Grails If-else condition for radio buttons - if-statement

I have 3 radio buttons which when selected, will run different query.
I have no idea how the if-else condition works for grails radio buttons as I'm completely new to grails..
this is my gsp page.
<label>Search id:</label><input type = "text" name = "searchid1">
<input type ="submit" name ="search" value ="Go!">
<g:radio name="myGroup" value="input1"/>
<g:radio name="myGroup" value="input2"/>
<g:radio name="myGroup" value="input3"/>
and the queries at the controller site..
String searchQ1 = "select * from alert_list where id = " + params.searchid1
def searchit1 = sql.rows(searchQ1)
String searchQ2 = "select * from Admin where id = " + params.searchid1
def searchit2 = sql.rows(searchQ2)
String searchQ3 = "select * from sec_user where id = " + params.searchid1
def searchit3 = sql.rows(searchQ3)
[searchit1: searchit1, searchit2: searchit2, searchit3: searchit3]

the method you're using for GSP is correct. However, in the controller you need to add in IF-ELSE statement.
if (request.getParameter("myGroup").equals("input1"))
redirect (action: radio)
if (request.getParameter("myGroup").equals("input2"))
redirect (action: abc)
Add the if-else condition in your controller and your problem will be fixed.


Acumatica GI - Inventory Transaction History Screen

I want to create a GI for Inventory Transaction History Screen (IN405000).
Since the table InventoryTranHistEnqResult isn't present in the database...few of the columns of this screen are taken from INTran Table.
I am not able to find following columns: BegQty, QtyIn, QtyOut, EndQty...
I also tried the following query on database to find these columns
SELECT AS ColName, AS TableName
FROM sys.columns c
JOIN sys.tables t ON c.object_id = t.object_id
The DAC for these fields is:
enter image description here
Looking at the information behind the page in the page Graph will give you the answers to your question. Inventory Transaction History Screen (IN405000) uses graph InventoryTranHistEnq. The grid in this page uses DAC InventoryTranHistEnqResult in the following view:
Where<True, Equal<True>>,
OrderBy<Asc<InventoryTranHistEnqResult.gridLineNbr>>> ResultRecords
The ResultsRecords are built dynamically in the inquiry using the following:
protected virtual IEnumerable resultRecords()
int startRow = PXView.StartRow;
int totalRows = 0;
decimal? beginQty = null;
List<object> list = InternalResultRecords.View.Select(PXView.Currents, PXView.Parameters, new object[PXView.SortColumns.Length], PXView.SortColumns, PXView.Descendings, PXView.Filters, ref startRow, PXView.MaximumRows, ref totalRows);
PXView.StartRow = 0;
foreach (PXResult<InventoryTranHistEnqResult> item in list)
InventoryTranHistEnqResult it = (InventoryTranHistEnqResult)item;
it.BegQty = beginQty = (beginQty ?? it.BegQty);
decimal? QtyIn = it.QtyIn;
decimal? QtyOut = it.QtyOut;
beginQty += (QtyIn ?? 0m) - (QtyOut ?? 0m);
it.EndQty = beginQty;
return list;
So i guess the short answer is you cannot use the results of this page for a GI as it is built in the page only. You might want to look into adding what you need to this history page via a customization or make your own version of this page/graph/dac if the information you need is that important.

ucwords() is not capitalizing the field text with UPDATE query

i have a name filed which has all the words in lower case. I want to update field as first letter as capital of all words of complete table at once.
im trying the below code which is updating/replacing the field for all rows:
$queryP = "madinah hi madinah";
$queryD = ucwords($queryP);
$pupdt = mysql_query("
update media_detail
set test = '$queryD'
and the below is not working:
$queryP = $row['unique_name'];
$queryD = ucwords($queryP);
$pupdt = mysql_query("
update media_detail
set test = '$queryD'
please help im not getting it to be working.
Your code is correct except that you should do updates in the loop. I also added the data retrieval step (that you probably omitted for brevity) which precedes the loop. Here is the complete code:
$sql = "SELECT id, unique_name FROM media_detail";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$id = $row['id'];
$queryP = ucwords($row['unique_name']);
$pupdt = mysql_query("
UPDATE media_detail
SET test = $queryP
WHERE id = $id

What is the preferred method of updating Money fields in Dynamics CRM 2013 via Web Services?

