I'm using Lamina to implement a basic pubsub pattern.
When a client subscribes to a topic I create a new channel for it (if it doesn't already exist) and then siphon it to the client's channel. However, I can't figure out how to reverse this to let the client unsubscribe. I've been searching the docs and googling but can't find anything.
How do I undo what siphon does?
You can fork the upstream channel above the siphon and then ground the downstream channel, or if your graph permits can you just close the channel you no longer want siphoning form the upstream channel.
ps: i'll try to add an example later ...
Typically you'd make a bridge channel that you can close, so the linkage is:
topic-channel -> bridge-channel -> client-channel
In 0.5.0, this is easy because siphon is variadic:
(defn cancellable-siphon [src dst]
(let [bridge (channel)]
(siphon src bridge dst)
#(close bridge)))
I'm trying to get started with Onyx, the distributed computing platform in Clojure. In particular, I try to understand how to aggregate data. If I understand the documentation correctly, a combination of a window and a :trigger/emit function should allow me to do this.
So, I modified the aggregation example (Onyx 0.13.0) in three ways (cf. gist with complete code):
in -main I println any segments put on the output channel; this works as expected with the original code in that it picks up all segments and prints them to stdout.
I add an emit function like this:
(defn make-ds
[event window trigger {:keys [lower-bound upper-bound event-type] :as state-event} extent-state]
(println "make-ds called")
{:ds window})
I add a trigger configuration (original dump-words trigger emitted for brevity):
(def triggers
[{:trigger/window-id :word-counter
:trigger/id :make-ds
:trigger/on :onyx.triggers/segment
:trigger/fire-all-extents? true
:trigger/threshold [5 :elements]
:trigger/emit ::make-ds}])
I change the :count-words task to from calling the identity function to the reduce type, so that it doesn't hand over all input segments to the output (and added config options that onyx should tackle this as a batch):
{:onyx/name :count-words
;:onyx/fn :clojure.core/identity
:onyx/type :reduce ; :function
:onyx/group-by-key :word
:onyx/flux-policy :kill
:onyx/min-peers 1
:onyx/max-peers 1
:onyx/batch-size 1000
:onyx/batch-fn? true}
When I run this now, I can see in the output that the emit function (i.e. make-ds) gets called for each input segment (first output coming from the dump-words trigger of the original code):
> lein run
Om -> 1
name -> 1
My -> 2
a -> 1
gone -> 1
Coffee -> 1
to -> 1
get -> 1
Time -> 1
make-ds called
make-ds called
make-ds called
make-ds called
However, the segment build from make-ds doesn't make it through to the output-channel, they are never being printed. If I revert the :count-words task to the identity function, this works just fine. Also, it looks as if the emit function is called for each input segment, whereas I would expect it to be called only when the threshold condition is true (i.e. whenever 5 elements have been aggregated in the window).
As the test for this functionality within the Onyx code base (onyx.windowing.emit-aggregate-test) is passing just fine, I guess I'm making a stupid mistake somewhere, but I'm at a loss figuring out what.
I finally saw that there was a warning in the log file onxy.log like this:
[clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Windows cannot be checkpointed with ZooKeeper unless
:onyx.peer/storage.zk.insanely-allow-windowing? is set to true in the peer config.
This should only be turned on as a development convenience.
[clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Handling uncaught exception thrown inside task
lifecycle :lifecycle/checkpoint-state. Killing the job. -> Exception type:
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo. Exception message: Windows cannot be checkpointed with
ZooKeeper unless :onyx.peer/storage.zk.insanely-allow-windowing? is set to true in
the peer config. This should only be turned on as a development convenience.
As soon as I set this, I finally got some segments handed over to the next task. I.e., I had to change the peer config to:
(def peer-config
{:zookeeper/address ""
:onyx/tenancy-id id
:onyx.peer/job-scheduler :onyx.job-scheduler/balanced
:onyx.peer/storage.zk.insanely-allow-windowing? true
:onyx.messaging/impl :aeron
:onyx.messaging/peer-port 40200
:onyx.messaging/bind-addr "localhost"})
Now, :onyx.peer/storage.zk.insanely-allow-windowing? doesn't sound like a good thing to do. Lucas Bradstreet recommended on the Clojurians Slack channel switching to S3 checkpointing.
