the underlying math dictates that x must always be between -1 and 1, inclusive. You calculate θ by taking the inverse sine of x.
Here's the problem: Arithmetic done on a computer is but an approximation of the arithmetic of the real numbers. Addition and multiplication with IEEE floating point numbers are not transitive. You might well get a value of 1.0000000000000002 for x instead of 1. Take the inverse sine of this value and you get a NaN.
A standard trick is to protect against those near misses that result from numerical errors. Don't use the built-in asin, acos, sqrt, and pow. Use wrappers that protects against things like asin(1.0000000000000002) and sqrt(-1e-16). Make the former pi/2 rather than NaN, and make the latter zero. This is admittedly a kludge, and doing this can get you in trouble. What if the problem is that your calculations are formulated incorrectly? It's legitimate to treat 1.0000000000000002 as 1, but it's best not to treat a value of 100 as if it were 1. A value of 100 to your asin wrapper is best treated by throwing an exception rather than truncating to 1.
There's one other problem with infinities and NaNs: They propagate. An Inf or NaN in one single computation quickly becomes an Inf or a NaN in hundreds, then thousands of values. I usually make the floating point machinery raise a floating point exception on obtaining an Inf or NaN instead of continuing on. (Note well: Floating point exceptions are not C++ exceptions.) When you do this, your program will bomb unless you have a signal handler in place. That's not necessarily a bad thing. You can run the program in the debugger and find exactly where the problem arose. Without these floating point exceptions it is very hard to find the source of the problem.

Depends on the exact natur of your computations. If you just add up numbers which aren't NaN, the result shouldn't be NaN, either. It might be +infinity, though.
But you will get NaN if e.g. some part of your computation yields +infinity, another -infinity, and you later add those two results.
Assuming that your architecture conforms to IEEE 754, this tells the situations in which arithmetic operations return NaN.


`std::sin` is wrong in the last bit

I am porting some program from Matlab to C++ for efficiency. It is important for the output of both programs to be exactly the same (**).
I am facing different results for this operation:
std::sin(0.497418836818383950) = 0.477158760259608410 (C++)
sin(0.497418836818383950) = 0.47715876025960846000 (Matlab)
N[Sin[0.497418836818383950], 20] = 0.477158760259608433 (Mathematica)
So, as far as I know both C++ and Matlab are using IEEE754 defined double arithmetic. I think I have read somewhere that IEEE754 allows differents results in the last bit. Using mathematica to decide, seems like C++ is more close to the result. How can I force Matlab to compute the sin with precision to the last bit included, so that the results are the same?
In my program this behaviour leads to big errors because the numerical differential equation solver keeps increasing this error in the last bit. However I am not sure that C++ ported version is correct. I am guessing that even if the IEEE754 allows the last bit to be different, somehow guarantees that this error does not get bigger when using the result in more IEEE754 defined double operations (because otherwise, two different programs correct according to the IEEE754 standard could produce completely different outputs). So the other question is Am I right about this?
I would like get an answer to both bolded questions. Edit: The first question is being quite controversial, but is the less important, can someone comment about the second one?
Note: This is not an error in the printing, just in case you want to check, this is how I obtained these results:
Note (**): What I mean by this is that the final output, which are the results of some calculations showing some real numbers with 4 decimal places, need to be exactly the same. The error I talk about in the question gets bigger (because of more operations, each of one is different in Matlab and in C++) so the final differences are huge) (If you are curious enough to see how the difference start getting bigger, here is the full output [link soon], but this has nothing to do with the question)
Firstly, if your numerical method depends on the accuracy of sin to the last bit, then you probably need to use an arbitrary precision library, such as MPFR.
The IEEE754 2008 standard doesn't require that the functions be correctly rounded (it does "recommend" it though). Some C libms do provide correctly rounded trigonometric functions: I believe that the glibc libm does (typically used on most linux distributions), as does CRlibm. Most other modern libms will provide trig functions that are within 1 ulp (i.e. one of the two floating point values either side of the true value), often termed faithfully rounded, which is much quicker to compute.
None of those values you printed could actually arise as IEEE 64bit floating point values (even if rounded): the 3 nearest (printed to full precision) are:
0.477158760259608 405451814405751065351068973541259765625
0.477158760259608 46096296563700889237225055694580078125
0.477158760259608 516474116868266719393432140350341796875
The possible values you could want are:
The exact sin of the decimal .497418836818383950, which is
0.477158760259608 433132061388630377105954125778369485736356219...
(this appears to be what Mathematica gives).
The exact sin of the 64-bit float nearest .497418836818383950:
0.477158760259608 430531153841011107415427334794384396325832953...
In both cases, the first of the above list is the nearest (though only barely in the case of 1).
The sine of the double constant you wrote is about 0x1.e89c4e59427b173a8753edbcb95p-2, whose nearest double is 0x1.e89c4e59427b1p-2. To 20 decimal places, the two closest doubles are 0.47715876025960840545 and 0.47715876025960846096.
Perhaps Matlab is displaying a truncated value? (EDIT: I now see that the fourth-last digit is a 6, not a 0. Matlab is giving you a result that's still faithfully-rounded, but it's the farther of the two closest doubles to the desired result. And it's still printing out the wrong number.
I should also point out that Mathematica is probably trying to solve a different problem---compute the sine of the decimal number 0.497418836818383950 to 20 decimal places. You should not expect this to match either the C++ code's result or Matlab's result.