I have an entity in CRM that has some Money fields on them. At the time of the creation of the entity there is no value for those fields, so the entity is created and saved. However if I then have values and go to update them (either through the UI or Web Services) I basically get an error stating "The currency cannot be null".
In the UI:
I then get a red circle with an X through it if I go to update the value.
In the code (web service call):
var crmService = new CrmServiceReference.IFAAContext(new Uri(crmWebServicesUrl));
crmService.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
var crmAccount = crmService.AccountSet.Where(a => a.AccountId == accountId).FirstOrDefault();
crmAccount.myitems_MoneyValueItem.Value = 10.0m;
I then get the "The currency cannot be null" on the .SaveChanges() call.
In the code (second attempt):
var crmService = new CrmServiceReference.IFAAContext(new Uri(crmWebServicesUrl));
crmService.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
var crmAccount = crmService.AccountSet.Where(a => a.AccountId == accountId).FirstOrDefault();
var crmCurrency = crmService.TransactionCurrencySet.Where(c => c.ISOCurrencyCode == "AUD").First();
crmService.SetLink(crmAccount, "TransactionCurrency_Account", crmCurrency);
//crmService.SaveChanges() /* tried with this uncommented as well to try and "set currency" before setting value */
crmAccount.myitems_MoneyValueItem.Value = 10.0m;
So this attempt fails in the same way, however if I run it a second time (without the currency and SetLink) so that the currency was saved before then it does work - hence the atempt to do a second .SaveChanges() but really need it to sort of work the first time through.
In the code (third attempt):
var crmService = new CrmServiceReference.IFAAContext(new Uri(crmWebServicesUrl));
crmService.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
var crmAccount = crmService.AccountSet.Where(a => a.AccountId == accountId).FirstOrDefault();
crmAccount.athos_MoneyValueItem= new CrmServiceReference.Money() { Value = 10.0m };
This doesn't appear to work either
When you create a new record containing a Money field (or updating an existing one where no Money fields are filled before) , you need to specify the currency, the right field to set is TransactionCurrencyId (logical name transactioncurrencyid), it's a lookup (so inside the code is an EntityReference) to the currency entity.
assuming you have the Guid of your currency stored inside the currencyId variable:
var crmAccount = crmService.AccountSet.Where(a => a.AccountId == accountId).FirstOrDefault();
crmAccount.TransactionCurrencyId = new EntityReference(TransactionCurrency.LogicalName, currencyId);
crmAccount.myitems_MoneyValueItem = new Money(10.0m); //better to update the money field with this syntax
CRM 2013 expects a Money object for a currency field.
crmAccount.myitems_MoneyValueItem = new Money(10.0m);
You shouldn't have to explicitly declare a currency unless your CRM organization doesn't have a default currency set (and since you need to set this when creating an organization, it should always be set).
It looks like if I do a lookup on currency (shame as an extra data call) and then use that to set the TransactionCurrencyId it then "works" ... seems like I shouldn't have to do this as I do have a default set for the organisation though. But this does appear to be working in that it results in being able to update those fields.
var crmCurrency = crmService.TransactionCurrencySet.Where(c => c.ISOCurrencyCode == currencyCode).First();
var crmService = new CrmServiceReference.IFAAContext(new Uri(crmWebServicesUrl));
crmService.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
var crmAccount = crmService.AccountSet.Where(a => a.AccountId == accountId).FirstOrDefault();
crmAccount.TransactionCurrencyId = new CrmServiceReference.EntityReference() { Id = crmCurrency.TransactionCurrencyId, LogicalName = "transactioncurrency", Name = crmCurrency.CurrencyName };
crmAccount.myitems_MoneyValueItem.Value = 10.0m;
i am doing the same thing as you but unable to set the money field value during service.create.
I have already put in
entity.Attributes["transactioncurrencyid"] = currencyGuid;
entity.Attributes["new_moneyfield"] = new Money(123.45M);
but in the end, the record is created with the transactioncurrency field populated, while the money field is blank.
Its a custom workflow on CRM online 2016 by the way..