I'm experimenting with Storm and Trident for this project, and I'm using Clojure and Marceline to do so. I'm trying to expand the wordcount example given on the Marceline page, such that the sentence spout comes from a DRPC call rather than from a local spout. I'm having problems which I think stem from the fact that the DRPC stream needs to have a result to return to the client, but I would like the DRPC call to effectively return null, and simply update the persisted data.
(defn build-topology
(let [trident-topology (TridentTopology.)]
(let [
;; ### Two alternatives here ###
;collect-stream (t/new-stream trident-topology "words" (mk-fixed-batch-spout 3))
collect-stream (t/drpc-stream trident-topology "words")
(-> collect-stream
(t/group-by ["args"])
(t/persistent-aggregate (MemoryMapState$Factory.)
(.build trident-topology)))))
There are two alternatives in the code - the one using a fixed batch spout loads with no problem, but when I try to load the code using a DRPC stream instead, I get this error:
InvalidTopologyException(msg:Component: [b-2] subscribes from non-existent component [$mastercoord-bg0])
I believe this error comes from the fact that the DRPC stream must be trying to subscribe to an output in order to have something to return to the client - but persistent-aggregate doesn't offer any such outputs to subscribe to.
So how can I set up my topology so that a DRPC stream leads to my persisted data being updated?
Minor update: Looks like this might not be possible :( https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/STORM-38
I have a Icecast2 (2.4.1) setup working, users connect to /live and listens to my rotation. Now I want to have another "mount point" so I can go live and back to rotation.
I haven't found a guide or help I could understand so far.
What you are looking for are "fallbacks".
The documentation describes them.
Basically you would have a transition like this:
↓ (↑)
If /live.ogg disconnects, all listeners are transferred to /rotation.ogg. New listeners connecting to /live.ogg are directly served the /rotation.ogg stream.
If fallback-override is set, then the arrow in brackets becomes relevant:
If /live.ogg reconnects, all listeners are transferred back from /rotation.ogg to /live.ogg.
Otherwise all listeners remain on /rotation.ogg and only new listeners are served /live.ogg.
In terms of config it would look something like this (only relevant parts are included):
I've been playing around with Akka Streams and get the idea of creating Flows and wiring them together using FlowGraphs.
I know this part of Akka is still under development so some things may not be finished and some other bits may change, but is it possible to create a FlowGraph that isn't "complete" - i.e. isn't attached to a Sink - and pass it around to different parts of my code to be extended by adding Flow's to it and finally completed by adding a Sink?
Basically, I'd like to be able to compose FlowGraphs but don't understand how... Especially if a FlowGraph has split a stream by using a Broadcast.
The next week (December) will be documentation writing for us, so I hope this will help you to get into akka streams more easily! Having that said, here's a quick answer:
Basically you need a PartialFlowGraph instead of FlowGraph. In those we allow the usage of UndefinedSink and UndefinedSource which you can then"attach" afterwards. In your case, we also provide a simple helper builder to create graphs which have exactly one "missing" sink – those can be treated exactly as if it was a Source, see below:
// for akka-streams 1.0-M1
val source = Source() { implicit b ⇒
// prepare an undefined sink, which can be relpaced by a proper sink afterwards
val sink = UndefinedSink[Int]
// build your processing graph
Source(1 to 10) ~> sink
// return the undefined sink which you mean to "fill in" afterwards
// use the partial graph (source) multiple times, each time with a different sink
source.runWith(Sink.foreach(x ⇒ println(x)))
Hope this helps!
I have a redis pipeline say:
r = redis.Redis(...).pipline()
Suppose I need to remove any residual query, if present in the pipeline without executing. Is there anything like r.clear()?
I have search docs and source code and I am unable to find anything.
The command list is simply a python list object. You can inspect it like such:
from redis import StrictRedis
r = StrictRedis()
pipe = r.pipeline()
pipe.set('KEY1', 1)
pipe.set('KEY2', 2)
pipe.set('KEY3', 3)
[(('SET', 'KEY1', 1), {}), (('SET', 'KEY2', 2), {}), (('SET', 'KEY3', 3), {})]
This has not yet been sent to the server so you can just pop() or remove the commands you don't want. You can also just assign an empty list, pipe.command_stack = [].
If there is a lot you could simply just re-assign a new Pipeline object to pipe.
Hope this is what you meant.
Other than the obvious advantage of ignoring implementation details (such as the command_stack mentioned before), this method will take care of interrupting the current ongoing transaction (if any) and returning the connection to the pool.