d0 when taking roots of numbers

So in general, I understand the difference between specifying 3. and 3.0d0 with the difference being the number of digits stored by the computer. When doing arithmetic operations, I generally make sure everything is in double precision. However, I am confused about the following operations:
64^(1./3.) vs. 64^(1.0d0/3.0d0)
It took me a couple of weeks to find an error where I was assigning the output of 64^(1.0d0/3.0d0) to an integer. Because 64^(1.0d0/3.0d0) returns 3.999999, the integer got the value 3 and not 4. However, 64^(1./3.) = 4.00000. Can someone explain to me why it is wise to use 1./3. vs. 1.0d0/3.0d0 here?
The issue isn't so much single versus double precision. All floating point calculations are subject to imprecision compared to true real numbers. In assigning a real to an integer, Fortran truncates. You probably want to use the Fortran intrinsic nint.
this is a peculiar fortuitous case where the lower precision calculation gives the exact result. You can see this without the integer conversion issue:
0.000000000 4.440892E-016
In general this does not happen, here the double precision value is "better"
-9.5367E-7 1.77E-015
Here, since the s.p. calc comes out slightly high it gives you the correct value on integer conversion, while the d.p. result will get rounded down, hence be wrong, even though the floating point error was smaller.
So in general, no you should not consider use of single precision to be preferred.
in fact 64 and 125 seem to be the only special cases where the s.p. calc gives a perfect cube root while the d.p. calc does not.

Comparing Floating Point Nos - Google Test Framework

While going through this post at SO by the user #skrebbel who stated that the google testing framework does a good and fast job for comparing floats and doubles. So I wrote the following code to check the validity of the code and apparently it seems like I am missing something here , since I was expecting to enter the almost equal to section here this is my code
float left = 0.1234567;
float right= 0.1234566;
const FloatingPoint<float> lhs(left), rhs(right);
if (lhs.AlmostEquals(rhs))
std::cout << "EQUAL"; //Shouldnt it have entered here ?
Any suggetsions would be appreciated.
You can use
ASSERT_NEAR(val1, val2, abs_error);
where you can give the acceptable - your chosen one, like, say 0.0000001 - difference as abs_error, if the default one is too small, see here
Your left and right are not “almost equal” because they are too far apart, farther than the default tolerance of AlmostEquals. The code in one of the answers in the question you linked to shows a tolerance of 4 ULP, but your numbers are 14 ULP apart (using IEEE 754 32-bit binary and correctly rounding software). (An ULP is the minimum increment of the floating-point value. It is small for floating-point numbers of small magnitude and large for large numbers, so it is approximately relative to the magnitude of the numbers.)
You should never perform any floating-point comparison without understanding what errors may be in the values you are comparing and what comparison you are performing.
People often misstate that you cannot test floating-point values for equality. This is false; executing a == b is a perfect operation. It returns true if and only if a is equal to b (that is, a and b are numbers with exactly the same value). The actual problem is that they are trying to calculate a correct function given incorrect input. == is a function: It takes two inputs and returns a value. Obviously, if you give any function incorrect inputs, it may return an incorrect result. So the problem here is not floating-point comparison; it is incorrect inputs. You cannot generally calculate a sum, a product, a square root, a logarithm, or any other function correctly given incorrect input. Therefore, when using floating-point, you must design an algorithm to work with approximate values (or, in special cases, use great care to ensure no errors are introduced).
Often people try to work around errors in their floating-point values by accepting as equal numbers that are slightly different. This decreases false negatives (indications of inequality due to prior computing errors) at the expense of increasing false positives (indications of equality caused by lax acceptance). Whether this exchange of one kind of error for another is acceptable depends on the application. There is no general solution, which is why functions like AlmostEquals are generally bad.
The errors in floating-point values are the results of preceding operations and values. These errors can range from zero to infinity, depending on circumstances. Because of this, one should never simply accept the default tolerance of a function such as AlmostEquals. Instead, one should calculate the tolerance, which is specific to their applications, needs, and computations, and use that calculated tolerance (or not use a comparison at all).
Another problem is that functions such as AlmostEquals are often written using tolerances that are specified relative to the values being compared. However, the errors in the values may have been affected by intermediate values of vastly different magnitude, so the final error might be a function of data that is not present in the values being compared.
“Approximate” floating-point comparisons may be acceptable in code that is testing other code because most bugs are likely cause large errors, so a lax acceptance of equality will allow good code to continue but will report bugs in most bad code. However, even in this situation, you must set the expected result and the permitted error tolerance appropriately. The AlmostEquals code appears to hard-code the error tolerance.
(Not sure if this 100% applies to the original question but this is what I came for when I stumbled upon it)
There also exist ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ and EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (or the corresponding versions for double) which you can use if you don't want to worry about tolerable errors yourself.