Opening Rich Text Editor in custom field of Sitecore Content Editor

I'm implementing a custom field in Sitecore for the Content Editor, and I need to be able to open the Rich Text editor and get the data from there. I'm not really sure where to look though, nor how to go about it.
Had to decompile the Sitecore.Kernel DLL in order to figure this out.
First thing is to spin off a call from the Context.ClientPage object
So, for my situation:
switch (message.Name)
case "richtext:edit":
Sitecore.Context.ClientPage.Start(this, "EditText");
You will then need to have a method in your class with the same name as defined in the above Start method. Then, you either start the rich text control if the request isn't a postback, or handle the posted data
protected void EditText(ClientPipelineArgs args)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, "args");
if (args.IsPostBack)
if (args.Result == null || args.Result == "undefined")
var text = args.Result;
if (text == "__#!$No value$!#__")
text = string.Empty;
Value = text;
UpdateHtml(args); //Function that executes Javascript to update embedded rich text frame
var richTextEditorUrl = new RichTextEditorUrl
Conversion = RichTextEditorUrl.HtmlConversion.DoNotConvert,
Disabled = Disabled,
FieldID = FieldID,
ID = ID,
ItemID = ItemID,
Language = ItemLanguage,
Mode = string.Empty,
Source = Source,
Url = "/sitecore/shell/Controls/Rich Text Editor/EditorPage.aspx",
Value = Value,
Version = ItemVersion
UrlString url = richTextEditorUrl.GetUrl();
handle = richTextEditorUrl.Handle;
ID md5Hash = MainUtil.GetMD5Hash(Source + ItemLanguage);
SheerResponse.Eval("scContent.editRichText(\"" + url + "\", \"" + md5Hash.ToShortID() + "\", " +
StringUtil.EscapeJavascriptString(GetDeviceValue(CurrentDevice)) + ")");

Problem Binding to GridView HiddenField

EDIT: I added in the hf from the first reply that was pointed out. This helped with a few other issues, but still did not fix the problem.
I am trying to bind a list to a gridview with a LOT of hidden fields (I'll only use 2 of the 50) for temporary holding so the user can create and delete multiple items without going back and forth to the database multiple times during creation. I'm fine with binding to and recalling from the BoundFields; however, when I try to recall the hidden field values it comes back as null. I may be having problems with the binding to the hidden fields. Here's my code
<asp:GridView ID="grdOtherCarrier" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Sequence" DataField="Sequence"></asp:BoundField>
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Pay ID" DataField="PayID"></asp:BoundField>
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Provider" DataField="Provider"></asp:BoundField>
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Actions">
<asp:HiddenField ID="hfInsuredLastName" Value="<%#Eval("InsuredLastName")%>" runat="server" />
<asp:HiddenField ID="hfInsuredFirstName" Value="<%#Eval("InsuredFirstName")%>" runat="server" />
C# / code behind:
protected void lblSubmitOtherCarrier_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<OtherCarrier> OCList = new List<OtherCarrier>();
OtherCarrier OC;
foreach (GridViewRow row in grdOtherCarrier.Rows)
if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
OC = new OtherCarrier();
String Sequence = row.Cells[0].Text.ToString() ; // primary value
String PayID = row.Cells[1].Text.ToString(); // primary value
String Provider = row.Cells[2].Text.ToString(); // primary value
HiddenField InsuredLastName = (HiddenField)row.FindControl("hfInsuredLastName");
HiddenField InsuredFirstName = (HiddenField)row.FindControl("hfInsuredFirstName");
OC.Sequence = Sequence;
OC.PayID = PayID;
OC.Provider = Provider;
OC.InsuredLastname = InsuredLastName.Value.ToString();
OC.InsuredFirstName = InsuredFirstName.Value.ToString();
OC = new OtherCarrier();
OC.Sequence = txtSequence.Text;
OC.PayID = txtPayID.Text;
OC.Provider = txtProvider.Text;
OC.InsuredLastname = txtInsuredLastname.Text;
OC.InsuredFirstName = txtInsuredFirstName.Text;
TD.OtherCarrierList = OCList;
grdOtherCarrier.DataSource = OCList;
txtSequenceNo.Text = (grdOtherCarrier.Rows.Count + 1).ToString();
When it gets to assigning the OC.InsuredLastname from the hidden field the hidden field is coming up as null value. Either I'm not reading it correctly or it's not being written correctly.
you are trying to find a control as
as you can see, named InsuredLastName when you explicit say in the HTML that your control name is:
runat="server" />
named hfInsuredLastName
all you need to do is change the call to