How can I get consistent program behavior when using floats?

I am writing a simulation program that proceeds in discrete steps. The simulation consists of many nodes, each of which has a floating-point value associated with it that is re-calculated on every step. The result can be positive, negative or zero.
In the case where the result is zero or less something happens. So far this seems straightforward - I can just do something like this for each node:
if (value <= 0.0f) something_happens();
A problem has arisen, however, after some recent changes I made to the program in which I re-arranged the order in which certain calculations are done. In a perfect world the values would still come out the same after this re-arrangement, but because of the imprecision of floating point representation they come out very slightly different. Since the calculations for each step depend on the results of the previous step, these slight variations in the results can accumulate into larger variations as the simulation proceeds.
Here's a simple example program that demonstrates the phenomena I'm describing:
float f1 = 0.000001f, f2 = 0.000002f;
f1 += 0.000004f; // This part happens first here
f1 += (f2 * 0.000003f);
printf("%.16f\n", f1);
f1 = 0.000001f, f2 = 0.000002f;
f1 += (f2 * 0.000003f);
f1 += 0.000004f; // This time this happens second
printf("%.16f\n", f1);
The output of this program is
even though addition is commutative so both results should be the same. Note: I understand perfectly well why this is happening - that's not the issue. The problem is that these variations can mean that sometimes a value that used to come out negative on step N, triggering something_happens(), now may come out negative a step or two earlier or later, which can lead to very different overall simulation results because something_happens() has a large effect.
What I want to know is whether there is a good way to decide when something_happens() should be triggered that is not going to be affected by the tiny variations in calculation results that result from re-ordering operations so that the behavior of newer versions of my program will be consistent with the older versions.
The only solution I've so far been able to think of is to use some value epsilon like this:
if (value < epsilon) something_happens();
but because the tiny variations in the results accumulate over time I need to make epsilon quite large (relatively speaking) to ensure that the variations don't result in something_happens() being triggered on a different step. Is there a better way?
I've read this excellent article on floating point comparison, but I don't see how any of the comparison methods described could help me in this situation.
Note: Using integer values instead is not an option.
Edit the possibility of using doubles instead of floats has been raised. This wouldn't solve my problem since the variations would still be there, they'd just be of a smaller magnitude.
I've worked with simulation models for 2 years and the epsilon approach is the sanest way to compare your floats.
Generally, using suitable epsilon values is the way to go if you need to use floating point numbers. Here are a few things which may help:
If your values are in a known range you and you don't need divisions you may be able to scale the problem and use exact operations on integers. In general, the conditions don't apply.
A variation is to use rational numbers to do exact computations. This still has restrictions on the operations available and it typically has severe performance implications: you trade performance for accuracy.
The rounding mode can be changed. This can be use to compute an interval rather than an individual value (possibly with 3 values resulting from round up, round down, and round closest). Again, it won't work for everything but you may get an error estimate out of this.
Keeping track of the value and a number of operations (possible multiple counters) may also be used to estimate the current size of the error.
To possibly experiment with different numeric representations (float, double, interval, etc.) you might want to implement your simulation as templates parameterized for the numeric type.
There are many books written on estimating and minimizing errors when using floating point arithmetic. This is the topic of numerical mathematics.
Most cases I'm aware of experiment briefly with some of the methods mentioned above and conclude that the model is imprecise anyway and don't bother with the effort. Also, doing something else than using float may yield better result but is just too slow, even using double due to the doubled memory footprint and the smaller opportunity of using SIMD operations.
I recommend that you single step - preferably in assembly mode - through the calculations while doing the same arithmetic on a calculator. You should be able to determine which calculation orderings yield results of lesser quality than you expect and which that work. You will learn from this and probably write better-ordered calculations in the future.
In the end - given the examples of numbers you use - you will probably need to accept the fact that you won't be able to do equality comparisons.
As to the epsilon approach you usually need one epsilon for every possible exponent. For the single-precision floating point format you would need 256 single precision floating point values as the exponent is 8 bits wide. Some exponents will be the result of exceptions but for simplicity it is better to have a 256 member vector than to do a lot of testing as well.
One way to do this could be to determine your base epsilon in the case where the exponent is 0 i e the value to be compared against is in the range 1.0 <= x < 2.0. Preferably the epsilon should be chosen to be base 2 adapted i e a value that can be exactly represented in a single precision floating point format - that way you know exactly what you are testing against and won't have to think about rounding problems in the epsilon as well. For exponent -1 you would use your base epsilon divided by two, for -2 divided by 4 and so on. As you approach the lowest and the highest parts of the exponent range you gradually run out of precision - bit by bit - so you need to be aware that extreme values can cause the epsilon method to fail.
If it absolutely has to be floats then using an epsilon value may help but may not eliminate all problems. I would recommend using doubles for the spots in the code you know for sure will have variation.
Another way is to use floats to emulate doubles, there are many techniques out there and the most basic one is to use 2 floats and do a little bit of math to save most of the number in one float and the remainder in the other (saw a great guide on this, if I find it I'll link it).
Certainly you should be using doubles instead of floats. This will probably reduce the number of flipped nodes significantly.
Generally, using an epsilon threshold is only useful when you are comparing two floating-point number for equality, not when you are comparing them to see which is bigger. So (for most models, at least) using epsilon won't gain you anything at all -- it will just change the set of flipped nodes, it wont make that set smaller. If your model itself is chaotic, then it's chaotic.

Preventing Rounding Errors

I was just reading about rounding errors in C++. So, if I'm making a math intense program (or any important calculations) should I just drop floats all together and use only doubles or is there an easier way to prevent rounding errors?
Obligatory lecture: What Every Programmer Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic.
Also, try reading IEEE Floating Point standard.
You'll always get rounding errors. Unless you use an infinite arbitrary precision library, like gmplib. You have to decide if your application really needs this kind of effort.
Or, you could use integer arithmetic, converting to floats only when needed. This is still hard to do, you have to decide if it's worth it.
Lastly, you can use float or double taking care not to make assumption about values at the limit of representation's precision. I'd wish this Valgrind plugin was implemented (grep for float)...
The rounding errors are normally very insignificant, even using floats. Mathematically-intense programs like games, which do very large numbers of floating-point computations, often still use single-precision.
This might work if your highest number is less than 10 billion and you're using C++ double precision.
if ( ceil(10000*(x + 0.00001)) > ceil(100000*(x - 0.00001))) {
x = ceil(10000*(x + 0.00004)) / 10000;
This should allow at least the last digit to be off +/- 9. I'm assuming dividing by 1000 will always just move a decimal place. If not, then maybe it could be done in binary.
You would have to apply it after every operation that is not +, -, *, or a comparison. For example, you can't do two divisions in the same formula because you'd have to apply it to each division.
If that doesn't work, you could work in integers by scaling the numbers up and always use integer division. If you need advanced functions maybe there is a package that does deterministic integer math. Integer division is required in a lot of financial settings because of round off error being subject to exploit like in the movie "The Office".